The Silver Crown

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The Silver Crown Page 18

by William Bridges

  "The pack will join the Abyss. The pack will welcome the Abyss. Become empty to it. One with it. Nothing with it. Legions… attack!"

  A howling erupted all around them and shapes appeared before and behind: large Crinos Garou. Albrecht didn't hesitate, but immediately tore into the three attackers before him with his klaive. Surprised at the ferocity and speed of his attack, two of the Garou whimpered and disappeared, their blood trailing into the walls. The last remaining enemy swept his claws out and scraped them against Albrecht's chest. They barely broke the skin, and Albrecht lunged forward with his snout, clamping his teeth into his foe's neck. Blood sprayed across the passageway as the Garou tried to pull out of the hold, ripping his own throat in the process. The body hit the floor with a thud, and was still.

  Behind the pack, Mari faced four attackers. She lashed out with her leg, meeting one of the attackers full in the face and knocking it back into the others, who were all trying to edge past him to get to Mari. She stepped back and held out her hands, calling on her Gift. Her claws shot from her hand like wasps and tore into the Garou, who screamed in pain and whimpered back down the passageway, seeking refuge in the dark. Only one remained, panting eagerly for the kill.

  Mari waited for him to come and swept his feet out from under him with her left leg while leaping up with her right. She landed on his stomach and flexed her toes, driving her sharp claws into his gut. She then twisted in place, tearing a circular gash into his stomach. He howled in pain and she rammed her fist into his snout, breaking his fangs. He crumpled, unconscious.

  Evan suddenly bolted past Mari and ran after the fleeing Garou.

  "No, Evan!" Mari yelled and went after him.

  Evan had a good lead on her, though, and reached the Garou before she could get to him. Mari had visions of Evan becoming one of them, of Evan as an empty-eyed zombie Garou. She screamed. "Evan! No!"

  But Evan did not slow down. He howled in rage and leapt onto the closest Garou, which was clearly startled at Evan's ferocity and barely got his hands up in time. It did him no good. Evan tore the limbs from their sockets and threw them behind him. He drove his snout into the Garou's chest, splitting open the chest bone and rib cage, and then savagely tore out the Garou's heart with his teeth.

  The other Garou disappeared into the darkness, whimpering. Mari stopped cold, staring in horror at Evan. He was frenzying, and she knew that to stop him could cause him more harm than the Abyss Garou now could.

  Evan sat on top of the Garou and stared into its slowly dying eyes. As the red haze of anger cleared, he saw a spark of emotion in those eyes. He saw fear. Then the eyes shut forever, and the Garou expelled its last breath.

  Evan began to cry as it all came at him at once. The horrors of the journey had finally become greater than his ability to withstand them. Sobbing, he shifted back to Homid form.

  Mari approached and put her hand on his shoulder. Albrecht slowly walked up, unsure what to think. He had just seen the kid freak out for only the second time in his young Garou life; the other had been during his First Change. A frenzy was not a nice thing to witness. It stripped a Garou of all identity, making him a bestial killing machine.

  "We've got to go," he said.

  Evan nodded and stood up.

  "Are you all right?" Mari asked.

  "Yeah. It… it just got to be a little too much. You know?"

  Mari nodded.

  "I know, kid," Albrecht said. "It ain't pretty, but we all lose it every once in a while. For some of us, that time comes more often."

  Evan walked past Mari and nodded at Albrecht. "Let's go."

  Albrecht turned back the way they had come and led them forward. "You know," he said as he walked, "Nightmaster's legion is a bunch of cowards."

  "Don't be so sure," Evan said. "You didn't see Nightmaster up close like I did. The sooner we're out of here, the better."

  "I agree," Mari said, flexing her now-regrown claws. "We need to keep moving."

  The ground rose more quickly now, and they knew they were almost back where they had begun. They also heard a whistling noise, low, almost indiscernible. It grew in volume as they walked, and soon they felt a breeze tugging at their fur, pulling them forward, as if air were rushing out of the cave in the direction they were walking.

  "Strange," Evan said. "The wind is really stirring. But there are no spirits here."

  "Walk now. Talk later," Albrecht said.

  They came into the first cavern, stepping on bones as they went. The brittle bones cracked underfoot, but the noise was nearly drowned by the wind. The wind was a gust now, drawing the air past them and out of the cavern entrance. Albrecht stepped out onto the ledge, and immediately jumped back in.

  "Damn!" he said. "Watch your step. That wind gets fierce out there. Almost sucked me into the crevasse."

  From deep in the caves behind them came Nightmaster's voice: "All are drawn in. None can escape. Silver Fang will feed the beast."

  Albrecht growled. "All right. Follow me. We'll hug the wall. Move slowly and carefully."

  Mari and Evan nodded, and Albrecht stepped out again. His fur whipped furiously in the wind, but he was unmoved. He slowly stepped to the side, moving back up the ledge. Evan followed, swaying for a moment as the wind hit him, but he leaned against the wall and retained his balance. Mari slipped around the corner right behind Evan, but she was well-balanced and kept her place easily.

  They moved slowly up the ledge toward the top, the wind whipping about them. A horrible moaning sound rose up from the dark pit. They all shivered, unable to help themselves. The wail touched a deep part of their souls, an immature, fearful place. Almost unconsciously, Albrecht felt himself being drawn to the edge, but he fought the urge and clung to the wall, moving step by step upward. But he had caught a glance into the pit, and knew the sight would be with him forever. The sight of raw emptiness, deeper than before — a yawning, hungry gulf desperate to be filled yet devouring everything which fed it; impossible to describe truly. His mind nearly shattered trying to think about it. It was only with a great effort that he could force it from his thoughts and concentrate on walking.

  He staggered forward, but gained strength with every step.

  Each step got him closer to the top, closer to safety. Evan followed, looking away from the pit, hugging his face against the wall.

  Smart kid, Albrecht thought. If I'd done that, I'd have saved myself from seeing that — Shit! Don't think about it! Think about what's ahead. Only what's ahead.

  As he got to the top, the wind brought a scent to him: the smell of Garou. Many Garou. He poked his head around the corner and saw fifteen Black Spiral Dancers waiting there, all staring straight at him.

  "Shit," he said.

  "Albrecht!" Mari yelled over the wind. "Move it! There's a pack of Black Spirals moving up the path behind us."

  "Calm down, Mari. There's a lot more up here." He walked up and stood at the head of the path, his klaive out and ready. The wind stopped as soon as he was off the ledge. Evan came up behind him.

  Mari heard a scream behind her and turned to see one of the five Black Spirals fall off the ledge. The Dancers had crawled out of a cave far below and were working their way up to her. The fallen one vanished in the darkness of the great pit and his scream was abruptly cut off. The other Black Spirals stared after him in horror. One of them began to laugh hysterically, walking to the edge while his companions tried to pull him back. He fought them for a moment, then seemed to come to his senses. They began to climb the ledge again. Mari grimaced and reached the top.

  A Black Spiral walked over to Albrecht's pack, holding his hand up to the others to keep them away. He was a tall man with a thin face and long black hair.

  "Let's not be hasty here, Lord Albrecht," he said. "We outnumber and outgun you here. But we don't want you dead." He stopped, smiling as if he misspoke himself. "Well, to be more precise, our queen does not want you dead. In fact, she has requested an audience. Would you please come along? It wo
uld not do for the would-be king to deny the queen of a neighboring kingdom."

  "You know me, but I don't know you, pal," Albrecht said.

  The Black Spiral Dancer feigned surprise. "You mean Duke Arkady never mentioned me? How rude. And after all I've done for him. Well, he's left it up to me to do the introductions. I am Dagrack, war chieftain of the Dank Well Hive in the Adirondacks. We're neighbors."

  Albrecht stared hatefully at the Black Spiral Dancer, but sheathed his klaive. "Don't fight them," he said to Evan and Mari. "We'd lose."

  Dagrack smiled, nodding.

  Mari fumed at Albrecht but then looked away. Evan seemed worried.

  "Don't worry," Albrecht said. "They want us alive. At least for now."

  Dagrack motioned to the path on which the pack had originally traveled into the realm. "After you. There is a Moon Bridge waiting just outside the borders of this realm."

  Albrecht, Mari and Evan walked away from the crevasse. The Black Spiral Dancers, eerily silent, flowed after them.

  Chapter Sixteen

  More fucking caves, thought Albrecht. These ones're worse than the others.

  Albrecht, Mari and Evan walked through a winding passageway. Other tunnels broke off from it in various places, leading off into darkness. The host of Black Spiral Dancers trailed behind them, except for Dagrack, who led the way.

  The tunnels stank. Not just in an unpleasant way, but in an overwhelming, poisonous way. Albrecht had coughed up phlegm twice already, and Evan was doing worse. Mari seemed to be handling it better than either of them, although she did have a nauseated look on her face.

  Throughout the tunnels, growing from the floors and walls, were giant, bloated fungi. The massive black and yellow growths seemed to pulsate at times, but it could have been a trick of the light from the sputtering torches placed along the main passage.

  Far off down one tunnel, Albrecht saw a greenish glow emanating from one of the walls. He tried to hurry past that tunnel as quickly as possible. Balefire. Pure, toxic radiation. The excretions of the Wyrm, it was said.

  Figures shambled along on either side of their marching party: wretched creatures that looked like deformed Garou. Metis — the result of Garou inbreeding. Albrecht looked at them closely. He knew most Black Spiral Dancers were metis, since they found it hard to keep flocks of Kinfolk with whom they could breed. He also knew that their perverted society had a caste system: breeders on top and non-breeders on the bottom. But these things crawling along… They must be the rejects, those born so deformed that they were barely viable. They were obviously performing the role of worker drones.

  Albrecht shook his head and refused to watch them anymore. Look too much at the Wyrm's works, he thought, and you might start pitying them. And that's the last thing they deserve.

  A howling and screaming could be heard from one of the tunnels ahead, along with grunting and heavy breathing. As they passed, Albrecht looked in, and immediately looked away again.

  I did not need to see that, he thought. I could've gone the rest of my life without seeing Black Spiral Dancer sex, thank you.

  Dagrack turned into a side tunnel, a larger one than most, and led them to an oak door placed at the end of the tunnel. It looked as if it barely fit the passage, since light flooded out from within through the large cracks on the sides. Dagrack slammed his fist into the door and waited.

  A voice came from within: "Enter."

  Dagrack pushed open the door and walked in, motioning them to follow. The room was circular and inlaid with marble. Polished marble. This room was different. Special. Albrecht looked across the room and saw why.

  A woman sat on a chair on a raised dais, staring at them with glee. She was naked, and Albrecht could clearly see three pairs of breasts on her, one under the other, like an animal. She smiled, revealing her fangs. She had short blond hair and pale, pale skin.

  The throne she sat on was a carved marble block with a depression large enough to fit a Crinos Garou. Albrecht shook his head. It was a mockery of his tribe. His protectorate. Many of the Silver Fangs of Vermont were marble barons, making their fortunes on the many marble deposits in the southern portion of the state. For this Black Spiral to deck her throne room out in it… it was pure insult.

  Dagrack bowed on bended knee. "My queen. I have brought the would-be king and his pack."

  The woman nodded. "Lord Albrecht. It is a pleasure to entertain royalty."

  "Who the hell are you?" Albrecht asked.

  She frowned. "Such manners for gentry! I am Queen Azaera."

  "Never heard of you," Albrecht said, looking back at Mari and Evan. Mari was giving him a warning look. He frowned. She seemed to know who this lady was. Did Mari think it wasn't a good idea to insult her? If so, I better back off, he thought.

  Azaera stood up and walked down the dais toward her guests. She was no longer smiling, but had a cold, hard look on her face. "We will stop this idle chatter, then, and come to the point. Where is the Silver Crown?"

  "Why do you want it? I thought Arkady was your horse to bet on."

  "Arkady does not recognize that he would only serve as a regent for me. I need the crown to cement my power, to expand my kingdom."

  "What?! Are you nuts? It'll fry your head off!"

  "Don't be so sure, deluded Gaialing. Your legends have lied before. Never has there been a ruler like Azaera. The crown will have to accept me. My ancestors say so. They have seen it before. They know its power."

  "Your ancestors are just as cracked as you are, you freaking bitch."

  Azaera walked up to him. He was taller, forcing her to look up, but her arrogance did not seem diminished by this. She ran a claw along his chest, playfully. "I appreciate pride in a king, hut you go too far. I am queen here. You need to show proper deference, or I will be forced to make—" She stopped speaking as she felt the bulk of his klaive in its sheath underneath Albrecht's coat. She jumped back, screaming.

  "Idiots! You did not disarm them!"

  Dagrack shrugged his shoulders. "Slipped my mind. Surely they cannot threaten such a queen as you."

  She spun on him, hissing as she began to shift to Crinos form, a huge, terrifying aspect. Drawing back her hand, she slashed at Dagrack's forehead. He grunted as the claw opened a gash, spilling blood down his face. But he did not move or try to defend himself.

  "Churl!" Azaera yelled.

  Dagrack sighed. "Yes, my queen."

  Azaera seemed satisfied and walked back up the dais. "Disarm them."

  "Over my dead body," Albrecht said, reaching into his coat and gripping his klaive.

  Azaera turned and looked at him, eyes narrowed. "You will die, then."

  "And you will never find the crown."

  Azaera's eyes widened. "Ah… diplomacy. Now we are royal." She turned to Dagrack. "Take the packmates. Leave us! We speak of state secrets."

  Dagrack rose and grabbed Mari's shoulder, beginning to pull her toward the door. She slipped from his grip and hit him on the back with both hands, sending him tumbling to the floor.

  The rest of the Black Spiral Dancers howled and pounded toward her, then stopped dead in their tracks at a screech from Azaera.

  "Stop! They are prisoners. Do not kill them. They are our detente." She looked at Albrecht.

  He ignored her. "Mari, summon a Wyldling! Get out of here!"

  Mari was standing ready to take any attack, with Evan at her back. "I can't. I can only do that from the Umbra."

  Albrecht looked down. "We're fucked."

  Dagrack got back up and glared at Mari. He motioned toward the door. "Make it easy on yourself and me. Just go."

  Mari stepped toward the door, Evan next to her. They both looked at Albrecht as they left, but said nothing. The Black Spirals fell in behind them, and Dagrack left last, glaring at Albrecht, but then giving an angry glance at Azaera. He closed the door behind him.

  Azaera walked seductively up the dais and sat on the throne, her legs spread wide. "Do you find me attractive?"

>   Albrecht looked away. "Not in the slightest."

  Azaera frowned. "You do not know how to play the game well. So we will quit with games. You will tell me where the crown is or I will kill your packmates. No! Worse… I will make them walk the Black Spiral, dance the labyrinth. They will come to know the Wyrm as we do… as benevolent father and tortured victim of Gaia."

  "Would you believe me if I said I don't know where the crown is?"

  Azaera seemed to think for a minute, examining Albrecht. "Yes. But it's not what I want to hear."

  "Well, I don't have any other answers for you."

  Azaera looked away and seemed to be thinking to herself. "Curses. Shit. This ruins everything."

  Albrecht stood watching her, wondering what weird logic was working through that demented brain.

  Azaera looked at him again, smiling. "You can leave. Fly away little falcon."

  Albrecht just stood there, not saying anything.

  "I'm serious. Leave. I don't want you here."

  "You mean I can just walk out of here? With Mari and Evan?"

  "No. You can walk out of here, but they can't. Detente, lord. Detente. If you happen to find the crown, you can come back here and exchange it for them. I'll keep them around for a few days at least. After Arkady takes the throne… Well, I think you understand political misfortunes. Don't bother coming back after that. I'll kill you then, impudent cub."

  Albrecht didn't say anything. He sat there, measuring his options. He could take out his klaive and chop her up. He could then track his pack through the tunnels and rescue them, carving their way out together through a mountain of Black Spiral Dancer bodies. But he knew that was suicide. And if he did that, he would never find the crown. He had maybe two days to find it.

  He felt like an ass. Chasing after a damn heirloom rather than rescuing my packmates. But they had known the risks when they signed onto this quest. They knew that he had to finish what he had started.

  He sighed. "How do I get out of here?"

  "Down the passage you came. You will recognize the Moon Bridge room when you see it. Tell the Gatekeeper that Azaera gives you leave to go. He will believe you; my Banes will inform him beforehand. Tell him where you wish to go, and he will deliver you there."


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