Back to Life

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Back to Life Page 5

by Mellie George

  “That you really are stunning,” he said, and I suddenly felt anxious. Oh no, I had been having a good time talking to Liam, and I had a feeling that he was about to hit on me. He must have saw the look of panic beginning to wash over me, and he said, “Relax, Rory, I’m not hitting on you. I just think you seem like a cool girl to hang out with. You know, like one of the guys.”

  “Gee, thanks. Dick,” I teased, instantly relaxing.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I know, and I feel the same way. This is the longest conversation I have had with a guy other than Brody or Brian in a very long time,” I said.

  “Brian?” Liam asked.

  “My GFF.”

  “GFF? Do I even want to know what that means?”

  I smiled, and answered, “Gay Friend Forever. His term, not mine,” I laughed. He laughed with me, and at that moment, Brody and Marissa joined us at the table. “Hey you two. You seem to be having fun out there.”

  Brody smiled and wrapped Marissa in a one armed hug. “Who knew this one could dance like that?” Brody said.

  “Oh, there’s a lot you don’t know about me, Brody,” she said, running her index finger along his torso. Just as she started to bite her bottom lip, I jumped off my chair and walked to her. Brody just stood there with his mouth hanging open, and Liam smiled at him.

  “Uh, I think maybe Marissa’s had a little too much to drink.”

  She giggled. “Oh, please! I didn’t have that much.” She started trying to count on her hands, and then she seemed to forget that she was counting and started to examine her hand.

  “Yeah, let’s get you to the bathroom. Guys, we’ll be right back,” I said. We passed Nick making out the brunette as I led Marissa off to the restroom in the back with Liam and Brody staring after us. As soon as we got inside, I grabbed several paper towels and wet them in the sink. When I turned to her, she was leaning on the sink, and I began to dampen her face. “Marissa, we need to get you home. I thought you were going try and rip Brody’s clothes off a minute ago.”

  “Rory, I love him so much. Why doesn’t he see that?” she said, her eyes starting to get glassy, and I knew she was about to cry.

  I put my hand to her cheek. “Oh, Marissa, believe me, I think he’s starting to get it. You just about threw yourself at him back there. Thank God I stopped you before you did something stupid.”

  “He wouldn’t have noticed anyway,” she cried.

  Still wiping her face, I mumbled to myself, “Believe me, he would have.”

  “Rory? I want to go home.”

  Throwing her arm around my shoulder, I said, “Okay, then let’s go. I’ll get Brody and we’ll get out of here.” I led her back out through the door, and when Brody and Liam saw us, they immediately came to where we were. Brody took Marissa’s arm and placed his protectively at the small of her back. “She’s completely trashed, we need to get her home.”

  “Okay, Rory, let me give you my Visa to pay for the drinks, and I’ll get her outside and get a cab,” Brody said.

  Liam waved his hand. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of this. Just get your friend home.”

  “You sure, man?”

  “Yeah, it’s cool.”

  Brody shook his hand, and said, “Hey thanks, I owe you one. You got my number, right? Me, you, and Nick should hang out this week sometime. Maybe hit up a sports bar or something.”

  For a brief moment, Liam’s eyes flickered to mine, and then back to Brody’s. “Yeah, definitely. It was great seeing you again, man.”

  “Yeah, you too.” Marissa shifted a little, and Brody said, “I’m going to get her outside. Rory, you coming?”

  “Yes, right behind you,” I said. As I was following behind them, Liam stopped me.

  “It was really nice meeting you Rory. Maybe we can all hang out together again sometime. Just as friends,” he said, putting his hands up.

  I smiled. “Yeah, that sounds cool. You got Brody’s number. Just have him let me know when.” Before I turned around to meet Brody and Marissa outside, I felt a hand glide across my ass and squeeze hard.

  “Your ass feels nice baby. I bet it would feel even better on my face,” someone growled in my ear. I turned around and came face to face with a guy that had more teeth missing than he had left. He reeked of gin and looked like he hadn’t showered in a week.

  Liam yelled something at the guy, but I couldn’t hear what it was over the music. I could tell he was about to knock the guy out, but before he could make a move I cocked my fist back and punched the drunk guy in the nose, the contact making a loud crunch against my hand…son of a bitch, that hurt! Blood spilled from the guy’s nose and he screamed, “You bitch!” He stumbled toward me and before he could try and make a move, I kneed him in the dick and he collapsed to the floor. I leaned over him and yelled, “Touch me again, mother fucker, and I’ll break both your legs. You got it?” I stood back up just as Nick came rushing over. I glanced at Liam for a split second and he had a sexy smile on his face. He looked impressed.

  “Dude, what the fuck happened? You all right?” Nick asked me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, waving my aching hand around.

  “Fine? You missed it man. Rory just knocked this guy the fuck out,” Liam said, still smiling.

  Nick raised his eyebrows at me. “Really? That’s hot,” he said.

  “It totally was,” Liam answered.

  I rolled my eyes. “Liam, I can take care of myself. This kind of shit happens to me and Marissa all the time when we go out.” I then remembered that Brody was outside waiting for me to take a very drunk Marissa back home. “Listen, this was fun and all, but I’ve got to go. Brody’s waiting on me.”

  “All right, I’ll walk you out.”

  I rolled my eyes, and I swear I heard his breath catch in his throat. “Seriously, I’m fine.”

  “Come on, don’t take another swipe at my man card tonight. Let me at least walk you to your cab,” he said. He locked his eyes with mine, and I felt trapped in his ocean colored gaze.

  I felt a sensation that shot straight to my belly. I gasped lightly, but tried to cover by sighing. I said, “Okay, fine. Whatever.”

  As the bouncers came and helped the guy up, Nick hugged me around my shoulders. “Well, since you don’t need me, slugger, I’m going to go back to, you know, who I was doing,” he laughed.

  “Ugh, you’re a freak.”

  “That’s what she said,” Nick joked. “It was nice meeting you, Rory.”

  I hugged him back around his waist. “You too, Nick. Bye.” Liam went over to the bar, had them swipe his card, and then came back over to me, escorting me outside. Brody had a cab waiting for us already, and he had the door open and waiting for me. “Well, again, it was nice meeting you Liam. I’ll see you around,” I said, extending my hand.

  “Count on it. Good night, Rory,” he said, and before I could object, he took my hand and planted a soft kiss on it.

  All I could do was nod at him, because the feel of his lips on my hand just then made my blood race. I haven’t felt anything like that since Mason…and it scared the shit out of me. He shut the door to the cab and we started to pull away. I turned around and watched his tattooed muscular body get smaller and smaller in the distance. Oh boy was I in trouble.

  Chapter 4


  Rory’s skin was as smooth as I imagined it would be, even though I only just touched her shoulders. Her skin tasted as good as I thought it would, even though I only kissed her hand. She was like sweet sin in a pair of skin tight jeans. I can’t believe that this was the woman my mother had spent three years trying to get me hooked up with. What the hell was wrong with me? I could not have been more wrong about this one. She was absolutely perfect. I also couldn’t believe that her brother had been my roommate in college. Why the hell did I never meet her then? She never visited him on campus because I definitely would have remembered her.

  I ran my hand through my hair as I watche
d her cab shrink more and more in the distance. I already knew she’d be haunting my dreams tonight. Rory’s being alone had me rock hard and I knew I’d never get my jeans off without a cold shower. Putting my hands in my pockets, I was looking for my keys to head back home and I found a slip of paper in my pocket. The receipt from Antonio’s with Maria’s number on it. I frowned at it for a moment. I knew this girl was into me and she’d be a good bed filler, but I couldn’t see past Rory. I just met this girl and she had already gotten into my head. I played with the paper in my hand for a moment before taking out my cell phone. I know this may be a dick move, but if I couldn’t have Rory tonight, I could at least be with someone else to fill the empty space in my bed. Who knows? Maybe this attraction I felt for her was a fluke that would go away by morning, and there was one sure way to find out. I dialed Maria’s number and waited for her to pick up. “Hello?” she answered.

  “Maria? It’s Liam.”

  “From the restaurant earlier. I remember,” she said, way too happily.

  “Listen, I was just at a club and was about to head out. Do you want to meet somewhere? Maybe get some coffee?”

  “Sure! That sounds great! Where do you want to meet?”

  “What about the little coffee shop near Antonio’s?”

  “That’s perfect! I can be there in ten minutes.”

  “All right, sounds good. I’ll see you there,” I said, and hung up the phone. She sounded way too cheery for me on the phone. Hopefully she knew that this was going to be just a one night thing. I ran back inside the club and hastily told Nick I was heading out, but he was wrapped around that brunette chick and barely muttered a goodbye. I went and got into my car and began the drive to the coffee shop. When I got there, she was already waiting, checking her makeup. I rolled my eyes. I hated when women wore too much makeup. I parked and got out to meet up with her. She grinned brightly when I walked up, and we went into the coffee shop together.

  An hour later, we were back at my apartment, and I currently had her pressed up against my bedroom wall, kissing her neck. My shirt and most of her clothes were in a pile on the floor, and she was taking off my belt. Once she got it off, I felt her hand slide into my jeans and grab my hard on. Suddenly, Rory’s face flashed into my mind. Her golden chestnut eyes, her full pouty mouth with the snake bites on her bottom lip that I had noticed while talking to her sported a tongue ring, her long eyelashes that fluttered against her cheeks when she blinked. I imagined her up against the wall, nestled between her legs and making her moan. I opened my eyes and saw Maria’s face, and suddenly I went soft. It was like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water right on my dick.

  “Liam, what’s wrong?” Maria breathed, confused.

  I set her down and backed away, holding her at arm’s length. “I’m sorry, Maria, I can’t do this.”

  She looked at me angrily. “Why the hell not? Is there someone else?”

  I sat on the edge of my bed, panting. “Something like that.”

  Appalled, she picked up her clothes and shoes. “I don’t know who you think I am, but one thing I’m not is a cheater. I don’t sleep with other girl’s guys, period. This was a big mistake that won’t happen again,” she said, and walked into my bathroom in a huff. I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. After a few moments of clanging around, I heard her emerge from the bathroom and with a few curse words that would make a sailor proud, she walked out and slammed the door. I punched the side of the bed with my fists, and then stood up to take another shower. I had to get the smell of Maria’s cheap girly perfume off of me. After I was all clean, I laid in bed and fell into a restless sleep with images of a sweaty, naked Rory Shaw in my mind all night. Getting this girl off the brain was going to be harder than I thought it would be. If I couldn’t forget her, then I would just have to pursue her. She kind of had “back the fuck off” thing about her, and I was determined to find out why.

  It had been almost three weeks since the night I met her, and I had been a total dick to everyone. Even Nick was getting sick of me. He said that even though Rory was beyond cool and he thought we’d make a good couple, if I wasn’t going to go for it I just needed to find some random woman and get laid and that would be it. How wrong he was. I tried to do that, and failed miserably. I tried three more times to bring a girl home, and every time I almost had her naked, Rory’s face would pop into my mind and I’d go soft again. The only time I could get it up was if I was thinking about her. I even tried picturing her face on those women, but it wasn’t enough. This girl was killing me. It was never going to work with anyone because none of them were her. Is it possible to die of blue balls?

  I was just going to have to see her again. Brody and I had tried to meet up in a group and hang out a few times, but it was either interrupted by a hospital emergency or I’d get called into investigate a homicide, which in New York City was often. Finally, we both were off duty and we’d planned to meet up at a pretty cool underground music club called The Rock Steady. Nick had a date and couldn’t make it, which I had to admit I was grateful for. He was my friend, and I loved the guy, but I was hoping to see Rory without him there making his lame ass jokes.

  This club always had a killer band playing, and the back room had a pool table and darts for the ones that came to drink and have fun, not just for the music. Brody told me Rory had been in a funk lately, but that he was bringing Marissa with him and that he would try to see if she could convince Rory to come.

  I walked in the doors of the music hall and looked around for Brody. After a few minutes, I saw him by the bar with some blonde attached to him. He was trying to give her the brush off, but this one was having none of it. I walked over to him and decided to have a little fun. “Hey man,” I said and clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Oh hey,” he said.

  “So, did you get the all clear at the doctor about your Chlamydia test? You must have if you’re out celebrating, right?” I said, smiling at the blonde girl.

  He gave me a shitty look, and the blonde looked horrified. “Dude, what the hell?” he said.

  “Excuse me, I think I’m going to go meet my friends. It was nice meeting you,” the girl said, and hurried away.

  I busted out laughing. “What the fuck? Why did you do that?” he asked.

  “Just helping you out, bro. She looked a little like a predator.”

  “Well, that may be, but still. Not cool,” he said, and was starting to thaw.

  “I was just helping. I wouldn’t want to upset your girlfriend,” I said, now noticing that Marissa was sitting at a table by herself, bopping along to the music, and no Rory in sight. Damn it.

  “Who, Marissa? She’s not my girlfriend, just a friend.”

  “Didn’t look that way that night at Shadow. She looked like she wanted to rip your clothes off and do you right in the club.”

  He looked pleasantly surprised. “What? No, she was just drunk and hitting on the first guy she’d seen. She doesn’t feel that way about me, trust me. She’s just shy.”

  “Well, that must be it. If she didn’t have beer goggles on, she would have hit on me because I am way hotter than you,” I joked.

  “Well, even if she didn’t she wouldn’t have noticed you anyway because you were eye-fucking my sister the whole time,” he said, smiling.

  I grinned and ran my hand through my hair. “So where is the sister tonight anyway? Did she decide to sit this one out?”

  He smirked at me. “Got it bad, huh?”

  Boy you don’t know the half of it. “No, I was just wondering. She seems cool.”

  “Uh huh. She just went to the bathroom, she’ll be back in a minute,” he said, motioning me to his table. Yes…she was here. When we got there, Marissa saw me and looked pleasantly surprised. “You remember Marissa, right?”

  “Of course I do, nice to see you again,” I said, shaking her hand.

  “You too. Oh hey, sorry about my behavior at the club a few weeks back. That’s not at all how I act in pu
blic, I promise. Hopefully I didn’t do or say anything stupid,” she said, blushing. She clearly didn’t remember any of the important details, which was probably a good thing for her. I remember Rory telling me she had a thing for Brody.

  “Oh, don’t worry about it. You didn’t do anything. You were just a little tipsy and Brody got you home safely,” I said, grinning at him. I don’t know why he didn’t just go for it. Marissa was a total knock out and she was definitely into him.

  “Yeah, he’s a good guy,” she said, and patted him on the hand. I noticed him tense a little, but he smiled at her.

  At that moment, I felt all the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up. I turned to see, and my eyes fell on Rory walking to the table looking like pure sex on two long legs. She had her beautiful dark red waves down around her bare shoulders but had it parted to the side and braided into a loose braid around her forehead. She was wearing a black halter top with a skull and crossbones on it that stopped just slightly above her belly button (which was pierced as well), and a pair of skin tight jeans that rested just at her hips. This time, instead of heels, she had her jeans tucked into a pair of calf high leather boots. She was mesmerizing. I turned my face away to hide the drool I felt was about to start pouring from my mouth. When I turned back, there was genuine surprise on her face. “Liam? Hey,” she said, looking at Marissa. “What are you doing here?”

  “Liam and I both had the night off, so I invited him out,” Brody said.

  She glared at Brody and then Marissa before she held her hand out to me. “Cool. It’s nice to see you again, Liam,” she said tersely.

  I took her hand in mine, and shivers ran up my arm and straight though me. She had goose bumps on her arms. “You too, Rory.” She took a seat next to me and immediately grabbed a shot glass. Pouring herself a shot of Tequila, she slammed it back quickly and blew air out through her lips, and then poured another one. This girl could drink with the best of them, that’s for sure. “Rory, you might want to slow down,” Brody said.


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