Chronicles of Eden - Act III

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Chronicles of Eden - Act III Page 15

by Alexander Gordon

  “Luna! No, don’t take her away, don’t!”

  Forrus looked at the human with a raised eyebrow while the others dragged Luna who was kicking and screaming towards the altar.

  “No! Don’t! Let me go, let me go!” Luna cried out as she thrashed around in their grip. The lycans pulled her over towards the altar then lifted her up onto it, holding the butterfly girl down by her shoulders, arms, and legs forcibly as she struggled around in their grasp.

  “This one’s got some energy in her, I bet she tastes really fresh,” Fiana laughed, with Luna screaming for her life as the wolves eyed over her body with low growls.

  “Please don’t eat her! Please!” Emily pleaded.

  Forrus slowly kneeled down in front of the cage and watched the human carefully, seeing the girl’s empty gaze going through her while she desperately reached out towards Luna’s voice.

  “You care that much for a monster, human?”

  “Yes!” Emily cried out. “She saved my life! She’s not a bad monster, she’s my friend!”

  Luna looked towards the sound of Emily’s voice with fearful eyes as she started crying, seeing the child trying to reach out for her while Forrus just watched the human carefully. After a moment the lycan slowly stood up and tilted her head slightly.

  “A human calling a monster ‘friend’, how interesting,” Forrus commented before walking over towards the altar. Emily screamed and reached out towards Luna while the butterfly girl watched her with tears forming in her eyes.

  “Emily…” Luna said softly.

  Forrus walked up and stood over Luna, looking down at the girl with a solemn expression. Luna looked up to her with fearful eyes as the wolf held her head and leaned closer to her.

  “Wait, please…” Luna whimpered.

  “You won’t suffer for long, I assure you,” Forrus said gently.

  “No, that’s not what I meant. Please, if you have to eat me, then fine, but I’m begging you not to eat her. Please, let her go, she’s just a child.”

  Forrus looked at her curiously as the other lycans glanced to her while holding the girl down. Luna whimpered and shut her eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “Please, don’t hurt her, she’s been through so much, she doesn’t deserve this. Please let her go, please.”

  “You’re about to be eaten alive, and all you care for is a human child’s safety?” Forrus questioned. Luna nodded and looked up to her with pleading eyes.

  “I’m going to miss my sister so much,” she whimpered. “And I’m sad I never got knocked up to have a child of my own, but if you hurt Emily it’ll break my heart. Please, do what you will with me, but let her go.”

  Forrus looked over to Emily as the girl was crying and holding her hand out towards Luna with all her might, tears seen dripping down her cheeks while her eyes didn’t focus on anything in front of her. Forrus then looked down to Luna with a solemn expression.

  “We don’t make deals with our food,” she said plainly, with Luna whimpering and trying to shake her head. Forrus paused for a moment then looked at her with a questioning glance. “However, I’ll make a deal with you, since your little ‘friendship’ with a human has caught my interest.”

  Luna watched her with desperation while the other lycans stared at the butterfly girl with hungry eyes.

  “We must feed,” Forrus explained. “It is the way of life, for all of us. However, like I said to you before, we don’t eat to be malicious or evil, only out of necessity. So I will offer you this deal. We will feast upon your flesh, we will devour you as is our way of living.” Luna trembled in fear as the wolf held her head still. Forrus eyed over Luna’s body then looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

  “If you can satisfy all our hunger with your flesh, then we shall allow your ‘friend’ to leave. Where she goes is none of our concern, and if she is found and caught tomorrow then that is her fate, however we shall give her a chance to live tonight.”

  Luna trembled and whimpered then glanced over to Emily as the girl was crying while holding onto the bars of her cage.

  “If your body is enough to slate our hunger, we shall let her go,” Forrus offered. “If not, she will join you in our stomachs this very night.”

  Luna gulped then looked up to her with fearful eyes.

  “If you eat me alive… and then you’re full, you’ll let her go? You promise?”

  “You have my word, regardless of how much that means to you in this situation,” Forrus said with a nod. Luna closed her eyes and trembled a bit then looked at her with saddened eyes.

  “Alright, you can eat me, but please try to get full on me, please.”

  “We can only hope,” Forrus mused with a smirk. Luna shakily took a breath then glanced over to Emily.

  “Emily, cover your ears, cover them now!”

  “No, Luna! Luna!” Emily cried out.

  “It’ll be okay, you’re going to be okay, just cover your ears!” Luna called out with tears dropping from her cheeks. She shut her eyes and whimpered as Forrus bared her teeth slightly. “I don’t want you to hear this, please cover your ears!”

  Emily whined and shakily covered her ears and closed her eyes, crying softly as she feared what would happen to Luna. Forrus glanced to the child then looked down to Luna as the butterfly girl slowly relaxed her body, offering no resistance anymore as the other lycans held her down.

  “Alright, please make it quick,” Luna said with a shaky breath.

  “Thank you, for the meal,” Forrus said gently.

  Luna trembled as she braced to be eaten alive, her mouth quivering as she felt her heart pounding steadily. Her mind started racing of memories with her sister, how they always had each other in the world, and thoughts of Emily, the first human child that saw her as a friendly person and not just some monster of Eden.

  ‘Falla, Emily, goodbye.’

  After a while she slowly opened her eyes, seeing all the lycans looking at something carefully rather than digging into her flesh. Slowly Luna lifted her head up and peeked over her bosom, watching as two figures were slowly approaching the campground from the shadowy surroundings.

  “Who dares interrupt our dinner?” Fiana called out.

  Slowly the two figures came into the light of the torches, both of them walking towards the lycans while Luna was still being held down on the altar. They looked to be girls around Luna’s age and height, the first having short raven hair and a black webbed masquerade mask over her eyes, a red cocktail dress with black edgings and a black tail, the dress having gold embroidering below the bosom, and black high boots with two green straps each. The second girl had long blonde hair that flowed down her back, wore a purple floral masquerade mask, a long purple slit dress with long sleeves and a sapphire embroidered belt, and long black stockings under her dress along with black high boots that had red bow ribbons on the front.

  “Seems we have two more for dinner on this night,” a lycan said with a growing smile. Forrus chuckled then glanced to Luna while gently brushing her hair, the butterfly girl looking up to her nervously as the wolf had a gleam in her eye.

  “It appears your human friend may go free on this night after all,” Forrus mused.

  Luna glanced to Emily who was still covering her ears then back to the new girls as they walked up to the lycans before they just stood still, neither seeming to be afraid or nervous about being in the presence of a pack of monsters during their feeding time.

  “My my, what do we have here?” Fiana asked with a laugh.

  The raven haired girl slowly looked around at the lycans while the blonde casually flicked her hair back over her shoulder.

  “I should say the same to all of you,” the raven haired girl said amusedly with a smirk.

  “Sister, I believe its dinner time,” the blonde said coyly.

  A lycan chuckled and walked up to her while another approached the raven haired girl.

  “As a matter of fact it is, would you care to join us?” one said with a gri
n. The blonde slowly walked up to her, swaying her hips gently while tilting her head playfully.

  “Do you see me running away?”

  Two more lycans let go of Luna and walked around behind the new girls, both of the newcomers not showing any fear while Luna was still held down by the other wolves.

  “Haha, no, I don’t,” the lycan taunted before reaching out and touching the blonde’s hair. “Then again it’s not like you could even if you wanted to.”

  The girl slowly looked to the hand then to the lycan with a bitter smile.

  “Only my sister may touch me,” she said coldly.

  Before the wolf could say anything the girl reached up and grabbed the monster’s wrist, then crushed it with a bone cracking snap. The lycan yelled out in pain as she dropped to a knee, with everyone watching in surprise as the blonde crushed the wrist inward with a powerful grip.

  “AHHH!” the lycan screamed as the blonde scowled down at her. The girl then reached over and grabbed the lycan’s hair, yanking it and pulling the head back before leaning close to her ear.

  “I prefer to play with my food before eating it, however I don’t like you now, so no playtime for you,” she hissed before snapping down on the lycan’s throat, her teeth sinking into the soft flesh of the monster who let out a gurgled cry as blood spurted from her mouth. Everyone watched in shock as the blonde ripped out the monster’s throat with her teeth, the girl chewing the flesh with a cold smile on her face as the wolf let out one last gurgled howl before dropping forward onto the ground with a thump.

  “What the hell?” lycan behind the blonde girl cried out. Without warning the newcomer spun around and tackled the monster to the ground, pinning her down with surprising strength by holding her arms back by her head while leaning closer to her face. The lycan stared with wide eyes as the girl had a twisted smile on her face along with the blood of her dead friend. The girl swallowed the chunk of flesh she had ripped out of the other lycan before licking this one’s cheek playfully.

  “Hell comes later, first we play,” the girl said before lunging down and viciously biting into the bosom of the lycan, the monster howling in pain while she kicked around franticly. The blonde sunk her teeth in and ripped out flesh from the breast, snapping and gnawing on the monster as she feasted on its body.

  “Get her OFF!” lycan screamed out in agony.

  In that instant the raven haired girl lunged back and struck her hand into the gut of another lycan, the monster howling in pain as she keeled over onto the girl’s shoulder. The newcomer chuckled then ripped out a handful of the monster’s intestines, pulling the long trails of innards out before quickly wrapping them around the lycan’s neck and tightening them. The wolf screamed and choked before the girl shoved her down onto the ground with a playful laugh. The lycan behind her roared and charged the girl, swinging at her with a fierce strike with her claws.

  “You bitch!”

  The girl ducked down then swept the legs out from under the wolf, throwing the monster into a tumble forward near her wounded friend.

  “AHHH!” the lycan that the blonde girl was feasting on screamed out as blood splattered on the grass around her, the monster thrashing about while the girl had now ripped apart her bosom and was digging into her chest cavity like a wild animal. The lycan let out a gurgled cry before falling limp, with Luna staring with fright at the sight while Forrus watched with horror as the blonde haired girl was eating the lycan alive.

  “What the hell are they?” Fiana cried out.

  The raven haired girl slowly walked towards the one she had thrown onto the ground, the lycan having landed next to her friend who was choking on her own intestines. The wolf looked over to her wounded friend then shakily tried to untie the organs from around her friend’s throat before she was dragged away by the legs, looking over to seeing the raven haired girl pulling her back before quickly jumping on top of the frightened wolf. She held the monster’s hands down near her head with great force, her creepy smile staring right down at the lycan who was trembling nervously now.

  “Wha… what are you?” the lycan asked shakily.

  “Hungry,” the raven haired girl said before biting down onto her face, the wolf screaming in agony as the girl’s teeth tore apart her cheeks and nose viciously. Blood splattered onto the grass while the lycan kicked around and howled in pain.

  Forrus growled then lifted Luna off the altar and held her back by the arms while glaring at the newcomers.

  “Kill them! Spill their blood right now!”

  The remaining two lycans howled and raced towards the vicious new girls.

  “You’re dead meat!” Fiana yelled out as she grabbed the raven haired girl and yanked her head back before biting into the girl’s throat with a furious growl. The girl coughed out blood with a gurgled groan while her hands crushed in the throat of the lycan she was straddling, the monster letting out a faint whine before her head rocked to the side after having been chewed apart. Fiana ripped out the throat of the girl, blood spraying out into the air from the wound, then threw the body off of her friend. She looked down at the remains of her dead friend with horror then over to the one that was slowly passing out from her intestines choking her. As Fiana rushed over to try to save her the blonde haired girl was grabbed by the other lycan and tackled over onto the ground, the blonde then grabbing the monster’s hands and holding them back as the wolf tried snapping and clawing at her with furious snarls.

  “I’ll kill you! You’ll pay for hurting them like that!” the lycan yelled out.

  The blonde giggled with a twisted smile then yanked the monster’s hands to the sides, the lycan falling forward before the girl leaned up and bit onto her face. The wolf howled and thrashed around before the girl rolled them over and ended up sitting atop the monster where she then pinned the lycan’s hands down and started mauling her face. Forrus and Luna watched with horror as the blonde chewed off the snout and an eye from the lycan before laughing wildly.

  “Scream for me! I love it when my food screams!” she cheered before viciously biting down along the lycan’s neck to her breasts, the monster howling out in agony as the girl held her down with great force as she chewed into her bosom.

  “No, Shuya!” Fiana cried out as she saw the blonde ripping apart the chest of her friend, the wounded lycan screaming with blood coming from her mouth while her legs kicked around underneath the blonde girl. Fiana then looked to see her friend who had her intestines wrapped around her neck dropping down dead, her eyes rolling back into her head while blood leaked from her mouth.

  “No! What madness is this?” Fiana shouted out while shaking her head. Before she could move she was grabbed and thrown onto the ground with a grunt, the wolf growling with anger then staring with shock at seeing the raven haired girl standing over her again. Luna and Forrus stared with equal surprise at seeing the girl standing there, her neck slowly growing back and healing right before their eyes while she had a twisted smile on her face.

  “Wha… what the hell?” Fiana cried out.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” the raven haired girl scolded before grabbing the wolf’s legs and lifting them up into the air, the stunned monster staring with wide eyes as the girl’s fatal wound healed up completely.

  “How is she still alive?” Luna asked nervously.

  “They’re not human, they’re monsters!” Forrus shouted out with surprise. She looked over to seeing the blonde savagely digging into her prey, the wounded lycan crying out one last time before falling limp as the girl dug into her stomach with both hands and her teeth.

  “They’re not eating to survive; they’re eating simply to kill!” Forrus raged with disgust.

  Fiana watched with fright as the raven haired girl pushed her legs back while kneeling down in front of her, the lycan’s ankles being brought down to the sides of her head while the new girl held the legs forcibly. The girl slowly licked her lips then glanced down to the lycan’s exposed pussy that was raised up in front of her.
  “Scream for me,” the girl said before leaning down and licking across the wolf’s clit. Fiana stifled her gasp before the girl did so again, her tongue lapping through where there wasn’t any fur.

  “Scream for me,” she said before licking once more and smiling wickedly down at the lycan. Fiana trembled and tried to move, her body held in place by the girl who was far stronger than she appeared. The raven haired girl chuckled as she bared her teeth, with Fiana watching with widening eyes as the girl leaned down closer to her privates.

  “I said, scream for me,” she said coldly, and then snapped down on the monster’s pussy like an animal. Fiana shrieked as blood splattered down across her waist and hips, feeling the horrible pain from the girl literally eating her out.

  “Fiana!” Forrus cried out as she and Luna watched in horror the lycan being mauled viciously by the raven haired girl.

  The blonde haired girl slowly stood up and looked towards them with a twisted smile, fresh blood dripping from her chin while her hands were covered in it as well.

  “I want you to scream for me now,” she taunted before walking towards the two. Forrus looked to her with shock then to Fiana as the lycan screamed while desperately trying to pry off the raven haired girl’s hands from her legs.

  “AHHH! Oh my god- AHHHH!” Fiana shrieked out with agony as blood dripped down along her breasts and onto her shoulders. The raven haired girl feasted on her flesh and soft insides while watching her through her mask, growling and murmuring with each bloody bite she took.

  The blonde girl laughed then ran towards Forrus with a deranged smile, the lycan pushing Luna aside and quickly grabbing her bolas which she started spinning in a tight circle at her side. Luna tumbled to the ground then looked to seeing the lycan swinging her bolas around at the blonde girl who ducked and darted around each swing as she tried to get closer to the remaining wolf. Forrus jumped back and to the side of the girl before throwing her bolas at her, the spinning trap striking around the girl’s feet and tying them together, causing her to fall onto her side with a laugh. Forrus raced over and struck her claws into the girl’s throat, digging in deeply with a furious growl as she ripped apart the girl’s neck entirely before Fiana screamed out in agony again. Luna looked over to her then to Forrus and then quickly scrambled over towards Emily’s cage in a panic. She frantically tried to undo the rope for its opening while Emily jumped at the sound of her cage being rattled.


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