Hitman's Journey Back in Time

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Hitman's Journey Back in Time Page 8

by Joshua Schank

  Ben took a few sips of a Bud Light when he noticed a man named “Chris.” Ben went to school with Chris. He never really got to know Chris, but he remembered having him in some of his classes. Ben walked over to Chris.

  “Hey, how are you?” Ben asked.

  “Do I know you?” Chris asked.

  “I had a feeling you may say that. I went to school with you. You were in some of my classes, both in junior high and high school,” said Ben.

  “I was high all the time in high school is probably why I don’t remember you,” said Chris who laughed.

  “No hard feelings. I was a nerd that got picked on most of my early years,” said Ben.

  “That’s one problem I never had. All my problems were that I would never turn in my homework,” said Chris, who laughed once again.

  “I used to get picked on by this punk named Ryan Demore,” said Ben.

  “Ryan Demore?” Chris asked surprised.

  “Yes, why?” Ben asked.

  “That dude’s a pussy now. He got his ass beat up by Adam Klight about a year ago at “Petey’s Bungalow.”

  Adam Klight is the same Adam that got saved by a girl named Shirley during his beating from Ryan and his gang of misfits when he was eleven-years-old.

  “You’re shitting me,” said Ben shocked.

  “No, I’m not,” said Chris.

  Ben laughed. “That’s too much for me. He used to pick on Adam in elementary school. I’m still in shock.”

  “Most bullies are cowards,” said Chris. Chris took a big sip out of his Miller Light. “You should pay him a visit some time. He’s always at ‘Petey’s Bungalow,’ from what I hear.”

  Ben smiled. “Oh, trust me, brother, I will,” said Ben.

  Ben walked into Petey’s Bungalow. It had been two weeks since Ben had run into Chris. Ben is wearing a blue striped shirt with a Top hat on. Ben noticed Ryan right away. He still looked the same in the face. Unlike when they were kids, Ryan isn’t bigger than everyone else. He’s average built. Ryan took a seat at a table with six other people. Ben recognized a few of them from his younger days.

  Ben sat at the bar and got himself a pitcher of Bud Light. Ben was hoping he could find a way to talk to Ryan. As Ben was finishing up his first glass of beer, he noticed in the corner of his eye, Ryan coming to the counter. Ryan stood by a bar chair to his right, only two seats away from Ben. Ben stared at Ryan waiting for him to notice.

  “Yes, I’ll take a Long Island Iced Tea,” said Ryan to the waitress.

  As Ryan waited on his drink, he finally looked over at Ben and noticed he was getting stared at.

  “Do I know you?” Ryan asked.

  Ben smiled. “You know me quite well.”

  “I want to say, let me think… is it Bill?” Ryan asked.

  “Close, but no. It’s Ben.”

  “I heard you went into the Marines or something,” said Ryan.

  “I went into the Army,” said Ben.

  “Why don’t you have a seat with us?” Ryan asked.

  “Well, it would be my pleasure,” Ben said as the waitress handed Ryan a Long Island Iced Tea to drink.

  “Just put in on my tab,” Ryan told the waitress.

  As they walked over to Ryan’s table, Ryan began introducing him to the people at the table. He did this by pointing at them and saying their name.

  “That is Richard, Jason, Shawn, Henry, and of course, you remember Michael and James,” said Ryan.

  “How could I possibly forget,” said Ben sarcastically.

  Ryan then began pointing his hands at Ben.

  “And everyone, this is Ben. And, yes, if you’re wondering, he is the small ‘Ben’ that we used to pick on,” said Ryan.

  Ryan’s friends started laughing. Ryan gave Ben a light hit on the stomach.

  “You know I’m just playin’ with you, don’t you?” Ryan asked.

  “Of course,” said Ben.

  Ben took a seat and began to finish up drinking the rest of his pitcher. Ben sat down next to Shawn.

  “What is it you do, Ben?” Shawn asked.

  “Well, I just got out of the Army three months ago and am now working at Oak Lawn Shell gas station,” said Ben.

  “Oh, that’s cool,” said Shawn.

  “What about you?” Ben asked.

  “Well, I’m having troubles finding a job. I was doing factory work but kept on getting let go,” said Shawn.

  “Sorry to hear that,” said Ben.

  Ben got up from the table to get another pitcher of beer. Ben came back with only one glass. Some of the people seated gave him a dirty look. Ben gave them a look back challenging them.

  “Hey, Ben, can I get a glass from your pitcher?” said Michael.

  “I’m sorry, I only have enough for myself,” said Ben sarcastically.

  “I can get a glass from the waitress,” said Michael.

  “I’m sorry, I’m afraid that there’s only enough left here for me,” said Ben sarcastically.

  “Is there a problem here, Ben?” Michael asked.

  “I don’t know, is there?” Ben asked wanting a challenge.

  Michael stayed quiet. Ben chugged down glass after glass. Between sips, Ben looked around challenging Ryan and all his friends with his dirty gazes. Ben finished up his last glass.

  “Well, I got to run. It was nice seeing you all again,” said Ben sarcastically.

  Ben walked up to the counter to request his tab. The bartender, Ashley, gave Ben his tab.

  “Here you go,” said Ashley.

  With tax, it read “17.50.” Ben took the tab and sat it in front of Ryan.

  “What the fuck is this?” Ryan asked.

  Ben put his left hand on Ryan’s back. “Hey there, good buddy. You’re going to take care of this, am I right?” Ben asked daringly.

  Ryan laughed. “You can’t be serious. Please, tell me that you are joking,” Ryan said.

  “I’m afraid not,” said Ben.

  “Hey, Jason, you want to handle this punk for me?”

  Ben hadn’t gotten a really look at Jason until now. Jason was over six foot, probably 6’2’’ with muscular arms. It was quite apparent that he spent a great deal of time at the gym. Jason got up from his chair very slowly and walked over to Ben very slowly.

  “You got one more chance to run, boy!”

  Ben laughed. “I think I’ll pass, big boy.”

  Jason cocked back and landed one hard shot to the body and then followed one to the face dropping Ben to his knees. Ben is in a seated position turned around and appeared to be in a great deal of pain. His hat had fallen off and is now a few feet away from him.

  “That ought to teach you, boy, to mess with me!” Jason shouted.

  Jason walked back over to his chair and was about to sit back down when everyone heard loud laughing. The laughter was coming from Ben. Ben grabbed his Top hat from the floor and put it back on his head. He then got back to his feet. Ben turned himself back in the direction of Ryan and his friends. Jason, feeling insulted from the laughter, rushed over to Ben in a fast manner.

  Right before Jason swung, he said, “This ought to teach this punk.”

  Ben blocked Jason’s punch. Ben then threw a swift kick right to Jason’s ribcage. Jason backed up in pain. He put his right arm around his chest from the pain. Ben grabbed Jason’s head and kneed it. Jason dropped to his knees. Ben then put everything into his right arm and aimed it at Jason’s face. Jason was knocked out “cold” from the blow.

  “I’m calling the police,” Ashley shouted from the counter.

  “You do that, darling,” said Ben sarcastically.

  Ben laughed and turned his attention to Ryan and everyone at the table. All their faces were shocked.

  “Now, you are going to take care of that tab, aren’t you?” Ben asked.

  “Well, of course. Anything for you, ole buddy,” said Ryan.

  Ryan said those words hesitatingly and full of stutter.

  “You’re going to have to forgive me for
not believing you,” said Ben. “So, I’m going to have to ask you to pay it now, so I can leave.”

  Ryan got up from his seat. He looked at his friends hoping one of them would come to his rescue, but they all looked away. Ryan brought the tab over to the counter and gave Ashley $20.

  “You know, this waitress here has been so kind. I think she deserves a $20 tip,” said Ben.

  “What? Are you out of your freaking mind?” Ryan asked.

  “Is there a problem here, Ryan?” Ben asked.

  Ben grabbed Ryan’s wallet out of his hands, pulled a $20 bill and gave it to the waitress.

  The waitress smiled. “I appreciate it, but I can’t take this,” said Ashley.

  “Oh, sure you can. Can’t she, Ryan?” Ben asked.

  Ryan stuttered. “Yes, she may.”

  Ben put Ryan’s wallet upside down in the air allowing all of his money and cards to fall over the floor. He then threw the wallet across the room. He noticed a man probably in his late forties with fairly long brownish gray hair staring at him.

  “You all have yourself a good day now!” Ben exclaimed as he headed out the front door.

  “The police will be here any minute,” said Ashley.

  “That’s quite ok. I’m sure they will know where to find me,” said Ben

  Chapter 10

  Ben is lying on the couch in the living room, when he hears a knock on his front door. Ben gets to a seated position and rubs his eyes, as he almost had fallen asleep. As Ben is walking to the front door, he sees a man outside wearing a hat resembling that of a cop’s hat.

  “Can I help you?” Ben asked the cop.

  “Yeah, I got a call from Petey’s Bungalow’s. Do you know anything about that?” The cop asked.

  “I sure do. I beat a fellow up there a few hours ago. Am I under arrest?” Ben asked.

  “Not exactly,” said the cop.

  “So, why are you here?” Ben asked.

  “Jason, the kid you beat up didn’t want to press any charges. His friend, Ryan, however, badly wanted to. The decision was ultimately Jason’s to make. The bar owner doesn’t want you coming around anymore. If I get any more calls of you being there, I’m hauling your ass to jail. Is this clear, boy?” The cop asked.

  Ben laughs, “Yeah, we’re clear. I had no plans of going back to that shithole anyways.”

  The cop left with a nasty smirk on his face. Ben closed the door with a huge smile on his face.

  Ben is seated on a park bench. It was the same bench that he sat on many times as a kid. Sitting on the bench and staring at nature helped Ben clear his head from all the bad things in the past. Ben didn’t just focus his attention on the bad things, but he also started to think about all the good things that happened, primarily, the things that happened at the park. He imagined his father throwing him a football in this park back when he was eleven. He saw his father in his visions jumping up and down as he ran with the football pretending to score a touchdown. Those were the good days, thought Ben. He imagined the girl and guy that had met at the park back when he was eleven. Ben’s past visions don’t just center around him but just the way the park was back then. Now, it’s empty besides him and another man. Ben imagined what it used to be like with kids playing tag, baseball, and other sports at this exact same park a little over a decade earlier.

  Ben began to notice a creepy looking man only a few feet away from him. The man is really rough looking, and Ben hoped he wasn’t some homeless man that wanted change from him. The man stared at Ben for several minutes before walking over to Ben. As the man close to within a few feet in distance, Ben spoke up.

  “Look, if you’re trying to get change from me, I don’t have any for you!” Ben shouted to the man.

  The man appeared to be insulted. The man’s name is Jack.

  “I’m not looking for change,” said Jack.

  After saying those works, Jack looked around as if to see if anyone was around. This worried Ben, so Ben got up feeling threatened.

  “You best be on your way, old man. Well, that is if you would like to see fifty,” said Ben.

  Jack laughed. “I’m not here for no stinking change. I came to hire you.”

  “Hire me for what, exactly?” Ben asked.

  “I’ve been sent to ask you if you wanted to become a hitman?” Jack asked.

  “Wow, oh wow,” said Ben.

  “So, is that a yes… or possibly, a maybe?” Jack asked.

  “You have lost your mind, old man. Wait a minute, I recognize you now. You were that old man at Petey’s Bungalow’s. Are you stalking me?” Ben asked

  “I don’t want any trouble from you. I came here because I was sent. I’m only doing my job,” said Jack.

  “Look, you are obviously very ill. Just turn around and leave right now,” said Ben.

  “Very well, I’m going to sit my business card right here on the park bench in case you change your mind,” said Jack. Jack quickly walked away after leaving his business card on the park bench.

  Ben laughed to himself. “Wow, what a fruitcake,” Ben said softly. Ben picked up the business card. It has a man’s name on it “Jack” and also had his phone number on it.

  “You got to me fucking kidding me,” Ben said to himself. Am I in the twilight zone? Ben thought to himself.

  As Ben left the park, he seen Jack drive past him in a 1997 Chevy Malibu (1997 is the current year that Ben is telling the story in). How did he afford that? Ben thought to himself.

  Ben is working behind the counter at a gas station as a gas attendant. An elderly woman came in.

  “Can I help you?” Ben asked the elderly woman.

  “Yes, I would like to put $30 on pump number 5 and a pack of Marlboro Lights,” said the elderly woman.

  “Your total will come to $36.95,” said Ben.

  The elderly woman swiped her MasterCard.

  “Credit or debit?” Ben asked the elderly woman.

  “Credit,” said the elderly woman.

  Ben printed two receipts: one for her to sign and another for her to keep. The elderly lady signed her name on the receipt and gave it back to Ben.

  “You have yourself a good day now, ma’am,” said Ben.

  As the old lady left, two young boys around twelve-years-old came running in. They went to the candy section of the store and came up to the counter a few minutes later. They had sprees, gum, gummy bears, and cinnamon candy.

  “Your total will be $7.25,” said Ben to the two kids.

  Only one boy reached into his pockets to pay for the candy. The boy grabbed a $5 and two $1’s out of his pocket. He was still a quarter short. The boy asked his friend if he had any change. His friend reached into his pocket and handed the boy two dimes. The boy handed Ben the cash.

  “You’re a nickel short,” said Ben. Ben could see how bad the two kids wanted the candy. “It’s fine, you two are good to go.” Ben pulled a nickel out of pants to cover the costs.

  “Thank you,” said the kid that paid him.

  “You’re welcome,” said Ben.

  Things had begun to quiet down after the two kids left. Ben decided to go outside to smoke. Ben lit a Kool’s cigarette and began to smoke it as two cars pulled up. Both cars the driver was paying at the pump, so Ben stayed outside enjoying his cigarette. Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out Jack’s card. He smiled as he stared at the card for several seconds. Could there be a chance in hell that the dude was for real? Ben thought. Ben seen a car parking. Ben put the card back into his pocket and then proceeded to put the cigarette on the ground stomping it before heading back inside the store.

  As Ben is sitting on the couch, he decides to give Jack a phone call. He figures he has nothing to lose. He figures he will just bring protection in case Jack is a dangerous man.

  Ben calls the number on the card. “Yeah, Jack, it’s Ben. The guy you made the crazy offer to yesterday.”

  “Well, are you still interested?” Jack asked.

  “I’m still not sure if this i
s some type of sick joke or what this is exactly, but yeah, I’m interested,” said Ben.

  “Great, I’ll be over in twenty minutes,” said Jack.

  “Don’t you want my address?” Ben asked.

  “Already got it,” said Jack.

  “How did you get my address?” Ben asked.

  Ben got a dial tone right after asking the question, as Jack hung up on him. Ben sat on his couch with a shocked look on his face.

  Jack is driving Ben. Jack turns to Ben to break the silence.

  “You seem nervous,” said Jake.

  “Well, let’s see, a strange man has asked me to be a hitman and knows where I live without me giving him my address. Yeah, I would have to say that I’m a tad nervous,” said Ben.

  Jack started laughing. “Relax, kid. We will take good care of you.”

  Jacks turns down an alley. They had been on the road for several hours and were on a country road in the middle of nowhere. Jack and Ben stare out their windows for a good minute enjoying nature and lost in their own thoughts.

  “How far is it out here?” Ben asked.

  “About five miles,” said Jack.

  “How did you get involved in something like this?” Ben asked.

  “Let’s just say that I was born into it,” said Jack.

  “Why was I chosen?” Ben asked.

  “You will have to ask the boss that one. He likes you a lot,” said Jack.

  “How in the hell does he know me?” Ben asked.

  Jack pulls out a tobacco can out of his pocket. Jack takes the tobacco out of the can and puts it in his mouth and begins chewing. He then spits into an empty McDonald’s cup.

  “You would be surprised, kid,” said Jack.

  Jack and Ben walk into a small building. No houses or anything within several miles of this building. It’s way out by itself in the middle of nowhere.

  “After you,” said Jack.

  “No, I think I’ll let you go in first,” said Ben.

  Jack smiled. “Still don’t trust me?”


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