Tangled Redemption

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Tangled Redemption Page 19

by Tina Christopher

  Miguel roared when Sydney slumped into his arms. He unleashed his power fully, like he had not done in a millennium, breaking through every single shield, every single wall or barricade in her mind, searching for Sydney’s spirit along their lifemate connection. Shocked by its weakness, by how far gone it was, he clung and dragged her back with him.

  It was an uphill battle, but he wouldn’t give up. He turned to Jayden. What is happening? How much longer until we have medical support?

  Galen said ETA thirty seconds. Hang on, Mik, don’t let go of our girl.

  Miguel gritted his teeth. Sydney’s blood had healed the worst of his wound, but he was nowhere near peak condition and the amount of power he had to use to hold Sydney to him drained his reserves.

  Take from me. Jayden pushed power and strength along their bond.

  Miguel welcomed the support. Only as much as you can spare. I need you to be my eyes and ears.

  Understood. Jayden agreed, but Miguel knew if it came down to it he would give more than would be wise.

  Galen is here.

  Miguel cursed. He hated being unaware and vulnerable, but he couldn’t afford to pull back from Sydney even the slightest bit. She fought like a she-wolf, but she was too far gone.

  Let me. Jayden pulled Miguel into his mind so he could see and hear everything that was going on through Jayden, but did not have to release Sydney.

  ArchNaema Galen Kinvin came to a stop beside their little group. “Status?”

  “Sydney is dying,” Jayden said, his voice cracking the slightest bit. “She has lost a lot of blood. Miguel is holding her to us.”

  Galen frowned and threw a quick glance to Nikolai while pulling open a medical response bag.

  Don’t go into more detail on what I am doing. They understand that the same power I am using to save Sydney can be used in a much worse way, Miguel told him.

  No one knows how powerful you really are, do they? Jayden didn’t take his eyes off Galen.


  Nikolai settled across from Galen on their other side and gently lifted Sydney’s wrist. Miguel grew uncomfortable with all the men in such close proximity.

  “Nikolai, give us some room.”

  Nikolai did as Jayden asked, but his frown remained. “Why do Sydney’s wrists look like she cut them open herself?”

  “Because she did.”

  Everyone stilled. Brooke rested a hand on Galen’s shoulder. “Does she want to be saved? Maybe the horrors she experienced were too much for her.”

  Jayden cursed and yanked the transfusion link out of Galen’s hand. With two quick moves he had inserted it into Sydney’s vein. “I will explain everything in a second, but by everything that is holy, either help or get the fuck out of the way.”

  Everyone but Galen took a step back at the venom in Jayden’s voice.

  Miguel stroked Jayden through their link. Didn’t you say something earlier today about being more friendly?

  Jayden spat another curse, but some of his rage softened.

  Galen took the other end of the transfusion link and inserted it into his vein. “Sydney and I have the same blood type.”

  Miguel and Jayden followed the first bit of blood as it trickled through the link and hit Sydney’s vein. They watched as more and more blood followed.

  “Is Tanasha close?” Jayden asked. “Galen can only give so much and Sydney lost nearly her complete blood supply.”

  “Yes, about that.” Duncan crossed his arms before his chest. “Please explain that to us.”

  Miguel had to bite his lip to stop himself from shouting that they were all idiots from Jayden’s mouth.

  Jayden rubbed his forehead. “I’m not sure I can. All I know is she sliced open her wrist and the more blood she lost, the weaker Nasir became. In the beginning it took too fucking long, so she cut open both of them.”

  Miguel added his own suggestions.

  “Miguel believes Nasir used Sydney’s blood primarily to gain his extra powers, but he had to have at least two more sources. When she drained herself, those two sources maintained Nasir’s strength, meaning she had to give far more blood than she could.”

  Galen sat down heavily. Nikolai rushed to his side and supported him. “I’m fine, don’t worry.” He turned to the rest of them. “I had always thought it was a myth.”

  “What?” Jayden asked.

  “It was said that the same giver of power to a Vampire can take it away again. That is why when Vampires first found out about the properties of our blood they killed their Naema victims. One quick death meant they could retain their power. By draining the blood the way she did, willingly and without thought to herself, she took away Nasir’s power.”

  “But why didn’t the same happen when the early Vampires killed the Naemas?” Nikolai asked.

  Galen shrugged one shoulder. “I never looked too much into the details. Something about the sacrifice of blood.”

  “Sydney sacrificed far too much.” Jayden said.

  “She gave you the opportunity to take down Nasir.” Brooke frowned at him. “Don’t take that away from her.”

  Miguel sent a little touch of support. She is right. Our Sydney is a warrior and we have to accept and honor what she did.

  That may be, but before that I’ll have to make use of that flogger the two of you are so fond of. She’s taken decades off my life.

  Miguel smiled. Can you release me?

  Jayden gently removed Miguel from his mind and transferred him back into his body. Once there, Miguel dove along the link. It fought as valiantly as Sydney. In places it was still nearly see-though, but overall in much better shape than he had anticipated.

  Then he reached Sydney’s spirit. Before the transfusion it had been barely there, just the slightest shadow of the amazing woman who was Sydney Radnall. Now she had grown bigger and stronger.

  What happened? What are you doing here?

  He wanted to hug her tight, wanted to pull her into his arms and never, ever let go, but this wasn’t the right time. You drained yourself of blood thereby weakening Nasir and giving Jayden and myself the opportunity to kill him. At the moment Galen is giving you a blood transfusion in an effort to resupply you. It killed him that another man gave her what she needed, but neither Jayden nor he were in any shape to donate and Galen’s Naema blood was more powerful than their Vampire blood.

  What happens once he’s finished the donation?

  Either your best friend Tanasha will join us or he will rest until he is able to give you more.

  She studied the construct he had built to keep her with him. What’s all this?

  He shrugged. I needed to come up with something to keep your spirit here. You were nearly gone.

  I remember that. Then there was warmth and love, something that gave me the strength to hold on. She stilled. That was you.

  He continued to watch her. With every minute that went by, her vitals stabilized and her spirit grew stronger. A tug on his link to Jayden told him Galen was just about done. He moved his energy a little closer to Jayden.

  Tansha is here and will do the next round of transfusion. It appears she is a universal donor. Jayden sent warmth along the link as well as another dose of energy, helping Miguel to sustain his power output. It probably was no longer necessary, but he wasn’t about to risk her floating away again.

  Sydney dismantled his construct. I’m fine now and I have no plan to leave this existence just yet.

  Your friend is here.

  Yes, I can feel her. I think I’m getting closer and closer to gaining consciousness again.

  Take it easy and don’t rush back there. The most important thing is that you are healthy and strong again.

  She caressed him. Mik, you have used too much energy to keep me on this plane of existence. I am fine. You can let go and look after yourself. We have a lot to discuss when all three of us are conscious again.

  Miguel struggled with her request, reluctant and terrified she would drift away once he released
her. She didn’t rush him but maintained their connection, sharing her confidence in him. Slowly he let go of her, always checking to make sure she was good without his support.

  Finally they were separated. To him it was as if he had lost a limb. She sent him a burst of energy that felt like a kiss. He sent her his own caress and retreated along their connection, now in much better shape with the reds growing nearly as mesmerizing as her wings.

  When he returned to his body, every single part of it ached. With a low groan he opened his eyes and met Jayden’s worried gaze. She will be all right. She’ll probably regain consciousness soon.

  His lifemate slumped and rested his forehead against Miguel’s. Jade, don’t ever to this to me again. Between the two of you I’m ready for an early grave.

  Miguel’s lips quirked. Just make sure it’s big enough for the three of us.

  Jayden laughed and pressed a soft kiss to Miguel’s lips. Go to sleep. I’m just waiting for Tanasha to finish and then a couple of hover beds will take you to a shuttle and back home.

  Home. Miguel no longer knew where that was or if he even had one.

  Your home is with Sydney and me. Stop worrying and get some rest.

  For once Miguel did exactly as he was told.

  * * * * *

  Sydney woke up surrounded by heat and strength. She smiled but didn’t open her eyes. Miguel was behind her and Jayden in front of her. She was glad everyone was safe. She smiled as she opened her eyes, but the smile dimmed as she looked into Jayden’s worried eyes.

  “I am so sorry, love. I cannot tell you how sorry I am I had to break your trust. At that point in time I thought it was our only choice, but the end never justifies the means.” He picked up her hand and pressed his lips into her palm. “Can you forgive me?”

  “What happened?” She listened to him describe Nasir’s conditions. Miguel shared Jayden’s memories at the same time, giving her the full experience.

  She sighed when Jayden was done. “I can understand why you believed lying to me was the only way.”

  “But?” Jayden’s green eyes burned with desolation and regret.

  Not knowing how to make him understand what his lies had cost her, she shared her memory of realizing Jayden had betrayed her with Miguel, knowing he would share it with the other man.

  Both of them hissed. Miguel pulled her tight against his chest, dropping soft kisses along her nape.

  Jayden balled a fist and dropped his gaze. She didn’t need Miguel to read his response. “I didn’t share with you to make you feel bad, but to help you understand.” She scrambled out from under Miguel’s arms and leaned against the headboard so she could see both of them without having to turn. “All three of us have baggage we’re bringing into this slightly insane relationship. I’ve been lied to too many times to forgive and forget it easily.”

  She cupped Jayden’s cheek. “I understand why you did what you did and I forgive you. But if you ever lie to me again—” She released him and looked at both her men. “That works for both of you. If either of you lies to me ever again, I am gone.”

  They nodded.

  “And that goes both ways. I will never lie to you. We can talk through,” she chuckled, “or shout through whatever obstacle we’re facing, but lying to me because you don’t think I need to know or should know means the immediate end of our triad.”

  Miguel took one hand and kissed it. “Understood.”

  Jayden copied his actions on her other hand. “I understand and am grateful you have it in you to forgive me.”

  She nodded, glad they were willing to live with her little quirk. “Now, bring me up to date. Where are we and what’s the plan for the immediate future?”

  Miguel rose until he sat beside her and pulled her into his arms. The feel of his skin against hers, his arms around her reminded her how close it had been. She turned in his arms and held him tight.

  “Hey.” He rubbed up and down her back. “What is it?”

  “I nearly lost you.”

  He returned her tight hug and gave her all the time she needed to process. Finally she released him and studied his chest. There was a new scar, but it looked like it was months old. “How long was I out?”

  “Five days,” Jayden said.

  She stroked her fingers along the line. “It looks healed.”

  Miguel kissed her hand. “It appears your blood does have superpowers.”

  “I’m glad.”

  He chuckled and pulled her back against his chest. She held her hand out to Jayden and he lifted her legs across his lap. His hand rested on her inner thigh and his thumb rubbed back and forth. Tingles began to spread through her. She smiled and savored that she was alive and could enjoy them.

  She clapped her hands together. “Now, come on, boys, bring me up to speed. What has happened in the last five days and where are we?”

  Miguel caught her hands, crossed her arms over her chest and held them. “You have become pretty feisty and demanding. I may have to do something about that.”

  She laughed and cuddled closer. “Oh, are you going to spank me?”

  “No.” He bit her earlobe. “I am going to watch as Jayden does so.”

  A shiver ran through her. Her pussy grew moist and her nipples hardened.

  “It looks like she likes this idea.” Jayden stroked his hand up her inner thigh until he cupped her.

  Sydney dropped her head back and moaned. “Of course I do, but please tell me what happened. Were all the Ferals taken out? Were we able to save the humans at the compound? Has Nasir’s sick empire collapsed? Is Marissa all right?”

  Her men burst out laughing. Miguel kissed her neck. “You have a lot of questions. Because I’m in a good mood we will answer them, but don’t expect to always win.”

  “We are on Yisun. Miguel has a house here.”

  She stilled. “We’re very close to Catullus, the Naema home world.”

  “Your family is just a hop, skip and a jump away. Do you want to go visit them?”

  Sydney was torn. The men stopped their teasing and held her close so she was in her favorite place—the filling in their sandwich.

  What is it? Miguel’s voice inside her mind eased her tension. He just made her feel better.

  My parents are about as conservative as they come. They told me to stop being friends with Tanasha when she married Duncan. My father will freak out when he finds out about you.

  “We’ll take you to your District and remain outside. Your family wouldn’t have to see us.”

  Jayden’s suggestion made sense. He must have heard her comment through Miguel, but it rubbed her the wrong way. She shook her head. “I love the two of you. I’m not going to hide that. If they no longer want to see me, that’s their decision.” She cupped each of their cheeks. “I have a new family now.”

  “Are you certain?” Miguel clasped her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes.

  She smiled and nodded. “I love my family, but I’m not willing to live my life to their standards and expectations. This is my life and I’ll live it to the fullest.” She kissed him. “Now, please fill me in. I promise I won’t interrupt again.”

  Jayden laughed. “We’ll see. We did indeed take down Nasir’s empire. Our code breakers are working on his database using the key you built. We are hoping to find everyone who paid him as well as the delivery details for the humans.”

  “All the humans in the compound who were still alive have been collected and taken to the facility on Rabelaise.” Miguel flattened his hand on her stomach and stroked his thumb back and forth.

  Now she had Miguel caressing her stomach and Jayden teasing her moist entrance. Her concentration wavered, but she dragged it back with effort. “What about Marissa?”

  Miguel chuckled. “The two Vampires who bought her worked for me and somehow managed to link with your Marissa.”

  Sydney turned so she could see his face. “Linked? As in being a lifemate to both of them?” She looked between the two of them.
“I thought two lifemates was the exception. Suddenly they are turning up left, right and center.”

  Her guys didn’t say anything but shrugged. “I want to see her.”

  “Sure,” Jayden pulled over his comp. “I’ll schedule a visit.”

  “As to our future endeavors we are taking a very, very long holiday.” Miguel’s eyes darkened. “Both of us have been undercover for some time.” Jayden took Miguel’s hand and kissed it. “We need some time to recharge and become part of regular life again.”

  Sydney’s heart clenched when she thought of what both of them had been through undercover working for Nasir. She nodded. “I like to travel, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Give me access to your funds and I’ll make sure we don’t run out of money.” She roared with laughter when she saw their faces. “Haven’t you heard, I have a gift with numbers.”

  Jayden shrugged. “What’s mine is yours. You’re welcome to it.”

  She continued to giggle when Miguel struggled to give over control. In the end she kissed him. “It’s all right. We’ll learn each other together.”

  “Now,” Jayden pulled her close. “Have we answered everything you needed to know?”

  She smiled. “Yes, you have.”

  “Great, does that mean I get to spank you now?”

  “I thought you would never ask.” Sydney could not contain her happiness, her love. It soared through her link to Miguel to his link with Jayden and basically lit up the whole room.

  She had finally found her home.

  And she couldn’t wait to experience it every day.


  Four years later

  Edana Ranweth Kinvin, orphan, former blood slave, adopted daughter to Nikolai Ranweth, Galen Kinwin and their lifemate Brooke Deverell, and freakazoid at every Naema school for being only half of what they wanted her to be, watched as Sydney spoke from her seat in the circle.

  Over the last couple of years these sessions had happened less often, but still at least once every two months Edana climbed aboard a shuttle piloted by one of her fathers and went to a meeting to deal with the stress and the emotions that came with having been a blood slave.


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