The Captain's Conquest

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The Captain's Conquest Page 16

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “My dear, may I compromise and call you Lady Cameron?”

  “Lady Allendale would be more accurate, my lord, since Sir Tidley neglected to mention my marriage.”

  The man’s face darkened. His eyebrows met in the middle with his scowl. “Captain Allendale married you?”

  Heat rose in her cheeks. “Yes.” She met his gaze. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

  “That was not the assignment.”

  “It is a long story for another time.”

  “Where is your husband?”

  Lucy glanced to Michael who answered the question. “We don’t know. We expect him to arrive in London soon.”

  The man walked around his desk, sat down, and looked at the two of them. The silence hung heavier than the fog off the Thames.

  Lucy shifted in her boots.

  “My lord?” Michael stood next to her like the soldier he was, straight and tall with his hands behind his back.

  “Sir Tidley. Go ahead.”

  “There have been several attempts made on Lady Allendale’s life. What is the plan for keeping her safe?”

  “You can leave her with me and I will see to her safety.”

  “With all due respect, I hesitate to leave her until her husband is here to see to her care.”

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Enter,” the General barked.

  The door opened, and Jared stepped into the room.

  Lucy bit her lip as she waited for him to notice her.

  Jared walked in and stood next to Michael. His hair was falling in his eyes and his face was haggard. His clothes were filthy and he obviously hadn’t bathed in days. His scent reminded her of the nights in the Highlands. He had never looked more attractive to her than now.

  Lord Hughes stood, placed his hands on the desk before him, and leaned forward. “What do you have to say for yourself, Captain Allendale?”


  Jared wished he could have a private reunion with his wife, but he doubted Lord Hughes would be tolerant of his request. He had only been able to glance at her but even with her hair wild and her dress torn and filthy, he wanted her. To touch her, to hold her, to kiss her, know her peace beside him as he slept in the dark of the night when the nightmares came.

  “Captain?” The man was fast losing his temper.

  Jared had been on the receiving end of it before.

  “Thank you for sending Sir Tidley to come and assist me on the mission. He has helped me protect Lady Allendale.”

  Lord Hughes tilted his head. “You do not deny the marriage.”

  “I do not deny or regret the marriage.” Jared clenched his jaw and stared straight ahead. In his peripheral vision Michael winked at him. Cheeky rescuer. He owed him so much for protecting Lucy and completing the mission.

  “That was not part of your assignment.”

  “No.” Jared dug into his pocket and placed the sheaf of sealed papers on the General’s desk. They were dirty and frayed at the edges. “You assigned me to bring you a ‘package’ and the instructions clearly stated that Miss Lucy Cameron was the package to be delivered along with these papers.”

  “How are the nightmares?”

  Jared dropped his gaze. How had he known? “Present and accounted for.”

  Lord Hughes looked to Lucy as Jared moved his gaze back to the front. “Lady Allendale, do you claim this man as your husband?”

  Lucy looked the man in the eye and smiled. “I would have no other.”

  Relief flooded Jared’s soul.

  “You could not have selected a better man, in my opinion. My condolences on the death of your mother. I knew her during her come out and she was as beautiful and fair as you have grown.”

  “Thank you, my lord.”

  “Captain Allendale. May I extend your mission?”

  “I told you I was done.”

  The older man sighed. “The alternative is to find some other men to provide a personal guard for Lady Allendale until we unravel all that has happened and come up with a plan. I realize you want to go home to Rose Hill and to your estate from there. I expect a written report on my desk before you leave, but you are hereby discharged from duty.”

  Jared frowned. “May I speak?”


  Jared stepped forward. “Lucy is my wife and I will not abandon her. If staying with her means staying in service until she is safe and able to join me at home, I will stay.”

  “Remaining in service means the Duke could reassign you wherever he wants. If you chose to stay with your wife, that is your privilege but if you reject discharge you run a risk of not being able to be with her.”

  “My duty is completed to my country. My new duty and mission is to protect, provide, and love my wife.”

  “Well said, Allendale.” Lord Hughes rose his hand to salute and Jared followed suit.

  “It is done, then. Michael, you may return to Katrina and give her my love. Give her my thanks for lending you to this case.”

  Michael nodded to Lord Hughes. “It was my privilege to serve. I got to meet a sister I did not even know I had. To find her married to one of my dearest friends affords me great pleasure. I am honored to have been asked.” Michael let his hand drop, then turned to Lucy to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Keep that slug in line and out of trouble, Lucy. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Thank you, Michael.” Her eyes watered.

  A spark of jealousy welled up in Jared. But this was happily-married-Michael who was bestowing a chaste kiss on his sister’s cheek. Jared wished he could slap his own face for his fanciful thoughts.

  Michael turned and grabbed Jared’s upper arm. “You are well, Jared?”

  “Yes. Thank you for caring for my wife.”

  “We had a mission and we worked as a team. You got us out and free.”

  “That’s not what really happened.”

  “It was the same result, Jared. Don’t beat yourself up for something that turned out well.”

  “Will you be in London for a while?”

  Michael glanced at Lucy. “As long as you and my sister have need of me. I’ll be at our townhouse. If you need a place to stay, you are more than welcome. Lucy could borrow some of Katrina’s dresses until you are able to take her shopping.”

  Jared nodded. “Thank you. We may take you up on that offer. I forgot to ask. Do you still have Fidget?”

  “No, ferrets don’t live very long and now that I’m out of the spy business I have no need for one, much to my wife’s delight.” Michael turned and left, closing the door behind him.

  Jared went to Lucy. “Are you well?”

  “Now that you are here, yes.” She reached out a hand to him.

  He lifted it to his lips to bestow a kiss.

  “A full report on my desk, Jared. Head to Michael’s house and I will send men to come and stand guard.” The general sat down. “Congratulations on your marriage, Allendale.”

  Jared couldn’t help but give what he was sure was a goofy grin. “Thank you, Lord Hughes.” He put his arm out and Lucy placed her hand on it. They left the building and found their way out to the horses and one little lamb bleating.

  Scallawag ran up and nudged Lucy until she picked the creature up.


  “Silly Scallywag.” Lucy buried her head in the lamb’s soft wool coat. Her heart was full of joy.

  “Luce, I’m sorry. What I did was inexcusable. I abandoned you and Michael.”

  Lucy let her tears fall into the lamb’s coat. She was too exhausted to even answer much less appease his guilty conscience.

  “Luce, please forgive me?”

  She couldn’t hide it any more. “I’m so tired, Jared. Can we talk tomorrow?”

  He frowned. He held the lamb while she mounted, and handed the animal up to her. He climbed on his own weary horse and headed for the mews behind Michael’s home.

  Lucy tried to stay awake but slid off into Jared’s arms once they reached the mews.

; “Take care of the horses. Rub them down, extra oats. Keep this lamb secure as well. And you,” he said to a stable boy, “bring those bags to the house.”

  “Aye, Captain.”

  Lucy couldn’t even see the boy as sleep claimed her.


  She awoke a little while later to find her fully clothed husband laying on top of the covers. He had only taken off his boots. She was snuggled under the blankets in her chemise. She raised herself up on one elbow. “Jared?”

  His eyes flickered open a crack. “Hmmm?”

  “Take off your clothes and join me under the covers.” She leaned forward and began to undue his buttons.

  “Don’t start what you can’t finish.” His voice slurred with exhaustion.

  “There’s nothing to start right now, except to have you holding me as we sleep.”

  Jared pushed up, stripped to his underclothes, and sank under the covers. He pulled her close and within minutes they both slept.

  Morning came and went. Lucy and Jared slept until mid-afternoon. Jared called for a bath for Lucy and food to be served in their room. Lucy enjoyed her bath and helped Jared with his. A maid had found some clothing from Katrina’s closet that fit fairly well. The two sat eating and drinking a glass of wine.

  “Is this an acceptable time to talk, Luce?”

  “As good as any.”

  “Will you forgive me?”

  “I already did.”

  “Then why the tears?”

  Tear drops flowed unchecked and unbidden once again.

  Jared pulled her from her chair into his lap and held her close as she sobbed. How did she begin to tell him of her fear for his safety? How abandoned she’d felt even though Michael was there? How her very soul was ripped asunder?

  “I love you.” She kissed him. “I missed you.” She kissed him again. “I was worried about you.” She kissed him with all the agony that was inside hoping that maybe, somehow, he would understand all that she could not put into words.

  Jared returned the kisses. “When I realized what I’d done, I didn’t believe I was worthy to live, to be your husband, to even be worthy of God’s mercy.”

  “Love is not something you earn, Jared.” She wiped away his tears. “May I suggest we get more rest and tomorrow morning you can start writing out your report.”

  Jared smiled. “Sleep? With you? You talked me into it.”


  Jared was on his back with Lucy snuggled up to him. How did he ever think he could live without her light and love? He couldn’t sleep, although he should be resting well. He’d known many women over the years, but none since before he had been caught and tortured. None of them compared to his innocent pixie bride.

  He slid out from under her. She mewled a protest and snuggled into his pillow. He covered her up. He threw on a borrowed robe and went to stir up the fire and throw more wood on. He sat at the desk and pulled out paper. Lighting a candle, he glanced at his wife. She still slept. Good. He began his report to Lord Hughes. Perhaps once that was delivered, he could get some clothes for his bride, select a wedding ring with her by his side, and plan to leave soon for Rose Hill. He looked forward to introducing his brother and friends to his lovely bride. He was tempted to flaunt her at a ball or two as well. He glanced at her again. She would protest such a plan he was sure. In time, surrounded by people she trusted, maybe when they were past this waiting, they could do just that.

  He would waltz with her and all the men would envy him. The women who chased him knew not the burdens he brought to the marriage. He married a woman of beauty and courage. She never cowered from him or belittled him his illness. He poured himself a brandy before he picked up his pen to recount their adventure. Lord Hughes didn’t have to know everything, but he did need to know some certain things.

  A few hours later, his hand cramped. He put the pen away and closed up the ink. He dusted all the papers, folded and sealed them. He would deliver them in person. He yawned. In the meantime, he had a wife to keep warm and he was honor bound to take care of his duty and fulfill his new mission.

  The next morning, he awoke and Lucy still slept. He shaved and dressed in clothes he had stored at Michael’s for the few times he came back to London from overseas. He finished tying his cravat and left to go see Hughes with his report.


  Jared left Whitehall, his ears ringing with the honest assessment of his mission. It was good he was done with this business. The tragic thing was that his mistakes could have cost Lucy her life and jeopardized the war.

  He arrived home to find Michael sitting in his study. His friend looked up when Jared entered.

  “Ah, red ears. I can only imagine the scold you received, friend. In my opinion, you did the best you could do, and no man would have cared for my sister with more respect and gentlemanly honor than you.”

  “I appreciate your commendation.” Jared plopped down in a chair, extended his booted legs, and crossed them at the ankles. He let his head fall back and closed his eyes. “I wish this were over. I’m not under orders but I still have a wife to protect, and an unseen enemy.”

  “But we at least know the enemy’s identity now. We had no clue who the Black Diamond was when he attacked Katrina and me.”

  “I wish I had never met the Black Diamond, Michael. I wish he had not tried all the things he has through his minions.”

  “I love onions but hate minions.”

  Jared jerked his head to Michael who flashed a dimple and raised an eyebrow. Jared laughed at the absurdity of his friend. “Thank you. I agree.”

  “What’s next?” Michael inquired.

  “I will take my lovely bride shopping. Did the hairdresser come to fix her up?”

  The door opened, and Lucy walked in. “Mayhap you can see for yourself.”

  His wife walked in wearing a peach colored gown that gave her cheeks some color. Her curls had been trimmed and arranged in a fetching manner and was topped off by a perky bonnet.

  Jared and Michael both rose to their feet. Michael whistled and Jared slugged him in the arm.

  “Owe! What was that for?”

  “Ogling my wife.”

  “Get used to it. She will attract every unattached man of the ton and a few of the attached ones as well.”

  Jared growled. “She is your sister.”

  “She is that, but she is also a woman and beautiful.” Michael moved forward and gave Lucy a peck on the cheek. “You clean up well, sis. Have fun shopping with Mr. Grumpy Pants.”

  With a quick skip around her, he exited the room.

  Lucy gazed at him with wide eyes. “You don’t like?”

  “I like very much. So much that I’m tempted to skip our shopping trip.”

  He watched as a becoming blush colored her cheeks. He’d been used to seeing her in peasant attire and as a boy, not the empire straight gowns that were in vogue.

  Jared strode to Lucy, drew her close, and leaned in for a kiss. She returned it in full measure. He found his wife an apt and willing pupil.

  She broke it up. “Do we have to shop? I am not ready to be seen by the beau monde that you talk about.”

  “They are not like the Loch Ness Monster, sprite. They don’t predict doom.”

  “But they can cause deep problems if the truth of my story would be known.”

  “We shall tell them I was in Scotland on business, met you, swept you off your feet, married you, and brought you back with me.”

  “That would be mostly true. But what about my relationship to the Duke of Diamonte?”

  “What about him?”

  “No one really knew about me, did they?”

  “The Duke eschewed public gatherings. You may be safe from anyone knowing of the connection.”

  “But you are a Captain and I am Lady Allendale. If I had no relation to the Duke I would only be a Mrs. Allendale. Could we skip the title?”

  Jared frowned. “I’m not sure that would be best, Luce.”

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  “Because the truth always has a way of coming out and denying the relationship denies your relationship to your nephew as well. You haven’t met him yet, but he is a great boy from what Michael has shared.”

  Lucy frowned.

  “Come, we shall take our problems as they come. We cannot anticipate them all.”

  “Did you see Lord Hughes this morning?”

  Jared nodded and kept his face passive.


  “He has my report, reviewed it, and we discussed my actions. I am no longer in his employ which is good. Had I not resigned I might have been decommissioned.”

  “But you served your nation well.”

  “Ah, but he dared to insinuate that my action, in marrying you, could be considered treason.”

  “What?” Lucy’s eyes grew wide and her hand flew to her mouth.

  “I have married the daughter of a known traitor, thereby aligning myself with his house.”

  “But…but I have no contact with him and do not agree with him.”

  “I explained that to his august personage. The fact remains, however, that my marriage to you alone would have compromised my service to the Crown had I wanted to stay.”

  “They wouldn’t have trusted you.”

  Jared shook his head. His heart shriveled at the thought that his years of service and those days and weeks being tortured, never giving the enemy what they wanted would be cast aside and disregarded in light of this sweet woman who stood beside him. A woman whose reputation and physical well-being he had chosen to protect out of his duty to the Crown.

  “It matters not, Luce. I’m done, and the opinions of others need not concern us, lest they take in their minds to restrain me from being involved in bringing down your father’s empire in my efforts to protect you.”

  “How might they do that?”

  “Isolate me until this battle is over.”


  “A little vacation to the Tower of London has been offered if they in any way think I have converted to your father’s side.”

  “They would imprison you? But you could hang if they decided you were guilty, and you have done nothing wrong!”

  “Ah, but not in their eyes. The only thing I ever did right in my life was marrying you, Lucille Allendale. They disagree. But that is neither here nor there at present. We have our guards and eyes watching and our most pressing item on the agenda right now is to procure a new and fashionable wardrobe.”


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