Chronicles of Eden - Act III

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Chronicles of Eden - Act III Page 44

by Alexander Gordon

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Falla snapped at him. “Should I have assumed that their friends came and picked them up, then rode off with them into the woods without so much as a goodbye? Should I have kept my mouth shut here? For crying out loud, why is it whenever I try to help you guys you criticize me at every turn?”

  Triska and Squeak ran to the top of the hill and looked around quickly, not seeing any sign of the two sisters or any others. Triska then turned and waved down to the group.

  “They’re gone!”

  “Do you really think they were kidnapped though?” Alyssa wondered. “What if they just wanted to away from us and found some others to take them? I mean we are monsters after all, maybe we freaked them out.”

  “But they didn’t mind that we were monsters,” Specca said shaking her head. “They seemed to like us even. I don’t think they would leave without saying goodbye first.”

  “This isn’t good, we need to find them,” Daniel panicked while looking around quickly.

  Triska and Squeak ran back down to the others as quickly as they could, with Triska shaking her head at the group.

  “They’re nowhere nearby, there’s no sign of them or anyone else.”

  “Oh no, if they were indeed kidnapped…” Specca said with a hand over her mouth.

  Alyssa shook her head then looked to Falla with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well I’ll be, you actually were telling the truth.”

  “Why is that so hard for you people to believe?” Falla barked out with annoyance.

  “Pack up everything right away, we have to go after them,” Daniel ordered, with the girls rushing to grab their belongings and get back into the caravan as fast as they could. Alyssa ran over to Lucky to get him ready to pull the ride while Daniel glanced to Falla with a careful eye.

  “Which way did they go?”

  “I told you, that way into the forest,” Falla said pointing towards the woods on the other side of the hill.

  “Then we’d better move before we lose them,” Daniel said before they both ran towards the caravan. Triska quickly packed away the cushions and dishes into her duffel bag then swung the bag over her shoulder and ran towards the wagon, with Specca and Squeak following and watching her with confusion as they couldn’t understand how she was able to lift the thing let alone pack so much into it. Alyssa quickly brought over Lucky to get hitched up to the ride while Daniel and Falla climbed aboard.

  “Those poor girls, we have to find them before it’s too late,” Specca said worriedly as the girls all climbed aboard and went into the cabin.

  “If they lay one hand on either of them, they’re going to regret it,” Triska cursed with anger as the group got ready to head out in search of the captured sisters.


  Riding along a trail leading through a forest four men on horses were seen, with two of them holding a girl in their laps as they held an arm around their waists tightly. Jovian and Jacqueline however were making no effort to free themselves or even plead for their lives; rather they remained silent while in the grasp of the men. The four horsemen made their way through the woods then off onto a side trail that led down a hill towards a campsite that was set up in the forest. It was a large settlement with wooden huts and various tents set up around the circular grounds, with a big tent erected in the back that had two peaks with red flags waving above them. There were wooden spiked barricades set around the perimeter of the grounds with dozens of other bandits walking about or gathered together around campfires within the area.

  “Welcome to your new home,” the man holding Jovian declared with a chuckle, with the girl merely glancing around at seeing all the humans in the camp. They appeared to be all male, dressed in the same outfits while there were a few horses stabled off to the side near some large wooden huts. As the arriving horsemen made their way towards the big tent in their camp many of the men they passed whistled and called out at seeing two girls being brought with them.

  “Alright, fresh meat.”

  “Don’t count on it, looks like those pieces of ass are for the leader. You’d be lucky to get sloppy seconds.”

  “I’d take that or even thirds, haha!”

  “I hope there’s more where that came from,” another called out, with Jovian and Jacqueline showing no concern or expression to hearing them.

  “Don’t worry,” the rider holding Jacqueline chuckled. “We’re all going to take care of you girls, like one, big, happy family.”

  Jacqueline remained quiet while a faint smile crept across her face, the same which came across Jovian’s.

  The riders made their way up to the large tent then got off their horses, with nearby bandits calling out with lecherous grins and whistles while dogs barked and snapped at the girls while tied down to stakes near the tent’s entrance. Jovian and Jacqueline were lifted up and carried over the shoulders of two of the men, with the other two whistling and slapping their rears with playful shouts, getting a round of cheers and shouts from the surrounding bandits as well. The sisters merely looked to each other with blank expressions as they allowed the bandits to carry them, the riders then taking the girls into the tent with the flap rustling closed behind them. Inside were a few torches set around the living space and tables set up along with a few beds off to the side. Sitting at a table in the middle were several other bandits, with one having a large broadsword sheathed behind him and a long black beard on his grisly face.

  “Hey, boss, look at what we found wandering around in The Outerlands,” one of the men said as they dropped Jovian and Jacqueline down onto the table, the two girls being bent over onto the stand before they slowly looked ahead to seeing the humans grinning at them. Two bandits walked over and held the girls down by the shoulders as the leader stood up and chuckled with a cold grin, the tall man having a muscular build to him as he eyed over the two girls while they were held down before him.

  “What do we have here?” he mused as he walked around the table towards the girls. He chuckled as he grabbed Jovian’s ass, the girl holding back her growl as she drummed her fingers on the table.

  “Not bad, they look rather ripe and young, I love that in a woman,” the leader laughed before he grabbed Jacqueline and pulled her up to face him, the girl keeping her hands down at her sides while remaining silent.

  “And just what were you two doing out in the wilderness alone, and dressed like that for?” the man questioned playfully. “Were you on your way to a party?”

  “I think we can give them a more wild party here, right, boss?” another bandit chimed in, with the leader laughing heartily and nodding.

  “I believe we can indeed, we are gentlemen after all,” he laughed. “We should make sure they’re fully entertained here with us.”

  The leader chuckled then looked to the men that brought in the girls while Jovian slowly glanced back to him, seeing the man holding her sister by the waist and caressing her face with one hand.

  “Did you find any others with them?” he asked sharply.

  “There were some travelers near where we picked them up,” a bandit replied with a shrug. “But I think some monsters were with them too. We could handle them all with some more help, we’ll kill the beasts and then plunder the supplies and any other women we can find.”

  “Good,” the leader said with a cold grin. “Gather some more of our men and then take them with you. Bring back only women and food if they have any, slaughter and burn the rest.”

  “No, you can’t do that,” Jacqueline spoke up while shaking her head slowly.

  “Haha, oh?” the man replied while holding her close and grabbing her rear. “And why not? Are you asking us not to harm your friends? You’ll have to do a better job with begging than that.”

  Jacqueline slowly looked up to him as she raised her hands to her belt, slowly taking it off before dropping it down to the ground as the leader smiled amusedly at her. The humans watched with lustful grins as the girl undressed and dropped her clothes to the ground, th
e blonde then slowly bending over to slide down her stockings and take off her boots as the men behind her whistled with bright smiles.

  “Haha! Now that’s a good girl!” one laughed, with the leader then laughing and nodding in agreement as he saw Jacqueline then standing upright and watching him through her mask with a blank expression as she was now naked.

  “You are mistaken, they are not our friends,” she said, with the man looking at her curiously as Jovian then started to undress, the raven haired girl taking off her dress and folding it neatly before placing it on the table. The bandits around her whistled and watched with lecherous grins as Jovian then set one foot on the table to unfasten her boot, the girl taking it off while showing off her ass before she then took the other off as well. She placed her boots next to her dress on the table before glancing over to seeing the leader grabbing Jacqueline and pulling her closer with a cold smile on his face.

  “Oh no?” he chuckled as he caressed the girl’s ass. “Well, that’s good, then you won’t mind my boys heading over there to kill them while we have some fun here, will you?”

  “They are our prey, not yours,” Jacqueline replied solemnly.

  “Only we may spill their blood,” Jovian said with a dark tone.

  “Your… prey?” the leader asked with confusion, with Jovian and Jacqueline then removing their masks and tossing them aside. The man blinked then stared with surprise as everyone around them fell silent. Jacqueline stared at the man with a cold look in her eyes, however it wasn’t the harsh stare that caused unease and silence to befall him, rather it was her eyes themselves. They were not a single color, instead the irises were multicolored, with yellow, pink, purple, and black colors swirled around together. The man’s jaw opened slightly before he glanced over to see Jovian getting the same stunned stares from the surrounding bandits, as her eyes were multicolored too. For her they were comprised of red, blue, green, and white colors, her eyes not only having the unique pattern but also showing a very cold glare in them.

  “What is this, what kind of eyes are those?” the leader asked with wonder.

  Jacqueline smirked then grabbed the man’s beard, yanking down hard with him screaming in pain. Before anyone could move the girl then lunged up and seemed to kiss him, before she started mauling the man’s mouth with blood splattering onto their chins. She crushed his teeth then bit off his tongue before she started chewing apart his gums, with the man struggling to pry her off before they dropped down onto the ground together.

  “What the hell?” a bandit yelled out as their leader was flailing around on the ground with Jacqueline savagely eating at his face.

  Jovian then grabbed the man near her and tackled him down to the ground before she struck her hand into his stomach, the human screaming in pain as the others around them stared with shock and disbelief. The girl then ripped out a handful of the man’s innards before shoving them down his throat forcibly, breaking his jaw as he gagged and sputtered around the organs.

  “Eat and be merry,” she coldly mocked. “There you go, don’t you just taste delicious?”

  “They’re crazy!” a man yelled out as he quickly unsheathed his sword and ran towards Jovian, striking the blade through her chest and out in front of her with a slick crunch. The girl coughed out blood before reaching back and digging her fingers into the man’s stomach, the human screaming in pain as she struck into his gut before she yanked him down onto the ground next to the bandit that was slowly going limp with his own innards filling his throat.

  “Crazy, maybe, I’ll give you that one,” Jovian replied simply before she struck her hand down and into his skull with a loud crunch, blood splattering onto the ground as all the other men stared with wide eyes at the girl that had a sword sticking through her chest yet was not dying.

  Jacqueline violently mauled the leader’s face, the man screaming in pain as blood splattered all over the ground, then sat up and glared down at the suffering human with a creepy smile and blood dripping from her face.

  “Only my sister may ever touch my body, you filthy human. Time for your punishment!” she yelled before she lunged down and ravaged his face again, her teeth tearing through flesh and bone as the man tried to pull her off. Even with all his strength however the girl couldn’t be budged, her own strength seeming to be far greater as she grabbed his hands and pinned them down, breaking the wrists and crushing them with immense force.

  “They’re not human! They’re monsters!” another bandit yelled out as everyone around them quickly unsheathed their swords. Jovian reached back and pulled the sword out of her body with a small grunt of annoyance, the girl then holding the blade while standing up again as her wound healed up perfectly.

  “Sister, don’t spoil your appetite for our real prey with these insects,” Jovian said calmly as she looked around at the humans. Jacqueline then spat out a chunk of the leader’s brains and blood to the side before she giggled and rolled him over, the body becoming limp as blood poured out of the half-eaten head. She grabbed the large broadsword with one hand and pulled it out, standing up next to her sister as she had a deranged smile on her face along with blood dripping from her mouth.

  “You’re right,” she agreed. “We only need to butcher them like the pigs they are, not eat them.”

  “What the hell are they?” a bandit cried out.

  The sisters giggled then held their swords out towards the men with cold smiles.

  “We’re going to make you scream,” they said together in perfect unison.

  Outside the large tent screams of agony and the sound of girls laughing were heard, with the dogs by the entrance barking and trying to run around while other bandits were gathering nearby. Sounds of tables and chairs being knocked around along with bones snapping and flesh being ripped caused alarm to grow with the crowd of bandits as dark patches of blood were seen splattering around on the walls of the tent from the inside.

  “What is going on in there?” a man asked as he and another approached the tent. They opened the flap and peeked inside, right before a sword slashed through one from the head down to the groin, cleaving him in two with a violent spray of blood, while a large broadsword struck through the other’s skull with a slick crunch. The humans around the area jumped with surprise as the man that was sliced into two dropped to the ground while the other went limp and was held up by the sword going through his head. Slowly he was pushed back as Jovian and Jacqueline walked out of the tent, with Jacqueline then kicking the man she impaled off of her blade. His body tumbled into a wicked roll before crashing into the wall of a hut with a loud crack as the two girls slowly looked around at the crowd of bandits with cold smiles. Blood was dripping from their swords and naked bodies while they wiped some off of their mouths, their multicolored eyes having a cold gleam to them as they watched all the humans staring at them in shock.

  “What the hell?” a bandit cried out.

  Jovian and Jacqueline giggled in unison as they looked around at the humans while the dogs kept barking from behind them. Jovian swung her sword back down behind her with a sharp spin, a dog’s yelp echoing out as blood splattered back onto the tent.

  “Now that we’ve had our morning snack, how about a little exercise?” she mused playfully.

  Jacqueline giggled as she expertly twirled her large sword back in a sharp spin with one hand, causing another dog’s painful yelp to be heard as blood splattered onto the tent again.

  “Of course, we need to keep our lovely figures after all,” she laughed with a cruel smile.

  “Don’t let those bitches get away! If they won’t kneel before us then they shall die!” a man yelled out, with the encampment of humans then drawing their weapons as they tensed up. The sisters giggled with playful smiles while blood dripped from their blades then held their swords out towards the large crowd of bandits.

  “We’re going to make you scream,” they said coldly in unison.


  Walking through the woods along a worn trail J
ovian and Jacqueline had calm smiles on their faces from behind their masks, the two girls fully dressed again and casually wiping the blood from their mouths and cheeks with red scarves they had taken from the bandits. The girls wiped all the blood off of their faces then tossed the scarves away as they came to the top of a hill in the forest, both then looking back at seeing the bandit campsite further away as smoke was coming up from it. All throughout the encampment were the bloody remains of the humans and horses that had been brutally slain and ripped apart by the two girls. The humans had swords either in hand or lying about with blood staining most of the weapons, all having been ineffective at slaying the two girls as they both slaughtered every bandit that they could find without mercy or remorse. Inside the leader’s tent fire was spreading around the shelter while the bodies of the bandits were seen hacked and strewn all over the ground with blood dripping from the tent’s walls. The huts and stockpiles of supplies that the humans had were all ablaze as fire spread throughout the campgrounds, with the large tent then collapsing into a pile with smoke billowing up from it.

  “That was fun,” Jacqueline giggled.

  “It was good we undressed for that first,” Jovian mentioned with a smirk. “I dare say Daniel and his friends may have been surprised to see us return with blood soaking our clothes.”

  “Still,” Jacqueline whined with a pout. “I was hoping you and I could have had some fun on that stupid man’s corpse when we were done killing all the rest. I like it when you make me scream on the bodies of our victims.”

  Jovian chuckled and looked to her sister with a promiscuous smile, with Jacqueline then watching her curiously. Without another word Jovian shoved her sister over into a tree and pinned her there, kissing her deeply as they both closed their eyes in the embrace. The two girls savored the taste of their saliva and blood that was in their mouths while Jovian caressed her sister’s body, with Jacqueline offering no resistance to being held in such a way. After a while the kiss ended and Jovian bit Jacqueline’s lip playfully before winking at her.


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