Nascent (The Stork Tower Book 1)

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Nascent (The Stork Tower Book 1) Page 15

by Tony Corden

  Gèng informed Leah that she had also received 1045 EP and a change in reputation with Goll and Elmas to trusted. Leah assured him she would, and they left Goll’s house and headed back to Falsi’s home. When they arrived, Leah went to the kitchen and made them both a cup of tea before sitting down to chat.

  “So, girl, where are you going now?”

  “Well, Auntie, I have an obligation in the Demir Dovuyor Mountains, so I plan to make my way there first. After that, the only other place I must visit is the Elven realm of Göksel-Orman. I have things to do in my land, but will probably head later today toward Carson’s Loop. I am not sure when exactly as I’ve upset some Travellers in town and they might try to kill me.”

  “Dwarves, elves and enemies! You have a powerful fate, this I can tell. Now, I have a gift for you.”

  “There is no need, Auntie; I have more than enough for the moment.”

  “Nonsense, you have a long way to travel and need all the help you can find. Now, I was going to give you with some potions, but I have a better idea.” At this, Falsi rose from her chair and made her way to the old table which held her books. She took the large book with all her notes on plants and potions and handed it to Leah.

  “I’ve waited many a year to find an apprentice worthy of all that knowledge. I’m old and not sure what is coming, and I don’t think I could train anyone anymore anyway. Please use this in your travels and add to it, if you grow in your potion making skills you might one day be able to make and use everything in there.”

  Gèng said, “Before you answer, read this.”

  For completing the Personal Quest: Heal the Sick

  Reward 1. Your reputation with Falsi has grown to Deep Trust

  Reward 2. Completion of task 5 x Iblis’ Clover (5 x 209EP)

  Reward 3. Completion of task 5 x Iblis’ Death (5 x 209EP)

  Reward 4. Falsi has gifted you with her Diary of Herbs and Potions

  This compilation is unrivalled outside of the Elven Realm and is a collection of plants and their uses as well as remedies and potions. It includes not only her own experiences but that of her mentor Harika. Harika was known not only in the human lands but was also known and respected by both Dwarves and Elves. Harika studied under the legendary Elven Sage, Samarie.

  “Auntie, I can’t take this, it is priceless.”

  “Of course you can, now, off you go. Do drop in some time and tell me of your travels.”

  Leah bowed and thanked Falsi for the amazing gift and then made her way toward the Inn for a meeting with Wisp. The Inn was crowded with people who came to the town in search of Orumeck’s Cavern. There were warriors and mages everywhere. Looking around, Leah couldn’t see Wisp, and seeing no free tables, she decided to wait outside. As she turned to leave, a loud voice carried over the general din.

  “You! Atherleah! Bitch! You’re mine. Give me back my stuff, and I’ll kill you quickly.”

  Atherleah turned around. Sure enough, it was Kasim, dressed in some old armour. The whole room had gone quiet. Atherleah looked Kasim up and down, then smiled and turned to leave. She saw no reason to do or say anything when everyone was watching. The Switch had taught her that silence was sometimes the best answer in such circumstances. The other answer was to give as good as you got and then give more. She turned to find an enormous light green half-orc standing behind her; he was heavily muscled with two long yellowed teeth jutting from his lower jaw and pressing against his upper lips. His hair was long and dark and tied in a ponytail. He was carrying a sword as least as long as Leah. She thought him rather good-looking, except for the sneer as he looked down at her.

  “You heard Kasim, half-breed Bitch!”

  It was push-back time. She looked him up and down and said, “Half-breed! … That’s cute coming from someone whose momma musta gotten down and dirty with whatever it is your papa was.”

  Although she saw the sword coming, she steeled herself and completely ignored it. It swiped through her and crashed into the floor sending up a shower of sparks. The game wouldn’t allow preemptive kill strokes in town, but it did allow duels and lethal retaliation, if and when, you were attacked. As long as Leah ignored the orc, she was untouchable. If she retaliated, then it was an accepted duel, and the fight was on. The lack of resistance to the sword put Jason off balance and Leah took the opportunity to grab the front of his armour and pull him to the floor, she turned him as they fell and ended up on top of him. A spike through each eye and a knife in the ear and it was all over. She stood, then wiped the knife theatrically on her trouser leg before sliding it back into her belt.

  She looked around the suddenly quiet room. Picking up the money bag Jason had dropped she said, “A round of drinks on the half-breed bitch!” she paused, then said, “And I don’t mean me!”

  The room dissolved into laughter except for Kasim and his two friends who were standing near him. She picked up everything Jason had dropped and with the sword balanced on her shoulder made her way to the barkeep to pay up. Kasim, Shiva and Bullseye started toward her, but slowed as the room went silent, everyone slowly stood, staring at them, and unsheathing their weapons. A huge barbarian spoke into the silence, “I reckon you three best move along. Your friend got what he deserved.”

  The three changed direction and headed for the door, as they left Kasim called back over his shoulder, “You’ll get yours, bitch!” Once again the whole room burst out laughing. The barbarian gestured for Leah to join him and his friends at his table. Leah smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. She motioned to the barkeep where she would be and headed over.

  “Name’s Thad, that’s Amy, James and Butthead,” the barbarian said as she sat down, indicating toward his table-mates, two humans and a dwarf.

  “It’s Bonehelm; I keep telling him, it’s Bonehelm. My name is Zack Bonehelm.”

  Leah ignored the byplay but acknowledged the three as she sat down, “Hello Thad, hey, thanks for the help there. I appreciate it. I’m Atherleah.”

  “No worries, those four have been acting like jerks ever since we arrived. I imagine you’re the one that put them in such a foul mood yesterday.”

  “Yep, they ambushed me up on the mountain. Well, to be honest, only Kasim ambushed me, but I took out some angst on the other two. They were hunting me and probably would’ve missed me, but I’m not fond of bullies.”

  “So did you have any luck on the mountain?” Although the question seemed casual, Leah could see them all sit a little straighter as they waited for her answer.

  She decided to have a little fun, “Sure did, a few Wildercat, some Scorpions and there were some rare plants to harvest. I raised my herbalist skills a couple of times during the day. How about you all?”

  They all slumped back, then Thad said, “Well we got in late yesterday and haven’t been out yet. We’re here for Orumeck’s Cavern. No one we’ve talked to has had any luck yet finding it; there’s nothing on the forums. We are heading out soon. We’re going to try the forest first. Would you like to come?”

  She paused as if thinking hard and then said, “That’d be great, I haven’t been to the forest yet! … But I thought you were after Orumeck’s Cavern? That’s nowhere near the forest!”

  They all stared at her. She stared back and then suddenly began chuckling. Before she could say anything, Wisp arrived downstairs and seeing Leah, made her way over to the table.

  “Good morning Atherleah, sorry I’m late. May I join you guys?”

  They all shifted around to make room for Wisp who said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stop your conversation, why are you all staring at Atherleah like that?”

  Leah spoke first, “We were just chatting about Orumeck’s Cavern, these guys are planning on hunting for it this morning. They’re headed into the forest. I was just saying that it was probably a better thing to head elsewhere.”

  Wisp looked at the others who were still staring at Leah and then said, “Yep, the forest is definitely the wrong way. It’s nowhere near the Cavern. But Atherl
eah, you have to let people do things their way. I don’t think you should force anyone to do something your way. It’s not polite.”

  “You know what Wisp, you’re right. You guys, you try the forest. I hope it works for you.”

  The table was silent for a moment, and then both Wisp and Leah burst out laughing. “You know, maybe that Orc was right, you might be a bitch,” Amy said joining in the laughter.

  Wisp stopped laughing and looked around, “What, where is he? I saw the others leave from my window, is he here?”

  James piped up, “He was, but Atherleah here, convinced him to leave. But not before he bought free drinks for everyone.”

  Wisp stared at Leah, “You killed him too.”

  Leah just smiled while James told the story. Wisp then told of her experiences of the day before. As Annairë finished the story, Leah said, “Ok, I know where the Cavern is. If you walk with us until we’re a few kilometres down the road, just in case of Kasim and friends are there, then I’ll tell you where it is and some of what to expect. Deal?”

  The four friends looked at each other and smiled broadly, “Deal!” said Thad. “Although why you need us, I don’t know. What level are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I’m Level Eleven.”

  “How does a Level Eleven take down a Level Thirty?” Zack asked.

  “Brain and heart!” Leah said, “As far as I can tell if your attack is direct to brain or heart then it is considered critical. So far everyone I’ve killed has been right next to me, so 'Brain and Heart'. I don’t use the preset game moves, but use skills I needed growing up. I think that gives better results. Are you guys ready to go? I have to stop at the general store so can you give, say, ten minutes?”

  Everyone stared at Leah and nodded. She shrugged, then turned and made her way out of the inn. She missed the way they all looked at each other behind her back.

  Leah headed to Golliher’s to get some food and another waterproof cloth for the journey. She also asked for a length of rope and a small hand axe; just in case she wanted to make more fighting sticks. Golliher waved away any thought of payment.

  As Leah was leaving the store, Goll said, “Atherleah, Mizmiz was here earlier looking for you. He asked that you drop in and see him before you left.”

  “I don’t think so; he’s such a grumpy, mean old man.”

  “Actually, um, he has this thing for Farnel. He’s been very concerned for her. He was so upset when he came yesterday, and we told him what you were doing for her. Please give him a chance. He just wants to apologise.”

  Leah packed everything into her bag and again went to see Mizmiz the Blacksmith. This time as she walked into the forge, he put down his hammer and walked over to her.

  “Lass, I’d like to apologise fer the other day. I was out of line with me words. I was upset fer Farnel and shouldn’t have taken it out on you. Will you forgive me at all?”

  “I will,” said Leah “I understand you were worried. No harm done.”

  As she turned to leave, he called, “Now wait up lass. A dwarf don’t like to be beholden to anybody. At least let me give you some help with yer armouring needs before ya leave.”

  “That’s all right. I think I have everything I need for the moment. I was going to get a staff but as you can see I have this one now.” She said, showing him Merdiven.

  Mizmiz came closer and studied the staff, his eyes went wide, and he exclaimed, “Do you know what you have there lass, that’s Merdiven. There’s probably not a more famous staff in all the land. Some’ll be stronger but few as famous.”

  She nodded, and he asked, "Now, are you sure there is nothing I can help you with?”

  “Well, I need a bow, but I don’t think you would have those. I’ve got enough knives for now. I don’t know how to use a sword, so that’ll wait. Oh, I need to get to the Demir Dovuyor Mountains, do you have any advice?”

  “Aye lass, if you're headed there, I’d take a boar spear. The boars in those mountains are mighty fierce. I don’t have any ready-made, but if you wait a day, I’d be pleased to prepare one for you.”

  “Thanks, anyway Mizmiz, I need to get going. You owe me nothing. Please, think no more about it.”

  Suddenly Mizmiz turned and headed into his shop. “Wait here lass, wait here, I’ve just the thing for you.”

  When Mizmiz returned, he handed Leah a strange piece of jewellery. “Now lass, you can’t use this as it’s a beard clasp and you’d look mighty strange with a beard. But hand that to Ehil, he’s the Master Smith in the Keep of Demir Dovuyor. He’s also my cousin. You give him this, and he’ll help you. You may need to pay, but you’ll get a good price.”

  Leah thanked Mizmiz and made her way into the street only to find Wisp and the others waiting. They headed across the bridge and along the road toward the forest. They chatted as they walked and Leah discovered the four friends had met while playing ‘Cosmos Online’, a game set in space. After several years they’d decided a few months previously to move to Dunyanin. They were all in their late teens to mid-twenties and had gone ‘hardcore’ as they called it and signed up for the Wood entry level. Already they were above Level 30 and enjoying the experience. Normally they wouldn’t be so close to a starter area but were near Carson’s loop after completing a long serial quest and decided to look for the Cavern.

  Leah explained how she had just started the previous day and seemed to ‘luck’ onto the Cavern. She explained where to find the Cavern and described the different spiders they would encounter. Entering the forest, James, who played a Mage, cast a shield buff on both Leah and Wisp. It was just as well he had for a few minutes later an arrow came out of the forest and deflected off Leah’s shield. Amy, a ranger, disappeared while both Zack and Thad ran into the bushes. Leah and Wisp moved off the road and behind a tree.

  James wandered over to talk with them. “It’ll be ok. Thad and Zack’ll get them; I wouldn’t worry.”

  Suddenly Shiva and Kasim stepped out from the other side of the road, and Kasim said, “I’m sure they’ll get Bullseye but us, we’ll get you.”

  James threw a fireball at Kasim which Shiva blocked, James’ follow-up fireball landed on Kasim who turned toward James. Kasim didn’t flinch as the fireball hit he just shrugged and kept coming. Shiva began to cast something at Leah when she went still and collapsed on the ground. Amy appeared behind her and smiled saying, “Head and heart! Works like a charm.”

  Leah aimed the Webspinner ring at Kasim’s legs, tripping him, James brought his common staff down on the back of Kasim’s head. Kasim stirred, and James looked at Leah who shrugged and brought the Morningstar down on Kasim’s head, Kasim became opaque.

  “Ah, …” James said, “I need to get one of those.”

  Amy came over and said, “She had hardly anything, you must have emptied them out yesterday.”

  Fairly soon, Thad and Zack returned. They were both smiling. Thad had been shot in the left arm, but the damage was mild. Leah quickly stepped forward and laid a hand on the wound to heal him. She failed to notice the small grin on his face and the similar grins the others had. Leah and Wisp decided they probably didn’t need the four friends anymore and they said their farewells. Amy said that they would probably be heading to Carson’s Loop in a few days, and if Wisp and Leah were still there, it would be good to catch up. After exchanging contact information, the two parties split-up.

  Leah and Wisp had been walking for about forty minutes when a deer darted across the trail followed by several wolves hot on its trail. The last wolf saw them and stopped; it began to walk slowly toward them growling.

  Red Wolf (Level 12) 1300HP 1100EP

  Leah stepped forward and said quietly, “I’ll draw it toward me. If I can trap it or if it’s attacking me then you come in from the side.”

  As the wolf lunged, Leah moved to her right and fired the Webspinner ring at the wolf, the wolf stumbled, and she fired again, snaring it. She fired a mana spike at the wolf when Wisp, who had taken her swo
rd out, called out, “Thrust!” and poked the sword at the wolf.

  Again she said, “Thrust!” and made the same motion as before.

  Wisp followed this with, “Slash!” and attacked with a chopping motion.

  Leah kept the wolf immobile while Wisp slowly killed the wolf. In the end, Wisp received 979 EP and Leah 219 EP. Wisp was thrilled to get so much as she’d only been getting 88 EP from the Level 1 Rats, even with her plus-ten percent Bronze account. Leah let Wisp harvest everything from the Red Wolf, and then they began walking again.

  Finally, Leah said, “Wisp, what was that you were doing? Calling out ‘Slash’ and ‘Thrust’?”

  “That’s how the skill says to attack. You say the word and ‘move’ your hand in the direction you want to attack.”

  “Ok, I understand. Can I suggest you try and make the thrust and slash yourself? You slashed the wolf maybe ten times on its back when one cut to its jugular would have killed it. You kept stabbing its leg. If you had moved closer, you could have thrust into the heart.”

  Over the next few hours, they were attacked by two more wolves and a large Level 14 Stag. With both wolves, Leah trapped the animals while Wisp practised her swordplay. With the Stag, however, Leah killed it with a quick slash of the neck with her knife and then a mana spike into the brain. She couldn’t explain why but she thought the creature too beautiful to be killed slowly.

  The trail began to wind down the slope of a mountain, and the sun was reaching its highest point when they pulled off the trail for a small rest. Leah had never had much time for friends, and she was finding this a rather strange experience. During a lull in the conversation, Leah noticed the birds had fallen silent. She motioned to Wisp to move closer to the trees. Soon they heard what sounded like a man running through the trees and the sound of something huge chasing him. Suddenly a man burst out of the trees and started running down the road, as he ran past the girls he saw them and yelled, “Run, it’s a bloody bear.”


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