Nascent (The Stork Tower Book 1)

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Nascent (The Stork Tower Book 1) Page 11

by Tony Corden

  She needed a break before another fight. She had used most of the Mana from her rings, and they needed time to recharge. She grabbed some bread from her bag and chewed while she walked back to the centre of the field.

  “So Queen,” she said, “do you want to modify the deal? I’ll let you live if you’ll hand everything over.”

  “Arrogant fly. I’ll add to the deal if you beat the next challenge with all your health. What do you say? If not, then you forgo looking for anything in the cavern. Deal?”

  “What will you add?”

  “A weapon of your choice from my treasure. My daughter will bring three of the best pieces, and you can choose one. Deal?”

  Unique Boss Quest: Battle the Queen - Side Bet

  You have bet with Orumeck’s Queen that you will finish the next battle with full health?

  Difficulty: Very Hard

  If successful your reward: You will receive a weapon of your choice from the Queen’s treasure. Her daughter will bring three of the best pieces, and you can choose one.

  Consequences of failure: You will not be able to plunder the cavern for treasure.

  Do you wish to accept this bet?

  [Yes] [No]


  Thirty-six Trapdoor Drones crawled slowly down onto the field. A quick look confirmed they were all several levels over the previous Trapdoor Drones she had faced. There was nowhere to run, so she grabbed the two spears with blades and raced toward the spiders. Slashing and running, she attacked furiously. Soon she had her back to the wall; this was what she had intended. She had several needle wounds and a deep cut on one leg. But she had always been good with the fighting sticks, and her speed and agility kept the spiders at arm's length. Slowly she whittled them away until the spider bodies surrounded her. There were a couple still wriggling when she stopped. She had levelled up toward the end of the fight, but she pulled all the needles out then ate some bread and healed herself before killing the final Trapdoor Spider. She had left it with only a couple of legs but unable to move. She pushed her way out of the pile and wandered into the centre of the ring.

  “I’d like to make my choice now Queen. Have your daughter bring the best three weapons.” The whole amphitheatre exploded with noise as the spiders chittered and moved.

  “Oh no, fly, you were damaged during the battle.”

  “Yes, but we agreed that I would ‘end’ the battle in full health. Your last drone was not ‘killed’ until I had full health. Now, unless your word means nothing, please bring the weapons.”

  The Queen was visibly angry, her limbs shook, and venom dripped from her fangs. Finally, she went still and said, “Well played fly!” She waved one of her legs, and a Warrior Drone scuttled from the Cavern.

  “My daughter will be informed. I’m sure she will come to see the mighty fly. Should we make another bet, fly? This time with no tricks, you can’t lose any health.”

  Leah thought for a bit. “Not this time Queen, maybe another bet when it’s just you and me. I’ll think of something by then.”

  A smaller version of the queen entered carrying three weapons. She descended into the amphitheatre and lay them before Leah, then took a step backwards. There was a bow with quiver, a staff and a straight thin bladed sword.

  The Long Bow of Guzeltuya

  This bow is of ancient times and belonged to the Elven land’s most loved daughter, Princess Guzeltuya. The Mage Orumeck was said to have seduced Guzeltuya from her betrothed. Together they fled, and while Orumech was later brought before the High King to pay for his deeds, Guzeltuya was never seen again. This bow disappeared with her. The quiver is enchanted, any arrows pulled from it will return, if they are undamaged.

  Minimum: Level 100 (A80, S43)

  Arrow return: 2 Arrows/minute

  Base Damage: 650HP

  Binds on pickup


  A named staff. This staff was companion to Bazlari, founder and First Mage of Sihirbazlari. It was said that so much Mana infused this staff that it would sometimes talk with its bearer, and at times fight on their behalf.




  Binds on pickup

  The Signet Sword of Clan Karanliklar

  The Horse Lords control the clans, and the clans control the plains of Ovalar. Each Horse Lord is bequeathed a signet weapon, a symbol of their power. Clan Karanliklar, once the richest clan is bereft of power for its weapon was lost at war when its Lord fell in battle. Taken in spoil, the sword was lost to the clan.

  Minimum: Level 50 (A47)

  Base Damage: 350HP

  Binds on pickup

  Leah wasn’t clear on what the question marks meant, but the staff was the only weapon she could currently use. It was about three centimetres in diameter, so a bit thicker than she liked, and made of dark wood with a faint silvery grain. On one end was a dark metallic Morningstar, the spikes short but sharp. On the other end, a plain metal cap to use when needing a walking stick. She picked it up.

  As the Junior Queen collected the bow and rapier, Leah put the staff in her bag, turned to the Queen and said, “Don’t put them away, you may need a stake for a further wager after this battle.”

  Without replying, the Queen gestured, and the junior queen settled at the Queen’s side. She bobbed her head, and two WebSpinner Drones crawled into the arena. Leah ran toward the closest. As she got near, it raised its body to attack, Leah used her forward movement to fling the spear directly at the mouth. Her aim was spot-on, and the momentum drove the spear deep into its abdomen. She pulled a knife and slashed at the legs. Using the dying spider as a barrier between her and the undamaged drone Leah kept slicing and stabbing until it was dead. Aiming her ring at the remaining spider, she shot it with several mana spikes. As it reared back, she dove forward under the spider and stabbed several times upwards before rolling out the other side. It was then a matter of minutes to finish it off.

  As she walked back to the middle, she took the scorpion venom and dripped some more on each of her blades. She took a long drink then said, ‘So, Queen, tell me who’s next, and I’ll think about that bet.”

  The Queen signalled, and one of the Warrior Drones climbed into the arena.

  “Ok, I’ll make a bet. Both those other weapons if I end this fight having taken no damage. If I'm hurt, then I won’t plunder the cavern after killing you. What do you say?”

  “Fly, I might consider one weapon, but not both.”

  “Maybe, but what will you wager for both?”

  The queen was silent and thoughtful. Leah didn’t mind; she needed the time to recuperate. She had something to eat and watched the various bars slowly fill. Finally, the queen stirred.

  “Fly, I'll make the wager with one and gift you the other. The wager is as you said, but the gift comes with a price. I know that Travellers, such as you, are reborn should you die. My price is that you take the death crystal formed of my heart’s blood to the Elven realm of Göksel-Orman should I perish. Orumeck created my ancestors by using the blood he drained from Guzeltuya’s body after he killed her. I have no lingering memory of hers, but there is some yearning to return. Do we have deal? The Sword for the wager, and the Bow for the price.”

  Unique Boss Quest: Battle the Queen - Side Bet 2

  Part 1

  You have bet with Orumeck’s Queen that you will finish the next battle without damage?

  Difficulty: Extremely Hard

  If successful your reward: You will receive the Signet Sword of Clan Karanliklar from the Queen’s treasure.

  Consequences of failure: You will not be able to plunder the cavern for treasure.

  Part 2

  Also, if you defeat Orumeck’s Queen you will receive the Long Bow of Guzeltuya, and in return, you will take the death crystal formed of her heart’s blood to the Elven realm of Göksel-Orman and lay it to rest there.

  Do you wish to accept this bet?

  [Yes] [No]


sp; “Let the battle begin!”

  Leah checked all her equipment and turned to face the Warrior. She hoped this worked. The Warrior hurried forward, when it was still about five meters away, Leah reached behind her neck and flicked a knife forward. The poisoned knife flew straight and impaled one of the eyes. The spider reared back in pain and Leah aimed for one of the six legs with the Webspinner Ring. Holding it down the rope shot forward and adhered to one of the spider’s feet. Leah pulled hard and started running in a circle around the spider. The Warrior began lifting the leg but as it did Leah pulled harder, and the spider stumbled. She kept pulling and used the rope to trip the spider. As it fell to the ground, she quickly slashed the back legs, severing them. As it thrashed around, she systematically severed the other legs then stabbed it until it died.

  She turned and once again walked to the middle. The junior queen brought forward the Sword and laid it on the ground. Leah put the sword in her bag, and said, “Your majesty may I collect my prizes from your dead warriors. If you kill me, I will miss the opportunity, and I have already earned them.”

  “Be quick, fly. I grow impatient to feed.”

  Leah quickly harvested the dead spiders, and as she did so, she said, “Gèng, I've got ten characteristic points not yet distributed, add two to Strength, and four to both Constitution and Agility. The extra skill points add to Ki Attack.”

  She glanced up to see the queen crawling into the arena. Leah grabbed the staff and a Warrior Scythes that she had harvested and ran straight at the queen. Leah got there just as the queens two forelegs touched the ground. Swinging the staff, she slammed the Morningstar down onto the head of the queen. The queen almost got her Sword up in time, and the Morningstar ran down the right side of the head instead of landing square. Several of the queen’s eyes popped. The Sword missed Leah, but an arm battered her and sent her flying. Leah’s health bar was already under half. She came to her feet and cast Heal. She had dropped the staff, and the queen was coming straight at her. Leaving the staff, she ducked under the Queen's swinging claw and ran along the Queen’s right side where the Queen couldn't see her. Using the Scythe, she slashed at the legs as she ran past. The Queen had to turn around to chase Leah.

  Leah had disappeared. The Queen trampled over the ground looking for Leah. As the queen turned to see if Leah was on the opposite side, Leah, who had been standing frozen against the wall after triggering the Trapdoor ring, raced forward and jumped as high as she could before plunging the scythe into the top of the Queen's abdomen. She allowed gravity to pull her back to earth while holding onto the scythe with all her might. It ripped open the abdomen with a huge gash. As Leah landed, she rolled right and ran to the staff. Holding the capped end, she swung in a full circle before slamming the Morningstar into one of the Queen’s leg joints. The staff jarred loose from Leah’s hands, but the joint cracked and the Queen stumbled. Leah grabbed the staff and ran along the Queen's right side again. This time she kept running in a circle, staying behind the queen who was starting to slow down. Leah timed the next swing flawlessly and broke the Queen's sword arm. It was then a matter of attrition with Leah slowly tearing the Queen apart, joint by joint until she died.

  Leah looked up at the stands; the spiders were just standing there, without moving. The Junior Queen looked down and rasped. “I am now the Queen, and I honour my mother’s bargains. We will leave. You may plunder this cavern but stay away from our nest. Keep your bargain and carry her death crystal to the Elven realm. Behind me is the tunnel from this cavern. When you leave, take the right branch, and you will find your way out. Turn left, and you will die. ”

  The new Queen motioned, and the spiders filed out. Leah took several deep breaths and then walked over to the dead Queen. Laying her hand on the Queen's body, Leah harvested the spoils.

  You have harvested:

  1 Orumeck’s Spider Amulet

  1 Death Crystal formed by the Heart Blood of Orumeck’s Spider Queen*

  2 Vials of Orumeck’s Spider Queen Venom

  2 Orumeck’s Spider Queen Fangs**

  4 Orumeck’s Spider Queen Serrated Spikes**

  1 Orumeck’s Spider Queen Serrated Sword**

  1 Orumeck’s Spider Queen Claw**

  * Regarding the item, you have an obligation

  ** Note: A skilled Smith may be able to use these items.

  Leah searched the amphitheatre but uncovered no treasure. Using the Trapdoor ring, she climbed the wall and searched the tiers. She had not expected anything in the tiers, but the queen had seemed reluctant for her to raid the cavern, so she wanted to search everywhere. Finally, she came to the Queen’s platform.

  She found the treasure. Next to the abandoned bow and quiver was a cavity and inside was a small chest. She pulled the chest out and opened it. Inside was a platinum coin, a pair of silver earrings, two scrolls and a large silver key. She took the key, closed the chest and dropped it into her bag.

  “Gèng, I’ll look at all the messages later. Just show me the one about the key. I want to see if there is something else I should look for.”

  The Key to Orumeck’s Keep (1/5)

  Orumeck lived in many places during his long life. His favourite was known as Orumeck’s Keep. This is a key to open the door which has been closed for over four centuries. Orumeck left one of the keys with his Spider Queen for safe keeping. His choice was because in some small way he loved the murdered Princess.

  Note: This is one of only five keys to the keep. None of the others has yet been found. Orumeck’s Keep is steeped in legend. People will kill for this key.

  Leah looked long and hard at the key, dropped it into her bag and headed into the tunnel.

  The tunnel was straight as an arrow. Previously the cave system had seemed natural; this was no longer true. The walls marked by countless spiders throughout the centuries, yet there was a uniformity, a smoothness to the tunnel that seemed artificial more than natural. No lichen lived on the walls, and it became almost too dark for even Leah’s night vision to see far. Removing the torch she had made earlier, she lit it. The darkness was pushed back, and with it, there was a scurrying as several spiders moved back out of its light. Holding the torch in one hand and the staff in the other Leah pressed on. The torch would only last a few minutes, and she needed to get as far along as she could. Despite the new Queen’s assurances, Leah was still careful to keep a watchful eye ahead. After several minutes the light from the torch spilt out into a wide corridor running left and right. She briefly turned left, only to see the glitter of light reflecting off the spikes and scythes of several Warrior Drones.

  Leah turned right, and although she was hesitant to leave the spiders at her back, she knew there was very little, if anything, she could do to prevent them killing her if they wanted to. She pitied the Traveller who turned left. The corridor began to slope upwards and became smaller until it was twice as broad as Leah and the ceiling was only a foot above her head. The torch flickered and died, leaving Leah to inch her way slowly in the semi-darkness. Several hundred metres later the lichen re-appeared. Leah imagined that Orumeck followed the natural curves of the cave system where possible, but when they petered out, he carved a tunnel where he wanted to go. With the lichen's reappearance, Leah made better time. Less than a kilometre later, Leah reached a stairway heading upwards. The stairway had been cut into a natural crevice in the rock: the steps were uneven and covered in lichen as if the spiders rarely if ever went past this point. Leah began to climb. The stairway twisted and turned, occasionally there was a landing, or a tunnel, which connected it to the bottom of another stairway. Sometimes there was a downward section of stairs or pathway, but it predominantly went up. Leah stopped every once in a while to have a drink. She expected her calves and thighs to begin aching, but Gèng assured her that her HP was continually renewed and she would feel no pain in the virtual world. Even so, she paced herself and didn’t allow any of her statistics to get low.

  A sound gradually intruded into the silence. It
was the noise of water spilling over rock, maybe a waterfall, she wasn’t sure, but it was getting louder. Turning a corner, she saw a beautiful alcove. A series of tiny waterfalls trickled down the rock into a glowing pool. The pool was three meters in diameter and perfectly round. Opposite the waterfall, the pond emptied into a hole in the wall where it continued its flow into some subterranean creek or river. The pond must have been carved by Orumeck, although nothing she had seen of his matched this beauty. Into the wall overlooking the pool was cut a love seat, now overgrown with moss. Remains of a small wooden bridge still arched over the pond, and tiny fish swam lazily in the water. The path continued on the other side of the bridge.

  Leah very carefully walked over and studied the bridge. There was no way it would hold her. Moss, over time, had covered the bridge and the wood was now so fragile that as she touched it, it broke beneath her fingers. She reached down to test the water. As she put her hand in it, one of the small fish darted forward and latched itself on her finger. She yanked back her finger, and her health began to drop. Not by much, but it only stopped when she cut the fish off and healed her finger. A few drops of her blood had fallen in the pool, and there was a frenzy as the tiny fish converged on the small red stain.

  “You have received 5 EP for killing the fish” Gèng informed her.


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