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Gallows View ib-1 Page 4

by Peter Robinson

  "How are we going to break in?" Trevor asked.

  "I don't fucking know. Window. Back door. Lenny'll give us what we need. It'll be people on holidays or away for the weekend. That kind of thing. Dead easy. He keeps his ear to the ground."

  "Got the money for that last lot?"

  "Oh, nearly forgot." Mick grinned and pulled out a wad of bills from his hip pocket. "He said he only got fifty for the gear. That's ten quid for you and ten for me."

  Trevor shook his head. "It's not right, Mick. That's sixty percent he's taking. And how do we know he only got fifty quid for it? Looked like it was worth nearer a hundred to me."

  "We believe him 'cos he's my fucking brother, that's why," Mick said, getting nettled. "And without him we wouldn't be able to get rid of any of the stuff. We wouldn't get nothing, man. So forty percent of what he does is better than a hundred percent of fuck all, right?"

  "We could fence it ourselves. It can't be that difficult."

  "How many times do I have to tell you? You need the contacts. Lenny's got contacts. You can't just walk into one of those wanky antique shops on Market Street and ask the geezer if he wants to buy a pile of stolen jewelry or a fancy camera, can you?"

  "I just don't think it can be all that difficult, that's all."

  "Look, we've got a nice little racket going here, let's leave it the way it is. I'll try and get us up to fifty percent, all right?"

  Trevor shrugged. "Okay."

  "Did I tell you Lenny's got a shooter?" Mick went on excitedly.

  "No. Where'd he get it from?"

  "Down The Smoke. This bloke what owns a club in Soho. Big fucker it is too, just like on telly."

  "Does it work?"

  "Of course it works. What good's a shooter that don't work?"

  "Have you tried it? Do you know it works?"

  "Of course I haven't fucking tried it. What do you expect me to do, walk downtown on market day and start fucking target practice?"

  "So you don't know for sure if it works?" Mick sighed and explained as if to a small child. "These blokes down The Smoke, they don't give you dud shooters, do they? Wouldn't be in their interest."

  "What kind is it?"

  "I don't fucking know. A big one, like the ones on telly. Like that one Clint Eastwood carries in those Dirty Harry flicks."

  "A Magnum?"

  "That's right. One of those."

  "Powerful shooter," Trevor said. " 'Seeing as this is a forty-four Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and can blow your head clean off, you gotta ask yourself, punk, do I feel lucky today? Well, do ya, punk?'"

  The Dirty Harry impersonation went down very well, and the two traded shooting noises until the 10:25 to Ripon clattered overhead and drowned them out.


  "Look, before we start," Jenny Fuller said, "I'd like to tell you that I know why I was chosen to help on this case."

  "Oh," said Banks. "What do you mean?"

  "You know damn well what I mean. Don't think I didn't notice that eye contact between you and Gristhorpe this morning. There are at least two male professors in the area better qualified to deal with this kind of thing-both experts on deviant psychology. You wanted a woman because it looks good in the public eye, and you wanted me because I've had connections with Dorothy Wycombe."

  They were lounging comfortably in armchairs by the crackling fire, Banks cradling a pint of bitter, Jenny a half.

  "It's not that I mind," she went on. "I just want you to know. I don't like being taken for a fool."

  "Point taken."

  "And another thing. You needn't imagine I'm going to go reporting to Dorothy Wycombe on everything that goes on. I'm a professional, not a snooper. I've been asked to help, and I intend to do my best."

  "Good. So now we know where we stand. I'm glad you said that, because I didn't feel too happy about working with a spy, whatever the circumstances."

  Jenny smiled and her whole face lit up. She really was an extraordinarily beautiful woman, Banks thought, feeling rather distressing tugs of desire as he watched her shift her body in the chair. She was wearing tight jeans and a simple white T-shirt under a loose lemon jacket. Her dark red hair spilled over her shoulders.

  Banks himself had paid more attention than usual to his appearance that evening: at least, as much more attention as he could without giving Sandra cause for suspicion. Over a hasty supper, he had told her he would be spending the evening with Dr. Fuller discussing the psychological angle of the peeper case. Getting ready, he had resisted the temptation to apply some of the unopened cologne a distant relative had bought him several Christmases ago, and settled instead for a close shave and a liberal application of Right Guard. He had also taken care to smooth down his short, black hair, even though it was always cut so close to the skull that it never got a chance to stand on end.

  He had arrived at the Queen's Arms at least ten minutes before Jenny was due-not simply because he didn't believe in keeping a woman waiting, but because he didn't like the idea of her waiting alone in a pub, even a place as congenial as the Queen's Arms. When she walked in five minutes late, all the heads at the bar turned in her direction.

  "So where do we start?" he asked, lighting a cigarette and opening his notebook.

  "Oh, put that thing away," Jenny protested. "Let's keep this informal while we build up some kind of a picture. I'll give you a full report when I've got things worked out."

  Thus admonished, Banks put away his notebook.

  "What are your own ideas?" she asked. "I know I'm supposed to be the expert, but I'd like to know what you think." There was a slightly taunting tone in her voice, and he wondered if she was trying to draw him out, make a fool of him. It was probably just her seminar manner, he decided. Like doctors have bedside manners, teachers have classroom manners.

  "I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to begin."

  "Let me help. Do you think the women ask for it, by the way they dress?"

  It was a loaded question, exactly the one he had expected.

  "They might well be inviting someone to try and pick them up in a normal, civilized way," he answered, "but of course they're not inviting voyeurs or rapists, no."

  He could tell that she approved by the way she looked at him. "On the other hand," he went on, just to provoke her, "if they walk in dark alleys after ten o'clock at night dressed in high heels, miniskirts and low-cut blouses, then I'd say they were at least being foolish, if not asking for something."

  "So you do think they ask for it?" she accused him, green eyes flashing.

  "Not at all. I just think that people, especially women, ought to be more careful these days. We all know what the cities are like, and there's no longer any reason to think a place like Eastvale is immune from sex offenders."

  "But why shouldn't we be able to go where we want, when we want and dressed how we want?"

  "You should. In a perfect world. This isn't a perfect world."

  "Well, thank you for pointing that out to me. Bit of a philosopher, aren't you?"

  "I do my best. Look, is this what you want, some kind of sparring match over women's issues? I thought you were playing straight with me. All right, so I'm a man, guilty, and I can never in a million years fully understand what it's like to be a woman. But I'm not a narrow-minded hypocrite, at least I don't think I am, so don't treat me like one."

  "Okay. I'm sorry. I'm not really a shrill virago, either. I'm just interested in men's attitudes, that's all. It's my field-male and female, masculine and feminine psychology, similarities, differences. That's why they thought I was the next best thing to a brilliant, ideally qualified man for this job."

  She laughed at herself and Banks laughed with her. Then she held out her hands as if holding up a clapperboard, snapped them together and said, "Banks and Fuller: Co-operation,Take Two. More drinks first, though. No, I'll get them this time."

  Enjoying the slow, feline grace of her movements, Banks watched her walk to the bar and lean on it as the barman
drew the beer. When she got back, she smiled and put the drinks on the table.

  "Right," she said. "Down to business. What do you want to know?"

  "A great deal."

  "Well, that'll take a long time."

  "I'm sure it'll be time well spent."

  Jenny smiled in agreement. "Yes," she said, "I do believe you're right."

  To cut through the silence that followed, Banks put his first question: "Is there any chance of this peeper moving onto more violent sex acts?"

  "Mmmm," Jenny said. "I'm afraid I'm going to seem as noncommittal as any scientist on some of these matters. According to most of the evidence, voyeurism in itself isn't regarded as a very serious disorder, and it's unlikely to spiral into other forms."


  "But it's only 'unlikely' according to existing evidence. All that means is that we don't have many documented cases of voyeurs becoming rapists-peeping is usually about as far as they can go. It doesn't mean there are no cases, though, and it doesn't mean that your man might not be one of them. Something could snap. If just looking ceases to give him what he needs, he could either break down or turn to other, more aggravated forms of sexual violence. I'll see if I can look up some case histories for you."

  "You call it violence, but he hasn't physically hurt anyone."

  "I call it violence purposely, because that's what it is. Look at it this way. We all like to watch the opposite sex. Men more than women-and I think I can safely say that your peeper's definitely not a woman. So why do men do this? There's always the sense, in childhood, of not being permitted to look at a woman's body, so it becomes mysterious and desirable. You don't need a degree in psychology to figure out why men like breasts, for example-they're one of the first sources of love and nourishment we ever experience. Okay so far?"

  Banks nodded.

  "So we all like to look. You look at women in the street. They seem to dress just to make you look at them. And why not? It makes the world go round, keeps the race going. But at what point does looking, the kind we all do-and women these days now and then glance at a man's bum or the bulge in his pants-become voyeurism? In the streets, in pubs, in all public places, it's fine, there's an implicit permission to look. We even have special places such as strip-clubs which legitimize the voyeuristic impulse-all quite legal. But when a woman is in her bedroom getting undressed for bed, unless she's doing it for her husband or lover, she doesn't want anyone to watch. Often enough, she doesn't even want her husband to watch. The permission is no longer there, and to look then is an act of sexual violence because it's an intrusion, a violation, a penetration into her world. It degrades her by turning her into an object. Am I making myself clear?"

  "Very," Banks said. "What does the voyeur get out of it, then? Why does he do it?"

  "They're both very difficult questions to answer. For one thing, he's getting power over her, a certain triumph in dehumanizing her, and perhaps he's also getting revenge for some past wrong that he imagines women have done him. At the same time, he's re-enacting a primal sexual scene, whatever it was that first excited him. He just keeps on repeating himself because it's the only way he can achieve sexual pleasure. You see how complicated it is? When the voyeur penetrates his victim's privacy, then he dominates her, and the element of risk, of 'sin' involved only endows that act with a special intensity for him. Does your man masturbate while he's watching?"

  "I don't know. We haven't found any traces of semen."

  "Have you looked?"

  "The lab boys have been brought in on every incident. I'm sure if it was there they'd find it."

  "Okay. It doesn't really matter. I suppose his pants would act as a prophylactic-either that or he stores the image and masturbates later."

  "What kind of person are we talking about?"

  "His personality?"


  "Again, I'm going to have to be a bit vague. He could be an introvert or an extrovert, tall or short, thin or fat…"

  "That's certainly vague."

  Jenny laughed. "Yes, it is. Sorry, but there's no one type. In a way, it's much easier to describe the true psychopath-a sex murderer, for example. A voyeur-the scientific term is scopophiliac, by the way-is not simply a grubby loner in a dirty raincoat. Our man's actions are caused by frustration, basically. Intense frustration with life in general and with relationships in particular. It might be that the most meaningful early sexual experience he had was voyeuristic-he saw something he shouldn't have seen, like his parents making love-and since then everything's been a let-down, especially sex. He'd certainly have difficulty handling the real thing.

  "What makes voyeurism, or 'scopophilia,' what we call 'abnormal' is simply that the scopophiliac gets all his gratification from looking. Nobody would deny that looking is an integral part of the sex act. Lots of men like to watch their partners undress; it excites them. Plenty of men like to go to strip-clubs too, and whatever the women's movement thinks of that, nobody would seriously consider such men to be clinically abnormal. The scopophiliac, though, gets stuck at the pre-genital stage-his development gets short-circuited. Whatever relationship he's living in-alone, with a wife or a dominating mother or father-it's essentially a frustrating one, and he probably feels great pressure, an intense desire to break through.

  "It's unlikely that he's married, but if he is, there are serious problems. In all probability, though, he's living alone. His sexuality wouldn't be mature enough to deal with the demands of a real, flesh-and-blood woman, unless she's a particularly unusual person herself."

  "I see," said Banks, lighting a cigarette. "It doesn't look like it's going to be easy, does it?"

  "No. It never is when it comes to people. We're all such incredibly complex beings."

  "Oh? I always thought of myself as simple and straightforward."

  "You're probably one of the most complex of the lot, Alan Banks. First off, what's a nice man like you doing in the police force?"

  "Earning a living and trying to uphold the law. See? Simple."

  "Would you uphold a law you didn't believe in?"

  "I don't know."

  "What if the law said that anyone caught stealing a loaf of bread should lose his or her hand? Would you actively go looking for people stealing bread?"

  "I think that, in that kind of society, I wouldn't be a policeman."

  "Oh, what an evasive answer!"

  Banks shrugged. "What can I say? At least its an honest one."

  "All right, what about the drug laws? What about students smoking pot?"

  "What are you asking me?"

  "Do you pester them? Do you think people should be prosecuted for smoking pot?"

  "As long as it's against the law, yes. If you want to know whether I agree with every law in the country, the answer's no. There's a certain amount of discretion allowed in the enforcement, you know. We don't tend to bother students smoking pot so much these days, but we are interested in people bringing heroin up from London or the Midlands."

  "Why shouldn't a person take heroin if he or she wants to? It doesn't hurt anyone else."

  "I could well ask why shouldn't a man go around watching women get undressed. That doesn't hurt anyone, either."

  "It's not the same thing and you know it. Besides, the woman is hurt. She's shocked, degraded."

  "Only the ones who know."


  "Think of it this way. So far, four incidents have been reported. How many do you think have gone unnoticed? How many times has he got away with it?"

  "I never really thought of that," Jenny admitted. "And by the way, I'm not going to forget our discussion of a few moments ago, before you so cleverly sidetracked me back to work." She smiled sharply at him as he went off to buy two more drinks.

  "I suppose," she said when Banks returned, "that he could actually do it every night, though I doubt it."


  "Most sexual activities, normal or perverted, require a kind of gestation period between acts. I
t varies. The pressure builds again and there's only one way to relieve it."

  "I see. Would once or twice a week be too much?"

  "For who? You or me?"

  "Don't distract me. For our man."

  "No. I'd say once a week might do him fine, two at the most." She broke into a fit of laughter and covered her mouth with her hand. "Sorry. I get a bit gigglish sometimes. I think you must make me nervous."

  "It comes with the job. Though I sometimes wonder which came first. A chicken or egg thing. Do I make people nervous because I've learned to do it unconsciously through dealing with so many criminals, or was I like that in the first place? Is that why the job suited me?"


  "I didn't say I knew the answer, only that I wonder sometimes. Don't worry, when you get to know me better it won't bother you."

  "A promise?"

  "Let's get back to business."

  "All right." Jenny wiped her eyes, full of tears of laughter, sat up straight and once again broke into a laughing fit. Banks watched her, smiling, and soon the others in the pub were looking. Jenny was turning as red as her hair, which was shaking like the fire in the grate. "Oh, I'm sorry, I really am," she said. "Whenever I get like this it's so hard to stop. You must think I'm a real idiot."

  "Not at all," Banks said dryly. "I appreciate a person with a sense of humor."

  "I think it's better now," she said, sipping cautiously at her half of bitter. "It's just all those double entendres.

  Oops," she said, putting her hand to her chest. "Now I've got hiccups!"

  "Drink a glass of water in an inverted position," Banks told her. "Best cure for hiccups I've ever known." Jenny frowned at him. "Standing on my head?"

  "No, not like that." Banks was just about to demonstrate to her, using his pint glass, when he sensed a shadow over the table and heard a polite cough. It was Fred Rowe, the station desk-sergeant.

  "Pardon me for bothering you, sir," Rowe said quietly, pulling up a chair, "but there's been some trouble."

  "Go on," Banks said, putting down his glass.


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