The Mischievous Bride (The Clearbrooks)

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The Mischievous Bride (The Clearbrooks) Page 6

by Teresa McCarthy

  “I won’t go,” Milli bit out, lifting her chin in defiance. “I won’t let him hurt you, Marcus. No matter what you say!”

  Knightengale loosened his hand by his side and smirked.

  Milli’s eyes narrowed on the man. She didn’t care for that smug expression. “I didn’t like your kiss anyway.”

  It was Marcus’s turn to snicker at her remark, but his eyes had turned black with rage. “Milli, I want you to do what I say. Leave us.”

  Milli chewed her bottom lip as fearful images of Marcus’s bloody body flitted through her brain. Knightengale would squash him to a pulp.

  She turned her back to Marcus and pressed her small hands against Knightengale’s broad chest, looking up at him with pleading eyes. “Please, don’t hurt him,” she whispered.

  “I heard that,” Marcus replied in a harsh tone. “And if you think I am going to let some gentleman take advantage of you—”

  She spun around. “I kissed him! Is that what you want to hear?”

  Marcus’s silver eyes turned deadly. In one swift motion, he picked her up and moved her aside. “Return to the ballroom, or I shall carry you there and return here to finish my business.”

  Knightengale let out a dark laugh as he started down the graveled path toward the ballroom. “For the love of King George, Marcus. I cannot in good faith hit you. One, you are my friend. And two, I would smash your handsome face so bad, women would hate me forever.”

  Milli sighed in relief as she watched the huge man turn the bend and disappear. She had her back to Marcus, ready to stop him if he decided to run around her in order to apprehend Knightengale.

  “Well,” she sighed, staring toward the empty path, “at least one of you had the good sense to stop.”

  A host of emotions were swirling in her head. She didn’t like being scooped up like some ball and thrown place to place by either of the men. She didn’t like Knightengale’s kiss. And she didn’t like Marcus being so angry with her.

  Marcus said nothing. Tension filled the space between them. She could feel his glare burning into her back. She swallowed, thinking it was better having him angry with her rather than lying on the ground, bleeding to death.

  She waited a few seconds, wondering if she should turn around and face him. No, that didn’t seem like a good idea. She heard a low growl followed by a string of curses. Goodness, this was not a time to have a discussion with a bear!

  She put one foot in front of the other and started down the trail back to the ballroom. She made it about three steps before an ironclad hand clapped onto her shoulder, stopping her.

  “Wait just a minute!”

  She spun on her slippers, giving Marcus her best glower. “What is it?”

  The fire in his eyes almost singed her hair. She faltered, wondering if she could make a run for it.

  He squeezed her shoulders, making her feel about five years old. “If I ever find you out here with another gentleman who is not your fiancé—”

  Anger got the best of her. How dare he treat her like a child! He didn’t own her! He didn’t love her! And he was the one who let her leave with Knightengale in the first place!

  “Oh, you poor little lord. Are you mad because he kissed better than you?”

  In one swift move, he dragged her toward him. “I thought you said you didn’t like his kiss?”

  Drat. The nearness of him was doing funny things to her. She was remembering his warm lips on hers. She could barely think as she stared at his mouth. “I didn’t like it. But . . . it was much better than yours . . . that is . . . if I have to rate it.”

  He dropped his hands from her as if she were as cold as ice. “I should lock you in your room.”

  Her heart wouldn’t stop racing. “J—just try.”

  “You were literally throwing yourself at him! Do you want the rest of the ton to think you a . . . a flirt? Do you want to taint Elizabeth and Stephen, let alone Jane who has done so much for you?”

  She swallowed. She had never thought about that.

  “When I think of all the stupid things you’ve pulled in the years I’ve known you, this one is the worst.”

  She dropped her gaze, not willing to look at him. He despised her.

  “That idiotic jump in the library was nothing compared to this! You are a spoiled brat, and it’s time someone took you in hand.”

  She bit her lip as anguish tore at her heart. She was unable to move.

  “Your sister would be mortified if she knew what you were doing out here. Your Papa, God Bless his soul, gave you everything, never telling you no,” he continued, his silver eyes sweeping over her in contempt. “And it’s time someone told you something besides yes!”

  A trembling fury began to build inside her. She would think about her broken heart later. Right now, she was taking all she could from this man.

  She stomped her foot against the gravel beneath her. “Shut up. Just shut up.”

  He blinked in shock. “What did you say?”

  Her chest heaved. “I hate you!”

  His black brows puckered. He seemed to realize what he had been saying, but it was too late. He had severed the small thread that had held them together, and she wanted him to know it.

  “I hate you,” she whispered, no longer able to contain her anger, she was shaking so badly.

  He frowned, taking a hesitant step toward her. “Perhaps I—”

  She glared at him, not caring about the tears flowing down her cheeks. “Do not say another word to me. I think you have made your point quite clear.”

  She turned and ran along the path back to the ballroom, wiping the wetness from her face, hoping no one would see her. All she wanted to do was hurry home. But she could not. The duchess had asked her to stay the night.

  The ache in her chest grew. She had thought the ball would be wonderful. But the past few hours had been a nightmare.

  Chapter Six

  Marcus felt like a complete idiot as he entered the empty ballroom. He should never have taken his fury out on Milli. But the thought of Knightengale holding her, kissing her, had stirred his anger. When Knightengale was no longer his target, he had moved on to her. The ache in her eyes had speared his heart.

  He lifted a hopeful gaze to the sound of approaching footsteps echoing against the floor. They were too light to be a man’s. Perhaps Milli was reconsidering her cold words. His eyes widened on the duchess. “Jane—”

  She entered the empty ballroom, her keen gaze taking in his frown. “Did you find Milli?”

  “Yes and no.”

  “Yes and no? You don’t look too happy about it. Where is she?”

  “I’m right here, Jane.”

  Marcus was surprised to see two large gray eyes peeping out from behind the pillar. Relief caused him to smile. “Milli?”

  She walked toward them, her pink gown making her glow beneath the candlelight. Her delicate form made his heart race. He had to admit, this female was no longer a child. But she wouldn’t look at him.

  “Oh, Jane, I have a terrible headache. Would you mind very much if I went to my room for the evening?”

  Jane frowned as she exchanged glances between the two. “I had hoped Marcus would bring you into supper.” She lowered her voice and glanced behind her. “Everyone is asking about you. I told them you had taken a bit of a break from the festivities, but would return as soon as you could. “

  Milli saw the worry in Jane’s eyes and realized what Jane was not saying. The gossipmongers had started already. They had seen her leave with Knightengale.

  But where was the man? Had he left?

  Milli sighed, spreading her lips into a tight smile. “I just needed a bit of air or I thought I would swoon.”

  Marcus cleared his throat.

  Milli glared at him. “Well, I had a headache.” She turned back to the duchess. “I daresay, I wasn’t feeling quite the thing. Pray, forgive me for not helping you host the supper. But I am feeling better every minute we stand here.”

p; “And you are staying the night, after all,” Jane said relieved. “If you decided to retire for the evening, I could explain. But I must say, I am pleased you feel better.” She worried her bottom lip. “Some people were noticing Knightengale’s departure as well.”

  Milli felt about two inches tall.

  The duchess’s expression wavered as she turned to Marcus. “Would you mind escorting Milli into supper? I find . . . I need to sit down.”

  Milli walked closer.

  Beneath the candlelight, Jane looked a bit pale.

  “Are you feeling ill?” Milli whispered, recalling the duchess’s condition.

  Jane pressed her hands over her stomach. “I am a bit tired. I think the festivities have taken everything out of me. It’s so silly, is it not?”

  But the next moment, the color drained from the duchess’s face, and she slumped against the wall.

  “Jane!” Marcus hurried to her side and helped her into one of the nearby chairs.

  Milli touched Jane’s arm, concerned for the baby. “Should I, uh, fetch Roderick?”

  Jane looked up, then shot a worried gaze toward Marcus. “No, no, I will be quite all right. It’s just that—”

  Milli gasped as Jane swayed, almost falling off the chair. Three horrified gazes dropped to the floor.

  Marcus cursed. Milli froze. Jane started to cry.

  Marcus swallowed. “Devil take it. What the...She’s bleeding.”

  Milli fell to her knees and grabbed Jane’s hands. She glanced up a Marcus. “Fetch Roderick. Quick. It’s the baby. She’s losing the baby.”

  “Baby?” Marcus stood in shock.

  Jane cries turned into deep, aching sobs.

  Milli felt her heart crumble. No, no, no, this couldn’t be happening. Not to Jane. Not again! “Dearest. You are going to be all right. I’ll see to it.”

  Jane lifted her teary blue eyes. Her defeated expression said it all. “I won’t be all right. Don’t you understand? Roderick needs an heir.”

  Milli patted her friend’s hands. “There, there. He loves you.”

  Jane sobbed harder.

  Milli turned to Marcus, irritated that he hadn’t moved an inch. His face was almost as white as Jane’s. “Fetch Roderick, then fetch the doctor, but on your way, close these doors and instruct the servants not to let anyone in but family.”

  She rose and leaned toward him, whispering, “I fear for Jane’s life.”

  Marcus nodded, his face grim. All thoughts of what happened between Milli and him had fled for the moment. The little princess had taken charge like a general.

  “Hurry, Marcus! Hurry!”

  Marcus’s heart hammered in his chest. Hell’s teeth! Jane was losing another baby. Roderick would die if he lost her and the child.

  Happiness was draining out of him like a sieve. Loving someone when they could be gone tomorrow was too much torture, and he wasn’t ever going to go through that again.

  Lady Madeleine may not have died when she had left him for other men, but to him she had. The lady had been a flirt and had stomped on his heart as if it were garbage. Eight long years ago, he had learned that loving a woman only meant heartache, especially loving a flirtatious female. For him, a marriage of convenience would be the only way he would wed. And if he did marry, it would be a long ways away. If ever.

  It was morning and Milli stood outside the hall to Jane’s bedchambers. She held her cat Cleo close to her breast, praying to God that her friend would live. The duchess had lost the baby, and now, she was very weak. She had almost died last night, and Roderick was beside himself.

  Milli and her sister had stayed the night at Elbourne Hall, doing all they could to help the doctor and ease Roderick’s fear. Stephen had gone to his townhouse, which was a block away, and sent them enough clothes to last them a week. He had returned earlier that morning.

  “She is not much better,” Milli whispered to Lizzie who sat on a chair outside Jane’s bedchamber. “She looks so frail and weak. I’m scared.”

  Lizzie leaned her head against the wall and sighed. “Losing a baby takes a lot out of a woman, dearest. But Jane is strong.”

  Milli bit her lip as a wave of anxiety swept through her. Jane couldn’t die. She just couldn’t.

  Milli knew that her sister was better than most doctors in many things. Surely, Lizzie could help Jane gain her health.

  A few minutes later the door opened. The doctor stepped into the hall, holding his bag. He had been in and out of the room for the past twelve hours.

  Milli looked up. “Can we go in now?”

  The doctor nodded. “It’s best to keep things quiet in there. The duke is still by her side. He is not willing to let go of her hand. If one of you can pry that man loose, I think he needs to eat, then rest.” He frowned, buttoning his cloak.

  Milli’s heart turned. “Is she,” she swallowed past the pain, “going to die?”

  The doctor pulled off his spectacles and frowned. He had been up all night. At least she and Lizzie had taken turns with little naps here and there.

  “I don’t know,” the doctor said. “It will be touch and go for a few days, and then we’ll see.”

  Milli felt a queasy shudder snake through her. She clutched Cleo tighter. The cat purred in her ear. “We can get her through, can we not, Lizzie?”

  Her sister slid a hand behind her own neck, looking as tired as Milli felt. “What else can I do while you are away?” Lizzie asked, turning to the doctor.

  “I know you are quite skilled in your trade of herbs, my dear. But I fear only time will tell. She has lost a lot of blood, more than I ever let.” He cleared his throat. “And some things will never be the same.”

  Milli felt a sudden chill. “Other babies?”

  The older man’s tired gaze met hers. “There will be no more babies, Miss Millicent. Not for her. She would certainly die if she tried again. Let’s get her through this.”

  “But an heir—”

  Her sister cut her off. “Come now, Milli. It will be your job to pry the duke from Jane’s bedside and feed him. He needs his strength. If not for himself, for Jane.”

  Milli nodded.

  After the doctor left, the ladies walked into Jane’s bedchamber. Roderick looked up. His dark eyes were glassy, and his face was pale. The curtains were drawn with only a thin ray of sunshine peeking into the room.

  Milli walked toward the bed where Jane was sleeping. Her face was white as a ghost. Her eyes looked sunken, and her hand was limp as it rested in the duke’s large palm.

  “She is not going to die,” Roderick insisted. “I won’t let her.”

  MiIli felt her heart crack. “We won’t let her.” She bent down and placed Cleo on the pillow next to Jane. “We won’t, will we, Lizzie?” She looked up at her sister who appeared rather frazzled herself.

  “Of course not,” Lizzie said, smiling. “Roderick, you must take some breakfast.”

  The duke dropped his head against the bed. “I cannot leave her. She’s my life.”

  Milli rested a hand on the big man’s shoulder. He was a duke, but he was also a grieving man. “Your Grace, I vow, Lizzie will take care of her better than that doctor. Lizzie is the best.”

  The duke shook his head. “I cannot leave her.”

  Milli wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Yes, you can. Lizzie and I will stay here. I have also brought Cleo as you can see. Jane adores her.”

  “I cannot leave”

  “Get yourself together,” she hissed in his ear. “You’re a duke for goodness sakes. You need to eat. So devil take it, move!”

  Lizzie gasped.

  Milli’s mouth thinned at the look of horror on her sister’s face. No one talked to the duke like that, except perhaps one of his brothers. But times were desperate.

  Milli shrugged. She mouthed silently to her sister, “Well, I had to do something.”

  The duke’s shoulders started shaking. Milli thought he was crying. The poor man.

  But Jane needed h
im, and he was going to listen to her or she would die trying. “Crying is good for the soul, they say, but eating is better, Your Grace.”

  The duke turned his face to hers. His eyes, though filled with sadness, held a small twinkle of life. “Devil take it?” he asked, almost chuckling. “I believe you should have stood beside Wellington. I think we could have won the war sooner.”

  The corners of Milli’s mouth tipped upward. He hadn’t been crying at all, but laughing. “Do you know the man? I would love to meet him.”

  The duke’s gaze sparkled as he considered her. “I will see what I can do.”

  “Roderick.” Jane’s small voice lifted from the bed.

  The duke grabbed her hand. “It’s all right, sweetheart. I’m here.”

  The duchess’s eyes filled with tears. “I will not die on you.”

  The duke nodded, too emotion filled to speak.

  Jane regarded Milli with a small turn of her lips. “Get him something to eat, please. And don’t let him take no for an answer. I need him.”

  Milli raised an imperious brow. “See there. I told you so.”

  The duke took in a deep breath and kissed his wife. He whispered something in her ear, then rose.

  Lizzie moved beside Jane. “I will watch over her. Have no fears on that.”

  There was a vulnerability in the duke’s expression that Milli hadn’t seen before. A lock of blue-black hair hung over his eyes. Dark stubble blanketed his face. His eyes were red-rimmed, and his clothes were rumpled.

  At that moment, he seemed, well, rather boyish. She felt a tug on her heart, feeling as if she needed to take care of him as a mother would her child.

  With a twinge of regret, Milli realized that Marcus had similar features when he was exhausted. She wanted to take care of him too, but as his wife. Yet after yesterday, she thought, that dream was long gone.

  “Take good care of her, Elizabeth,” the duke commanded. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He regarded Milli with a flash of respect. “My breakfast awaits.”

  Triumph settled deep in Milli’s chest. She wasn’t such a fool after all. She had pushed the duke to move, and he was sounding like his old self again. Of course, she admitted, Jane had helped a bit.


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