Chronicles of Eden - Act III

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Chronicles of Eden - Act III Page 19

by Alexander Gordon

  “Me go overboard?” Alyssa yelled out at her. “You were the one kissing and dry humping him in his sleep!”

  “I was only kissing him,” Triska shot back with a flustered protest. “You know, a good morning kiss! That’s it. I don’t know what else you’re talking about.”

  “We saw you on top of him, don’t try to deny it!”

  Triska shook her head while avoiding eye contact with everyone.

  “You’re imagining things,” she defended. “I just wanted to give him one last kiss for my turn, that’s it.”

  “Your turn ended when the sun came up!”

  “Well… you could have just said so!”

  As the two went back and forth with their bickering Daniel sighed and looked down with a hand over his eyes.

  “And we’re back to where we started with them,” he said in defeat.

  “Daniel, was Triska really acting so perverted with you this morning?” Specca asked worriedly.

  Daniel looked to her with confusion then to Triska, the girl hammering in another board while on her knees and leaning forward against the wall.

  “I don’t remember, I mean I just woke up to her…” he said before drifting off, his eyes watching as Triska’s rear shifted around slightly as she hammered in the board with a few grunts. For the first time ever he caught himself actually staring at her ass as it appeared more prominent in his eyes. Specca and Squeak watched him curiously as the boy fell silent for a while before shaking his head and looking back to the nixie with a weak smile.

  “I don’t recall her acting like that at all, really.”

  Specca nodded slowly then moved over towards Triska and Alyssa, being careful to keep her skirt held down with one hand while her tail almost lifted it up. Daniel looked to Squeak with a shrug and smile, the ant girl smiling a bit in return before they both watched as Specca moved over towards Triska’s duffel bag and examined it.

  “I still don’t understand, Triska.”

  “I told you,” Triska groaned with annoyance. “I just gave him a good morning kiss, that’s it!”

  “Yeah right!” Alyssa snapped with discontent.

  Specca looked at her with a raised eyebrow then shook her head.

  “I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about how you managed to fit all of those boards into this one duffel bag,” she said looking down at the bag with bewilderment. She tried to examine the bag from all angles with a curious eye while Squeak shook her head and moved towards the front of the cabin, poking her head out of the doorway and seeing Lucky grazing nearby while he waited for Alyssa to come out to greet him. As she looked at the horse with curious eyes Daniel watched as Specca moved around the duffel bag while having a perplexed expression.

  “I can’t wrap my head around it, how did you do it?” Specca asked with disbelief.

  As she slowly moved around the bag Daniel noticed that she too stood out to him more so than before. The way she gracefully moved about to inspect the bag from all sides, her hair gently swaying around while her tail slid about behind her, it was almost like a dance to him. She only crawled about on her hands and knees, slowly bending around to figure out how the bag was able to hold so much inside of it, and her figure seemed to become more noticeable as she had a delicate charm to her.

  After a moment he blinked then quickly looked away while shaking his head, realizing that he had been ogling her.

  ‘What’s happening to me? It’s like I can’t stop staring at them now.’

  He slowly glanced over to see Specca now lying on her legs, gently holding her skirt down while she used her other hand to carefully feel around the bag to determine if it was about to burst or not with whatever it may contain. Her eyes slowly gazed around at the bag as she tilted her head downward, in doing so Daniel managed to catch a glimpse of her eyes from over her glasses. Even though they were a normal brown it was like they had a warm serene glow behind them, hinting at her ability to charm men into submission should she so desire. Daniel even questioned if he had been charmed by her, or Triska for that matter as he glanced over to her again, watching as his friend was again yelling at Alyssa who was shouting right back at her. They had managed to fix the wall again but were still busy arguing about Triska’s actions that morning to care. He saw the girl still leaning forward on one arm against the wall while she was pointing accusingly at the witch with her other hand, her rear still being perked out slightly while her back was arched a bit. The way her hair gracefully rolled down her shoulders, how her butt slightly swayed around while she was on her knees, the sudden realization that she had an alluring figure all her own; it was as if he was really seeing her like a new person.

  ‘I only spent one night with each of them. What did they do to me?’

  He shook his head then glanced to Alyssa. She was cute looking, had her own innocent charm even though he knew she wasn’t all that innocent on the inside, yet he didn’t see her in a different light than before.

  ‘I wonder if I’ll start thinking about her differently after our night together. What if I do start becoming attracted to her, or Triska, or Specca? What about Squeak, her turn with me is tonight, will I feel anything special with her too?’

  Daniel looked over to see Squeak leaning forward on the front seat while she watched Lucky grazing outside. Her tunic covered her upper body and thighs; however her dark panties were seen clearly with her insect abdomen pulling her clothing up behind her. Seeing her bottom clear as day like that Daniel quickly turned back around, not wanting the other girls to catch him staring at her ass like that. Slowly he glanced back over to see the ant girl then climbing up onto the front seat and sitting down, her hair fluttering gently in the breeze while her antennae twitched a bit.

  Daniel looked down in thought while Triska tackled Alyssa to the floor, the two once again rolling around yelling at each other while Specca just examined the duffel bag with confusion still.

  ‘What are we going to do tonight together? There has to be something we can do even with the language barrier between us.’


  Running at a brisk pace once again Lucky was pulling the larger caravan behind him while traveling through The Outerlands with Daniel at the reins. They passed several large meadows of tall grass and hillsides with Daniel on alert for any encounters, monster or human, they may come across. Sitting next to him Squeak was watching Lucky running with a curious expression. She had wanted to remain up front with Daniel while he guided Lucky through the wilderness, seeming to be very interested in the horse as she kept her eyes on it, and Daniel had given the okay to her being there since he was still trying to figure out how exactly she and him could get to know each other better as she was rather difficult to communicate with. He glanced to seeing the girl’s eyes glued to the horse, wondering what she was thinking about while she only tilted her head every now and then with a curious expression.

  Sitting inside the cabin the other girls were going about their usual activities. Specca was sitting against a pillow with her tail curled up beside her, a good book in her hands, and a gentle smile on her face as she engrossed herself with a fantasy world from a human author. Next to her Triska was again tilting her dagger around in her hands, the blade reflecting some light as she just stared at it while deep in thought about last night. And across from her Alyssa was drumming her fingers on her staff which she had laid across her lap, her eyes watching Triska with a dull stare as she and her hadn’t said a word to each other since their morning argument.

  “This is really nice and relaxing,” Specca commented softly while she turned a page in her book. Alyssa glanced to her then back to Triska while raising an eyebrow.

  “So, Triska, what did you and Daniel do last night?” she asked with a bite.

  “Well, it was nice and relaxing,” Specca sighed as she knew where this was going to lead. She closed her book and set it down beside her before looking to seeing Triska having a smug smile on her face as she just watched her dagger still.

  “Nothing that concerns you,” Triska said casually.

  “Triska,” Specca spoke up. “Before Alyssa baits you into this conversation, we already know what you and Daniel were doing last night.”

  Triska looked to her with a jump then to Alyssa as the witch nodded slowly.

  “What? How would you… hey, were spying on us?”

  “No,” Alyssa said shaking her head. “We were all sitting around the campfire before we heard you from there.”

  “We heard something and were curious,” Specca clarified. “Squeak and I remained by the fire while Alyssa went to see what you were doing that was so loud. Anything to say for yourself before we go on?”

  Triska glanced to her then to Alyssa before looking at her dagger to avoid eye contact with them.

  “I’ve got nothing to apologize for.”

  “Really,” Alyssa said with narrowed eyes. “Because you were sure begging for Daniel’s forgiveness last night.” All that got out of Triska was a small smile as the teen remember how much she ‘begged’ Daniel last night to forgive her.

  “How exactly did that end up happening anyway?” Specca asked.

  Triska glanced over to see Daniel and Squeak still sitting up front, neither seeming to notice the girls’ conversation.

  “I wanted it.”

  “What do you mean?” Specca asked again. “Why would you desire such a thing?”

  Triska looked down as she sheathed her dagger at her side.

  “I grew up with Daniel, for so long we were the best of friends. So much so that he saw me as a sister more than a friend, like family,” she said, having a hint of remorse in her voice.

  “Still not following how that made you want to get a spanking from him,” Specca commented. Triska showed a small amused smile for a moment before looking to her with concern.

  “I was afraid last night. He always saw me as his best friend, as his sister, but… I was afraid that’s all he would ever see me as. I was afraid that he wouldn’t see me like he would any other girl, that… he wouldn’t notice me.” Triska looked down while holding her arms around herself, a nervous smile coming across her face. “I was afraid that by waiting so long to tell him how I felt, I may have lost him already. So, I wanted to know if he could really see me as anything more than a close friend. I told him that I was sorry about what happened yesterday, about everything that I ever did to him that upset or hurt him. I admitted that I was wrong and out of line, and then… I asked to be punished for it.”

  “You asked to be punished?” Alyssa asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Why?” Specca asked.

  “I wanted him to do something to me that he wouldn’t do to just a friend, or to a sister,” Triska reasoned. “I wanted him to… I wanted him to do anything to help him see me as I am. To be honest, I didn’t expect him to do anything like that, or what he did. I wasn’t sure what he would do, if anything. When he took hold of me and… bent me over his lap like that…” Specca and Alyssa watched her with wonder as she sighed and looked down with a warm smile.

  “I never felt like that before in my life. For the first time ever, he was in complete control of me. Nobody ever had that kind of power over me before. When he started punishing me for being bad, I felt all my strength leave me. I was all his, to do with as he wanted. I was helpless. And I liked it.”

  “He… he chose to do that to you?” Alyssa asked worriedly. Triska nodded and looked to her with a small smile.

  “All I did was ask, no, beg for it,” she admitted. “I just wanted him to do something, anything to show that I could be more than just a friend. And he gave me a chance, he treated me like I was a bad girl who needed to be taught a lesson. He was so commanding over me, it was unreal.”

  Alyssa and Specca looked over to Daniel, the boy just sneezing once while he gazed around the landscape, and then back to Triska with wonder as the girl blushed slightly.

  “I don’t know if it worked though,” she said coyly.

  “What do you mean you don’t know if it worked?” Specca questioned. “It sounds like you seduced him rather splendidly.”

  Triska chuckled and glanced to her with a smirk.

  “No, I mean, I don’t think he taught me a good enough lesson. To be honest, I liked being a bad girl for him,” she said with a wink. Specca jumped a bit then glanced to Daniel while Alyssa gave the teen a dull stare.

  “You like being punished by him?” Specca asked.

  “Yeah, I actually do,” Triska said softly while looking to Daniel, her mind replaying the events from last night again and again. Alyssa scoffed and looked down at her staff, rolling it around back and forth across her lap while hiding her scowl.

  “Well, isn’t that just great for you,” she muttered.

  “Jealous, Alyssa?” Triska asked before looking at the witch with a slick smile. Alyssa slowly looked up to her, the girls seeing her eyes giving off a purplish hue briefly as her staff glowed for a moment.

  “Another girl had Daniel’s hand on her ass-”

  “Repeatedly, I might add,” Triska mentioned with a twitch of her eyebrow. Alyssa held in her growl as she bared her teeth slightly, the other girls then watching her cautiously as she drummed her fingers on her staff.

  “Another girl had Daniel’s hand on her ass repeatedly last night,” she hissed. “Of course I’m jealous. And let me tell you something, Triska, if it was any other girl than you three that did so, I wouldn’t be sitting here doing nothing about it.”

  “But you are just sitting there doing nothing about it,” Triska pointed out.

  “Triska,” Alyssa said flatly. “We just finished repairing the back wall, do you really want all that work to go to waste?”

  Triska watched her carefully as the witch slowly breathed out and looked at the skull ornament on her staff.

  “Do you have any idea how much willpower I have to use,” she asked in a strained voice. “Not only in keeping myself from lunging at Daniel with all my emotions, but to also refrain from treating your body like a ragdoll after what you did? I want my turn with Daniel, so much, so much indeed, that I’m willing to bear this suffering so as not to lose my chance with him.” She breathed out and looked away while closing her eyes.

  “Just because you got a spanking from Daniel doesn’t mean you’ve won him yet. He touched your ass, big deal. Just wait until I get my turn with him, then it’s all over for you.” Triska and Specca watched as the witch kept looking away from them.

  “You’re not going to win him from me that easily, you stupid girl,” Alyssa muttered.

  “Well then, good luck with your turn,” Triska replied. Alyssa looked to seeing the teen giving her a challenging smile while leaning back against the wall. “You’ll need it.”

  Alyssa showed an annoyed smile and shook her head.

  “I really do hate you,” she cursed bitterly.

  “I hate you too, Alyssa,” Triska replied with a calm smile. Alyssa blinked then looked at her curiously, seeing the girl just watching her while not getting upset at all. Specca however was looking at her with confusion.

  “If you hate her then why are you smiling like that?” Specca asked shaking her head.

  Alyssa looked at Triska curiously as the teen slowly shook her head with a smile on her face.

  “I hate you, so much, Alyssa.”

  Alyssa looked down for a moment then glanced up to her with a slight smile.

  “I hate you more, Triska.”

  “No, I don’t think you do. I hate you the most.”

  Specca looked back and forth between them with confusion as the two girls smiled at each other.

  “Why are you two saying that?” she asked. “And smiling at each other in doing so?”

  “Because I hate her so much,” Triska said softly.

  “Not as much as I hate her,” Alyssa quipped.

  “You’re both making me feel uncomfortable,” Specca said as she scooted away from Triska. “Stop doing whatever it is you’re doi
ng, please.”

  At the front of the caravan Daniel and Squeak were sitting together while Lucky continued to run without tiring at all. The caravan rolled along the worn path they were traveling on, with Daniel merely giving a little guidance to the horse every now and then since Lucky was trained to stay on paths properly from his owner. Daniel only had to give minor signals to the horse as to which path to take if there was a crossroads before them or if there was a problem to stop, otherwise Lucky just kept right on running as he was trained to do. Squeak however just stared at Lucky constantly, seeming to be thinking about something intently since that morning. Daniel glanced over and saw the ant girl fixated on the horse still, wondering what was going through her mind.

  “Squeak?” The girl glanced to him curiously as he smiled at her. “What are you thinking about?”

  Squeak pointed to the horse then quickly made some vague hand signals while squeaking something, having a curious expression as she kept looking from Lucky then back to Daniel who just stared at the girl in silence. After Squeak finished her speech Daniel glanced to the horse, back to the ant girl, and then showed a weak smile.

  “Um… what?”

  Squeak face palmed and squeaked with closed eyes, with Daniel showing concern as he could see her frustration in their language barrier.

  ‘She’s trying to tell me something, something about Lucky. What could she be thinking about with the horse?’

  He looked at Lucky closely then Squeak, watching as the ant girl looked to the horse with saddened eyes. There was something about Lucky that was on her mind, and Daniel was determined to figure it out somehow.

  “Squeak?” he asked, getting a glance from the ant girl. He smiled a bit while watching her carefully. “Tell me what it was you were trying to say, but this time, take it slow.”

  Squeak showed a curious expression then nodded. She slowly pointed to Lucky and squeaked slower, seeming to slow down her own ‘words’ while Daniel watched her carefully. She then made the hand gesture again, which looked like she was holding her fist in front of her at waist level and tugging on something, then pointed to Lucky again as she looked at him curiously. Daniel glanced to the horse then to Squeak while the other girls were noticing them now.


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