Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series

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Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series Page 19

by S Lawrence

  Asger followed them into the house and sat down before the fire; he had to admit he was intrigued. Never before had Einar called him to his home. For certain, he had never spoken to The Morrigan, although he had heard her call ring through the land two days before. It had called to his fighting spirit, as he felt his berserker blood surge.

  They told him of the danger to the Tuatha, which included their daughter. Although Ylva was in less danger because she was different than most Tuatha, who were gentle in nature. He listened carefully, knowing that he had been called for a reason and curious about what they wanted of him.

  "Einar thought of you first, when I told him that I had promised Danu to find individual warriors to protect our children. He said you had a mix of strong blood, Viking, and Highlander, the best of both." Asger was proud that Einar, a great warrior, thought this of him. "I can sense the berserker in you, but I can also tell you have learned to control it. I am looking for guardians. We have decided that the warriors we choose will need the ability to sense the danger, smell the poison and fight off many attackers. I have pondered, while we waited for you to arrive, on how to best give you these abilities. I think I have come up with a solution." Morrigan took a deep breath, after explaining all of this to Asger.

  “I did not know this, my love. What have you decided?”

  "Yes, Goddess. What would you do to me? I must know since, in my heart, I have already agreed to fight for the Tuatha,” Asger asked eagerly.

  "Good. I have decided to give you the ability to change. There is a creature from a faraway land, one who has never been seen by humans. They are fierce and loyal; we called them Dragons.

  You will be as you look now until there is a need for the dragon to come forward. He will protect, not only the Tuatha but you as well. The magic cannot be undone; once I have cast it. The change will be painful at first, but soon, you will be able to call him whenever there is a need. He will always be there in your mind, guiding you. It will be a partnership. Please, allow me to show you."

  Morrigan reached out and placed her hands on Einar and Asger, sending them an image of a great dragon soaring through the sky, his scales glistening in the light. As the image fades, she looks to Asger, and she can see the excitement spread across his face.

  “Dragon,” Asger whispers in awe. “I would be able to fly and breathe fire! I would be as big as a mountain!”

  "Well...a small mountain, more like a large hill." Einar laughed, but Morrigan could hear the envy in his voice.

  Ylva came into the room, and Asger felt his body come to life, she was magnificent. When he looked at her face, he found her smiling at him. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Morrigan looked between them and then turned, sharing a knowing look with Einar. Her daughter had finally found a man that stirred her magic.

  "Ylva, Asger has agreed to become our first guardian. I must go to Danu and discuss a few pieces of the plan that I have come up with. Asger, you must stay here. You will train with Einar and learn to feel the magic from Ylva. I will be back in two months, on the summer solstice, to perform the transformation. You must be able to control yourself by then; your berserker blood will be stronger when mixed with the magic of the dragon."

  “My Goddess, I will not let you down. I will be ready.” Asger acknowledged.

  “Daughter, will you walk me to the overlook?” the Morrigan asked of her.

  “Of course, mother.” Morrigan and Einar shared another amused look, as Ylva had a hard time tearing her eyes from Asger when he stood before her.

  As they walked up the path, Morrigan smiled at Ylva, “He is very handsome, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, but please stay out of it mother.”

  Morrigan cast a worried glance her way. "I just want to warn you that I felt your magic quicken for him. It was like that for your father and me. It will be hard to resist him, if you plan to that is."

  Morrigan hugged her daughter tight, “Train him well, for he will be tasked to guard you or Beathag.” Slowly, the Morrigan became mist and shifted away.


  Danu stood looking down at her sleeping daughter. Beathag was recovered physically, but emotionally, she was still broken and may be that way for a very long time. She felt Morrigan before she turned to look at her. A small smile on her face, at the fierce dark beauty of Morrigan, so unlike the rest of them here on the Isle. She looked more like her father than most. She crossed to her and led her down the hall.

  “So, how goes the search for the warriors?” Danu asked quietly.

  "I have found the first. He is perfect. To aide him, I am going to gift him with the ability to shift into a fierce dragon. He is training with Einar and Ylva until the solstice, and then I will perform the ritual," Morrigan answered.

  Danu slowly drew her hand across a mirror, and the village appeared in the glass. Asger could be seen training with an axe, strength showing in every move. Danu watched, holding her breath. Morrigan was a little bit pleased to note that the brawny man had an effect on the Queen as well.

  “I have been thinking that I also want to give our children a way to reach us here, in the Isle, without our needing to hear their call. I will go with you on the solstice and make a series of portals. Creating a way for any Tuatha, and their guardians, to come to the Vanishing Isle anytime they have want or need.”

  And so when the night of the solstice arrived, Danu and Morrigan appeared on the mountain. Einar, Ylva, and Asger stood waiting for them; a fire blazed near them. Danu stepped forward and motioned Asger to join her. When he knelt before her, she smiled down at him in comfort. Danu began to weave magic all around them.

  "Rise, Guardian, for you have chosen to offer your life for our children. You have chosen to take the form of the dragon to defend them. You will never kneel before us, for we are eternally grateful. I am here to watch your transformation but also to give you, and all the Tuatha, access to The Vanishing Isle whenever it is needed or wanted. As she spoke, a thick mist formed and shielded them from all other eyes. Danu raised her hands and turned, whispering ancient words in a language only Morrigan had ever heard. When she stopped spinning, they were surrounded by stones that had ancient symbols etched upon them. The very air inside shimmered, showing glimpses of the Isle.

  "Do not worry, for only those that are Guardians or those with our blood, can see the Isle and use the portal." Danu bowed her head to Morrigan so that she could start building her magic.

  The Morrigan held out her hand to Asger, drawing him to the center of the stones. "This binding will hurt. I'm sorry for that."

  "Do not worry Goddess; I am ready. Ylva has explained about the transformation. Although she did say this first joining would be different. Since this will be the one merging our two souls," Asger replied.

  The Morrigan smiled at this beautiful, brave man and raised her arms, releasing her magic as she began. She approached the stones and laid her hand on the first. As he watched, a rune was etched upon its surface. She slowly made her way around the circle, touching each stone, adding a rune to each one. Most of them, the warrior did not know, but he did see two that he recognized. Ylva had shown him before; the ones that stood for warrior and dragon. Before he knew it, she was back in front of him and beginning a chant in an ancient language.

  “By the dragon’s light on this night;

  I summon thee; I summon thee.

  I summon your strength like that of the stones.

  I summon your magic like that of the Tuatha de Danaan.

  I summon your wisdom like that of the ancients.”

  Slowly, the form of a magnificent bronze dragon appeared inside the stones. Asger was frightened but also awed by this creature that he would share his life with.

  “Ancient one. I have called you here to ask you to join with this warrior to help protect our children,” Morrigan stated.

  Asger felt the weight of the dragon’s stare. He felt the ground rumble as the dragon leaned closer and seemed to purr, puffing s
moke over him. The time passed slowly as the dragon studied him and Asger prayed that he was found to be worthy.

  Slowly, the dragon turned his head to the Morrigan and spoke. "I have traveled through the stars at your call" the dragon rumbled. "I remember you, little one, from long ago. I have read his heart, and he is worthy of what you ask. Many of us sleep in the old world. Many of us would be willing to join with others like him."

  Morrigan once again raised her arms, calling her magic to her, drawing from the earth itself.

  “I bind thee to this warrior.

  I bind thee to this Dragon.

  I bind your souls.

  Together you are the Guardian!”

  As the magic rose and swirled about them, Asger and the Dragon moved together, fading to mist. The mist swirled faster and faster until the two became one. As the mist disappeared, Asger stood before them all.

  "Call him forward Asger. Reach with your mind, and he will answer you," Morrigan directed.

  Asger closed his eyes and thought of the cave in his mind where the dragon would reside like Ylva had taught him, and there was the dragon. ‘I do not know your name,’ Asger thought.

  ‘I have never had one,’ replied the dragon, ‘nor do I need one. I am you, and you are me. We will be Asger. Come forward; then we must change. I want to feel what it is to be you. Yes, we must fly.’

  Suddenly, Asger began to scream as his bones started to reshape. It seemed his body folded away as the dragon burst forth with a roar.

  ‘I am sorry Asger,’ the dragon thought, ‘I did not know you would suffer so.’

  ‘Do not worry they have said it will get easier, my friend,’ Asger answered.

  The dragon looked at the others and took to the sky, in a bounding leap and a flap of his massive wings. That night, people in the highlands ran, hiding from the monster in the sky. And the first Guardian was born.

  Chapter 41

  “That was beautiful and tragic.” I murmur, my fingers tracing patterns on his chest as I think of how old he must be. It should probably bother me but he seems ageless to me. I also think of Beathag, violated and damaged, like me. I want to know what became of her but am afraid to ask. “I wish...” a deep sigh escapes my mouth one full of heartache. “I wish I had met you that first night in Edinburgh, before the boat, I’m not like I was.”

  “You’re right you aren’t the same, you never will be, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t live. You have my heart, my dragon knew it instantly, and it just took me a moment to catch up with him. This you, this woman, you fought and survived, because while I know you don’t believe it now, you did survive. We’ll get through this.” His strong jaw is clenched, and I can see the determination in his eyes.

  “The problem is I don’t know if we can even be a thing now.”

  His face is suddenly fierce. Eyes blazing with strength but also hurt.

  “Do you want me, Aislin? To be with me, not just your body but your heart? Do you dare to follow your destiny? If you do and you will, I will keep you safe. I will forever stand in front of you, your shield. But, I will not take that choice from you. You must choose me, choose to love.”

  I close my eyes, feeling weak as images from that room begin to play in my head, squeezing them tight, I whisper “Every time I close my eyes all I can see is what he did to me.”

  Kai’s arms tighten for a moment, and his lips brush against my hair, I feel the rumbling growl of the dragon within him, “So keep them open.” he murmurs.

  I feel a spark of anger flare to life like it’s that easy, just keep my eyes open, and it never happened. I push up and glare down at him.

  “It’s not that easy! You can’t understand what it’s like.” He grabs my waist and pulls me over the top of him; suddenly my core is pressed against his manhood, which is impressive even now. Heat rushes, and I catch my breath. Bracing my hands on his chest I look into his eyes, lust is looking back at me, but there is also something else, something I have seen in the mirror the last few days.

  “You’re right. I don’t know exactly what you are going through.” He looks away, making a decision and I sit waiting afraid to hear what he is going to say next.

  “I’m going to tell you how I became a Guardian. Something only three people know. Maybe it will convince you that I am just the warrior to stand by your side.”

  His velvet voice is low as he tells me the tragedy that led him to his dragon.

  “I was young, but back then considered a man. I had gone out hunting. I didn’t know that Vikings were raiding along our coast. I didn’t see them until it was too late. They had me before I even knew it.” His gaze is far away, seeing the day. “I thought I was lucky they didn’t kill me, at first. They tied me to a great wooden x. The beatings started soon after, for days they beat me to unconsciousness. Waiting until I woke to start again. I was broken. I told them things; I dishonored myself and my clan. I lost track of time but at some point, they made a mistake, I got free and ran for home. At least, I thought they had; I quickly found out they let me lead them straight to my family. My mother hid me, in a root cellar beneath the floor of our hut. Like a coward, I hid and held my hand over my mouth so they wouldn’t hear my screams, as her and my brother’s blood ran through the cracks coating me in red.”

  Tears shimmer in her eyes. “The Morrigan found me after every member of my clan had been slaughtered, I had drug myself from my hiding place over the bodies of my family and let out a cry that she heard even on the Isle. She came to me and picked up my broken, blood-soaked body and told me to choose. I could either live, or she would take me from this world and my pain. She promised if I chose life she would take me to someone to train me. I could someday join other warriors protecting those who couldn’t protect themselves. You know what I chose. I chose life. She took me to a village on the coast, and I lived with Einar. He taught me to live, fight and to love. When I was ready, she made me a guardian. I traveled back to my home once but it was long gone and so was all the ones who had killed my family, Einar had something to do with that last part.”


  I looked his face, his hair shimmering in the light from a candle beside the bed, and for the first time deep down I feel hope. He smiles at what he sees. “My love” he growls a little, “Einar once told me ‘the strongest steel is forged in the hottest fires’ you have that steel in you. You need not decide at this moment. Take your time; I’m not going anywhere. Let’s get some rest so we can see your Da in the morning.”

  I reach for his face; his fingers tighten on my hips, I am leaning down.

  “Lass, I am no saint you canna be tempting me.” His burr is thicker, and I like it, probably a little too much. As certain parts of me are very interested in tempting him, to see if I can do any of this anymore. I am startled when I suddenly hear him in my head, having forgotten the Morrigan gave me that gift.

  ‘I see those wheels turnin girl, best stop before I really give you something to think about.’

  Narrowing my eyes at the challenge. ‘Maybe it would be the other way around.’

  And before I lose my nerve, keeping my eyes wide open, I lean down and slowly press my lips to his.


  I watch her descent, and my body tightens. I have never experienced this kind of hunger, it fills every part of me, driving out all rational thought, leaving the animal instinct of my dragon, who wants his mate. The first soft press of her lips and I’m lost, feeling desperate in my need of her, but remind myself to go slow, trying to gentle my hands on her, refusing to mark her skin. Stroking my tongue over her full lower lip, teasing the seam of her lips, daring her to open them. I also keep my eyes open watching her, seeing her pupils dilate as she releases a sigh, opening her mouth, letting me in. Her lashes flutter as she struggles not to close them.

  ‘Let me give you something else to see when you close them.’


  I pull back slightly swallowing hard, blinking down at him, I watch
him wait, his breath coming harder. It is my choice, either live or not, my choice. I choose life, I choose love and leaning down, I choose him. He sees it in my face. His hand move up my back to the nape of my neck, and he pulls my mouth back to his. He again strokes along the seam, and my eyes drift closed as I open to him and he thrusts inside.


  I sink into the heat of her mouth. I want to devour her, but instead, I fight to remain tender. I want to memorize all of her, as I stroke and tease soft murmurs of pleasure from her. I feel her hands on my bare chest and long to feel her skin on mine but I know she isn’t ready for that yet. Instead I run my hands under her shirt up her back. As her arousal blooms, so does the scent of her and I draw it deep into my lungs. Deepening the kiss, I fight the need to taste her. A growl is rumbling up from my throat.


  I break the kiss to breathe. He’s suddenly at my throat biting slightly right where the shoulder and neck meet, Oh my God. I can’t catch my breath as a shiver of pleasure races straight to my center.

  “Kai?” My fist has tightened on his hair, and I can hear the confusion in my voice. I feel his erection pressing against me, we are both breathing hard, and I realize I am shamelessly grinding against him. I force my hips to stop.

  Muttering, “I’m sorry” I go to move off of him. He holds me in place.

  “Look at me Aislin, it is just us here, and we do this how we want. I told you, no decisions tonight. You have nothing to be sorry for. You weren’t even sure you could do that, now we know. I should apologize, I’m the one who got lost in your scent.”

  “Umm, my scent? Oh! My scent.” My face flames red.

  “Yes, your scent, when you get aroused, you smell delicious, like warm honeyed spice that I want to savor. Taking long, slow licks.” A groan escapes me, and my womb spills more wetness.


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