Slow Birth

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Slow Birth Page 9

by Leta Blake

  Vale’s curiosity piqued, and he fought back a smirk as he asked, “Did you ever do that with an alpha?”

  Miner rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, rolling the post-dinner toothpick in his mouth. “Yule, don’t answer that.”

  “Of course!” Yule crowed, and Jason blushed. Miner sighed and shook his head in annoyance. “I was a member of an exclusive club. We’d wrestle, get our blood up, and when the alpha expression hit…” Yule grinned, clearly delighted with the memories. “Let’s just say some old-fashioned dominance was exercised on the losers most nights.” His chest puffed up. “I never lost.”

  “Father,” Jason murmured, his cheeks pinking prettily. Vale almost wanted to laugh at him. Alphas never expect other alphas will behave as badly as they do. Only omegas understood the truth of it. “Are you saying…that’s not legal.”

  “We were boys,” Yule said, harrumphing and flipping his hand around. “Omegas do it all the time.”

  “We don’t wrestle,” Miner murmured, twirling his toothpick. “If we indulge, we’re much more civilized about it. Jason was civilized, weren’t you, darling?”

  Jason looked like his head was about to explode, and Vale covered his mouth with his napkin, holding in a giggle. Then he turned to Miner. “So, you had a Mont Juror lover?”

  Vale had never indulged in physical pleasure with another omega back in the day, needing an alpha’s strong scent to become truly aroused. Though of course, he’d had sex with betas sometimes after he’d graduated. Still, he was curious about his father-in-law’s proclivities before contracting.

  Miner shook his head. “No, of course not. Yule likes to think I did. But I didn’t. I was just friends with Zander.”

  “He was a gorgeous man,” Yule said, slurring slightly. “Stunning.”

  “He was my friend,” Miner repeated with a sharp glare at his alpha. “But there were boys at Mont Juror who did become lovers. There was one pair who were so devoted to each other that it was quite hard on them when their parents made them contract with alphas. I hear they still vacation together, though.”

  “Who knows what happens behind those closed doors,” Yule said with a waggle of his brows. “Decadent vacationing indeed. That’s possible when you’re not Érosgápe.”

  “This is embarrassing,” Jason said. “Please stop.”

  “It’s interesting,” Vale said.

  It was more than interesting. It was the best time he’d had with Yule and Miner in a week or more. No coddling questions like, “What have you eaten?” or “Do you need help during the day?” or “Can I sit with you tomorrow and bring you fresh fruit?” He was going to go mad if they kept doting on him so much. This filthy discovery of his in-laws’ youthful debaucheries was a welcome reprieve from all of that.

  At least for him. Jason looked like he wanted to die.

  “There was this one alpha,” Yule said. “Iri Pomeroy. A real brute of a guy. Lost the wrestling matches all the time, though. I swear he did it on purpose. Squealed when we fucked him, but always came in his shorts like he—”

  “All right. We’re leaving,” Miner said, throwing his napkin down.

  “Oh, no! But this was just getting good,” Vale exclaimed. Jason rose as well, obviously eager to end the torture.

  “I don’t think any of us need to hear this,” Miner muttered.

  “I do!” Vale said.

  Yule laughed. “See, Miner? He wants to know.”

  “I don’t!” Jason exclaimed. “I’m going to need to drink the rest of our liquor cabinet just to get these images out of my head.”

  “Such a prude,” Yule said to Vale with a sad shake of his head. “I hope he’s not like this as your alpha.”

  “He’s plenty filthy,” Vale said with a wink.

  “And now I really do want to go. Now.” Miner said with a shudder. “Both of you are being too…too…” He flung his hands out as if trying to throw away their entire conversation and everything that Vale and Yule were being.

  “Yeah,” Jason agreed, motioning toward the door. “Thanks for bringing the takeout, but it’s time to go home.”

  Yule sighed, kissed Vale’s cheek as he passed him, and whispered, “Call me tomorrow, and I’ll tell you the rest. Some very powerful men liked to bottom. I could rule this city if I wanted to name names.”

  “Good thing you’re content to make cars,” Miner said, taking Yule by the arm and tugging him away.

  “I have nothing to hide,” Yule said. “I never lost.”

  Miner just shook his head, and with Jason’s help, they steered Yule toward the door. “Don’t worry, I’ll drive,” Miner said, patting Jason’s shoulder with an apologetic look. Then he turned to Vale and rolled his eyes. “As for you…I don’t know why I expected you not to encourage him.”

  Vale smiled and rubbed his hand over his belly, which had grown quite a bit over the last few days. “I’m a bored, homebound, pregnant omega. Of course, I’m going to encourage him.”

  Miner bussed Vale’s cheeks. “I’ll be over tomorrow with fruit for you and the baby.”

  “You don’t—”

  And then he was gone, pulling Yule along with him and shaking his head as Yule continued to crow all the way to the car about the fun he’d had wrestling alphas into submission.

  “I need a drink,” Jason said, passing the dining room with a wave of his hands. “I’ll get the plates later.”

  “Did you ever wrestle for the chance to—” Vale began as he sat down in the wingback chair while Jason poured a tumbler of whiskey for himself.

  “No!” Jason sighed. “I never saw sex like that. The one time I felt that way, felt the alpha expression, it bothered me. I didn’t want to feel that again.”

  “It happened with Xan?”

  “At the end. The last time.” He shook his head, a sad expression falling on his face. “It’d never been like that with us, and I wasn’t happy about what I’d done. Or how it felt to do it. I don’t understand alphas who like it.”

  Vale smiled as Jason took his whiskey and started to lay a fire. The room was chilly as the autumn fell deeper. Soon there would be Autumn Night Feasts to plan. Normally, he hosted one for his friends before the feast dates, then they went to Jason’s parents’ on the actual dates, but this year he wasn’t sure.

  “I love that you see sex as something sacred, even when it was with your friend.”

  Jason glanced over his shoulder from where he was arranging the logs. “I had plenty of sex with betas, too, you know. I admit I used them more than I ever used Xan. I’m not an angel, Vale.”

  “No, I suppose you’re not.”

  “Though I didn’t enjoy it much with betas. It was clear my cock hurt them.” Jason shrugged. “It’s better with you.”

  “Of course, it is. We’re Érosgápe. Nothing compares.”

  “Even if we hadn’t been, I’d enjoy it more with you.”

  “Oh, sweet baby alpha, you are too good. Come here.”

  “I’m not done with the fire,” Jason protested.

  “But my dick needs to be sucked and my asshole rimmed, and I want to come.”

  Jason groaned and sucked down a sip of his whiskey. “You tempting little slut,” he murmured.

  Vale unbuttoned his pants and slipped them down and off. He pulled his t-shirt over his head, and by the time Jason had the fire going and turned around, Vale was naked and hard in the wing-backed chair.

  “Ah damn,” Jason said, standing and sipping his drink with a bulge in the front of his pants. “Look at you. All mine.”

  Vale ran his hands over his rounding stomach, touched his puffy nipples, and then tipped his head back with a groan. Jason knelt between his thighs and the wet heat of his mouth closing over the cut crown of Vale’s dick was enough to stop the sweet need for his alpha’s touch. The pressure of Jason’s fingers at his asshole was the only warning he got before Jason was working him open in preparation for Vale’s nightly fisting.

  Just like Urho
had prescribed.


  One month later

  “I’m going to murder your pater,” Vale said suddenly in the middle of the night, waking Jason from a dead sleep.

  “Mm, what?” Surely, he’d misheard.

  “I’m going to kill him. With my bare hands.”

  “Baby, what are you talking about?” Jason asked, turning on the bedside lamp and rolling onto one elbow so that he could look down at Vale’s beautiful, if slightly puffy, face.

  “He comes here every night, Jason. Every. Single. Night.”

  “They’re excited to be grandparents. He wants to check on you.”

  “And your father, too. I’m going to kill him as well. Double homicide.”

  Jason blinked and wiped a hand over his face in exhaustion. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

  “Because that spicy quinoa your father brought over—and your pater forced me to eat—has given me the most outrageous heartburn. My esophagus and mouth are on fire.”

  “Let me get some milk,” Jason said, crawling from the bed. “That will help.”

  “What will help is if your parents left me alone for one single solitary day.”

  Jason ignored that and went downstairs for milk, nearly tripping over Zephyr on the way down. A glance out the kitchen window showed that their neighbor’s lights were still on. Frowning, Jason saw moving shadows going back and forth, like someone pacing and coughing.

  After pouring the milk, Jason scooped Zephyr up into his arms, too, and carried her and the milk up to the bedroom. He kicked the door shut behind him and dumped Zephyr onto the bed by Vale, who immediately cooed and put out his hand for Zephyr to bump against. Jason put the milk down on the bedside table.

  “Mr. Ragnak’s beta partner has caught the flu, I think,” Jason said. He sat beside Vale, putting one hand on Vale’s forehead to check for fever. The other, he placed on his large, swollen abdomen, feeling for the baby’s movement. Over the last few weeks, Vale’s body had grown to accommodate the life rapidly expanding inside him. There had been more complaints as the days went on, mainly ligament and bone pain as his body shifted in readiness. When Jason put his fist inside now, he could feel the weight of the child bearing down on him. He worked his knuckles into the scars more vigorously each night, keeping them as limber and supple as possible as Vale’s body put pressure on them.

  “Oh, no,” Vale murmured, stroking Zephyr’s fur, calmed as usual by his cat’s warm presence. “He’s a good man. We should send over some fruit. And perhaps Urho.”

  “Urho will be here tomorrow to check on you, not them,” Jason said firmly. The last thing he wanted was Urho bringing the virus into their home. “How is your stomach doing?”


  “Sit up. Drink this milk.”

  He helped Vale into position and then pressed the glass of milk into his hands. Zephyr tried to press against the glass, wanting some for herself, but Vale drained it with a few hearty gulps and then let out a big burp.

  Zephyr meowed before settling herself with a sniff by Vale’s side. Her tail twitched ominously, but a purr started after only a moment. Such a contrary thing. A little like Vale himself.


  “A bit.”

  “We’ll ask Urho about the heartburn tomorrow.”

  “Or you can just tell your parents not to come over.”

  Jason winced. He could, and maybe he should, given how much they irritated Vale with their mother-henning. But he hated to keep them away when it clearly meant so much to them to watch Vale grow and expand with their grandchild.

  “I’m too hot,” Vale said, kicking back the covers. It disrupted Zephyr, who jumped down and then scampered under the bed as Vale tugged off his sleep shirt. “And my nipples are tingling. They feel strange. And wet.”

  Jason licked his lips as a sweet scent came to his nose. Milk. Vale’s milk. He groaned softly. “That’s new,” he murmured. “Is that supposed to happen?” He touched Vale’s wet nipples with his thumbs, feeling milk seep out from beneath. “I didn’t think this happened until later. After the babe’s birth.”

  “Can happen whenever the body wants,” Vale said. He squirmed a bit as Jason tweaked his nipples and watched in fascination as milk leaked from them. “Later, from what other omegas told me, it jets out with a great deal of force. Babies sometimes cough and choke on it.”

  Jason stared at Vale’s red nubs, tweaking and playing with them as milk leaked in a small stream down his bare torso, slipping around the bulge of his stomach, and wetting the bedsheets. Vale whimpered and let him do it while rolling his hips, obviously aroused.

  Jason’s cock pushed against his pajama bottoms as he pressed one thumb into his own mouth, tasting the sweetness of the fluid Vale’s body was making. This was to feed their child, he knew, but right now the babe was still safely tucked in Vale’s womb. This sweetness could be his instead.

  He took Vale’s right nipple in his mouth, sucking. Sweet, creamy fluid slipped over his tongue, and he moaned. So did Vale, tangling his fingers in Jason’s hair and holding him tight to his chest. “Oh, baby alpha, that’s so good.”

  His nipples were clearly sensitive, and Jason played with the left while he tongued and gently bit the right. Vale grunted and groaned, legs twitching against the mattress, and his heart pounding loudly. The scent of slick rose up.

  Jason pulled away, divested himself of his pajamas, and shoved Vale’s bottoms down and off. He pushed the bedding aside completely, revealing his omega’s long, lean body and shifting stomach. The baby was awake. It was awkward, sometimes, to fuck Vale while the baby was moving, but it was intriguing, too. Sometimes, when he was in so very deep, he felt the thump of the life they’d made against him, and it was always a shock, always a beautiful surprise.

  “On your side,” he said, helping Vale get into one of the only positions they could truly comfortably fuck in these days. Vale’s expanding body made certain positions hard to hold and others impossible.

  “I feel like I’m going to die if you’re not inside me soon,” Vale moaned, his fingers tweaking his own nipples, and his hips pushing back to allow Jason easier entry. “Make me come, darling. I want to come.”

  Jason pressed his body along Vale’s back, hooked his chin over Vale’s shoulder, and took hold of his hip to help steady him as he pushed inside. Slick heat enveloped his throbbing cock, and he moaned. “Right where I belong.”

  “Yes,” Vale agreed. “The beginning and end.”

  “Alpha and omega.”

  The reminder of their vows warmed Jason with painful affection as he thrust in slow and deep. The tug of Vale’s body around him as he pulled back out was a soul-shivering pleasure, and the hot clench as he pressed back in, milking Vale’s omega glands and prostate, was sheer perfection.

  “Baby, hitch your leg forward a little,” he said, wanting to get inside Vale as far as possible. “I want to feel you deeper.”

  Vale complied, and it opened up some space for Jason to fuck him harder. The rocking of their bodies and the slap of skin on skin became a rhythm that Jason breathed to, in and out, harder and faster, until he was panting like a horse while Vale twisted on his cock and cried out. Orgasms washed over Vale, and his nipples dripped sweet milk as his asshole leaked slick.

  So much wet, delicious, slick fluid. Jason reveled in it, spreading the milk around on Vale’s chest and stomach, and then leaning over Vale’s torso, taking his left nipple into his mouth, to suck as he fucked.

  “Oh, darling,” Vale gasped, his body tightening in that familiar way that said he was about to lose himself in a climax. “Oh, Jason, I’m going to…I’m going to come.” And come, he did. His cock pulsed with release, his asshole gushed slick, and his nipples wetted his chest in a flood of sweetness.

  Jason groaned, pulled out, and scrambled up to flip Vale onto his back. “Open your mouth.”

  Still squirming and coming, Vale did, and Jason aimed his pleasure right into his
open mouth, pleased to see Vale greedily gulp his semen as it burst out of him and landed on Vale’s teeth and tongue.

  Afterward, panting and exhausted, he held Vale’s body close, listening for his breathing to quiet, and sleep to overtake him again. They’d clean up tomorrow. Change the sheets. For now, he liked to sleep in their mess. The smells were so delicious.

  “I think you’re hornier now than ever,” Vale said softly. “And they call pregnant omegas sluts. I think you’re just as much to blame for all the sex we have.”

  “There’s nothing blameful about our sex,” Jason said. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Of course, it is, darling. I just think it’s amusing that I barely have time to consider initiating it before you’ve already pounced on me.”

  “You’re wolf-damned delicious. That’s why.”

  Vale smiled sleepily, and Jason kissed the edge of his mouth. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Jason put his hand over Vale’s stomach. “And him.”

  “Yes. He’s ours.”

  Jason still sometimes had to fight off the cold waves of fear that gripped him, especially with this flu season looking worse and worse by the day. But he had become more optimistic about Vale’s chances as the weeks passed and he witnessed his omega’s body do its job of making room for their son.

  If anything, the scars seemed more flexible than ever. Urho posited that the hormones that made Vale’s body malleable for the pregnancy also acted on the scar tissue. Jason’s constant fisting and fucking were also doing their jobs of keeping him well-stretched. In the dark of their bed, fresh from orgasm, Jason could almost believe he had no reason at all to be afraid.

  His child…their child, and his Érosgápe were safe and healthy. Everything was beautiful. Their life was perfect. And Vale was going to be just fine.


  Vale squirmed as Urho pressed the cold stethoscope against Vale’s chest. Urho hushed him and frowned.

  “Everything all right?” Jason asked. His arm was around Vale’s shoulder, and his eyes stayed glued to where the stethoscope pressed against Vale’s skin. They were seated on the sofa in Vale’s study with Urho kneeling in front of them. Vale wore a soft button-up shirt—which was now open—and drawstring paternity pants. Jason was still in his dress pants and shirt, having just returned from his work in his father’s offices a few minutes before their appointment with Urho.


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