Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series

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Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series Page 17

by S Lawrence

  Using the list of the founding members I found, I was able to start tracking generations of families that belong to the Order. There seem to be five prominent families. The one from Scotland has branches of other Scottish families, but the other main families are from different regions including, Greece, Egypt, Norway, and the most recent from the United States. I sit staring at the screen; something is blowing around in my brain, narrowing my eyes I try to grab that piece of information. Suddenly, it comes to me, and I yell for Patrick, I didn't realize it had been hours until I see his bed head and glance at the clock.

  Chapter 38

  “Patrick, I think I figured something important out. Is Jason still here?”

  “Yea, I think so, he was when I went to bed at least.”

  I guess my yell was louder than I thought or none of these guys sleep soundly because suddenly all of them are standing in the door looking at me. Good Lord, they are all magnificent, I feel like I should take a picture and post it to social media, as a gift to the women of the world. Or at least send it to Emma, she did want updates. I casually reach for my phone.

  “Hey, guys! Sorry did I wake you all up? Just let me check something, then I'll explain." I had mastered covert picture taking in the French Quarter. Emma and I had a small contest on funny pictures of tourists. Picture taken, I quickly send it to Emma with a wide eye emoji followed by flames. I am brought back to the room by Sean growling at me. Jason is looking at me with raised eyebrows, a look that says he knows exactly what I did. I shrug and give him a look right back; it says so sue me.

  "Girl, you yell like someone it is coming through the door, and now you're checking your messages. This better be good. I don't like being startled awake." Michael has his arms crossed and is glaring at me.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize how late, well early it is, I didn’t mean to wake everyone. And I was just excited.” I mouth sorry at him again, giving him my best innocent face.

  "I wasn't sleeping; I was outside keeping watch." Kai is looking at me intensely, and I suddenly feel self-conscience, I know I have a tendency to run my fingers through my hair, and I am sure it is a mess since I ran from my room with it wet.

  An image of him with his dick in his hand steamrolls through my brain, and I am instantly wet again. His nose flares, I remember the whole heightened senses thing. Good grief, girl, think of something disgusting. I refuse to look at him. I manage it for a millisecond, and the feral, hungry look on his face has me clenching my thighs at the pulsing there. Jason clearing his throat has me taring my eyes from Kai. I grab my cold coffee and take a drink and grimace swallowing it, giving myself a second to calm my racing pulse.

  Chuckling, Patrick looks at us and says, “Lass, why don’t you tell us what you think you figured out. That is why you called out, right?”

  "Right! That's why I hollered to you; I just need to ask you a question, Jason."

  “Me?” Jason looks a bit suspicious.

  "Yes, you. I remember the boys saying you got here a few years ago and you seem to be a bit of a mystery to everyone. Morrigan told me the different clans settled in places around this world. So where did your clan settle?" All heads swivel towards Jason. Kai reminds him that Danu asked him specifically what clan he was from, so we know he is from a clan.

  Sighing he answers a bit disgruntled; I can tell there is a story there. "They settled in the Macedonian and Thrace area, to include more modern Greece and Italy. Why?"

  "One more question. Did your people, like the clan here, take on the personas of Gods and Goddess?" I watch his face for any reaction. I am pretty sure of his answer, but I know he hasn't told the boys what he is. Although I can tell by Kai's non-reaction that he has at least some idea.

  Jason looks around at the startled faces of the Druids, sighing he answers my question. “Yes.”

  “WHAT?” Michael and Sean shout at once, Patrick is thinking, trying to figure out who stands before us, God, Halfling or Guardian.

  “Did they also make Guardians?” I ask quietly.

  He paces away slightly before turning, bowing his head at me, and I know I have guessed correctly.

  "Yes, but not in the way you think, my clan was the doctors or scientist before they came here. They made their children by studying genetics, breeding the traits they wanted. The result, something like a designer dog." He has grown angry, and suddenly we all feel our anger rising.

  "Jason." Just his name is all Kai whispers. My heart is breaking at the pain I see in Jason's face, and I can't stop myself, he is in my arms before he can react, he stands stiffly for a minute, then slowly his arms come around me, he buries his face in my neck inhaling deeply, slowly relaxing. I hang on longer than he wants but I can't help it. As we move apart, he looks around at the faces of his friends and quietly whispers, “Sorry.” They move to him, and very manly hugs follow.

  “You could have told us. It doona matter to us, what ye be.” It’s Patrick that has spoken but Sean and Michael both nod in agreement.

  "I will tell you everything, later. First, Aislin needs to tell us exactly what she has figured out with her impressive brain."

  "I am very smart, you're all going to be so impressed." I laugh a little at their faces, "Okay, let me start at the beginning, we knew that the boat was owned by Thorne, Inc. so after I had emailed a friend who can find anything online, I began my search. I started at the main website for the company, the headquarters are here in Scotland, but they have major offices around the world. They also have a huge amount of subsidiaries or smaller companies owned by the central company. Because of all the shell companies and the offshore banking, my friend let me know it would take her a while to find everything I asked her for. So I focused on the history of the company and the public branches they have listed. This is where it started to get interesting. Here in Scotland, the company was first put on record, as a company in 1850. On their website, it lists the founding members. Now, a few years ago I got very interested in my family history and spent a very long time researching my Irish and Scottish roots, I mean we are from the very region, it was exciting..."

  “Lass, focus. The company.” Patrick says with a smile, sharing my love of history.

  "Right. Sorry, with my new genealogy skills I was able to trace those founding families to the Highlands, to the very area Morrigan told me the first problems with humans and halflings began. Those families are the founders of the Order of Sceach, which means what in Gaelic?" I look at them, "That's right it means thorn." I answer before they can. I'm practically vibrating.

  "How does that help us?" Jason asks unimpressed.

  "It helps because we can be fairly sure, Thorne, Inc and the Order are the same. By knowing that we can then figure out that each of the worldwide offices is a branch of the order, which you confirmed by telling us your clan settled in Macedonia, becoming the Greek and Roman Gods of mythology. Thorne, Inc's second largest offices are in Athens." They all stood looking at me.

  "Okay, I thought you would be more excited, but wait I'm not finished. Their other principal offices are located in regions with ancient pantheons. Places where Gods were said to walk among humans. You know, where the other clans settled." Silence, cricket cricket. My eyes swivel from face to face. I'm trying to figure out if they don't get it or are just stunned.

  Suddenly Michael grabs me and swings me around. Stunned. We spend the early hours of dawn talking about what I found; I wondered why they had never figured it out. They tell me that they had never really had a lead like the boat because the Order only struck every hundred years or so and this was the first time it had happened twice in one lifetime, and the only time any clues had been left, like the boat.

  Also, technology seems to have caught up with them. Kai admitted that the Guardians tended to stay on the Isle unless they are needed by a halfling which isn't often due to them hiding their powers, I'm excited to find out they are among us and giggle a bit at the science fiction sound of it in my head. I try to hide a yawn behind my h
and, but Kai sees and comes to me, taking my hand in his he gently pulls me to my feet," Come, Neach-gaoil, you need to sleep. We can finish later, maybe by then your friend will have found the information you asked for."

  Chapter 39

  He guides me down the hall to my room, closing the door behind us. I am suddenly nervous, and the room seems too small. He still doesn't have a shirt on, I mumble under my breath.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that.” He is trying to hide his smile and failing miserably.

  "I SAID don't you own a shirt." I glare at him; unfortunately, I can't stop my traitorous eyes from glancing at the trail of hair that disappears into his jeans.

  “You want me to cover up? I can.”

  "NO! I mean whatever." I look around, inside my stomach is churning. Knowing I want him and being able to do anything is two entirely different things. His finger rubs lightly across my lips. "If you don't stop chewing on these, you are going to hurt yourself." Putting the same finger under my chin, he brings my gaze up to his, "Beloved, you're thinking too hard. There is no reason to worry."

  “But, what if I can never give you anything more? What if a few light kisses are all I can manage?” Tears swim in my eyes at what might have been.

  "How about we just lie down? You need sleep and I could rest. I want nothing more than to hold you in my arms. Nothing more than to protect you like I should have done before."

  “Please, Kai, you can't blame yourself. How could you have known? I think I would like to have you hold me very much." I take his hand and pull him to the bed, letting go to crawl on and lay down. He comes around and lies down on his back reaching and pulling me close; I don't miss that he lets me lay on him, so I am not held down. I love him for that. Sad that he has to. He watches me as his hand rubs circles on my back.

  “Kai, can you sing just until I fall asleep?”

  "I would do anything for you." I can hear the truth in his voice and smile. As I snuggle in closer, soaking in the heat of him, he starts singing Flogging Molly. I drift off quickly, lost in his voice.


  I feel her body relax into sleep. I keep singing hoping it helps keep any nightmares at bay. I run my hand up and down her back and feel her slowly begin to relax. It is going to be a test of my control. Breathing her scent in I feel my body tighten. This was a stupid idea. Who am I kidding, sure I just want to hold her, I am no saint.

  What seems like hours later I stop singing and just relax, enjoying the feeling of her in my arms. She has moved in her sleep and is laying on top of me, sprawled like a blanket. She might be drooling a little on my chest. My dragon is purring. Her body flexes against me; I can't help the moan that is torn from my throat. Blood rushes to my throbbing cock as she sighs my name in her sleep. Drawing in a breath I can smell her arousal. She shifts again rubbing against my cock. I press up unable to stop myself.

  "Fuck!" I grit out through my teeth. I slowly ease from under her no longer able to trust myself, not willing to risk her love or my honor I slide from the bed, careful not to wake her and leave the room, stalking down the hall. I see Jason talking to the Druids; I can tell he is revealing just what he is to them. They look up as I draw near.

  "How are you doing? How is our girl?" Michael asks concern etched on his face.

  “Does she get any rest?” Sean murmurs his own demons haunting his eyes.

  "She sleeps now and finally dreams do not plague her.”

  "We dinna mean to upset you, guardian. We worry for her as she is now one of our own."

  "I know that, assholes. My mood is just rotten after hearing her whimpers all night and not being able to keep her dreams at bay." I grimace. "I hope you'll never experience it with your own destinies."

  We sit and discuss what Aislin has found out; I want to burn Thorne, Inc to the ground starting with their offices in Scotland. Jason heads to the kitchen. Soon a delicious smell is floating through the house. He has made a red sauce and noodles. I hear Aislin moving in the bedroom, the pot of coffee Jason brewed wakening her. She has an addiction, for sure. She stumbles down the hall, hair sexy from sleep. She heads straight to the coffee, pouring a large cup, adding an unnatural amount of sugar and creamer. Good grief that must be like drinking syrup. But the sound of her happy sigh has all of us smiling.

  I realize at that moment the druids and Jason have adopted her as one of their own. I know they will fight to the death to protect and avenge her. We all will. She sits at the table sipping her coffee and staring out the window at the mountains. Jason sits a plate of food in front of her.

  "You need to eat, Kukla. We have much planning, and you need your strength if you still plan to go to battle." Jason has leaned close to her drawing her attention.

  "What does that mean? Kukla?" She's laid her head on his shoulder and is smiling; I'm jealous, my dragon has raised his head watching through my eyes, which I'm sure are glowing amber. He kisses her head looking at me.

  “It means doll, or my little doll, an endearment for a little sister.”

  "Oh, well I like that. I've never had a brother or any siblings, other than my girl Emma, she's my soul sister you know." She picks up her fork and begins to eat. "Any bread?" she mumbles around a mouth full of noodles. Patrick places a plate full in front of her, as we all sit and start filling our own plates. When we all finish eating, we begin discussing how we should proceed.


  Kai is watching me. Fire burning in his eyes, I didn’t like waking up to find him gone. I dreamt of him, of us.

  "Let me check my email to see if Sammy has found anything yet; I told her to focus on Scotland first for holding and properties."

  I head to Chris's room and log into my email. There are the normal junk emails and one from my girl. I open it and scan; she has listed the holdings, including the years they were purchased. I focus on the oldest one. Writing down the address, I head back to the kitchen.

  "Do any of you know where we can get building records? At home, I'd get them from the assessor's office, do ya'll have those here." I look at my boys.

  Patrick looks at the year the building was bought. “Based on the age of that building I would guess the National Archives. We can go there tomorrow. The office is in Edinburgh.”

  "Why don’t I take you to see your dad while they are Edinburgh? Jason can you reach out to your friends at home and see if there has been any activity from the Order there?" Kai looks to Jason who nods his agreement. I love that Kai understands my need to spend as much time with my dad as I can. We've missed too many years together. I look out the window and realize that the sun is beginning to set. I look around the table and realize how tired they all look.

  "Okay, guys, I need some rest. I’m going head to bed and I'll see you in the morning." I look to Kai, willing him to follow me. I feel his heat at my back as I enter the room. Turning I look up at his face, unconsciously leaning toward his body. He slowly leans down, giving me time to pull back but I don't. He kisses me gently. When we break apart, I lean my head on his chest. Quietly I ask him if he will hold me again. He pulls me to the bed, laying down first so I can lay beside him. I listen to the steady rhythm of his heart.

  “Do you wish for more songs?” I can hear the smile in his voice.

  “Actually, I was hoping you could tell me the story of the Guardians, My mom wrote a short version of what my dad told her in her journal.”

  “It is a long tale. Are you sure you want to hear it tonight?”

  “Yes, please. It will give me some clues about you and my dad.”

  I feel her lips curve into a smile, yes it would give her some clues.

  “Alright, get comfortable.”

  Chapter 40

  A thousand years ago, the old Gods walked the land. Danu, the Mother, was loved by humans and she them. There came to her a man, who asked to be taught about the magic Danu and the other Celtic Gods had. Danu considered denying him the request, but when she looked at him, she saw deep in his soul a spark. A
hunger that she couldn't see in other humans. She took him to her home in the Vanishing Isle to teach him the magic of the Earth. There, as they spent all of their time together, Danu grew to love this man and took him as her lover. She taught him many secrets, and he became known as the first Druid.

  Together, they had a child, who was more beautiful than any human had ever been. She was the first of the halflings and the first Tuatha de Danaan. These halflings had magic, like the Gods they descended from and souls, like their human parents. They were often gifted with skills from their godly parents, who loved them greatly. They lived with humans and shared their gifts among them. Life for both was peaceful and wondrous.

  Slowly, humans began to resent the halflings; not only for their gifts but also because of their beauty. This resentment grew as it became clear that the Tuatha were not aging as humans. They had also gained the gift of long life. The longer the Tuatha remained beautiful and seemingly didn't age, the more jealous the humans became.

  The first Druid had gathered to him, with the help of Danu, others that had the same spark. He passed on to them the magic he had learned. He sent them out into the world, to become protectors of mother earth.

  It had been a hundred years, and many halflings had been born between the druids and the Gods. All of them possessed an otherworldliness about them. Often, they seemed childlike in their innocence. Never did they realize the resentment that some of the humans had begun to feel towards them. They never questioned their safety because they saw only the good in those around them. Both men and women were coveted for their beauty, and the humans began to be jealous of their love affairs, involving the most desirable of the clans.

  So it came to be that a druid heard a whisper on the wind, a call for aid. It was a distress call sent out by a halfling that only someone with magic could hear. He sent word to the oldest druid living with Danu in her realm, letting him know that he was going to investigate. The wind whispered the way; the tree branches pointed to a clearing with a house. It had been made with magic, surrounded by powerful wards that no human or druid could have woven. While he could not cross them, he was able to use a spell to see inside the wards.


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