V Games: Fresh From The Grave (The Vampire Games Book 2)

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V Games: Fresh From The Grave (The Vampire Games Book 2) Page 29

by Caroline Peckham

  She glanced back at me, her pale grey eyes flipping from me to Varick. She was afraid, clutching onto the wire as she waited for the gate to open. I saw myself in her from the past games; frightened, acting out of a desperation to survive.

  The gate finally opened and Varick walked us right to the edge. I took out my tablet, finding my rating on a 1. Thames's score matched mine and Veta's at last.

  As I clutched onto Varick, saying my goodbyes, he tugged me hard against him, pressing his mouth to mine.

  “See you soon,” he muttered against the corner of my lips. I longed to trace every line of his face, to commit each part of him to memory in case this was the end. It all depended on him convincing the Vs to help us now and I saw the weight of that responsibility reflected in his eyes.

  As we parted, there seemed to be a thousand things hanging between us that we may never get the chance to say. And three small words circled in my head that had no right being there. The strongest three words in the world.


  I was rounded up for the Redeeming and brought to the cells beneath the amphitheater. The noise of a crowd filling the stadium above me filled my ears.

  The memories of the first Redeeming were hauntingly close. As the drums beat above my head, hate seeped into my body. I'd watched from the sidelines as the Helsings had done unspeakable things in the past. But something about this was one of the most revolting things I'd witnessed. Now I'd have to live through it, conscious, with Selena as their victim. I was outnumbered ten to one by the other Vs. I still needed to win their allegiance, but the task was proving near impossible. Despite the blood I'd given to the Vampires in the cells with me the previous night, they were still reluctant to join a rebellion.

  “The Helsings will kill us,” Kodiak said simply, a Vampire a year or so older than me in terms of our appearance. His hair was cropped short and his eyes darkest blue. “It's pointless. We won't defy them for more than two minutes without them injecting silver into our heads. And enough to kill us if they see fit.”

  I sighed as the other Vs muttered their agreement, some stating outright that they wouldn't do anything other than get the blood on offer.

  I grew more and more anxious, practically pleading with the Vs to join ranks with me. If I didn't get them to agree, how would I protect Selena? Had this plan been horribly misguided? Why had I ever agreed to this?

  I snarled my discontent, pacing the cage I'd been placed in on my own. Cheers grew out in the stadium and I sensed time was drawing in. We'd soon be released into the pit where Selena would be standing, praying I'd pull through for her. But I hadn't. I'd failed her.

  Still, I'd die before I let one of these Vampires sink their teeth into her.

  Footsteps rang out, fast and pattering. I snapped around and caught sight of Ulvic Hund hurrying toward me, wiping sweat from his brow.

  “Here.” He rammed his arm through the bars, passing me a cylindrical metal object.

  I was speechless, gazing at it, unable to believe he'd really pulled through for me.

  He waved his hands at me when I didn't move. “The sooner you get them out, the better. Place it over the bump and press the button. It will do the rest.” He was already backing away.

  “Why help me?” I asked in disbelief.

  His eyes met mine and he visibly swallowed. “Made a promise, didn't I? You're lucky that girl likes you so much. Though I can't see the appeal myself.” His upper lip curled back.

  I fought the urge to snarl, keeping my expression neutral. Stepping toward him, I lowered my voice. “What about Jameson, have you seen him?”

  Ulvic nodded, his expression grim. “Yes. I'm on my way to him now.” He pulled a tablet out of his pocket and his smile grew, turning the screen toward me so I could read the message he'd received from someone called Typhon.

  All set. If the Vampires cooperate, I'll be in the stadium ready to get them out.

  My heart lifted a tiny fraction, but immediately dipped again as I registered the fact that the plan now solely relied on me convincing the other Vampires to revolt.

  “Who's Typhon?” I asked.

  “Just a friend,” he answered, rubbing his neck as he eyed me.

  My gut prickled as I recalled feeding from the man on Ignus's orders.

  Ulvic moved away and I called after him. “Apologies for biting you. I was Ignus's bitch back then.”

  He shot a glance over his shoulder. “Yeah...” He turned away, his muttered words carrying to my sensitive ears. “I know the feeling.”


  I returned to my cage after a day of murdering Vs. No, I was not having fun any more. And quite frankly, if I got any more bones stuck in my teeth, I was going to kill myself.

  There. I'd finally admitted it. I was as pathetic as Varick now. Being the Helsings plaything was eating away at me.

  Cass sat in the cell next to mine. We were about to be pitted against each other. Me against her. The strongest V against the Werewolf.

  I hung my head, lapping at a water bowl - just like a dog.

  With a sting of pain I'd never get used to, a needle plunged into my neck and I was given back my human form within a few seconds of agonising hell.

  I rose to my feet, stretching out my achy spine.

  I snatched the clothes from the metal bench at the back of the cell, tugging on the pair of jeans and white t-shirt I was given every day.

  “You alright there, Firefly?” I gazed at Cass who hadn't moved an inch since I'd returned to my cage. She was sitting on the floor, her knees clutched to her chest, her eyes fixed on the cell door.

  Her eyes slid to me then away again.

  My heart tugged painfully. She was fading. The spark in her was flickering out and I couldn't stand it. My anger rose to a dangerous level. It was one thing to screw with me, but she was not to be broken.

  “Cass.” I curled my fingers around the bars joining our cells. I rarely used her real name and knew it would get her attention. She shifted around to face me, her toes an inch from the bars separating us.

  “I think I want to die,” she said, her tone so casual that it shattered what was left of my heart into tiny sharp pieces.

  “Don't say that,” I barked.

  She turned her wrists over, eyeing them curiously, rubbing her thumbs over them. “I never wanted to die before. But I'm not really alive anyway.” She looked up at me, blinking slowly. “The Helsings have made me into this...thing. And the only way I can defy them is by dying.”

  I slammed my hand against the bars and the sound rang out. She didn't react, which frustrated me even more.

  “We fight back,” I urged her. “That's how we defy them.”

  “How?” she said simply.

  I gritted my teeth, resting my forehead against the bars. “I don't know.”

  Silence ticked on for a few seconds and finally she said, “When they make us fight, kill me. Don't give them a show, just end it.”

  My brow lowered and I eyed her soft features, the pale freckles dotting her nose, those bright green eyes which seemed to be dimming every day.

  I reached a hand through the bars.

  “Come here,” I ordered and was surprised when she obeyed, shifting next to me, keeping her bare skin away from the bars. I took her hand, her cool fingers slipping between mine.

  Her eyes were full of questions as she gazed at me. To me, Cass was everything I'd ever desired in a woman. Alabaster skin, fiery hair and a sharp personality to match. But the spark inside her was being doused. And after everything the Helsings had done to her, it was no surprise. I'd made a habit out of pursuing women like her all my life. But never once had I been so afraid of losing one of them. She was a dying fire that needed to be stoked. And I wasn't sure if I was the right person for the job, but I was damn well gonna try.

  “You may be dead, Cass, but you're still more of a woman than half the girls I know. And much as I'm enjoying this pity party, I think it's about time you remembered who you are.�

  “And who's that?” she scoffed.

  I raised up on my knees, glaring at her. “I was there on Raskdød. Do you think I didn't notice? I was half a step behind you most of the way. You're god-damn captivating.”

  I hoped for a blush even though Vs probably weren't capable of it – my arrogance evidently knew no bounds. Instead she rolled her eyes. “Captivating? I was surviving.”

  “Like a boss.” I winked at her and she laughed. My chest filled with air. I grinned from ear to ear. Hell yes.

  She shook her head at me, recomposing herself. Damn, this girl was a tough nut to crack. She unwound her fingers from mine and the broken connection made my chest deflate.

  She stood, pushing her crimson locks over her shoulders. I was taller, but I felt like I was shrinking in her presence. She was beauty embodied. My emotions were all over the place. This girl was the entire reason I hadn't lost the will to live yet.

  In the past, I'd given out pieces of my heart like it was a free sample in a supermarket. But with Cass, I wanted to lay the whole weight of it in her palms. God only knew why.

  The door opened and the darkness was cut in half.

  My stomach rolled.

  It was time.

  I shared a look with Cass and was so glad when I recognised the spark in her eye. She was coming back to me. Even if only a little. Her death wish was currently on hold because of me. I'd never charmed someone out of killing themselves before. Nice to know I hadn't lost my touch.

  I was let into the arena. My bare feet left prints in the sawdust which had been laid down to soak up the blood. Real nice people, these Helsings.

  I gazed up at the crowd above. There weren't as many spectators as usual. Perhaps fifteen total.

  “I was expecting a little more of a crowd!” I called out to no one in particular, mock-offended.

  “There's a big Redeeming tonight.” Ulvic's voice reached my ears and I snapped around, finding him just beyond the cage, alone. “Three girls have gone in, Selena included.”

  My heart squeezed painfully. I moved toward the bars and smelt the sweat exuding from Ulvic like it was a hundred degrees in here. Which it most certainly wasn't.

  “What's going on?” I lowered my voice to a hiss.

  “I haven't got time to ex-explain,” he said, his stutter rolling out, giving away his absolute fear. Why was he here?

  I didn't have time to question it further as Cass was forced out into the ring by a sunlamp ignited inside her cell.

  She screamed in pain, lurching in my direction as she clasped the wounds on her arms.

  I moved toward her, but she flinched away, curling in on herself until the burns had healed. My gut churned uncomfortably as I looked up, picking out the three guards who had guns pointed in our direction.

  Needles dug into my neck and I roared my pain. Cass snapped upright, gazing at me as I sank to my knees in agony. My skin began to split and my bones were popping in my ears like firecrackers.

  Next, the rage would come. And I'd be unstoppable. I wouldn't know Cass any more. I'd want to kill. I'd want to rip her apart.

  Suddenly, Cass's hands were around my throat and I thought she was ending this before it had started. I yelped as her fingernails tore at the back of my neck, jerking violently.

  “Jameson!” Cass shouted in my ear and I stilled at the note of absolute pain in her voice.

  With a wrenching of metal, the collar came loose. I dug my heels in against the tugging sensation and it slipped over my head.

  I hit the ground, but gained my feet as stylishly as I could manage. The guards were shouting at each other, clearly unsure of what to do.

  We were still helpless, only I wasn't about to lose my mind. I was in control. Cass nursed her bleeding hands and I nudged her leg gently in thanks.

  “Fight!” one of them shouted, firing a warning shot by my paw. I sprang away, moving closer to Cass's side.

  Cass folded her arms, gazing up at the crowd. “No.”

  “Alpha.” The word made me turn and I found Ulvic staring right at me, a gun clasped in his hand. He aimed it down at the heavy bolts locking us into the arena.

  My gut lifted as he took a shot and the hinge doubled in on itself.

  “Go,” Ulvic hissed.

  “Hey!” a guard roared and started firing.

  I launched forward, butting my head at the gate so the bottom half came loose. Forcing my snout through, I squeezed my way out. Gunshots reverberated through the space. Ulvic fled back into the passage that led to the cells. But I had murder on my mind. I wasn't going anywhere just yet.

  I veered around the cage, bounding up the steps four at a time, climbing higher and higher toward the viewing area.

  A bullet grazed my shoulder and I fought a yelp, diving upwards. My paws thudded down onto the metal walkway with a sound like a gong. I bared my teeth, my hackles raised, gazing at the ring of spectators who had backed up nervously in disarray.

  A guard aimed his gun at me and fired.

  Before I could move, a gust of wind swept over me and the bullet seemed to impact with it. Cass.

  She was a plague of death, sweeping through the crowd, taking out the four guards in a matter of seconds.

  I launched into action, knocking down a spectator with my full weight and sinking my teeth into his throat.

  Whilst Cass finished the job, I blazed the way ahead, charging down the stairs on the other side of the walkway. Ramming my head into the door, it came clean off its hinges, flying out into the dirt.

  I padded outside, slow and assessing. The sounds of shots filled the air and I instinctively ducked. It took a few more seconds to realise it was a group of men enjoying the 'V Experience'. Through their shooting and cheering, I went unnoticed.

  “What is this?” Cass whispered, joining my side in a low crouch, gazing into the town.

  I nudged her cheek, encouraging her to watch as the group shot Vs tethered to doors and hatches by silver collars around their necks.

  Her upper lip curled into a snarl and suddenly she was running, not toward them, but around, skirting into another street of the town. I padded after her, speeding up to keep pace. I found her tearing down the plasterboard wall of the nearest house.

  Vs were waiting inside, immobilised, snarling and grunting their discomfort. Cass ripped them from their tethers, unable to remove the silver collars with ease, so instead snapping the bolts. I slammed my head into the wooden panels they were attached to, helping to break them out.

  The moment the Vs were free, they ran into the streets, chasing the smell of human blood. I followed them as they tore in the direction of the men, ducking into an alley as shots were fired and screams sounded into the night.

  A moment later, Cass joined me, blood smeared across her mouth, a satisfied smile on her face.

  Damn, it was weirdly hot.

  As we moved through the town, Cass freed the Vampires until the whole place was in chaos. I spotted the armoured trucks lined up beside the gun shop and made a beeline for them.

  A man exited the shop in uniform, whistling softly to himself. The tour guide, Farim.

  I ran at him, hitting him with so much force that he smashed back into the wall behind him. With a single cry of pain, I ended him.

  I spotted Ulvic near a truck ten feet away and he caught my eye. Reaching into his pocket, he threw something at us and Cass lunged forward to catch it. “For the capsules in your heads. Get them out then go to the amphitheater and help Selena. As soon as you have her, meet me outside the hotel.”

  I barked in agreement and Ulvic jumped into the truck and hurtled away down the track, spewing up dirt behind him.

  Dragging Farim by the collar of his uniform, I backed up into the armoury. Gritting my teeth, I willed my body to turn and my bones began to reform, the hair on my skin retreating. A second later I was standing butt naked in the armoury with the attendant staring at me, frozen to the spot. Imitating Farim, I started whistling as I changed into his red and
black uniform – too small, but whatever. And started latching guns and crossbows to my body.

  “Y-you-you're,” the attendant struggled for words as I cocked a rifle and rested it against my shoulder.

  “Y-you're that- that-” he tried again, wiping his sweaty brow with the back of his hand.

  Cass stepped through the door, her pale skin flecked with blood. “Coming?” she asked, her eyes glowing with life.

  Oh yeah. That expression was worth all this bloodshed.

  “Yep.” I strolled toward her, glancing back at the man who was shaking like a leaf. “Oh, I think the word you were looking for was Werewolf.” I shot him and stepped out into the dark.

  The Vs' screeches tore through the air as we walked toward the trucks. I dumped most of my weapons into the back, keeping a handgun tucked into my waistband as I moved to the driver's seat. The keys were left in the ignition, lucky for me.

  “Can you drive?” Cass asked as I climbed in.

  I glanced back at her with a grin as my answer.

  A moment later, she joined me in the cab. I pulled on my seatbelt and gestured for her to do the same.

  “I can't die,” she pointed out.

  I reached across her, sliding the belt over her waist and clicking it into place. “But do you want to find out what a windscreen feels like when it shatters on your face?”

  She broke a small laugh and I took the opportunity of our close proximity to rub the blood from her chin. “And what a pretty face it is.”

  “Face of a dead girl,” she breathed and my heart froze in my chest.

  “Hm, well I have a few ideas about how I could kick-start that heart of yours.” I shifted back into my seat, turning the key so the engine blared into life and suddenly she was laughing fully. It was music to my ears as I slammed the stick into gear and took off down the dirt track at high speed.


  I stood, shoulder to shoulder with the other two girls in the middle of the sandy pit at the bottom of the amphitheater. Thames on my left, Veta on my right. The music was deafening, an electronica melody weaved over a quickening bass drum which pounded against my skull.


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