Atomic Mage

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Atomic Mage Page 17

by Garrett Carter

  "I have never asked but how old are you my little snake." He asked with a little trepidation, afraid the small woman would be "jail bate".

  Uncaring of the traditions of this world, he didn't think he could accept her being too young for him.

  Having raised a young girl himself the thought of taking an underage girl causing a shiver of revulsion to tear through him.

  "I have been alive for eighteen summers my Cade," Sabine replied with a quizzical look in her eyes as her mate shook with some strong emotion.

  "Thank GOD!" He said blowing out a breath and standing with Sabine's small hand still lightly held in his grip.

  "Well, let's beat feet and be on our way," Cade said as walked and Sabine slithered towards where Mina was waiting patiently with a knowing smile just starting to crack her features.

  "How shall I beat feet when I have no feet to beat anything with Cade?" Sabine asked as Mina's smile overtook her face and a small chuckle made its way past her lips.

  "Don't tell her my mate I will show her how to view your memories while we travel, it will be quicker that way than trying to explain your jargon," Mina replied with a hand on Cade's arm as they made their way to the shore and stepped onto the slavers barge.

  "Just make sure to let us in as we make our way upriver, I would rather Sabine get in that way then cause undue harm in order to slip past your new defenses," Mina said a few moments later as they cruised upriver quickly, courtesy of his power.

  "How do I let you in?" He asked at Mina's request to enter his mind.

  "There are a few ways that will let us bypass your defenses when we wish, some more permanent than others. One we could use now will be temporary but will work for the moment." She said with a shrug.

  "Ok we have a moment lets get it done and bring Sabine up to speed." He said to Mina with a grin as he locked in their direction and dove into his own mind as his mates did the same into theirs.

  Dropping into his mindscape Cade felt two signatures outside of his mental shield, one Mina's familiar mental patterns and the other had to be Sabine's.

  Turning to look at his beautiful mates he was not surprised to see them in a hushed conversation on the suburban street in front of his home.

  After a few minutes, they looked at one another and turned to look at him as he waited patiently in front of his home small smiles written across their faces.

  Sensing some sort of subterfuge going on but choosing to ignore it for the moment Cade did what he had done with Mina's giant panther invaders.

  He focused for a second on making an opening in his shield large enough for his mates in the dome surrounding his mental home.

  "Now my Cade that will work for now." Mina said as they both came through his shield.

  "What do you mean that will work, we didn't do anything?" He said as he searched for a sign of a mental connection, or something along those lines that would cause Mina to claim the process was complete.

  "YOU don't have to do anything, just letting us in after we completed our part was all we needed my love," she said with a smirk.

  "His defenses are impressive though, as long as you don't get in. After that, we could do whatever we wanted, most likely without him knowing." Sabine said, a grin growing on her face.

  That grin was followed by one of the cutest snorts he had ever heard as she saw the absolute terror that flew across Cade's face.

  He would have found it a little more appealing, except he was frozen with dread at the thought of someone sneaking in his mind and doing to him what he had done to Oren.

  "As long as you don't decide to puppet me around we are fine my little snake," he said as he got over his crisis. If the girls were going to screw him over they would have done it by now, Mina especially.

  Walking towards the house with the same conspiratorial smiles written on their faces, Mina and Sabine both placed a kiss on Cade's cheeks as he bent almost in half so they could reach them.

  Their smiles broke into giggles as they looked at the other at the necessity of the now stooped position Cade found himself in.

  "Ah a male who knows his place, a rare thing we must encourage, don't you say Sabine?" Mina said in a faux haughty tone, marred by the giant smile plastered on her face.

  "Yes, my Dresk we must find a way to reward such good behavior, bowing to the beauty of one's mates," Sabine replied as she slid slowly past Cade, her hips swaying seductively drawing his whole body with their switching.

  Cade for his part found he didn't mind serving his mate's reward or no, the looks of happiness on their faces enough of a reward.

  "Happy wife happy life," he said with a chuckle as he righted himself. He had found in his long prior life that the effort required to keep Tony happy had been more than worth it.

  Sabine's look of confusion was opposed by Mina's mirthful smirk at the age-old adage.

  "Come open the door of your home to your mates so we might alleviate our young Sabine of her confusion caused by your colloquialism," she said causing Sabine's confused look to grow more intense.

  Cade laughed at Mina's through scrambling of Sabine's thought process at the inside joke that was their shared understanding of Earth terms.

  Opening the door to his mental home he performed a more formal bow after he stepped aside for his mates to enter.

  Mina's mirthful smirk was replaced by a more haughty one with a little unbridled lust dropped in to make Cade's leather trousers tight once again.

  The confusion that had been written across Sabine's face was replaced with a similar haughty smirk, this one lessened by the innocent face it grew out of. Sabine's swaying hips as she passed caused Cade's mouth to water at the thought of claiming the slim beauty.

  "I will see you shortly my Mina and you too my little snake," he said after he cleared this throat and adjusted his pants.

  Closing the door to his mental home Cade made a promise to himself that he would be taking a look at his own memories as soon as there was ample time to comb through them, good and bad alike.

  A meeting of the minds

  Mina smiled at her new sister wife as she explored their mate's mental home.

  Sabine's childlike glee as she oohed and ahhed over every little knick-knack that the house contained was infectious causing Mina to chuckle.

  The basilisk woman's excitement dimmed a little replaced by curiosity as she looked at Cade's family portrait that hung proudly over the fireplace.

  "Who are they?"

  Sabine's question gave Mina pause as she tried to find a way to succinctly explain the long life Cade had lived before he had been brought to this world.

  "I think we should move to the couch and I can show you the old life of the man who is your mate."

  Sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to her, Mina waited patiently as Sabine joined her with a curious expression on her youthful face.

  As Sabine made herself comfortable Mina retrieved the remote for the tv and turned on her new favorite movie, the previous life of her mate was filled with new and amazing ideas and images and she found she wouldn't mind watching it as often as possible.

  Sabine's eyes widened as Cade's childhood played out before her, Mina found she enjoyed the sight of Sabine sitting coiled up on the couch her attention rapt on the scenes playing out before her almost as much as the movie that they were watching.

  Her hopes that Sabine would be a good fit for their family grew as the young woman leaned forward in anxiety as a schoolyard fight broke out between a young Cade and another boy.

  She could almost feel Sabine's cheers for her mate as he and the other boy tussled on the ground.

  A soft aww of disappointment from Sabine as he lost the fight caused Mina to snort, the twitching of the basilisk woman's tail gave her a little hesitation though.

  Her uncertainty left her as she reminded herself that the world they lived in was more unforgiving than Cade's old world and her new sister wife's instinctual need to protect their mate would certainly be

  As they watched their mate grow from a boy into a man Mina found she hoped their family would grow larger, the man they had both chosen to spend their lives with would certainly garner attention and her need to have him safe would be assuaged with every addition to their family.

  As the movie of Cade's life continued Mina's chuckle at Sabine's clutching hands as Vance was born didn't diminish her understanding of the action, she wanted that man's kits so very badly also.

  "Soon Sabine we will enjoy the same pleasure as Tony, we can only hope it will be sooner than later."

  "I can't wait Mina, the little ones I watched over at the nest were so cute with their little fingers and tails..."

  A sob escaped her chest as tears began to make trails down her face as she remembered the life she had torn from her and those who ended her old hopes and dreams.

  Sliding over to embrace the distraught young woman Mina offered what comfort she could.

  "They will pay for what they have done, out mate will give us that chance we just need to be ready when the time comes. Once we have our revenge we can enjoy that sight for ourselves."

  As she finished Mina gestured towards the tv on the wall that displayed a teary-eyed Cade holding a cooing Vance as Tony watched them both with a tired smile.

  "I will wait eagerly for the day we can bear his adorable babies Mina but it still hurts. They are gone and there isn't anything I can do to bring them back. I miss them so much, I miss my mother's voice, her touch, and the little smiles she would give me. I want them to hurt as I have, they need to pay for what they have done."

  Sabine's rage as she stiffened in Mina's arms was an almost physical thing as shivers ran through the slight woman.

  "And they will pay, we just need to make sure we are ready when the time comes. Now let's get back to our movie the best part, or one of many of the best parts is coming soon."

  As they watched Tony and Cade's almost frantic lovemaking after the long six weeks after Vance's birth Mina found she couldn't wait to get back to her mate.

  A blush across Sabine's face and exposed upper chest drew another chuckle from her, the long passionate strokes he was giving Tony exciting the young woman if the twin points on her chest wrap were any indication.

  "Soon you will enjoy the same our little snake, now make sure you learn more than how amazing our mate is in bed. The knowledge from his past life will come in handy in our adventures I am sure."

  Sabine's distracted "uh-huh" caused Mina to smile as the young woman watched rapt as Cade and Tony's coupling grew more intense.

  Sitting back to watch Mina felt impatience grow in her as Cade and Tony came together, she needed her mate intensely at that moment, her womb clenching as his seed filled Tony.

  Settling in to finish out her movie Mina forced down her need with the promise to herself to enjoy the same bliss as the glassy-eyed Tony as soon as possible.

  As they sat teary-eyed after Tony's funeral Mina and Sabine's shared grief with their mate was interrupted as Sabine felt something questing around their minds.

  As Mina looked at the suddenly still young woman, Sabine eyes grew wide.

  "Someone is searching for us."

  Sabine's words tore Mina from her grief as she pushed it to the back of her mind, the safety of the living more important in the moment.


  Mina's question was answered with a nod from Sabine before they both rose from the couch.

  Turning off the tv Mina followed Sabine out of the door before she watched the young woman's form disappear on the front yard.

  Righteous rage and satisfaction suffused her being before she left her mate's mind, the idiots had found them and Mina was more than ready to make them regret it.

  A self taught man

  Returning to the physical world Cade made a quick wide scan of their surroundings, nothing of note popped up on his "radar" so he decided to pass the time by trying out a few ideas while his wives combed through his old life.

  He was uncertain as to how he felt about having multiple wives and them being ok with it.

  "Would have gotten my ass shot if this happened with Tony," he said with a laugh, the situation way WAY away from anything he had personally experienced.

  He knew polygamy was a thing, but to live it was a bit mind-blowing.

  "If they are ok with it who am I to say no, as long as I can make them happy and keep them safe that at the end of the day is what really matters."

  Shaking off the strange feelings of inadequacy, the idea of keeping two women happy and healthy should be as simple as keeping one that way, just with the added dynamic of how the two played off one another's personalities.

  Looking over to his sleeping mates his gaze landed on his Mina, the Dresk of his household.

  Mina wouldn't be a problem, she had already set her claim to the matron of the house. He had no problem with her taking that spot in their growing family.

  Mina was smart, driven, and pragmatic enough to make most of the decisions on how their household would run. He hoped when the time came that he would be needed to make decisions that affected all of them, he would be up to the task in this new world he had been dropped into.

  Looking next to his fierce mate he grinned as he gazed upon his sleeping Sabine.

  She was the wild card though, where would she fit in. She was an important person if her story of taking over her mother's nest was any indication. Though her story wasn't all peaches and cream, her earlier words hinting at the complete loss of her family and friends.

  A long talk with her would be in order, and soon.

  Cade thought on Mina's question from yesterday, he hoped he had explained the scope of his powers well enough.

  From the lack of follow up, he assumed he had, but the appearance of Sabine had kept them from exploring that further.

  And the sex, he wasn't ashamed to admit to himself he was very susceptible to Mina's charms.

  That train of thought caused his pants to tighten and while he was sure Mina wouldn't mind another tumble, he wanted Sabine to get to know him better through his past life especially if she was going to be a part of this one.

  Now that got him going AGAIN!

  Visions of Sabine laid out before him, begging for his seed, and moaning his name while she screamed her orgasm ran through his mind.

  He tried and mostly succeeded in putting an end to that train of thought, exploring the bounds of his powers he hoped would be a great distraction.

  The stories he had read and the shows he had watched when he was younger came to him providing a little perspective on what he wanted to accomplish.

  He was a mage, but what his powers could accomplish and how they could be put to the best use was the big question.

  His control over the smallest bits of matter was amazing and terrifying all at once.

  The scope of what he could accomplish was a little overwhelming as well, the amount of good he could do for those that needed it was a responsibility he wasn't sure he was up for.

  The coming fight with the slave camp was mostly driven by the need to keep him and his mates safe, but after that what would he do.

  He couldn't sit by and allow that particular business to continue but what would happen to this kingdom if he ended the slave trade here if he stepped in.


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