God of the Abyss

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God of the Abyss Page 41

by Rain Oxford

  “I don’t trust you.”

  “I’m not asking for your trust. I don’t even want it. You know when I’m lying, so you tell me.”

  “You were lying about Mordon being created because of the balance.”

  “I was. I created him because without him, you couldn’t have made it. You freed me from the balance, so I saved you from it. The dragon offering his soul was an act of the balance.”

  “You saved me so that I could save you, or to repay me for saving you?”


  “So if I turn around and destroy you again, it would totally be justified?”

  “If you like. But there would be a price. There is always a price for magic, young Guardian. Didn’t anyone tell you that?”

  “The kind where healing one person means the death of another? I can’t accept that. I won’t accept it.”

  “No, not that kind of price. It’s worse than that, and better. The price is on your soul. If you use your magic for healing, your soul will only know goodness. Your magic will reflect mercy and happiness. Your friends will benefit from your presence and you will find more allies than enemies. However, if you use your magic to kill, it will become volatile, and you will find it increasingly difficult to help people.”

  “I will keep that in mind.”

  “You should teach it to your son. Now, that isn’t to say bad things will not happen to you. You have powerful enemies, Dylan. No matter how powerful you become, if you are ignorant of your foe, you will eventually lose.”

  “I was aware of the balance and I still feel like I lost. I wasn’t prepared for my little four-year-old to turn the tables on me. Did you know what was going to happen?”

  “Sadly not. That child is as unpredictable as his mother and creative as his father. I have to say, if he and Samhail choose not to be my Guardians, I will be disappointed.”

  “You want them even with Ron’s new affliction? Will he turn out like you?”

  “He could never turn out like me. I made sure of it.”

  “Sammy is your son, isn’t he?”

  “Yes. They are welcome on Raktusha, for any reason, whether as its Noquodi or visitors, as long as they are together. If they are apart for any real length of time, things will become tricky. And like I said, if they choose for Samhail to be Avoli’s Noquodi, then I will just have to wait and ask your daughter.”

  “I don’t know how Ron was even born. How could I have another child? I’m not sure I believe you. You said you couldn’t see the future.”

  “I said I cannot see my own path as well as the other Iadnah can. You have escaped an eternity of living with the balance of the universe inside you. Be grateful. But your journey does not end here. You are so young, and you have so many adventures to travel.”

  “How can I be grateful when my son has just been burdened with this? He’s only four.”

  “And yet, he did it. He will live with the consequences, and he will be happy. The universe can never hurt him the way it tried to do to you. Your son will be happy.”

  “You can see it?”

  “Yes. As clearly as anything I have ever seen before. You would not have been as well off. When you remembered what I told you, when you realized what I did, when you had to make the same choice… you were willing. Were you afraid?”

  “Terrified,” I said. He smirked. “But not of death.”

  “Of course not. I have seen who you are, Dylan. I have seen everything that you are and will be. After all, I know magic better than any other god. Do you want to know what you are destined for?”

  I didn’t hesitate. “No.”

  “You have nothing to fear. You have no destiny, only choices. You are above the gods in one thing; you have the power to choose. In fact, if you refused to let your son suffer his ‘affliction’ as you so call it, you have the power in you to change it. However, you need me to show you how to. You decide your fate and the journey there. That is a power not even the gods have.”

  “How is that possible?”

  He grinned. “You pursued me, if you remember. Right from the beginning, it was never about protecting your book. When Samhail feared me, you did everything in your power to keep me away from him, but you never stayed away yourself.”

  “You were a mystery to me. The things you did and the… I get it now, that it was a strong force inside you. The mystery has been solved.”

  “The unknown was what kept you interested, and now that it’s gone, you’re done with me. However, I’m not done with you. You are a mystery to me. I don’t know how you defy the universe the way you do, but I will figure it out. I will hunt the answers down until I have them. I never stop.”

  “Are we related by any chance?” He just looked thoughtful. I peered up at the apple tree above him. “We’re in the Land of the Gods.”

  “Of course. You’ve seen it before.”

  “The white room, the judgment room, yeah, I know. This place feels the same, but it looks nicer. Though I can see the wind, I cannot feel it. I can see the sunlight but it isn’t warm. Did you bring Ron and Sammy here to talk to them?”

  “Often, yes. Sometimes we met right outside your territory. For me, it was fun to be so close without your mate even able to detect me, but for the boys, it made them feel more secure to be close to their parents. I helped Sammy to understand his visions. Your wife underestimates them.”

  “Ron is going to turn out like her.”

  “He will be a perfect mixture of both his parents. Samhail will be different, because he’s Ron’s balance.”

  “So he will be like Mordon and Vivian.”

  “It would seem so. Their griffins will be there to protect them… as well as the rest of your family, all of the Guardians, your demon, the gargoyle, and your little fluffy beast.”

  “Thank you for giving them the griffins. It is a relief to know that two powerful, magical creatures are protecting them. Are they siblings?”

  “No, of course not; sibling griffins would fight for dominance constantly. They are a perfectly matched pair,” he said.

  I laughed. “So in some odd years, there will be baby griffins? And what will you do now? I know you’re rebuilding your own world. Aside from waiting around for my sons to make their decisions, it might be difficult for you to successfully get a population going with the other gods trying to destroy you.”

  “They will have to get over their hatred of me. I left voluntarily; my siblings could never match my power.”

  “Not even Tiamat?”

  “My sister is not as powerful as me, nor will she ever be, but she’s different. There has always been something about her that made her… successful in whatever she fought for. I admired that. Fortunately, she never despised me like the others. I believe I can convince her to go her own way, because I never wanted to hurt her. The others I would destroy on a whim and without hesitation. If it came to that, I would regret killing her.”

  “As if I would let you.”

  He laughed. “You, a mere human mortal, would protect your goddess against me?”

  I smirked back. “There are no mortals here.”

  “You are right, of course. No matter, it is not me you should worry about. I have no aspirations to end anyone, mortal or immortal. It is your goddess you should mistrust. You have no idea what she’s up to. I think you would hate her for what she does without your knowledge.”

  “I could never hate her. I know she lies, and I know she has used magic against me before, but I also know she only ever does it to protect me. I can live with that because she can’t help herself.”

  “I think your love makes you foolish.”

  “Maybe so. I love my family and I will be whatever I have to be to protect them.”

  “Never have anything you cannot afford to lose. Anything you would die for is a weakness,” the god said.

  Strangely, it sounded like the voice of experience. “Take Ronez.”

  “Your son, Ronez, or your father?”

sp; “My father. He is unable to be brought back because we cannot both be the Guardian of Earth. Take him as your Guardian.”

  “I am sorry, Dylan, but while that would have worked before his death, it is impossible now.”

  “But you’re the most powerful god.”

  “I am the second most powerful force in this universe, bested only by the balance. Unfortunately, your father now belongs to the void.”

  “But he’s been brought back before.”

  “As a demon. He was imitating a creature of the void.”

  “So do what I did with the Ancient and make him your Guardian.”

  “I don’t want your father as my Noquodi.”

  “Then take me. Bring my father back to be the Guardian of Earth, and I will become your Guardian.”

  “Dylan, do not take this the wrong way… I don’t want you either.”

  “I’ll have you know I’m a fantastic Guardian.”

  “Oh, I agree, for your goddess. See, your goddess also happens to be your mate, and for you two, that is excellent. Nevertheless, I am not your mate, and for me, you would be unacceptable as a Noquodi. After all, a Noquodi is a servant before anything else, and I’m afraid that you have not one submissive bone in your body. You are regarded by your mate as an equal, and I believe that you would expect the same from me. I predict that within one of your Earth months as my Noquodi, you would have taken full control over my world. Your mate treats you as an equal, but at least she has a measure of control over you, whereas I would be overrun.”

  “So you want my boys?” I laughed. “You think Sammy and Ron wouldn’t have control in three hours?”

  “I believe they have don’t want to rule Raktusha.”

  “It is still up to them and I will support them in whatever they choose, but help me. Bring back my father and I will create a body like I did for my demon.”

  “Your demon is an Ancient; he is as old as the Iadnah. Someday, when your father has reached that power, he may be able to remain in this realm, but it will not be soon. There is something I can help you with now, however. You have a favor to ask.”

  “The apple broke,” I spread my arms in attempt to appear innocent, “and I have a small matter to clear up before we end up with a paradox.”

  “Go on.”

  “I was told by Ron and Sammy how to read the map. They said I taught them a long time ago. Obviously, I didn’t teach it to them yet. I need to go back to that time for just a little while and do that. I need your help.”

  “Do those words hurt?” he asked.

  “Like acid. Please.”

  “I will not be made a tool for you to use, young Guardian. I have a life now, opportunities, dreams… I am not a charity.”

  “No, but I’m sure there will be something I can do for you. On the other hand, I don’t know what. I have nothing you couldn’t get for yourself, I’m not as powerful as you are, and now you have life.”

  “For the most part, yes. However, you have the other gods on your side.”

  “I have Tiamat on my side. The others are on their own sides. Of course, they will likely do the opposite of whatever you want them to.”

  “And you can tell them exactly what I want them to do.”

  “I will not betray them.”

  “Betray is such a negative word. Let’s just say, I’ll owe you one. All you have to do is relay a message. We can help each other. I think that makes us allies.”

  “So you’ll help me?”

  He nodded. “I will do this, but not yet, because the universe is still unstable. I think you’re forgetting something.” He grinned and flashed me home.

  Mordon and Divina were holding Sammy down on the bed as Ron tickled him. I looped my arm around Ron’s stomach and picked him up before carrying him towards the door. “You know I don’t like people teaming up on each other,” I said. I set him down on the floor and held his arms up. “Come get him,” I said. Sammy jumped off the bed and tickled his brother.

  “That’s not fair; Ron is too little,” Divina argued.

  I scowled. “All’s fair in tickle wars.” I plucked Ron back up and dropped him on the bed. “I think it’s time for bed.”

  “But we haven’t had dinner!” Sammy cried.

  “Your tummy says you have.”

  “That was second lunch. We need water.”

  “Drink your spit.”

  “We didn’t brush our teeth!”

  “They’re baby teeth, they’ll just fall out anyway.”

  “We need a story!”

  “There once were two little boys who didn’t get to bed on time, so they were eaten by the dragon. The end.”

  “We haven’t had a bath!”

  “Dream of one.”

  “Mommy!” He finally turned his pout on Divina. She frowned as if weakening to it, then laid her hand on my arm and looked at me.

  “He’s right. They really do need a bath. I don’t think I could sleep.” She was teasing him. Sammy jumped up and ran into the bathroom. “Or we could just have them sleep outside.” Sammy ran back in the room to save Ron and I picked him up and dropped him next to his brother.

  “One thing first. The gates are still open. You need to close them, Ron. And you need to send the demons back through them,” I said.

  He frowned, turning to Sammy. “I don’t know how.”

  “You figured out how to take the balance of the universe inside you. Now you’re the only one who can close the gates. Let’s go outside.”

  “The gate to Duran is already opened, so it should be easiest to summon the demons here and then send them through the gate,” Divina suggested.

  “Where’s Edward?” I asked.

  “I sent him with Emiko to her castle to get her settled. She was starting to really annoy me,” she said. Mordon couldn’t have looked less bothered. We went outside as the sun was rising. It was so passed the boys’ bedtime.

  “Xul,” I sent my call out and it was just a moment before he appeared in front of me.

  “I knew you were going to come out victorious,” he started before sizing up Ron. “I had no idea you would do it so ingeniously.”

  “Not by choice, I assure you, but I did promise I wouldn’t send you back into the void when this was over.”

  He looked ashamed. “I failed you. One of the Ancients was able to get past me to you.”

  “He was dealt with. You saved Mordon and how many demons were you able to keep at bay?” I asked. “Is Mordon able to shift back and forth?”

  “I only unlocked what was already there. He should have full shifting abilities.”

  “Then I think you held up your end of the deal extremely well. Where is the lotus wand?” I asked Mordon.

  “I’ll get it.” He ran inside, then right back out with the wand, as if he were afraid Xul would attack me when his back was turned.

  “I need to shield you in case Ron has trouble sending everyone but you back.” I figured the lotus wand should make the shield stronger. I put up my shield, which created the weird sort of fog around him. “Ron, you need to send the demons back, but not this one.”

  “I’ll try. How do I call them here?”

  “The demons obey the balance. Just will it,” Xul offered.

  Ron closed his eyes and within two minutes, demons started to flood our yard. They came in every horrible sight, from the slimiest to the blobbiest. None of them moved to attack. Without opening his eyes, Ron must have felt them. “Go back to the void where you belong,” he growled.

  Eerie light filled the space and the demons began to vanish. It was void light. I felt a sense of tugging against my shield as Xul was compelled to obey Ron, so I strengthened my shield until it stopped. Other demons, the Ancients, arrived in the stolen bodies of people. Even though they struggled harder than the minor demons, each of them succumbed to the void light and left their victims behind.

  Ron’s eyes glowed green as he chanted in Enochian for the gates to be closed. I felt the moment they were s
ealed like the first breath of fresh air after sitting in a dark closet for hours. My magic rejoiced.

  It was over suddenly and Sammy caught Ron. Fortunately, this time, Ron was just tired. He gave me his smile before Divina carried him inside. I let my shield down and gave Xul a nod that he was free to go. He vanished. Mordon watched my back as I healed the injured people. One man had already been dead for days, but the other six people were able to be healed.

  Mordon had to keep getting me water. Minor burns were bad enough to heal; there was so much detail to it. Burns that went deep into the organs took hours, and by the end of it, what didn’t hurt felt feverish. Obviously, the last thing I wanted was flames licking up my arms, but Mordon wasn’t listening to me anymore. He sat me down on a chair and let his fire heal me from injuries that weren’t mine. “I have to get those people back to their worlds,” I said, trying to stand.

  “Divina is taking care of it. You need to get some sleep.”

  I tried to resist, but he walked me to the bed and pushed me down. I was joined a minute later by two half-asleep kids. Mordon pulled my shoes off, but I didn’t have any strength left to help him.

  * * *

  Sometime later, I was woken as Divina climbed into bed beside me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to my chest. “Are you done with work now?” I asked.

  Her nose was cold as she pressed her face against my collarbone. “Yeah.”

  “I love you.”

  “I know,” she said.

  “You love me, too.”

  “That’s true.”

  “We love our kids.”

  “I agree.”

  “We’ve been married for nearly five years.”


  “Would you shut up and let me finish?”

  She laughed. “Those were rhetorical rambles?”

  “They always are, and I’m not rambling. I’m getting to the point.”

  “The point is that you don’t like being left with the boys for weeks at a time and you want to go on adventures like the other Guardians. Preferably with me, Mordon, and the boys. I’m fine with that.” She pushed herself up on her elbow to give me her serious expression. “But I’ve been thinking, too. On Earth, when you get married, you’re supposed to do something special together.”


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