Bell, Book, and Sandals

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Bell, Book, and Sandals Page 33

by Melissa L. Webb

  I opened my eyes, feeling worn out but content. Light was already streaming through the curtains. I glanced next me, hoping to see my blond god. Once again, his side of the bed was empty.

  I got up, disappointment weighing heavily in my chest. No morning sex for Maxie. Scanning the room for my discarded clothes, I dressed quickly, stopping by the bathroom before I headed out. I guess it was back to real life. I walked through the suite in search of a pen and paper. I'd leave a note rather than call him. I would hate to get Ryan in trouble with Zand.

  "Are you missing something?" a voice asked from behind me as I searched the living room.

  I turned around and stared at the man behind me. He hadn't left me at all.

  "You didn't have to meet Zand this morning?" I asked as Ryan wrapped his arms around me.

  "No," he said, smiling mischievously. "This morning is all for you."

  Oh, a girl could get used to hearing those words. I pulled his lips down to mine, showing him just what I thought of that idea.

  He pulled away, growling softly. "Come on," he said, tugging me towards the kitchen. "I ordered breakfast for you."

  I followed him in, giggling in delight at the mini buffet on the bar.

  "I didn't know what you'd want this morning, so I ordered a little of everything."

  Everything looked so good. I think I gained 10 pounds just by smelling it. Grabbing a plate, I went straight for the waffles. What can I say? When I'm bad, I'm bad. I sat down at the table, mouth drooling over the food in front of me. Don't worry, I took plenty of protein, too.

  Ryan sat a mug of coffee in front of me as he joined me at the table. This was pure heaven.

  "You're going to spoil me, you know," I told him after I had swallowed a bite of waffle.

  "That's the idea," he told me, a twinkle in his eye as he watched me eat.

  "Aren't you going to have some?" I hated to think about all that food still on the bar. You could feed a small nation with what was left.

  He shook his head. "I already ate. Besides, I like watching you eat. There's something about a woman indulging herself that is just so sensual."

  I felt a blush creep into my cheeks. Here I was pigging out, and he thought it was sexy. Men. Go figure, right?

  We sat in silence as I finished my breakfast. As I dealt with my dirty plate, seriousness crept into Ryan’s face.

  “What happened to your shoulder?” he asked me suddenly.

  Oh, no. I had forgotten about that. I had to come up with that excuse after all. “It’s nothing. I was just being clumsy.”

  He came over to stand by me, fixing me with those brilliant blue eyes. “I don’t buy that. What really happened?”

  I froze. There was no way out of this one. I had to tell him something, but what? Could I trust him with my secret? Did he really care enough about me to handle hearing the truth? I had to tell him. He was too important to me not to. I wanted this to last and building a relationship on lies wasn’t the way to start. He deserved the truth. He needed the chance to get out of my nightmarish world if he wanted to.

  I just hoped he believed me. I took a deep breath. “I’m not like regular girls, Ryan.”

  He smiled, his eyes dancing. “I know.”

  I sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought. “No, that’s not what I mean. I can do things.”

  He leaned over, kissing me softly. “I know.”

  Great. He wasn’t getting it. “No, you don’t…”

  He let his lips drift down to my neck, kissing softly as he went. He worked his way up to my ear and stopped, nipping softly at my earlobe. “I can feel the power flowing off of you,” he whispered. His breath felt cool against my neck. “You’re practically swimming in it.”

  What? What did he say? Pushing him back, I looked into his eyes. “How do you know?”

  He smiled and tried to pull me back to him. “It’s not like it’s a secret.”

  Well…that was news to me. Had everyone known from the beginning? “What? How?”

  “I could sense it on you the first time we met. The first time we touched.” He looked at me with affection in his ice blue eyes as he laced his fingers with mine. “You’re a witch, Maxie Duncan, and that’s okay with me.”

  I stared at him, floored. All of this time he knew. Even before I did. He knew and accepted it. What did that mean? Did he care so much about me that it didn’t matter? And how was it possible for him to sense it? I decided to tackle the hard question first. “How are you okay with this?

  Ryan smiled again, that charming boyish grin that set my heart a flutter every time. “Oh, I think that should be obvious, Max,” he said, emphasizing his words with a kiss.

  I tried to make my mind focus as my lips melted into his. There was no way I was going to let him off the hook. Not when so many important questions still needed answers. I pushed back from him again. “Enlighten me.”

  He stepped away from me, running a hand through his thick blond hair. “God, Maxie, what can I say? I honestly never felt this way before…about anyone.” He turned and smiled at me. “And that’s saying something. You’re all I think about.” He came back over to me, sincerity written in his beautiful face. “Since meeting you, my life has been better. I’ve been more of who I want to be, who I was meant to be. Every thought, every emotion, is about you, baby.” He stopped, taking a deep breath. “You’ve changed my life for the better, Maxie. And I love you for it.”

  The whole world froze around me and I stopped breathing. Had he really said what I thought he had? I couldn’t be sure. I was suddenly afraid I would wake up any moment and lose what was happening. “You really mean that?” I managed to squeak out.

  He grinned as he took my hands. “Yes, I do. I love you.”

  OMG! He said the words. Those glorious words I had hoped to hear ever since our first date. Those words that haunted my mind on a regular basis. Does he or does he not? I now knew the answer. He loved me. I glanced up, feeling slightly dizzy. My heart was pounding so loud, it almost drowned out the inner monologue in my head.

  Ryan had his head cocked to one side, an expectant look in his eyes. “Don’t you have anything to say to that?”

  Oh, right. I was so caught up in the words he spoke, I forgot to give him something in return. Poor guy must be dying inside. “I love you, too, Ryan.” There. It was official. I had come to California to find my destiny and I had. Score one for team Maxie!

  Ryan leaned over and kissed me. Our newly admitted feelings bringing fire to the dance. I felt his emotions flood against mine. In an instant, he became a part of me, and I a part of him. We were no longer Maxie and Ryan, but a new creature, one who had been woken from a deep slumber and was feeding off the emotions swirling around it.

  I pulled back, startled by the loss of myself in his kiss. Was this what happened when witches found their soul mates? I hoped not. It was unsettling and I wasn’t sure I liked it very much.

  Ryan stared at me a moment. I couldn’t tell, but I think he was just as thrown off by what had happened as I was. He grabbed my hand suddenly. “Come with me,” he said, leading me into the living room, pulling me down on the couch. He sat down next to me, our knees touching as seriousness once again crept into his eyes. “Do you want us to be together, Maxie?” he asked me.

  I couldn’t figure out what he meant by that. Weren’t we already together? Hadn’t we just confessed our love? “Yes. Of course.”

  “Good,” he said, nodding. The sudden light coming into his eyes told me he had just decided something. “Then let’s leave all of this behind and start over. We can be anyone we want and not have to live up to what others expect from us.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “I’m tired of being Ryan Everheart and living up to the name all the time. Run away with me. We could go somewhere where names and titles don’t matter.”

  An impending sense of dread began to wash over me. Was he ashamed of me? Was there some reason Hollywood’s leading man couldn’t be with someone like me? I knew it. He didn’t want to date me because I was a witch.

  He must have sensed some of the things running through my head, because he pulled me to him, stroking my hair softly with his fingers. “I’m not ashamed of you, Maxie. I’m not. I only want to keep you safe. You have no idea how harsh my world can be.”

  I felt the truth in his words, but it didn’t help to lessen the dread I was utterly soaking in. I loved that he was willing to give up everything for me, but why should he have to? It wasn’t what I wanted. I didn’t want to give up anything. “What’s wrong with staying here?” I asked, pulling away from him. My life was just starting to get good again. There was no way I’d give that up. Especially now that Ryan knew the truth. Speaking of which…

  “How do you know about witches?” I asked suddenly, strange thoughts taking shape in my head. “Who are you, Ryan?”

  He just looked at me. The silence between us confirming everything I was thinking. “Does it really matter, Maxie?”

  Well, darn. “You’re not human, are you?” Of course, he wasn’t human. He was far too perfect to be human. How could I have been so blind.

  “No, I’m not,” he admitted with a shrug. “But neither are you, so what does it matter?”

  I stopped and thought for a moment. He was right. It shouldn’t matter. I was a witch. A witch who lived with a pixie…who was dating a trickster. I lived in an apartment building that only rented to Supernaturals. Why should I be surprised that my boyfriend was also supernatural? This was my world now. These were the types of people who would always be around. But somehow, for some reason, what he was still mattered. A lot. “What are you?” I asked softly.

  He sighed, rubbing his finger against my knee. His skin was cool against my flushed skin, even through my jeans. “Maxie, I love you. Remember that. I’m not some monster. I’m a gentle, caring, compassionate guy who just wants a normal life with you.”

  I heard the words. I knew he meant them, but the dread just kept building. Why wouldn’t he answer my question? Was it really that awful? “What are you?” I asked again as I realized I wasn’t going to like his answer.

  He nodded with determination, knowing he had to own up to whatever he was keeping from me. “I love you,” he whispered, giving my knee one final squeeze. His mouth opened in a smile that was devoid of any joy.

  I watched as his perfect white canines grew longer, turning razor sharp. They were identical to Jersey’s. I gasped as it slowly dawned on me.

  Sorrow filled Ryan’s eyes as he saw recognition sweep over my face. He gently stroked the back of my hand with his thumb, offering support. “I’m a vampire, Maxie.”

  Twenty Eight


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