Atomic Mage

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Atomic Mage Page 24

by Garrett Carter

  "Yes, freedom my Cade. The bond we share is an example of what I mean. Your memories of the way you mastered the lizard man. Oren? Yes, Oren was his name, the way you controlled his body is similar to the slave bonds some of the more connected masters bond their favorite or most powerful slaves. They won't be half as lenient as you will be if I am correct about my mate. That amount of freedom I am positive Laurith will jump at if just to be out of the clutches of the kingdom."

  Sabine finished her explanation with a smirk, her plan flawless in her eyes.

  Cade was less optimistic about his chances.

  "And what is she says no?" He asked, all sarcasm gone from his voice as his curiosity peaked as to what Sabine's response would be.

  "Then you just puppet her body like you did with Oren. She and we don't have any choice. We will need an army if the negotiations with the dwarves go wrong and I am sure she is tired of her centuries-long captivity."

  "Wait how long have they been holding her?" Cade asked with raised eyebrows, the thought of being held anywhere for centuries turning his stomach.

  "Let me see. It has to be close to 400 years at this point. My uncle was only a century old when he helped capture her. That is if my mother's stories are to be believed." She replied with a shrug.

  Cade ran his pruny fingers through Sabine's iridescent locks before he decided that the plan wasn't going to get any better.

  He was VERY skeptical of it, but Sabine had made quite a few good points. It wasn't like he was going to let the dragon kill him and a little or a lot of pain was worth her cooperation, he hoped.

  Cupping his wife's heart-shaped face in his hands he placed a kiss on her lips before he moved to get out of the bath.

  "Well let's clear out the slave camp after we get you hooked up after breakfast and then I get to mind fight an ancient necromancer slash dragon, yay go team," Cade said after he and Sabine disengaged and he began to scrub up quickly.

  His half-hearted declaration was met by a few giggles from Sabine as she followed suit.

  As they made their way to the bedroom, dried but still unclothed Cade was again awed by the size of his slim mate.

  Looking at her human part you wouldn't think the woman weighted more than twice his weight of 300 pounds.

  Sabine stayed around his chest level even though her ten-foot tail reached back around the corner. Cade caught the bladed tip just coming out of the bathroom in his peripheral as they reached the bed.

  Sabine rose to his face and gave him a long but chaste kiss which he returned in spades.

  "Thank you for saving me my Cade, I think I love you now but I know I will soon. Now we have a sleeping Mina to wake." Sabine asked her violet twinkling with mischief.

  As Sabine's words settled into his mind Cade opened the floodgates of their bond and let her feel how he felt for her.

  He let her feel the awe he felt for her ordeal of losing her mother so young and having to fight tooth and nail to survive.

  His protective instincts toward her even surprised him with their strength, even though he knew in a straight fight with no abilities she could fuck him up with ease.

  Her sweet nature endearing her towards him and all of this was wrapped in a package that drove him wild.

  Sabine nestled herself into her mate's broad chest with a sigh of contentment as their bond lit up with appreciation and muted disbelief that she had found such a man to spend her life with.

  "Let's wake Mina up and be on our way my Cade," she said with a giggle as her mate's hardening length tickled her tight tummy.

  "I suppose we should," Cade said dejectedly, duty was calling and he could enjoy his sexy basilisk mate as often as he liked as soon as the threat to his family was eliminated.

  Releasing his still giggling wife he made his way over to the bed and woke Mina with a kiss.

  His resolve to end the slaver threat to his growing family solidified as Mina returned the kiss before stretching languidly.

  A smile crossed his face as he basked in the look of love on her face, his wives were worth any trial this world could throw at him.


  With his two wives awake and chatting lightly in the bed, Cade decided he needed to get dressed.

  If Mina gave his slowly softening dick another speculative glance he would take her up on the offer that was clear in her golden eyes.

  Stepping gingerly buck-naked down the hallway he made his way to the armory.

  As he sifted through his options he groused about the need to put on dead men's clothes before donning a mismatched set of the bandit's gear.

  As he made his way to the kitchen he ran through some breakfast ideas before shooting all of them down due to lack of ingredients.

  Some spiced oatmeal with the last of the gator was the best he could come up with at the moment.

  The spread he created would get them through most of the day but had only required heating the ingredients.

  As most of his renovations went to waste he fervently wished for a grocery store to go shopping in.

  He would have loved to spend their mornings like he and Tony had before they had the kids and after they had moved out.

  He imagined them slowly awakening to the new day with food and conversation, and a little bit of lovemaking.

  Cade returned to his lamenting of the lack of ingredients that were available to him as his stomach growled loudly as he cleaned the dishes with a thought and returned them to their proper places.

  Imagining a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, and or sausage with fried potatoes with onions he placed their meal on the table.

  While visions of cheesy scrambled eggs and perfectly cooked bacon twirled around his head, he completely missed the arrival of his mates to the table.

  Clearing her throat Mina finally got his attention as Sabine giggled at his bewildered look.

  "I wonder what could draw your attention so fully away from such a sight as us my mate," Mina said with a smile at her spaced-out mate.

  "Yes, I would also like to know what it was that caused you to drool like that too my Cade," Sabine said before she fell into a fit of giggles as he realized he had a small puddle of drool below the hand his head had been leaning on.

  "Get me to a good market and I will gladly show you ladies what I can do in the kitchen," Cade said with a faraway look on his face.

  Mina and Sabine shared a look of doubt, males in their experience not having a clue what to do when it came to more than hunting down their food.

  Shaking himself out of his daydreams of cooking up a four-course meal, Cade and his mates got down to eating the sparse meal as he wished he could make more substantial.

  He noticed while he ate that the girls had dressed rather similar to his random garb.

  Mina's was almost a match for her outfit that he had met her in, the leggings that held her well-padded thighs the only difference, them being black instead of brown.

  Sabine almost matched her Dresk with a tight leather jerkin that showed off her improved bust.

  The unasked question of bottoms was answered by a black leather skirt that came from somewhere in the armories supplies.

  Cade wasn't complaining though, the smallest movement from his little snake gave him a tantalizing view as he found out Sabine hadn't bothered with panties.

  His mind drew off on that tangent for a few moments, we're there undergarments in this world for his little snake.

  Coughing and catching his breath after something he swallowed some oatmeal that went down the wrong tube after his little mental diversion, continued his meal with a smile.

  As they finished Cade decided to make good on his promise to Sabine last night.

  "Sabine, come with me for a moment, Mina, if you want to you, can come with," he said as he made his way to the couch in their living room.

  "Sabine, have you told Mina about our conversation last night, or was it this morning?" Cade asked as he looked into Sabine's questioning violet eyes.

es we have talked my Cade and she agrees," Sabine said after her face cleared of confusion.

  "I agree with the idea my Cade but how are you going to make it happen?" Mina asked, her head cocked as she waited for his response.

  "I have an idea that I think will work. I wasn't always this big, even when I arrived here. The modifications I made to my body were a choice, I think I can provide Sabine with the energy required to get her body to where it should be. Essentially trick her brain into thinking it is just starting puberty and provide the energy need for the changes she would have naturally gone through.

  "That sounds reasonable," Sabine said her face pensive, a little hesitant about going through puberty once again.

  "It shouldn't hurt and if you want I can numb you up so you won't feel a thing, just an hour or two either awake or asleep and your body with be what it should have been," Cade said fighting a grin at the hazy memory of his own puberty.

  Sabine's though had been a million times worse he imagined, all alone in the jungle with her changing body. He was surprised at how well adjusted she was considering her history.

  Cade decided to skip her psychiatric evaluation and accept her for the person she was, she did make it very easy to love her.

  "Whenever you are ready my little snake lay down on the couch and we can begin," Cade said as he stood back.

  Sabine kissed her mate on the cheek as she slid past him with a smile full of trust.

  "So awake or asleep Sabine?" Cade asked as she got comfortable on the couch.

  "Asleep, please. I would rather not experience those aches again all at once." She said as she closed her eyes with a serene look on her face.

  Cade had a moment of panic as he realized he had never tried to put someone to sleep with his power before.

  Knock them out with blunt force trauma, sure, choke a bitch out yup. He doubted Sabine would appreciate those methods though.

  He braced himself for failure as he formed a plan to put his little snake into a peaceful slumber.

  With a thought he enveloped Sabine's brain with his power and pushed his intent into it, envisioning the bone-weary tiredness of their post-sex exhaustion last night.

  He continued to push thoughts of the warm blanket covering her and the safe secure feeling of his body beside her.

  As the seconds ticked by he wasn't sure he accomplished anything besides staring down on his basilisk mate while she lay on the couch.

  He was about to call it quits and try another method to put her to sleep when Sabine yawned.

  He quickly gazed into her brain and noticed a rush of hormones being sent through her bloodstream as she stretched her long body out before making a high-pitched moan of contentment.

  As the amount of sleepy hormones increased he saw her heart rate slowly drop as her breathing slowed and evened out.

  Cade was overjoyed that his idea had worked as a quiet snore emanated from Sabine as she fell into a deep slumber.

  Taking a moment to identify the chemical makeup of the sleepy hormones Sabine had released he found their source and tied a small amount of power from the home supply to keep it going.

  After he was sure she wouldn't wake he dredged up the vision of her preteen self from her last memory of her mother and pushed that same intent into her pituitary gland.

  He stood by for a few minutes as the line of power he had tied to the gland forced it to produce the concoction of hormones everyone was at the whim of at some time in their life.

  As the gland did its job Cade surrounded Sabine's body in a net of power that draped over her whole length and with a small force of will started sending the energy trickling into her body.

  As her body's demand for energy rose and fell, Cade watched the level of energy rising and falling with it.

  After ten minutes of watching he noticed Sabine's arms gaining definition as his plan succeeded in maturing her body as it should have been.

  "I'm going to stay and watch over her my Mina, if you want you can join me here," he said to his panther mate as she stood next to him her ears perked, both of them aimed squarely at their mate.

  "I think I will my Cade," Mina said as she joined him on the couch, her hands clasped in her lap as she sat next to him.

  As they both kept watch over their little snake, his apprehension slowly dropped as Sabine's energy level rose, the previous rise and fall from the past two hours having stopped a few minutes ago.

  He almost cut the power tie at that moment but returned to her pituitary gland for a second to confirm it had stopped doing its job.

  Finding the once constant flow had trickled to nearly nothing he decided to remove all the power ties, as he carefully removing them he took in his little snake's improved body.

  Sabine had been lithe even after she had filled out with feedings, seeing her now he had to admit not much had changed.

  She had much more definition, her arms weren't cut but he could see the muscles under her skin and scales, the flat tummy she had before though had faint outlines of an eight pack under them.

  He had expected a little more and dived deeper into her body, what he found surprised him.

  The muscles he had been viewing were dense, very very dense, contemplating how much strength she had gained caused a shiver to go down his spine at what she would be capable of now.

  Going deeper he found her bones had gotten the same treatment.

  They were almost as strong, if their density was any indication, as his metal-covered bones.

  Looking down her tail, he saw that her scales had hardened as much as her bones, Sabine, his short sweet mate was a walking... slithering tank.

  Thinking back on the fight with the slavers and how her old scales had turned dagger guys blade, he expected her scales would hold up to any bladed or blunt weapon she came up against.

  "How is she my Cade?" Mina asked the worried tone clear in her voice.

  "She is perfect my love. A little scarily so. I kinda feel sorry for the slavers, just a tiny bit though." He replied with a smile as the worried expression on her face cleared.

  "Can we wake her up now? Is she finished?" Mina asked in a rush, the need to check and see for herself not hurting his feelings one bit.

  "Let's get our little snake on her feet then," Cade said as they both stood up.

  Placing one hand on Sabine's sleeping face he couldn't help but place a kiss on her pink lips. He almost burst a gut laughing as she intentionally returned the kiss with interest.

  "Well hello, my little snake how long have you been up sleeping beauty?" He asked after she released him from the lip lock.

  "I think I came fully awake when Mina asked how I was, I couldn't help but hold out a few more moments," Sabine said as a smile overtook her face.

  That smile devolved into a giggling fit as she saw Mina's face, their panther mate wasn't amused with her antics.

  Cade decided to intervene before the fur and scales began to fly.

  "Sooo I have a proposition for you two if I could get you attention for a moment." He asked into the air between the two women.

  Sabine's giggles dropped off as she rose from the couch and moved over to Mina and embraced her.


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