Claimed by the Dragons_Celestial Mates

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Claimed by the Dragons_Celestial Mates Page 2

by Luna Hunter

  “So this guy caught your eye, hm?” Pip muses as she types away. “Love at first sight?”

  “Save it,” Dru snips. “They’re heading to Valkronis, and I’m hitching a ride.”

  “Oh,” Pip answers, disappointed. “So you’re not interested in the guy? Because I don’t want to play matchmaker if there’s no real match…”

  “I never said I wasn’t interested,” Dru chuckles as she sneaks a glimpse at the three warriors. In fact, all three of them are drop-dead gorgeous. “Just that I have different priorities right now.”

  “You’re not very romantic, are you?”

  “Have you met me?” Dru answers. “Are you in yet?”

  “I, uhm, I think so.”

  “You think so?”

  “Like I said, their systems are… different.”

  “They’re about to walk in the door!” Dru says.

  “I know, but you screaming in my ear doesn’t make my fingers move any faster.”

  “It should.”

  “I’m filling in your info right now… by the way, you do know this is desertion we’re talking about, right” Pip says. “The Gulzin Syndicate will hunt you down to the edge of galaxy if you just take off without saying a word. I shouldn’t even be helping you right now.”

  “I don’t care,” Dru answers.

  When I’ve had my revenge, the Gulzin could come and take me for all I care. I’ve never been this close to Valkronis, and I’m not turning back now.

  Chapter Three

  “Welcome, welcome!”

  The man in the door-opening is unlike anything the three brothers have ever seen before. His skin is a deep-blue and seems to pulse and glow. A sleek white robe is tied around his thin waist, and his long hair is the exact same color, as white as snow.

  What draws most of their attention is his eyes, however. His bright white, pupil-less, unsettling eyes.

  “How can I help you three fine gentlemen?”

  “We are looking for the Celestial Mates Dating Agency,” Ragnar says.

  “Then you have come to the right place, my friends. Please, come in.”

  The three Xhakans follow the strange creature inside.

  “Did his lips even move?” Aksel says. “I felt like I heard his voice in my mind.”

  A cold shiver runs down Kolos’s back. He’s heard of species like this before: Extra-Dimensional's, they call them: ED’s. Fourth-dimensional beings of pure light. As Xhakans understand the natural world, that shouldn’t even be possible.

  That just proves that even despite their advances, their spaceships and their weapons, the Xhakans still have a lot to learn about the universe. Kolos is just happy these beings only seem to care about playing matchmaker, instead of using their powers for evil…

  Everything inside is sleek and modern, a sharp contrast from the messy world outside. Their heavy boots echo on the marble floor, the mysterious figure leading the way.

  “We will find you a perfect match,” he says, his sing-song voice being carried down the hall. “That is the Celestial Mates guarantee!”

  “If I may ask, why is there an Agency here?” Ragnar says as he admires the modern architecture. “Of all places? Seems like this is all a bit out of Gomorral’s price range and all.”

  “Oh, the Celestial Mates is absolutely free!”

  “It is?” Ragnar says. “Didn’t know that,” he mumbles.

  “Oh yes! And to answer your question: Well, why wouldn’t we be on Gomorral? The Celestial Mates believe that everyone deserves love! Not just royalty. Erhm, no offense.”

  “None taken,” Kolos says.

  The blue, glowing man shepherds the three Xhakans into an office in the back of the building. His intense, blinding gaze passes over the trio.

  “Who can I help today? Are all three of you looking for a partner? Or are you looking for one partner for all three of you?”

  Kolos chuckles. Sharing a destinuar — a soul-bond that connects three, four, five people is not unheard of amongst Xhakans, but it is very rare.

  Finding your true mate is hard enough as it is. Finding a soul-mate that connects more than two becomes exceedingly difficult.

  However, if that is what the universe has in store for them, then Kolos knows they would all accept it with open hearts and open minds. The three brothers are as close as can be, their connection unrivaled, and sharing a destinuar bond would make all of them proud and happy.

  Unfortunately, that is not why they came here. What should be a happy moment is overshadowed by the abduction of Emla, their sister. Ragnar is intent on sacrificing his own happiness, his very soul to save her, and neither Kolos nor Aksel have succeeded in changing his mind.

  He’s almost been the stubborn one. When Ragnar has made up his mind, he’s committed, one hundred percent.

  “Just me,” Ragnar says.

  “Are you sure?” the Celestial Mates representative says.

  “Yes. Very.”

  “Very well.”

  The man waves his hand across his desk, and just like that, a crystal ball appears, shimmering with energy.

  “Please place your hand upon the ball, and we will read your soul.”

  Ragnar raises his eyebrows in disbelief. “What’s this?” he growls with agitation. “I’m here for my mate, not a qijng magic show.”

  The man’s expression doesn’t change. “Please, sir. All will become clear,” he says patiently.

  “Just do what he says, vella,” Aksel says.


  Ragnar scoots forward and places his two palms on the ball. The moment his bare skin makes contact, it feels like lightning strikes.

  Thoughts race through his head, a thousand of them, all at once. Memories flash by in front of his very eyes, his entire life being played back, all at once. His two brothers, Kolos and Aksel, are always there. The love he feels for them warms his soul, his entire being, as he remembers all of their many, many adventures.

  They’ve been together for as long as they can remember, and their connection is so strong, nothing can break it. While they may not be blood-vellas, they do feel like soul-vellas to Ragnar.

  The next moment, all the Xhakan Lord sees is the vast, outstretched plains of Valkronis — his home.

  I can’t wait to soar through those skies again, he thinks. To feel the wind in my wings! It’s been too long!

  The last six years have been spent at the Akademi, on the planet Erasmius. All three brothers majored in different subjects that suited their strength, but they roomed together, and met up whenever possible. The news of Emla’s abduction cast a dark cloud over their graduation ceremony, and there is another issue lingering underneath the surface, that Ragnar suddenly feels in his entire body like a needle being thrust into his arm.

  An issue that all three brothers have failed to address: Their future.

  Now that their eduction is complete, each one of them will take on a different position in Xhakan society. Ragnar is the strongest warrior and destined to become the Ushtar, the leader of the armies of House Velo.

  Kolos is a gifted scholar and a position in the Keshill awaits him, where he’ll personally advice their father. Aksel is a gifted healer and a druid, and his talents will be highly sought after — both on Valkronis and off it.

  All thee of them know that their father — Vladimir Velo, undisputed ruler of the Xhakans — expects them to bring honor to his House.

  The close connection between the three brothers has always been a thorn in his side, and even though he tried to play favorites and break them apart, the three brothers wouldn’t let him. Now, with their education complete and the rest of their lives open in front of them, what will happen to the bond between the three Xhakans?

  “The ritual is complete,” the Celestial Mates agent says. “You may relax.”

  Ragnar falls back into his seat, dazed and confused, and it takes a moment for him to realize that his eyes are filled with tears. What just happened?

  He quickly wip
es them away and turns to his brothers, and to his surprise, finds they have the same dazed look on their faces.

  “Did you feel that too?”

  Aksel nods, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Yes.”

  “Ah, yes, that can happen from time to time,” the blue man says. “Are you three close?”

  “You might say that,” Kolos says. “We are brothers.”

  “I see.”

  The man rises from his seat and bows polity. “I have just received good news: Your perfect match has been found, and she’s close by.”

  “Received? Qij, that was fast. How?” Ragnar says. “I didn’t hear anything.”

  The man smiles mysteriously. “Please, follow me, gentlemen.”

  Chapter Four

  The massive door in front of Drusilla opens without warning. The half-blood had her ear pressed against the cold stone of the Celestial Mates building as she tried to figure out what as going on inside.

  And now, the half-human, half-Djall woman is standing face-to-face with the three Xhakans she’s been trailing all afternoon.

  Her heart skips a beat as her gaze jumps from one gorgeous pair of eyes to the next. It’s hard to know where to look!

  It feels like sparks are flying — times three. Her knees are weak, her belly filled with butterflies. She bites down on her bottom lip and forces herself to focus.

  “Thank you for your application!”

  Dru looks down and follows the strange, disembodied voice. Only now does she notice there is a bright, blue man standing in front of the three giant Xhakans. A small man whose smile is like a beam of light.

  “Err, th-thank you,” Dru answers.

  Whoa, they are all handsome, she thinks. I don’t even know which one I want to be paired up with more…

  Stop that! Her inner voice chides. I’m here to hitch a ride to Valkronis and face the Djall King, not to fall in love with any of these three beautiful, strong, fit… erhm…

  “Please, step inside,” the blue man says. “There is much to discuss!”

  Drusilla tucks her pointy ears under her cap and follows the blue man. She is half Djall, and the Djalls are the arch enemy of the Xhakans. For years they have battled for dominion over Valkronis, in a never-ending struggle.

  Last she heard, there was a shaky peace, but these things never last in her experience. Her Djall heritage is something she’ll have to keep a closely guarded secret.

  Dru squeezes her way past the three Xhakans, their eyes all following her, and her heart races at the speed of light. She’s never nervous, but these three men have her shaking in her boots.

  The blue man leads them into a room, and she sits down in a comfy chair and crosses her legs. The three Xhakans trickle in and take a seat opposite her.

  “I have some good news and some bad news,” the Celestial Mates agent says. “Or, not bad, but, err, different. Quite unusual, though not unheard of, but… oh dear.”

  “Spill it,” the tallest one growls.

  “Drusilla here is a perfect mate,” the man says. “For…”

  Dru’s heart is beating so fast she’s sure everyone can hear it. Her eyes jump from one man to the next, wondering is this him? Or is it that one?

  Is it the blond one, with the intense blue eyes? Or the tallest and broadest of them all, the one with hair as black as the night and a beard as impressive as those gigantic muscles of his?

  Or will it be the mysterious one with the silver eyes and the shoulder-length hair?

  I can’t choose. I don’t want to choose.

  “For all three of you.”


  Dru turns towards the bright, blue man. He’s looking mighty pleased with himself, his hands clasped together.


  “W-what,” she stammers.

  All three of them? That’s… going to be a challenge. Ahem.

  “What do you mean?!” the dark haired one growls.

  “All your souls are connected,” the Celestial Mates agent says. “It’s rare, yes, but also true. Drusilla here is a perfect mate, not just for you, but for all three of you.”

  He slumps in his seat. “Great,” he mumbles.

  Dru can’t help but feel a little dejected, even though she got Pip to hack the system for her. She hacked it a bit too well if you ask me — all three?!

  “My name is Kolos,” the one with the silver eyes says. He bows before Dru, and she returns the greeting.

  “These are my brothers, Ragnar and Aksel.”

  The dark-haired one grunts a greeting, and the blonde one bows as well.

  “I’m Drusilla,” Dru says “And this is all a bit too much to take in.”

  “Agreed,” Kolos says. “I must admit, I was afraid something like this might happen.”

  “A-afraid?” Dru says.

  The Xhakan shakes his head. “That’s not what I meant. Excuse me, and my brothers as well. We’ve recently had some bad news, and this is… unexpected.”

  He pushes his shoulders back, his silver, brooding gaze landing right on Dru. Just looking at him makes her heart rate jack up, even though she tries to fight the feeling.

  You’re here for the mission! She chides herself. Focus!

  “Take all the time you need,” the Celestial Mates agent says. “My work here is done.” He walks off, smiling, his skin pulsing and glowing.

  Drusilla shifts uncomfortably in her seat, six hungry eyes looking right at her. How in the hell am I going to play this out? Stringing one guy along wouldn’t have been that hard, but three… three gorgeous, hungry men… that’s going to be a challenge.

  Did I bite off more than I can chew? What if they figure out I’m half Djall, or that I’m not their mate and I just hacked the system? How much of that fabled Xhakan Rage will I get to see?

  Drusilla swallows the lump in her throat and forces herself to calm down. She’s stood for hotter fires. She’s got this. Even though these three men combined are hot enough to melt the sun itself…

  Kolos’s gaze is fixed on her. “I think we should relocate to our ship,” he says. “We can get to know each other better there. If that is okay with you, that is.”

  “That’s fine,” Drusilla answers.

  “You don’t have anything keeping you here?”

  “Nothing whatsoever.”

  “Then it’s settled.”

  Kolos reaches his hand towards her, and she accepts. The moment their skin touches, both of them feel sparks, a jolt of energy passing through their bodies. His manly scent surrounds Drusilla, and she bites on her tongue to keep from flinging herself at him.

  Damn it, she thinks. He even smells good. What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter Five

  On the way back to the Shaqixi the three Xhakans are silent, the ramifications of what has just transpired weighing heavily on all three of them.

  Drusilla doesn’t speak either. Her emotions, normally so easily controlled, are all over the place. She’s got what she wanted, a ride on their ship to Valkronis, so she should be elated, and yet… her heart is filled with conflict.

  These aliens are beyond gorgeous, and according to the Celestial Mates, she is destined for all three of them… and even though she knows Pip hacked the system for her, it still feels like there’s an actual connection, actual chemistry.

  That wasn’t part of the plan. This was supposed to be a job like any other. So why has her heart suddenly decided to come alive?

  “Is that your ship?” Dru asks, unable to hide the awe in her voice when she sees it. The massive spaceship casts a large shadow over Gomorral as it floats in the air, several hundred yards above the surface.

  “It sure is,” Kolos answers as they board a small transport vessel. “Shaqixi. What do you think?”

  Dru has seen ships before, but nothing this grand, this majestic. Even the outside is decorated, the hull sculpted like a statue, depicting a roaring Xhakan.

  She’s squeezed between Ragnar and Aksel, with Kolos sittin
g across from her, and again she doesn’t know where to look.

  Mated to three Xhakans…

  How does that even work? Do they take turns? Or do they want me all at once?

  That thought sends a shiver down her spine. Thoughts of the Djall King, of revenge, are pushed to the back of her mind, replaced by a myriad of emotions. Hope, excitement, fear…

  Aksel places his hand on her knee and squeezes. “You will like it on there,” he says. “It’s a state-of-the-art ship, and it has all the comforts you could ever want.”

  The innocent touch sends a jolt of energy through her, and involuntarily she flinches.

  “Sorry,” Aksel says, pulling his hand away. “I did not mean…”

  “No, it’s okay,” Drusilla says shyly, looking up at the blond man. His hair is the color of the sun, his eyes as bright as a clear sky. Even without his armor or the tattoos, she could have recognized him as Xhakan royalty. He’s too gorgeous to be anything but.

  The interior of the ship is just as beautiful as the outside. Lavish and royal. Those are the words that spring to Drusilla’s mind as she wanders through the wide halls.

  “Here are your quarters,” Kolos says as he opens a set of majestic, oak doors. “I assume it will suffice.”

  Drusilla doesn’t know whether to laugh or to cry — she’s never seen a suite as grand. This is fit for a princess.

  Which I will be, she thinks.

  “Is something wrong?” Aksel asks.

  “No, not at all,” she laughs. “This is fine. This is perfect.”

  “We will give you a moment to acclimatize,” Kolos says. “Take as long as you need.”

  “Thank you,” Drusilla says as she closes the door. She rests her back against it and slides down to the ground, her heart racing.

  This is really happening. She’s here, on the Xhakan ship, in chambers so grand you only see them on the ‘casts in unrealistic drama shows…

  She quickly dials Pip’s number on her comm. Dru has to tell someone.

  “You’ll never guess where I am,” she says as she admires herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror.


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