The Captain's Conquest

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The Captain's Conquest Page 25

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  She placed her hand on his extended arm and together they regally ascended the stairs to the home of the Earl of Perkins who was celebrating the betrothal of the last of his five daughters.

  Lucy was aware that eyes were watching her. She lifted her chin a little higher. She was born into this role and would do her mother proud by her actions tonight.

  “Lord Perkins. Lady Perkins. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Mrs. Allendale, daughter of the Duke of Diamonte and married to my most honored and trusted aide, Captain Allendale.”

  Lady Perkins flicked her fan closed and rapped the Duke’s arm. “You are bamming us, of course. Lady Allendale is locked in the Tower and your trusted aide is wanted for treason.”

  The Duke’s stern face alerted the countess to the error of her thinking.

  Lucy fought not to giggle. She gave a curtsy to them both. “My lord, my lady, it is a delight to meet you. Let me assure you that my husband and I are ardent supporters of the King and Regent and this fabulous country. We would love for Napoleon and those who seek his favor to be conquered once and for all so we may live in peace.”

  “Well said,” countered the Earl. “Welcome. I have a feeling that your attendance tonight will give my wife a jewel in her crown as hostess of the ton.”

  “I am happy to have been of service to you, my lady.” Lucy bobbed a curtsy again and was led into the ballroom by the Duke. She stood at the door and took in the colors of all the gowns contrasted with the almost unrelieved black of the men’s suits for the evening.

  The Duke leaned in. “Does it look familiar?”

  She nodded.

  “May I lead you in a contra-dance?”

  “Oh, no, my lord, the only dance I have ever managed was a waltz with my husband. There were no dancing masters, nor need of them, where I grew up.”

  “’Tis a shame and one you will have to rectify in the future. Let me procure a glass of punch for you.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” Lucy watched the Duke make his way through the crowd being hailed and welcomed by all. She scanned the room for familiar faces. Lord, what now? You brought me here, but I have no clue as to why. Who is to appear and how will this free my husband and brother? Oh, please help me!

  She was bumped by the crowd of well-dressed strangers and moved to settle closer to a wall where no chairs had been placed. A large plant provided an interesting hiding place as she glanced about. Who were all these people?

  Giddy girls giggled off to one side as they watched a handsome gent walk by. He glanced at them and winked. A rogue to be sure. Some older women were close by, seated and yammering away about this person and that. Names that meant nothing to her. At least Jared’s name wasn’t on their lips.

  Lord Remington, Lord Westcombe, and Lord Harrow entered. They quickly spied where she was and moved to other parts of the room. She smiled at how she had gone from no family to this band of brothers who were now seeking to defend her, Jared, Katrina, and Michael.

  She wondered where Katrina was.

  A master of disguise, she had told Lucy she would be there but doubted that any of them would pick her out or discover her. “Only Michael might figure out if he suspected I was here, otherwise I would most likely fool him too,” she had said.

  Lucy grinned at her adventuresome sister-in-law. Even though she was now a mother she seemed to enjoy partaking in the drama of Lucy’s life. Lucy was grateful that they had become more than sisters-in-law, but friends as well. God had provided many blessings when she came to London.

  The air was stifling and the tendency of some of the beau monde to eschew bathing provided for an unsavory culmination of fragrances to waft around her. She sneezed. She pulled out her fan and brought it up to partially hide her face but to also prevent some from learning her identity or seeking her out.

  Or did that go against the goal of uncovering the Black Diamond? She wished she knew what to do. She shook her head. Sure, as if God would just write on the wall or talk to her through the plant, after setting it on fire, of course.

  “What has brought that delightful smile to your face?” Wellington presented her with a glass of punch.

  She took a sip. “Silly thoughts and nothing I desire to share.”

  “I’m shocked the bucks have not flocked to you yet. Are they blind?” The Duke frowned.

  “They do not know me and are probably intimidated by you, my lord. You would have to make introductions for them to approach me, and for what? I don’t dance and am a married woman.”

  “How else are you to discover what you need?”

  She shrugged. “I do not know. I am waiting for God to show me that step.”

  “He got you this far, I expect we can trust Him to see you through to the end.”

  “Whatever that end may be.” She frowned and took another sip of her punch.


  Jared scanned the crowd. He and Michael had made their way in through the garden, bypassing the people queued at the entrance. It meant crawling over a garden gate and interrupting a romantic interlude for one couple. Now they were inside, blending in with the crowd.

  “Is the Regent here yet?” Michael asked.

  “No. He will probably be fashionably late as is his wont.” Jared located his brother, Marcus, in a corner chatting with members of Parliament. The very thought made him want to yawn, but Marcus was animated, and Jared could tell his brother was scanning the crowd.

  Michael spotted Theo doing the pretty on the dance floor with a debutante who had little fortune or looks to recommend her.

  Phillip was wandering around the room, making small talk with those he met.

  “She’s here,” Jared whispered.

  “Who?” Michael responded.

  “My wife.” Jared took a step forward and a hand grabbed his arm and held him back.

  “Slow down. You don’t want to get in the way of whatever God showed her.”

  Jared swallowed. “No. I want to see her. Be near her.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if Katrina were here as well,” Michael said as a young maid came by with a tray of wine glasses. Michael lifted one off for him and Jared. “I don’t see her though, do you?”

  “No, but she is petite.”

  “So is Lucy and you had no trouble spotting her.”

  “How could anyone not see her? She shimmers with the candlelight on her almost white hair and that lovely neck…” A man moved to allow him to see her better. “…but that dress is indecent! Who brought her here like that?”

  Michael’s grip grew stronger. “Rein yourself in. She is yours.”

  “She looks as if she’s displaying herself for sale. I’ve seen prostitutes in Portugal with more modesty than that gown,” Jared seethed.

  Michael shook his head. “Do you ever listen to yourself? Could you be more buffleheaded than Theo? More than half of the women here have dresses far more scandalous than your wife’s. Look at those damped underskirts, leaving nothing to the imagination. Or over there, that prime piece with jewels dripping almost to her waist drawing attention to…”

  “Enough.” Jared watched as the Duke of Wellington conversed with Lucy and left her side. A dance was coming to an end. He shook off Michael’s arm, glared at him, and strode through the crowd to his wife.

  Her gaze caught him. Her sparkling blue eyes widened with surprise and her perfect lips formed an ‘o’.

  He came forward and bowed to her. “Lady Allendale, would you do me the honor of this waltz?”

  She curtseyed, placed her hand in his, and gave him a smile. “I would like nothing better, Captain.”

  He led her to the floor and took her in his arms, careful to keep the prescribed space between them. He longed to crush her to himself but was determined to not add any more scandal to what tonight might have simply by them being here. The music began and he smiled down at her. “I have missed you, sprite.” Her smile made promises he hoped he would get a chance to take her up on.

  “I have missed you
as weel then.”

  “What is the plan for this evening?”

  “I do not know. The Regent is to be here. Perhaps my father will show?”

  “You want a confrontation with your father at the Earl of Perkins’s home?”

  “You told me to draw. I drew several sketches, and this was the one God impressed me with as real.”

  “And is it?”

  She tilted her head and her eyes squinted.

  “Real. Is it real?”

  “Yes. May we enjoy this moment together?”

  He nodded and spun her around the floor, aware that many eyes watched their progress. And why not? He had the most beautiful woman in the room waltzing in his arms. The song came to an end. He released her and bowed.

  She curtseyed and put her hand on his arm as he led her off the floor. “Jared?”


  “I want you to know, I love you.”

  He frowned. “This isn’t quite the place for endearments.”

  “Just in case something bad happens tonight, I wanted to tell you.”

  A shiver ran up his spine. “What do you mean something bad? Like what?”

  “All I know is something will happen.”

  “With three people here, who are wanted for treason, why would you imagine anything bad could happen?” Jared looked at her as he brought her back by the tree she had staked out earlier.


  “Excuse me?”

  “Four. Katrina is here as weel then.”


  “She served you drinks a short time ago and collected your empty glass on your way to dance with me.”

  Jared glanced around. Michael was near the garden doors surveying the crowd. He saw no sign of the elusive servant. “I should have known it was her. Footman are the only ones to serve drinks. I must be losing it if I didn’t detect that something was off with her.”

  “She said you would likely not discover her. I almost didn’t except that after she served you, she looked over at me and winked.”

  “That sounds like her.”

  “She will have fun teasing Michael about that for a long time to come.”

  “Wouldn’t be the first time.”


  Lucy wished she could leave the party with Jared and hide away from the issues at hand. They were not safe. Her only real hope was to plead her case with the Prince Regent.

  A disturbance at the door revealed his arrival.

  The Duke of Wellington approached him and soon the portly Prince glanced her way.

  “I think we are about to have our meeting.”

  As the prince drew near, her breathing grew heavy and she fanned herself. The room started to spin. Somehow, she managed to execute a low curtsey.

  “Well, well, what have we here? Two of my most noble subjects or traitors to the Crown?”

  “Your Highness,” Lucy whispered, “we are your humble subjects and devoted to England.”

  “You are from far away.”

  “Yes, your majesty.” The fan kept moving.

  “Stop that infernal fan. Put it down and let me look at you. The daughter of Diamonte, eh?”

  “Yes, my liege.”

  “You will honor me with a dance.” The prince held out his arm to her.

  “I am sorry. I only know how to waltz.” Her hand came to cover her mouth. Had she angered the prince by her honesty and refusal to dance? Who turned down the Regent?

  He smiled. “Then a waltz it shall be.” He snapped his fingers. A footman came to do his bidding and was soon scurrying to the orchestra. “It is my favorite dance of all and likely the only time I will get to hold you in my arms without your husband threatening to murder me.”

  She smiled and glanced at Jared. “He is devoted to me, but I am sure he will permit one dance.”

  “As loathe as I am to be apart from my bride, I believe I can survive.” Jared bowed with a smile and took a step back.

  Lucy put her hand on the Prince’s arm. As round as he was, he exuded charm. The music began and so did their dance.

  “Wellington tells me that you and your husband, as well as Sir Tidley and his wife, have been set up by your father with these charges of treason.”

  “We believe that to be true. He threatened to do so if Jared didn’t sacrifice his life to prevent it. My husband has been a faithful servant to the Crown for many years at great cost to himself. Your Highness, if you could see the way he suffers as a result of the torture he endured to protect this country that he loves, you would never doubt his faithfulness to you, the King, and for this nation.”

  “And what of you, my lady? Raised in Scotland and yet profess to love England?”

  “I am British by birth and have married a staunch defender of the Crown who retrieved me at great cost to himself to fulfill his duty.”

  The Regent smiled. “Was it his duty to marry you? I don’t ever recall that being something we required of our agents.”

  “That is a story for another day. I am pleased to be wed to an honorable man.”

  The Prince was surprisingly spry on his feet in spite of his girth.

  “My father, the Duke of Diamonte, is the threat to your reign and the sovereign rule of this nation.”

  “How so?”

  “He has confessed to my brother that he anticipates sitting on the throne of England as Emperor and has partnered with Napoleon.”

  “Napoleon would never share power with one such as your father. No offense intended, my lady.”

  “None taken. I believe your life and that of your father, are in imminent danger, and our arrest was an attempt to keep us from warning you.”

  “But you have foiled him at that. And what will the cost to you be?”

  “My life, if that is what it takes to ensure your safety, and win back my husband’s, Sir Tidley’s and Mrs. Tidley’s reputations.”

  “You would risk your beauty to save me?”

  “If it were required of me. Yes.”

  “I never before needed a woman to protect me but your brave words make me believe you speak truth. I will see you all exonerated of the charges placed against you.”

  The music wound down. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

  “It was a most enlightening dance.” The Prince raised her hand placed a kiss there.

  She smiled.

  The Prince led her to the dais where the orchestra was. “I would like to make a proclamation,” he declared and waited for the murmuring to subside as the music stopped.

  “Lords and ladies, I would like to make it publicly known that the charges of treason against Captain Allendale and his lovely bride here, Lady Allendale, as well as Sir Tidley and his bride, Mrs. Tidley, are false. These people love our nation and have fought to preserve the monarchy. I want to make it clear that anyone who claims otherwise will be imprisoned for treason.”

  A blur rushed to the stage but was held back by Lord Remington and Lord Westcombe.

  Lucy pointed to the man who stood before them. “Your Highness, this man, the Duke of Diamonte, also known as the Black Diamond, is the true traitor.”

  The Prince stepped down, leaving Lucy behind. He came up to Diamonte’s face, darkened with rage, as he struggled against the men who held him.

  Lucy was grabbed from behind and dragged off the dais. She struggled against the arms that held her. One covered her mouth and she bit it. One painful crack—


  Jared watched in horror as Lucy was abducted. He was on the opposite side of the room and had been so proud of her having won the Prince over. Now as the Prince stood face to face with the Black Diamond, his wife was in mortal danger.

  As he drew near the Prince he could hear Lord Diamonte bluster about his imminent reign and how if he were not released, Lucy would be tortured and killed.

  Jared was out of breath by the time he reached the Prince’s side. “Your Highness.” Jared bowed. “This man will torture her whether you free him or not. Do not believ
e a word he says.”

  The Prince looked at Jared and nodded, his jovial face now marred by a frown. “Take him away gentlemen. To the Tower with double guards.”

  Jared took off where he had last seen Lucy but there was no sign of her. Then he saw it. Her fan. He picked it up and ran out the back door where Katrina awaited him. “Michael leapt on to the back of the carriage. They turned right out of the alley but beyond that, I do not know.”

  Marcus, Phillip, and Theo arrived to hear the end of this. No words were exchanged. They took off for the mews to garner some mounts from the Earl’s stable.

  Katrina followed.

  “Stay here and let the Prince and the Duke of Wellington know what has happened,” Michael said.

  She bristled.

  “Katrina, please. We need to leave knowing that other resources can aid us.”

  She nodded and ran back to the townhouse.

  Jared sprang on his horse. With his friends by his side they soon ascertained the direction of the carriage and began to trail it west.

  “Perhaps he is headed to his estate?”

  “Too far away,” Michael stated.

  “He’s heading toward Rose Hill,” Marcus remarked.

  “Or past it. Wasn’t Bastian’s house out near Stone?” Phillip remarked.

  “That must be where he is taking her.” Jared pushed his mare harder. They would leave a note at the next inn and continue on in pursuit.

  Marcus looked over at his brother. “De ja vu?”

  Jared remembered the mad dash to rescue Josie from her abduction. It ended with a bloody fight and Marcus almost dying. He nodded to his brother. Lord, please let us rescue her and get out alive.


  Lucy was livid. How dare they treat her this way? The men had boasted that she was being held hostage until her father was released. She hoped and prayed that no one would give in to that request. It was a lie. Her father would do anything to gain his freedom and take over the throne.

  She awakened, slumped in the seat of a carriage careening down the road. She didn’t know what direction they were headed. They had not taken her weapons. This was a hasty kidnapping and not well-planned. She had accomplished her mission with success. They had all been exonerated and the Black Diamond captured. She smiled even through the pounding in her skull. She reached up to touch the area, and in the moonlight could tell there was blood on her glove when she brought her hand back down.


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