Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series

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Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series Page 22

by S Lawrence

  Finally, we are all piled in cars heading to the compound, dark is falling when we arrive at the rendezvous point. We all put the earbuds in so we can communicate and get our weapons. Michael is the first to leave, going to the high point so he can keep us safe. I give him a quick tight hug, and I feel his lips at my temple. “You stay safe, lass. I no wanna lose you.” he whispers before turning and sprinting away, “You too.” I whisper to his back. We all slowly move into place waiting for full darkness.

  I peer through the binoculars; the compound would be beautiful if I didn’t know what it housed. I love architecture, any kind, I can see the original part of the house, stone and with a turret, and then through the years new bits have been added, I am assuming as the Order grew. Now it is a sprawling mansion, a cohesive mixture of different eras.

  “In position” whispers through the earpiece. Michael has reached his spot high in a tree. We wait in the tree line as Sean edges closer to the gate, blending into the shadows, waiting for his target to come to him, “Ready in three, two, one.” the guard stepped into view and Sean moved in, almost a blur. One hand covers the guard’s with the other hand coming around to drive his knife straight up into the heart. The man never had a chance. He quickly pulls the guard back around to the opening of the gate, having grabbed the guard's keycard to open it. The second guard approached but just as he was reaching Sean, he stiffened, quartering the area looking for something. Just as he was about to raise the alarm, a hole blossomed in his forehead.

  “Neutralized, move forward.” Kai and I sprint for the gate just as Sean drug the second guard out. Jason and Patrick follow close behind. As we went through the gate two more guards came around the side of the house. Having spotted us, they begin to run towards us while sounding the alarm.

  Jason reaches the one closest to us and draws his gun, firing while running never even slowing down head for the other, but Michael got him first. Sean turns at the sound of pounding footsteps, guards and the other guardians were racing towards us, looking at Kai he nodded. “Take her in go get out of here, Patrick you go to. The dragons and I can handle this with Michael’s help and he never misses. GO!” We all stand frozen for a millisecond then turn sprinting for the steps and the massive doors. Kai races in front, kicking the door open like it weighed nothing, I wonder at his strength and realize just how gentle he is with me. He stops just inside, legs braced apart and his head swiveling from side to side. I can see the warrior and the dragon in him. Holding up four fingers he points to our right and then five fingers before pointing left. Jason gives a slight nod left before he and Patrick move quietly that way. I have my gun drawn as we turn and slide along the wall, Kai holds his hand up and does a count down on his fingers, making a fist as the first man turns the corner spying us. We had practiced for this, I went down to my knee, thanking Mr. Henri for all the lessons but the man’s body drops before I take a shot. Two more men quickly followed the first, and Kai is fighting one with a wicked looking blade. My breath catches as his back is sliced, blood dripping. Acting as if he didn’t feel it at all, Kai whirled and drove his knife into the throat of his attacker. This happened in seconds, but long enough for the other guard to almost reach me. Firing as I roll away, I hit him in the thigh, he stumbles but keeps moving forward, I am just aiming to fire when I see Kai’s hands grasp his head, followed by a sickening crunch as his head jerks and his neck snaps. Grimacing I come to my knees and Kai is there pulling to my feet. He speaks to me through our connection and I answer with a small nod. We keep moving looking for the fourth man he had heard. I scan the hallway, loving the tapestries on walls, scenes from medieval times. When I look back Kai is staring at me with an incredulous look, I mouth sorry at him shrugging. I can’t help it, ADD squirrel and all that. We begin moving again, suddenly he shoves me around behind him, even and he swivels to face behind us. I gasp as I see a knife swing down right where I had been. Kai’s gun comes up under the guy's chin as he pulls the trigger in one smooth motion. His chest is heaving as he turns back to me, pushing me against the wall, his mouth crashes down, taking my mouth, I taste his desperation. I murmur “I’m fine, I’m okay.” He breaks away from me and then comes back resting his forehead on mine, “I almost lost you, I just found you and I almost lost you.” He isn’t really talking to me, so I stand rubbing his chest with my free hand. I wait for him to gain control.

  Suddenly, he huffs a sigh, “Let’s get this done. I need you out of here.” I scamper after him, as he sets off at a fast pace. We move room to room looking for Dorran, hearing the sounds of fighting echoing through the house. We have just begun our search of the second floor, when we find him. We turn the corner at the end of a long hallway and there he is just coming out of a room, a room that I can hear whimpering coming from. My throat tightens and my heart pounds at that sound, I’ve made that sound. I feel like I might throw up and Kai glances at me. We all stand, guns raised, waiting to see who makes the first move.

  “Aislin, dear, I knew you'd find me. I knew you’d miss our time together.” Dorran purred at me a sly look in his eyes.

  Kai’s fingers clenched on his gun, laying my hand on his arm I silently asked him to give me my chance. I thought I wanted just to kill him, but now I’m not so sure. I am still staring at him, making my decision when he crumples to the floor, a guardian standing behind him.

  “NO! I wanted to do it. It was my right.” my anger is boiling over, and I can’t even see clearly, tears blurring my vision. I’ve always hated how I cry when I’m mad it’s so stupid. Slashing at my eyes, I glare at the Guardian. “Love, look at me.” Kai is pulling me to face him, as I fight him in my rage. “Sparrow, listen to me he isn’t dead just unconscious, we are going to move him to a room and tie him up. We have control of the house, this way you can decide if you can do this or not.” My breath is coming in great gasps, and I try to slow them. I slide to the floor, the adrenaline racing through my veins has me feeling shaky.

  The guardian tips his head at me as they drag Dorran to a room down the end of the hall. Someone goes into the room the whimpers are coming from, I can’t stand it putting my hands over my ears. I lean down resting my head on the wood floor, trying to pull myself together. I feel Kai curl around me and the sobs break free.

  He picks me up carrying me down the hall, looking in rooms till he finds one with a couch. Sitting he pulls me onto his lap. His hands stroke my hair, and he sings softly until I slowly relax my muscles and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face in it, drawing in his scent. Time passes, how much I have no idea. Finally, I have cried myself dry. Sitting up I look at his handsome face, filled with love and understanding, there is nothing to say, so I lean into him. Kissing him tenderly, licking at the seam of his lips, he opens immediately letting me sink into him, finding myself in his arms. Moments pass with us lost in each other, but a cough at the door has us turning to find Jason standing there. “We need to get out of here soon, one of the guards managed to alert the Order to our presence here. They will be coming.”

  “Take me to him.” I try to sound more confident than I feel. Following Jason to a door I pause outside and look back at Kai, his face says it all. He would do this thing for me if I asked it. A sad smile curves my lips as I turn the knob, opening the door. Walking in I see the bastard tied to a beautiful Queen Anne chair, weird what your mind thinks of.

  “Darling, you came back to me. I knew what we had was special.” Dorran’s excitement makes my skin crawl. I sit in the chair that has been moved in front of him.

  “We didn’t have anything, you fucker, you tortured me!”

  His eyes are gleaming as his grin grows, “Oh, we were so much more than that, you know we were, or you wouldn’t be here.”

  “I’m here to kill you!” I scream at him.

  “If you were, you would have the first moment our eyes met in the hallway, no I think you missed my touch.” His eyelids lower as he remembers something he did to me. I feel sick. I’ve seen that look on his face be
fore. My hands clench the chair arms, and I feel myself begin to sweat. “You are sick,” I whisper, my throat working, swallowing over and over trying not to throw up.

  “Do you know how I came to the Order? I was an orphan. They brought me to this very house when I was eight. You might think something horrible happened to me when I was young to make me crave the things that I do. But you would be wrong. I was given every opportunity. Had a great childhood. When I was sixteen, I started dating a girl, and it didn’t take long for me to realize that my tastes weren’t, shall we say, normal. As you know though, there are those that enjoy the pain, like you my dear.” His eyes are glassy with his need.

  “I don’t. I didn’t enjoy any of it, you sick, disgusting bastard.” I lean towards him, my hate shining out through my gaze.

  “You forget, I tasted your pleasure, and it was almost as delicious as your screams.”

  Aghast, I sit trembling, staring at him, Kai shifts subtly behind me, his control stretched to the breaking point.

  Dorran’s eyes move up, looking behind me. He looks gleeful when he begins to speak again. “I never wanted JUST your body. Violence is what I crave, what I need for release. Both of you there in the room fed it, the two of you together were magnificent. The Order was perfect for me and my desires. They even trained me, using my predilections for their purpose.” he pauses caressing me with his eyes. “I’ve broken you, my dear. Your body, your heart, your very soul. I will always be with you. Even now, I could whisper my desires to you, and your body would respond.”

  I flinch as he voices my greatest fear.

  “Your body’s response pleased me greatly. I planned to keep you with me forever. My own personal toy. I can see from the one glaring at me that you think to move on from me, but you can’t, not really. I will take everything from you. I will steal your sleep, your smile and then I will step in and steal your future. Leaving you nothing but your memories of your time with me.”

  Kai paces forward grabbing my hand and jerks me from the chair. “Aislin, come out in the hall, right now.” There is no argument in his voice, He is barely hanging on and I am shaking as I follow him out. He pulls me into his arms. “Sparrow, let me do this, let me end this. He isn’t right. He has not taken your future, I’m your future and I stand with you in this.”

  Dorran’s deranged laughter can be heard from the room, then a crash. In the room we see the empty chair and the cut ropes laying on the floor, the window broken. Indecision wars on Kai’s face, I can tell he wants to lea out after him but his need to keep me close wins. Spinning he drags me with him and we race down the hall to the stairs flying down them. Crashing through the doors, Kai spins, looking up along the rooftop.

  “Where is he, Michael?” Kai yells into his microphone.

  “Got him! Top right near the turret. He is trying to make his way down the stone wall.” We sprint around to the end of the house, sliding to a stop as Dorran leaps the last six feet to the ground. I raise my gun as he straightens, smirking at my shaking hands. Deep breath and a single shot explodes from my 9 millimeter. Surprise filters through his eyes as he falls to the ground. I don’t stay to watch. Still shaking I turn to walk away. A blast of wind is all that alerts me, as Kai shoves me to the ground. I land hard on my hands and knees.

  Looking back over my shoulder, I see a pale dragon fighting with a bronze one as they tear Dorran to shreds. It is a gruesome sight. A noise escapes my mouth and their two heads turn to me, Kai instantly shift back blood coating his chest. I giggle as I think well that’s one question answered, the clothes stay on during the change.

  He walks to me a questioning look on his face. Looking past his shoulder I see my dad still chewing, yuck. I slowly rise and make my way to him. “It’s over daddy.” His brilliant eyes look at me, then over to Kai. They share a moment, what I don’t know. ‘I will see you at the Isle, daughter. I love you.’ His massive wings are flapping as he leaps into the air, I can barely stay on me feet.

  Turning to Kai I ask, “What was that?” He tries miserably to look innocent. “What was what?” I roll my eyes opening my mouth to say something, when, Dad whispers in our minds, ‘Cars are racing your way, you all need to leave NOW!’ Kai relays the message to everyone, then turns to look at me. “You ever wanted to ride a dragon?” I can’t help the giddy grin that spreads across my face. “I did last night.”

  An instant later his bronze dragon is standing before me, holding out his clawed foot, and gently I climb on. Holding me close, I climb on his back, suddenly I am thankful for the years of riding Fergus and his wide back. I can’t help but pet the scales, marveling again at their heat. He climbs up to the top of the turret out of the crowded courtyard. Opens his wings, gently flapping them before leaping off.

  It is magnificent and I can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of me. But I wonder about the people below. “Isn’t this dangerous? What about someone seeing us?” I shout over the wind, forgetting our link in my excitement. ‘The dragons have always had the ability to shield themselves from others if they choose. He wants to give this to you, his mate, who was so brave. He feels like I do, that we let you down, failing to protect you. This is his gift. His way to bring your happiness back.’

  Laying my face along his neck I whisper my thanks and my love to this great beast who is tethered to my soul. Happiness does steal through me at the thought of both of these magnificent creatures belonging to me. We don’t fly straight to the house or portal. He takes me on a tour of the mountains and the beautiful countryside. I sit and look up to the stars and rubbing his neck, I feel the vibrations of his purrs throughout my whole body. ‘He REALLY likes you, I’ve never heard him purr before we found you.’

  Smiling, I lean over placing my lips against the scales, they are hot but it doesn't burn. It’s like when I place my lips on the side of a hot coffee cup while I inhale the dark aroma. The vibrating picks up, I can tell my dragon is pleased.

  The first rays of dawn and coloring the sky when we finally land at the house. We flew through the night going as far as the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland where he landed. Kai and I sat looking out at the sea for a while. Held me in his claws as he dove over the edge, screaming toward the bottom and the waves before opening his wings and gliding out over the water. I couldn’t help the shriek that exploded from my throat, or the laughter that followed. I’m not sure if dragons laugh but it certain sound a lot like it.

  Climbing into bed I mumble incoherently about just needing to close my eyes. The last thing I see is Kai’s naked ass as he walks to the bathroom. I’m so tempted to join him, which is why he did it, but I really gotta get some rest. Punching my pillow in frustration I close my eyes ignoring his chuckles from the other room.

  I wake and run my hand across the sheet feeling for Kai, they are cold. Raising my head I look around, I can see he has never come to bed. I pull on some pants and pad down the hall. He isn't in the front room or the kitchen.

  Someone has made a pot of coffee, thankful I pour a cup adding creamer until I get the perfect cafe au lait. Sipping, I continue my search. I find him in the garage. The boys have a gym set up and he is pounding the shit out of a heavy bag. I stand transfixed by the ripple of his muscles, the sweat sliding down his abs, disappearing into the waist of his sweats. I’m so lost it takes a moment for me to realize he’s stopped. I smile at him and he smiles back but it doesn’t reach his eyes. My heart stutters, narrowing my eyes I really look at him, not ogle and I see he has been hitting the bag so long his knuckles are bleeding. I cross to him, reaching for him, his chest is heaving.


  I’m trembling with rage, the boiling kind; she can see that I’m about to explode like Vesuvius. An eruption that could destroy us both. It’s not just rage but also fears. I had heard what that mother fucking bastard had said to her. Whether I want to admit it or not, it had shaken me.

  “You’re so angry, Kai. Please tell me what’s wrong, has something happened?”

  “The thing
s he said, the things that he did, the fact that I let it happen to you.” I couldn’t stop the tears in my eyes; I had failed her in so many ways. The pictures of him touching her played on a loop in my head today while she slept.


  “Look at me Kai, really look at me. I’m not broken, you told me that, you were right. He didn’t get what he wanted; he can’t unless we let him,” I put my hands on his face and look him in the eye.” I chose you; I chose to live, his words didn’t change that. I’m not stupid. I know what happened will always be a part of me, but you were right when you told me, you and I together are a bigger part of who I am.”


  My hand tightens in her hair, dragging her closer to me, rougher than I should but I can’t seem to help myself. I’m terrified I will lose her. This person I have completely opened my heart to. The only one since I lost my clan. She is my new clan, her and her alone. Taking her mouth savagely, I swallow her whole; she is mine, mine to protect, mine to love. I won’t lose her. I can’t.


  I let him consume me, realizing he doesn’t know how tight his grip is, or that he crashed into my mouth so hard, I can faintly taste blood. The mixture of pain and pleasure ignites my own raging fire. Slowly, the kisses deepen and gentles. His hand roams under my shirt, pulling my body even closer, molding them together. I feel his manhood pressing at the junction of my legs; I rub against him without any thought but our mutual pleasure.

  “Tell me now, Aislin. Tell me you want me, need me, like I need you.” his voice is thick with so many emotions.

  “I’m so afraid to fall for you.” Thinking of how I lost my momma, knowing I wouldn’t recover from losing him, already aware of the love I harbor for him, just unwilling to admit to it.


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