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Banished Page 25

by Anita Philmar

  Danni opened her mind and absorbed his love. Joy sang in her heart, and she longed to bask in the thrill of being truly in love. But then pictures of the men she’d had sex with and those she’d killed flashed through her head. “And what about the more lustful side of my personality?”

  “It has only ignited my desire to make you mine.” He nibbled on her ear. “I can’t wait to make love to you in every form possible and then add other partners to the mix.”

  Images formed of animals mating—lions, wolves, rabbits, and eagles. Each cried with the joy of sexual release. The aromatic scent of their transformation filled her nasal passages, and passion flared again in her core.

  “Just the thought of me making love to you has your pussy weeping with insatiable hunger.” He wedged his hand between their bodies and brushed his fingers through the soft hair covering her mound.

  A groan escaped before she could stifle it. “Sex is not enough to hold two people together. We also need a common bond.”

  “True, but we both hope to preserve the lineage of the royal family. While you plan to expose the culprit that threatens your family, I intend to increase their numbers.” His finger found her clit and applied pressure.

  The implication of his words erupted through her head as longing rekindled her lust. “What? You can’t believe I’d bring a child into this crazy world.”

  Chapter Seven

  Omar woke as light brightened the horizon. After the long journey through the countryside, they stopped to rest for a while before traveling on to Havyn’s castle. A movement caught Omar’s attention, and he noticed Danella a few paces away in her sleek lioness form. She stepped from the shade of a rock and strolled to the lake’s edge.

  Throughout their trip, she’d remained quiet, lost in her own thoughts and unwilling to explain her reasons for not wanting children or returning to Ardenia.


  At one point in their youth, she’d wanted the same things he did—a family and a life together where they’d never be alone again. Why couldn’t she give him a chance?

  Impatient with her reclusive attitude, he lifted his lion tail to brush away a pesky fly and asked her the question that had plagued him throughout the night. Why do you yearn to spend the rest of your life alone?

  The sleek muscles in her hindquarters tensed, and her thick tail dipped between her legs. Desire twisted in his gut. He squelched his raw craving and shifted his paws under his body to lie in a squatting position.

  She glanced at the horizon. The sun should be rising soon. How do you want to contact Kesia and Havyn?

  I’ll answer your question if you’ll answer mine.

  She glanced over her shoulder, but with him still in the shade of the rock, he was sure she couldn’t see him clearly. I won’t be alone. There’ll always be a man who’ll gladly pay for the pleasure of my company.

  But he won’t stick around for more than a few days.

  Her jaw dropped and her tongue hung from her mouth for an instant, then she turned completely toward him. After everything that’s happened, why do you still want me? You might enjoy some rowdy sex, but I’m not someone you’ll enjoy having on your arm at an Ardenia cotillion.

  Right. You’re a princess, and I’m a lowly guard. Are you sure it’s not me you don’t want to be seen with?

  A flash of shock widened her eyes then her lids dropped. You don’t know what you’re talking about. The people of Ardenia won’t accept me as a ruler anymore. I’ve slept with a multitude of men and learned the ways of witchcraft from a traitor to the crown. Don’t you remember who Maris was?

  Regret tainted her thoughts. In her animal form, he could distinguish her emotions and absorb the pain associated with her admission.

  Yes, she was Jack’s mother, and the woman who stole King Petros from the late Queen, your mother’s sister. But your mother no longer blames Petros and Maris for Vanessa’s death. She allowed Jack to marry Noelani and has accepted him into the family. She’d do the same thing for her own daughter. Omar judged the distance between them and waited for her to step closer. A few more paces, then he’d pounce.

  Yes, but I ruined my sisters’ lives. The only reason I agreed to visit Kesia is because you won’t return to Ardenia without me. Even though you’ll eventually—

  She jerked her head to the left. Did you hear that?

  A rustling noise sounded near an outcrop of trees, and a large black wolf stepped into view.

  Omar? Havyn’s voice drew Omar to his feet.

  Yes, we were just talking about how to approach your house without causing your staff concern. We have a mission for you and Kesia.

  A low growl rumbled from Havyn, and his gaze sped quickly over Danella’s lean lioness form, then he turned. Fine, but let’s get moving. Someone other than you two is prowling this area.


  The musty straw underfoot failed at the task of masking the savory scent of Omar’s transformation. The smell seeped into Danni’s blood and ignited her lust.

  She diverted her desire by studying the dress Havyn delivered a few moments ago. The rich silk caressed her hand like Omar’s cock. Her body heated, and need coursed through her veins. “Havyn didn’t have to loan me such an expensive dress.”

  Omar, dressing in the stall next to her, peered over the partition. “Personally, I’d prefer if you wore nothing at all, but Havyn’s servants expect us to act the same as everyone else. You probably know better than I, how much humans enjoy covering their bodies.”

  She glanced again at the blue silk and lifted the heavy dress above her head. Muffled words reached her ears, but she couldn’t decipher their meaning. She tugged on the fabric and wrestled her arms into the sleeves, then pushed her face free. “What did you say?”

  Omar stood in front of her, and she noticed the loose fit of his shirt and pants.

  “That dress is probably Kesia’s while these clothes must belong to Havyn.” He stepped forward, and the extra length added to his feet by his borrowed shoes slapped against the floor. His hands gripped her shoulders, and he drew her long hair from her dress. “As soon as we make it inside we can shed some of these clothes.”

  She caught the drawstrings at her waist and tightened the corset attached to the mid-section of the dress. “I don’t mind clothes. But I don’t usually wear expensive silk.”

  “What are you talking about? In Ardenia, the royal robes are created by magic weavers using silken threads.” He brushed his hands through her hair then lifted it to his nose. “As a young man, I loved staring at your sexy body through the thin misty cloth.”

  Danni shook her head and stiffened her resolve to remain detached. She couldn’t allow herself the luxury of falling in love with the man. “You couldn’t see anything through that fabric. You just liked staring at me.”

  He leaned closer. “I still do,” he whispered against her lips before his mouth covered hers. In a soft, gentle caress, he played with her bottom lip and then deepened the kiss.

  Lust rushed through the center of her body, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. His rich scent increased her desire to strip off his clothes, and her hands gripped the material tucked into his pants.

  “Danella!” Her name echoed off the roof of the barn.

  She drew away from Omar and turned. In a blinding rush, her sister raced forward.

  “Oh, I can’t believe he really found you. We were so worried,” Kesia exclaimed and her arms circled Danni’s neck.

  Unable to break free from the jubilant embrace, Danni gathered her sister closer and forgot for a moment the pain she’d caused her sibling.

  “Kesia, honey, let me look at you.” Danni drew back and stared at the beautiful woman. Rich brown hair stacked in an elegant knot accented her sister’s heart-shaped face. Brown eyes twinkled with delight and a broad smile graced her lips. The little girl Danni remembered had disappeared, and in her place stood a confident lady. “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed.”

  Kesia captu
red her arm and tugged her forward. “Well, it’s been over ten years since you’ve seen me. I was bound to have changed.”

  Unable to absorb the difference between the child she’d known and the woman standing beside her, Danni grabbed her sister’s hand. For years, she’d kept track of her sister’s life and the heartaches she’d endured. “But you must hate me.”

  A shocked expression stole across Kesia’s face. “Why? Because you convinced me to travel into the human world when we were younger?”

  “Yes, I ruined your life.” Danni back up and bumped into Omar. His hands landed on her waist, and she drew strength from his solid frame. “You should have grown up in Ardenia as a pampered princess, not in the human world where you were a slave to your owner’s whims.”

  “But then I wouldn’t have found Havyn.” Kesia stepped closer and then slipped her arm around Danni’s shoulder. Omar relinquished his hold and moved away. “I don’t regret anything that’s happened. It’s made me a better person, and now I can truly appreciate what it means to be a member of the royal family of Ardenia.”

  “Come on, ladies, why don’t we head into the castle.” Omar opened the barn door. “I think we’ll find it much more comfortable in there, and I’m dying for a bite to eat.”

  “Gosh, yes, where are my manners?” Kesia strolled forward, dragging Danni along in her wake. “I’ll have Sadie fix you something right away. Then by the time we’ve finished breakfast, Flurry will be wake and ready for his feeding.”

  Danni increased her pace and slid her arm around her sister’s waist. “And how do you like being a mother?”


  Holding the soft bundle in crook of her arm, Danni stared into her nephew’s sweet cherub face. His big, brown eyes charmed, and she stroked her hand lightly over the fuzz on his head before handing the baby to the maid to put down for his nap. “I can’t believe you have a baby, Kesia.”

  “I can’t believe it either. Just a few weeks ago, Noelani arrived back in Ardenia and now you show up here. We finally have our family back together again.” She wiggled closer to her husband on the sofa and laid her hand on his thigh. “How soon do you think we can leave for home?”

  Havyn shrugged.

  Danni frowned and glanced around the elegant sitting room of Havyn’s castle. In a huge fireplace, full of wood, dry kindling crackled and popped. Expensive tapestry hung from the walls, and thick rugs graced the cold stone floor.

  Omar paced the length of the room and stopped at the end of the couch where she sat. “Your sister isn’t going back.”

  “What? Why not?” Kesia pushed to the edge of her seat. “But you have to. Mother is looking forward to seeing you. She’s been blaming herself for our disappearance since she learned the reason for us leaving.”

  Doubts plagued Danni, and she shook her head. “But she’s not at fault. I’m the one who convinced you and Noelani to step into the human world. I wanted to find Omar. If anyone is to blame, it’s him.”

  “What? How can you say that?” Omar’s shocked tone rubbed against Danni’s nerves. “The only reason I traveled outside our country was to fight in the war. I never dreamed you would follow me.”

  “But Havyn had just been banished from Ardenia because he crossed the line and let the human’s learn of his ability to transform. I needed to warn you.” Danni recalled the heart-wrenching pain she’d endured at the time. Her gut burned with regret for all that had happened. “You never should have fought in that stupid war anyway.”

  “But...” Omar stepped around the end of the couch.

  “Now you can understand why mother is condemning herself.” Kesia stood and strolled across the room. “She knows that because of her unjust verdict against Havyn, you decided to leave home and travel into the human world.”

  “But it wasn’t her fault. I’m the one who didn’t think before I acted.” Danni blinked and tears fell. She wrapped her arms around her chest. “I’m the one who placed all our lives in danger and ruined our chances at happiness.”

  After taking a deep breath, she continued. “Mother wasn’t to blame for our disappearance. I was.” Danella dug her nails into her biceps. “Because of my mistake, you and Noelani have gone through hell.” She pulled her gaze from her sister and stared at Omar. “I don’t deserve to be forgiven. Everyone should despise me.” She dropped her face into her hands.

  The couch beside her dipped, and she swayed to the left. Strong arms circled her, and Omar’s broad chest offered a place to rest as well as easing her fears and igniting her lust.

  For a brief moment, she allowed herself to absorb his strength. Soothing warmth flowed through her veins. But pride wouldn’t allow her to fall under his spell. She stiffened her resolve, lowered her hands, and opened her eyes. She had to stand firm.

  Her gaze met her sister’s. “I’m not going back. I only came here to warn you about the danger surrounding our mother and Jack. I know Councilman Rodman has plans to kill one or both of them.”

  Chapter Eight

  Omar grabbed Danella by the shoulders and stared into the depths of her eyes. What the hell was she thinking? “Why would Rodman plot to kill the queen?”

  “He’s Jack’s uncle and head of the people’s council.” Havyn stepped beside Kesia.

  “He has no reason for wanting either of them dead. Why jeopardize his position to carry out such a plan?”

  Danella lifted her gaze and wiggled her shoulders. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  Omar read the determination in her gaze and loosened his grip to slide his hands down her arms. “Then tell us what you know that we don’t?”

  A brief smile lifted the corner of her lips, and she studied his face. For a moment, appreciation glowed in her eyes. Then she faced her sister. “Rodman isn’t all that he seems. He has villainous connections in the human world that have helped him gain power in our world. Maris told me he blackmailed her into creating the necklace he gave our father before he left to fight in the war.”

  Omar recalled Rodman’s accusation against Jack for killing the king. Was Rodman really the one at fault? What type of spell had he placed on the king’s necklace?

  “Maris Avery? Jack’s mother?” Kesia swayed on her feet. “What does she have to do with anything? Aunt Vanessa kicked her out of Ardenia a long time ago.”

  Omar judged Danella’s reaction to her sister’s questions.

  “Along with King Petros.” Her hands fisted in her lap, she sank farther back into the sofa. “But what you’ve forgotten is Rodman was King Petros’ brother.”

  “So?” Her sister’s curt reply intensified Danella’s unease and her knuckles turned white.

  Hating that she was suffering, Omar covered her knotted grip. “Why is that important?”

  Danella rolled her palm over and gripped his hand. “Because Rodman wanted his brother out of the way and encouraged him to become involved with Maris.”

  “But our aunt ended up killing herself because of her husband’s infidelity,” Kesia argued. “Did Rodman hope Aunt Vanessa would fall in love with him?”

  “Maris didn’t know, but she said Rodman was the one who arranged for Ardenia to enter the war. He promised support and then convinced Mother to send in troops.” Danella’s hand tightened around Omar’s.

  The ramifications of Rodman’s influence in the politics of Ardenia filtered through his head. Rodman acquired the position as head of the people’s council right before Queen Vanessa died. How had he gained his appointment?

  “But why would Rodman kill Jack or your mother now?” Havyn guided Kesia back to the other sofa and stood behind her, as if on guard. The warrior would not only protect his wife, but her family as well. Omar appreciated the big man’s help.

  Danella lowered her chin. “It’s my fault. I placed the necklace Rodman commissioned Maris to make around Jack’s neck to protect him and Noelani from harm. He knows I’m aware of his deceit and is trying to cover his tracks. The only way he can reclaim the necklace is by killing Ja

  “Then why kill Mom?” Kesia captured her husband’s hand and drew him down onto the couch. Omar marveled at the love displayed between the other couple. Would Danella ever turn to him in the same way?

  “Because he wants power.” Danella worked her hand free of his and pushed to the edge of the couch. “I don’t have any hard evidence. But I believe he feels he can push the council into taking control if anything should happen to Mother. Then, as the new leader of Ardenia, he’ll make us prove we’re worth of the title of queen.”

  “But that’s not how the laws are set up. We each have a voice in the policies of our country now. Mom and the majority vote from the council have the final say.” Kesia shook her head. “I don’t think he can convince the council to overrule centuries of tradition.”

  Omar had to agree that the council wouldn’t bend the rules for Rodman. Most didn’t even like the man.

  “Yes, but we don’t know for sure. After all, none of us have lived in Ardenia for years.” Danella stood and crossed the room to her sister. “That’s why you need to return home, so you can warn Mother about what could happen. She has to protect herself from that man.”

  “But why can’t you go with us?” Kesia grabbed her sister’s hand. “Mom is aware of your power as a witch, and she’ll trust your predictions.”

  “Yes, but my presence will alert Rodman. And he might act before we can put measures into place to safeguard Mother and Jack.”

  The two sisters hugged, and Omar met Havyn’s dark glare. The frown on the large man’s face reflected his own doubts about the situation. Rodman’s plan for a coup couldn’t work.


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