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Donovan Brothers: Box Set (Donovan Brothers #1-2)

Page 28

by J. Sterling

  “Don’t make fun. I’m not a worrywart or anything. I just like to know that the people I came to a strange party with are safe and not missing or anything. Don’t be a jerk.” She grinned to soften her remark and hit him in the arm playfully.

  “I’m not. It’s sweet. And smart. So I’ll just remember that you’re the smart one when it comes to your friends.”

  They shared a glance and she sighed. “Your eyes are gorgeous. I love the little dark speck you have in this eye.”

  She touched the side of his face and flinched as electricity jolted through her entire body. Her pulse raced and she got entirely too sweaty for a girl. All she could think about was how nervous he made her and how it felt like her heart was trying to escape.

  “Which eye is it? This one?” He pressed her hand tightly against his face.

  “Yeah,” was about all she could muster. She found herself memorizing his eyes, taking in the exact shade of green…and how it transformed to almost yellow at the pupil. The effect reminded her of a sunflower, but she didn’t want to tell a guy he had sunflowers in his eyes.

  “What the hell are you two doing?” Cooper’s friend Danny bounced up with Taylor close behind.

  “Seriously, you two. Get a room. That’s embarrassing!” Taylor teased.

  “Shut up. I was just looking at the speck in his eye. And…ah, never mind,” Katherine said, suddenly at a loss for words.

  “Kat, this is Danny. Danny, this is my roommate, Kat.” She turned to Cooper and said, “I’m Taylor. What’s your name, Eye Speck?”

  “Cute. Cooper.”

  “Cool name! Hockey?” Taylor’s delivery was rapid-fire, but Cooper caught on quickly and had no trouble keeping up.

  “Yep. But I’m way better than your boy, Danny, here.”

  “Funny, Coop,” Danny complained.

  “Let’s be clear…he’s not my boy,” Taylor snapped and shot Danny a glance.

  “Yet!” Danny insisted playfully.

  “Dream on, kid,” Taylor teased. “Where’s Kylie?”

  “Last time we saw her she was upstairs kissing some guy. I assume she’s still there.”

  “We should get her and head home. This party is about to get broken up anyway. It’s out of control and way too loud.” Taylor grabbed Katherine’s hand and pulled her up the stairs. She looked over her shoulder to see Cooper and Danny watching them go, goofy smiles plastered on both their faces.

  Katherine wasn’t sure how Taylor knew when a party was or wasn’t out of control, but it turned out she was right. After they dragged Kylie away from her boyfriend for the night, campus police pulled into the fraternity driveway, lights flashing.

  “You’re just going to leave without saying good-bye?” Cooper shouted toward her as the girls walked away from the now ending party.

  Katherine noticed everyone staring at her, so she refused to respond. Her eyes darted from Cooper to the crowd of gawkers and then back to him again. Cooper looked around and quickly jogged to her side.

  He slid his arm around her waist and she felt her throat catch. “At least let me walk you home,” he insisted, but Katherine couldn’t take any more heart pounding or throat catching.

  She wiggled her body free from his hand and relished the air she could once again breathe. “I think we’re fine. Right?” She looked at her friends, who shook their heads in unison. “See, we’re fine. I’ll see you in class, Coopertown.”

  “Bye, Danny-boy,” Taylor shouted over her shoulder as they walked away in the still warm night air.


  That night before Katherine fell asleep, she snuggled into her pillow, wondering if she would see her dream guy again. She wasn’t quite sure why, after the night she’d just had with Cooper, she was even thinking about him at all. Maybe she associated him with sleep? Instinct told her it wasn’t that simple.

  “What are you sighing about?” Taylor asked her through a yawn.

  Katherine looked down from her bed and noticed that Kylie was already fast asleep. “Just wondering if my dream guy will make another appearance tonight.”

  “Already leaving Cooper in the dust for some guy you don’t even know? You’re one serious heartbreaker, Katherine Johns. But not for nothing, if you do dream about this boy again—that would be pretty awesome!”

  “I know! Not very realistic though, right?” she asked as thoughts of him drifted through her mind.

  “Who cares about reality, Kat? Geez, you’re such a downer.”

  Katherine snickered. “Good night, Taylor.”

  “Good night, downer-face!”

  Katherine pulled the covers up around her ears and promptly fell asleep. She awoke the next morning to the sound of Kylie rushing out of the dorm room.

  “Bye, girls! Had a blast! See you soon!” Kylie yelled and then slammed the door.

  “So? Did we have any appearances last night?” Taylor asked as she walked out of the bathroom.

  “Yeah, your dad,” Katherine replied sarcastically.

  “Oh, you’re hilarious.”

  “I think so,” Katherine quipped. “But seriously, no dreams at all last night,” she added with a hint of disappointment.

  Taylor cocked her head to the side. “I’m sorry. Are you sad?”

  Katherine nodded. “I know it probably sounds dumb, but yeah. A little. I just thought…I don’t know what I thought.”

  “That you’d see him again?” Taylor suggested.

  Katherine released a long breath. “Yeah. At least I hoped.”

  “Well, there’s always Cooper. You think he knows he’s playing backup to a dream guy?”

  “Taylor. Be real.”

  “I am. Cooper is totally number two in this relationship and Dream Guy is clearly number one. Just saying you should give the poor guy some warning before he goes falling head over heels for you.”

  The very thought of it all made Katherine dizzy. Did she want a relationship with Cooper? She barely knew him. Was she willing to give up on Dream Guy because that’s what sane people would do? You can’t hold on to the idea of some random guy from a dream your whole life. But then she reminded herself that it was no ordinary dream. She’d never experienced anything in a dream before like what she’d experienced with him. Feelings and emotions that intense didn’t just happen all the time. It all had to mean something.

  “Hello?” Taylor waved her hand in front of Kat’s face. “I just meant that he clearly likes you and if—”

  Katherine cut her off mid-sentence. “I get it, Tay.”

  “Hey, don’t get mad. I’m just playing.”

  “No, no, I’m sorry. It’s just that this is all too weird for me. And everything about both guys is really intense, really fast, and it’s just all kind of crazy, right?”

  “In all honesty, yeah,” Taylor agreed. “I mean…it is crazy. And it is fast. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Are you even interested in Cooper? Is he your type?”

  Katherine remained silent while she stared at Taylor.

  “I’m only asking because I don’t really know what your type is,” Taylor said helpfully.

  “No, I know. I was just thinking.”

  Taylor smiled. “Oh, well continue thinking then.”

  Katherine chewed on her bottom lip as thoughts raced through her mind. “I’m definitely attracted to him. I don’t really know him that well, but from what I do know, I love that he’s an athlete because it means he has to do well in school, and that he has some sort of work ethic, sense of responsibility, and drive.”

  She paused to pull her thoughts together before continuing. “I really respect people who have passion for things. He seems really nice and funny. I mean, yeah…he definitely doesn’t lack any qualities that I like in a guy. But he also kind of scares me,” she added.

  “What do you mean? Scares you how?” Taylor asked.

  “He makes me super nervous whenever I see him…and he makes me all sorts of sweaty just when he’s around me. No guy has ever had that kind o
f effect on me before.” She stopped to wave air under her arms with her flapping hands.

  Taylor laughed. “Dummy. That just means you’re attracted to him. Think you’re the only one who sweats when a hot guy gets close? It’s called chemistry.”

  “Well then, we’ve got it in buckets ’cause let me tell you…” Katherine started to laugh. “Thanks for making me feel less stupid about sweating when I’m around Cooper.”

  “Oh please! That’s what happens. It’s normal. I mean, normal if you’re attracted to him. And really, how could you not be?”

  “He is ridiculously good-looking, right?”

  “Pretty much. So, what’s stopping you from giving him a chance? I mean, he sounds perfect,” Taylor asked sincerely.

  “In all honesty? I sorta can’t get past the guy from my dream. It’s hard to let go of those feelings once you’ve experienced them.” She took a deep breath. “I feel like if I give Cooper a shot, then I’m giving up on my dream guy. And I’m just not ready to do that yet.”

  “Fair enough,” Taylor agreed.

  “You don’t think I’m being stupid?” Katherine looked up at her with eyes that said it all. She wanted—no, needed—Taylor to be on her side with this.

  “I don’t. I saw you that morning. And I hear the way you talk about him. I wouldn’t give up on him either if it were me.”

  “Really?” Katherine asked.

  “Really. I’ve never felt anything like what you described. Besides, he could still be real, you know?”

  A smile spread across Katherine’s face. “You make me want to believe in that.”

  “Well, you never know! Who am I to say what is or isn’t real?”

  Katherine allowed the thoughts of her dream guy being real to invade her mind. She lost herself momentarily in all the possibilities and took note of how much passion it inspired in her heart. Nodding her head to shake away the daydreams, she asked, “So, what about you? And Danny?”

  Taylor’s face instantly turned rosy. “Oh yeah, he’s right up my alley. He’s adorable, funny, and a total wiseass. I love that he can dish it out and take it. Most guys can only do the dishing, you know?”

  “Totally. So you like him?”

  “I’ll probably give him a shot.” Taylor winked.

  “Jeez, Taylor, trying to date you is like trying to win the lottery.”

  She pinched her lips together before responding. “You have to understand the way most guys are out here. They’re raised to hide their true selves under a ridiculously manly ego and crazy confidence. It is super annoying. They put on tough guy shows twenty-four hours a day. A girl gets tired of dealing with that all the time.”

  Katherine rolled her eyes. “That would get annoying. I’d be like, be real already!” she shouted over-animatedly toward the ceiling.

  Taylor pointed at her. “Exactly! But I can see right through Danny. He’s a big softy and he’s not very good at hiding it.”

  Eyebrows raised, Katherine shook her head in mock pity. “Poor guy has no idea what he’s in for.”

  “I know. Isn’t it great?” Taylor beamed.

  “You crack me up. I’m starving.”

  “Let’s go eat our weight in frozen yogurt.”

  “That sounds so good. And totally normal.”

  “Well, we already know you’re not normal, so why not?” Taylor teased.

  Chapter Three

  Days turned into weeks and Katherine’s dream guy still hadn’t made his way back into her dreams. The details of the dream may have gotten fuzzy with time, but her feelings were something she could never erase. Not that she wanted to. But she found herself slowly letting go of Dream Guy, and that allowed Cooper a fair shot at her heart.

  “I love that you get dolled up for the class we have with Cooper,” Taylor remarked.

  Katherine stopped curling her long brown hair and asked innocently, “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play coy with me, missy. You’re totally into him. Admit it! You only make yourself this cute when we’re seeing him.”

  Katherine blushed.

  “I knew it. You don’t even have to admit it.”

  “I hate you,” Katherine joked and turned back to the mirror.

  “No, you don’t. But seriously, how great would it be if we dated teammates? We could go to all the games together. And double-date all the time. Please just love him already,” Taylor whined.

  “You’re insane.”

  Taylor tugged at one of Katherine’s curly tendrils. “Tell me that wouldn’t be perfect?”

  “It wouldn’t be perfect,” Katherine repeated deadpan.


  Katherine smiled at Taylor’s reflection in the mirror.

  There was a slight pause before Taylor ventured, “And you were right before, you know?”

  Katherine raised her eyebrows. “About?”

  “About Cooper being a great guy. I’m over there all the time and he really is everything you thought he was.”

  Katherine’s heart started to beat a little faster. “Well, that’s good to know.”

  “Any appearances from Dream Guy?” Taylor quipped, her tone nonchalant.

  “Nope.” Katherine’s face paled at the mention of him. “He’s just gone. I was probably stupid to think he was real in the first place.”

  Taylor grabbed Katherine’s shoulders. “You were not stupid. I’m the one who insisted he was real. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s okay.” Katherine fought against the sadness that suddenly came over her.

  “Hey, Danny and I are going to grab some dinner after practice tonight. Do you think you want to come with?”

  Katherine sensed Taylor’s ulterior motive. “That would be nice. Do you think Coop will be there?”

  “I can guarantee that if you’re going, Cooper’s going.”

  “Really?” The thought of Cooper joining them at dinner simply for her seemed ridiculous to Katherine. She shook off the notion.

  “Are you crazy, Kat, or just dumb? Cooper has been trying to get you to go out with him since the moment he laid his stupid speckled eye on you.”

  “I know. I just don’t get why,” she blurted out before covering her mouth with her hand. “Sorry.” She pulled her hand away, “I don’t mean that as bad as it sounds. I just don’t get it. Is he like this with every girl, or just me?”

  “I don’t know.” Taylor shrugged her bony shoulder. “Why don’t you ask him tonight?”

  “Well, have you seen him with anyone else? Does he talk about other girls?” Katherine pressed, wanting to know the more intimate workings of Cooper Donovan’s mind.

  “He talks about you. All. The. Time.” Taylor rolled her eyes.

  “But whyyyy?” She let out a frustrated sigh. “Don’t you ever wonder why Danny likes you so much?” When Taylor pinned her with a pointed look, she laughed at the absurdity of her question. “You don’t, do you?”

  “No! Obviously he’s smart. Only an idiot wouldn’t want to date me. And since I don’t date idiots, it all works out.”

  Katherine gave Taylor a little shove as she bit back a laugh. “Oh my gosh. Get out of here and let me finish getting ready.”


  Katherine and Taylor were walking toward their dorm when they heard a shout and the honk of a horn. They both turned to see Cooper and Danny yelling at them from Cooper’s black Jeep Wrangler. The top was off the Jeep and the guys were shirtless.

  “Do you think they know they look like a couple of douche bags?” Taylor asked playfully.

  “It might be our civic duty to inform them.” Katherine rolled her eyes toward the boys.

  “I mean, really…girls everywhere will thank us.” Taylor nodded with a smile.

  They ran over toward the Jeep, outfitted with an aftermarket lift system, and Katherine felt dwarfed by the size of it. The oversized off-road tires made it high off the ground, which Katherine thought made the vehicle more masculine and fun, perfect for a guy like Coo
per. Who happened to look pretty darned incredible with his shirt off, as she couldn’t help but notice. Her eyes followed the lines of his broad shoulders to his muscular arms, all tanned a delectable golden brown. She lingered a little too long admiring his overly defined abs as Taylor cleared her throat.

  “So, guys, you know that you look like losers driving around like that, right?” Taylor informed them and Danny lowered his ball cap over his eyes. “I’m just saying that we all know you have amazing bodies…is it really necessary to drive around with your shirts off?”

  Danny glanced quickly at Cooper before he looked up. “We just wanted to get a tan.”

  Katherine burst into laughter because his response was so sincere. “Well, you guys should go sit by the pool or something, not drive around in the Jeep with your shirts off. You look like cocky jerks who are just trying to show off their nice bodies.”

  Cooper pinned her with his eyes and asked, “You think I have a nice body?” Then he turned to Danny and gloated. “See, I told you she wanted me.”

  “Oh yeah,” Taylor joked. “She can’t stop dreaming about it, Coop. Every night she screams out your name while she’s sleeping. It’s getting really annoying.”

  “If that’s what it takes to get you to go out with me, Katherine Johns, I’ll take it,” Cooper said in his normal confident tone.

  “Will you at least put on a shirt?” Katherine asked with a smile as she tried to see his eyes through the sunglasses covering them.

  “Most likely, but I can’t guarantee that it will have sleeves,” Cooper shot back.

  “Oh my God, where am I…Jersey shore? This is like a nightmare—Taylor, please wake me up.”

  “I’d wake you up, but you won’t let me do anything for you,” Cooper teased playfully.

  “Here we go again.” Taylor tossed her head back in mock disgust.

  “Taylor, will you please talk to your roommate and tell her to cut me some slack already. She makes me work way too hard.”

  Katherine was deafened by the sound of her heart pounding in her ears.

  Taylor gave Cooper’s shoulder a light punch. “Maybe she wants you to work hard?”

  “Then I will. I’ll do whatever she wants me to.” Cooper smiled at Katherine and her stomach twisted into knots.


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