In High Places

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by Arthur Hailey

  Throughout the day she had thought a good deal about Brian Richardson, wondering what he was doing and if he would telephone. When he failed to call, her disappointment was intense.

  Common sense warned Milly against deeper emotional involvement. She reminded herself of Richardson's marriage, the unlikelihood of anything permanent between the two of them, her own vulnerability ... But the image persisted, daydreams ousting reason, an echo of softly whispered words: I want you, Milly I don't know any other way to say it, except I want you ... And in the end it was this thought which became, deliciously and dreamily, her last remembrance of the waking day.

  Brian Richardson had a hard-working Christmas Day. He had left Milly's apartment in the early morning and, after four hours of sleep, his alarm clock wakened him. Eloise, he noticed, had not come in overnight, a fact occasioning no surprise. After fixing breakfast for himself he had driven to party headquarters on Sparks Street, where he remained through most of the day, working on details of the general campaign plan he had discussed with the Prime Minister. Since only a janitor and himself were in the building and there were no interruptions, he accomplished a great deal and eventually returned to his own still empty apartment with a sense of satisfaction. Once or twice, earlier on, he had been surprised to find himself distracted by remembering Milly the way she had been the night before. Twice he was tempted to telephone her, but a sense of caution warned him against it. After all, the whole thing was just a passing affair, not to be taken too seriously. In the evening he had read for a while and went to bed early.

  And now Christmas had gone. It was 11 AM, December 26th.

  Chapter 2

  'Mr Warrender is available if you'd like him this morning,' Milly Freedeman announced. She had slipped into the Prime Minister's inner office with a coffee tray as his executive assistant left. The executive assistant, an earnest, ambitious young man of independent means named Elliot Prowse, had been coming and going all morning, receiving instructions and reporting their outcome to James Howden in between a steady stream of other callers with appointments. A good deal of the activity, Milly knew, had to do with the forthcoming Washington talks.

  'Why should I want Warrender?' A trifle irritably, James Howden looked up from a folder over which he had been poring - one of a series on his desk, prominently marked TOP SECRET and relating to intercontinental defence. Military matters had never interested James Howden overwhelmingly and, even now, he had to compel concentration in himself in order to absorb facts. Occasionally it saddened him that there was so little time nowadays he could devote to social welfare matters, which were once his ruling interest in politics.

  Pouring coffee from an aluminium vacuum jug, Milly answered equably, 'I understand you called Mr Warrender the day before the holiday, and he was away.' She added the customary four lumps of sugar and generous cream, then placed the cup carefully on the Prime Minister's blotter with a small plate of chocolate cookies beside it.

  James Howden put down the folder, took a cookie, and bit into it. He said approvingly, 'These are better than the last lot. More chocolate.'

  Milly smiled. If Howden had been less preoccupied he might have noticed that she seemed unusually radiant this morning, as well as attractively dressed in a brown tweed suit flecked with blue, and a soft blue blouse.

  'I remember - I did call,' the Prime Minister said after a pause. 'There was some sort of immigration trouble in Vancouver.' He added hopefully, 'Perhaps it's cleared itself up by now.'

  'I'm afraid not,' Milly told him. 'Mr Richardson phoned this morning with a reminder.' She consulted a notebook. 'He asked me to tell you it's a very live issue in the West, and the Eastern newspapers are becoming interested.' She failed to say that Brian Richardson had also added warmly and personally, 'You're a pretty wonderful person, Milly. I've been thinking about it, and we'll talk again soon.'

  James Howden sighed. 'I suppose I'd better see Harvey Warrender. You'll have to fit him in somehow; ten minutes should be enough.'

  'All right,' Milly said. 'I'll make it this morning.'

  Sipping coffee, Howden asked, 'Is there much of a backlog outside?'

  Milly shook her head. 'Nothing that won't keep for a while. I've passed on a few urgent things to Mr Prowse.'

  'Good.' The Prime Minister nodded approvingly. 'Do that as much as you can, Milly, these next few weeks.'

  Sometimes, even now, he had a strange nostalgic feeling about Milly, even though physical desire had evaporated long since. He sometimes wondered how it could all have happened ... the affair between them; his own intensity of feeling at the time. There had been the loneliness, of course, which backbench MPs always suffered in Ottawa; the sense of emptiness, with so little to do to fill the long hours when the House was sitting. And, at the time Margaret had been away a good deal ... But it all seemed something distant, far away.

  'There is one thing and I hate to bother you with it.' Milly hesitated. 'There's a letter from the bank. Another reminder that you're overdrawn.'

  Switching his thoughts back, Howden said gloomily, 'I was afraid there would be soon.' As he had when Margaret brought up the subject three days ago, he found himself resentful of the need to deal with something like this at such a time. It was his own fault in a way, he supposed. He knew that he had only to let word leak out among a few of the party's richer supporters and generous American friends, and gifts of money would come in quickly and amply, without strings attached. Other Prime Ministers before him had done the same thing, but Howden had always declined, principally as a matter of pride. His life, he reasoned, had begun with charity in the orphanage and he rejected the idea that after a lifetime's achievement he should become dependent on charity again.

  He recalled Margaret's concern about the speed with which their modest savings were disappearing. 'You'd better call the Montreal Trust,' he instructed. 'Find out if Mr Maddox can come to see me for a talk.'

  'I thought you might want him, so I checked,' Milly answered. 'The only time you're free is late tomorrow afternoon and he'll come then.'

  Howden nodded assent. He was always grateful for Milly's efficient shortcuts.

  He had finished the coffee - he liked it near-scalding as well as sweet and creamy - and Milly refilled his cup. Tilting back his padded leather chair, he relaxed consciously, enjoying one of the few unpressured moments of the day. Ten minutes from now he would become intense and preoccupied once more, setting a work pace which his staff found hard to equal. Milly knew this, and over the years had learned to be relaxed herself in these time-out periods, something she knew James Howden liked. Now he said easily, 'Did you read the transcript?'

  'Of the Defence Committee?'

  Taking another chocolate cookie, Howden nodded.

  'Yes,' Milly said. 'I read it.'

  'What do you think?'

  Milly considered. For all the question's casualness she knew an honest answer was expected. James Howden had once told her complainingly, 'Half the time I try to find out what people are thinking, they don't tell me the truth; only what they believe I'd like to hear.'

  'I wondered what we'd have left, as Canadians,' Milly said. 'If it happens - the Act of Union, I mean - I can't see our going back to the way things were before.'

  'No,' Howden said, 'I can't either.'

  'Well, then, wouldn't it be just the beginning of a swallowing-up process? Until we're part of the United States. Until all our independence has gone.' Even as she asked the question, Milly wondered: would it matter if it were true? What was independence, really, except an illusion which people talked about? No one was truly independent, or ever could be, and the same was true of nations. She wondered how Brian Richardson would feel; she would have liked to talk to him about it now.

  'Possibly we shall be swallowed, or appear to be for a while,' Howden said slowly. 'It's also possible that after a war it might prove the other way around.' He paused, his long face brooding, then went on. 'Wars have a way of changing things, you know, Milly; of
exhausting nations and reducing empires, and sometimes those who think they've won a war have really lost. Rome discovered that; so did a lot of others in their time: the Philistines, Greece, Spain, France, Britain. The same thing could happen to Russia or the United States; perhaps to both in the end, leaving Canada strongest.' He stopped, then added: 'A mistake people make sometimes is to assume that the great changes of history always occur in other lifetimes than their own.'

  There was another thought too, unexpressed, in Howden's mind. A Canadian Prime Minister might easily have more influence in a joint relationship than under total independence. He could become an intermediary, with authority and power which could be fostered and enlarged. And in the end - if Howden himself were the one to wield it - the authority could be used for his own country's good. The important thing, the key to power, would be never to let the final thread of Canadian independence go.

  'I realize it's important moving the missile bases north,' Milly said, 'and I know what you said about saving the food-producing land from fallout. But we're really heading directly into war; that's what it means, doesn't it?'

  Should he confide-his own conviction about war's inevitability and the need to prepare for it in terms of survival? Howden decided not. It was an issue on which he would have to hedge publicly and he might as well practise now.

  'We're choosing sides, Milly,' he said carefully, 'and we're doing it while the choice can still mean something. In a way, believing what we believe, it's the only choice we could ever make. But there's a temptation to put it off; to avoid a decision; to sit on our hands hoping unpalatable truths will go away.' He shook his head. 'But not any more.'

  Tentatively she asked, 'Won't it be hard - convincing people?'

  Fleetingly the Prime Minister smiled. 'I expect so. It may even make things somewhat hectic around this place.'

  'In that case,' Milly said, 'I shall try to reduce them to order.' With the words, she felt a surge of affection and admiration for this man whom, over the years, she had seen achieve so much and now proposed to shoulder so much more. It was not the old, urgent feeling she had once experienced, but, in a deeper way, she wanted to protect and shield him. Satisfyingly, she had a sense of being needed.

  James Howden said quietly, 'You've always reduced things to order, Milly. It's meant a great deal to me.' He put down the coffee cup - a signal the time-out period was over.

  Forty-five minutes and three appointments later Milly ushered in the Hon Harvey Warrender.

  'Sit down, please.' Howden's voice was cool.

  The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration eased his tall, bulging figure into the seat facing the desk. He shifted uncomfortably.

  'Look, Jim,' he said with an attempt at heartiness, 'if you've called me in to tell me I made a fool of myself the other night, let me say it first. I did, and I'm damn sorry.'

  'Unfortunately,' Howden said acidly, 'it's somewhat late to be sorry. And aside from that, if you choose to behave like the -town drunk, a Governor General's reception is scarcely the place to begin. I assume you're aware that the whole story was around Ottawa next day.' He noted with disapproval that the suit the other man wore was in need of pressing.

  Warrender avoided the Prime Minister's glowering eyes above the beaklike nose. He waved a hand self-deprecatingly. 'I know, I know.'

  'I'd be entirely justified in demanding your resignation.'

  'I hope you won't do that. Prime Minister. I sincerely hope you won't.' Harvey Warrender had leaned forward, the movement revealed beads of sweat on the balding surface of his head. Was there an implied threat in the phrasing and tone, Howden wondered? It was hard to be sure. 'If I may add a thought,' Warrender said softly, smiling - he had regained some of his usual confidence - 'it is graviora quaedam sunt remedia periculis, or freely translated from Virgil, "Some remedies are worse than the dangers."'

  'There is also a line some place about the braying of an ass.' Howden snapped back angrily; the other man's classical quotations invariably annoyed him. Now the Prime Minister continued tight-lipped, 'I was about to say that I had decided to take no action beyond a warning. I suggest you don't provoke me into changing my mind.'

  Warrender flushed, then shrugged. He murmured softly, 'The rest is silence.'

  'The reason, principally, for calling you in is to talk about this latest immigration case in Vancouver. It appears to be the same kind of troublesome situation I insisted we avoid.'

  'Aha!' Harvey Warrender's eyes gleamed with aroused interest. 'I've had a full report on that. Prime Minister, and I can tell you all about it.'

  'I don't want to be told,' James Howden said impatiently. 'It's your job to run your own department and in any event I've more important things.' His eyes strayed to the open folders on inter-continental defence; he was anxious to get back to them. 'What I want is for the case to be settled out of the newspapers.'

  Warrender's eyebrows went up. 'Aren't you being contradictory? In one breath you tell me to run my own department, then in the next to settle a case...'

  Howden cut in angrily, 'I'm telling you to follow government policy - my policy: which is to avoid contentious immigration cases, particularly at this time, with an election next year and' - he hesitated - 'other things coming up. We went into all that the other night.' Then bitingly: 'Or perhaps you don't remember.'

  'I wasn't all that drunk!' Now the anger was Harvey War-render's. 'I told you then what I thought of our so-called immigration policy, and it still goes. Either we get ourselves some new, honest immigration laws which admit what we're doing, and what every government before us...'

  'Admit what?'

  James Howden had risen and was standing behind the desk. Looking up at him Harvey Warrender said softly, intensely, 'Admit we have a policy of discrimination; and why not - it's our own country, isn't it? Admit we have a colour bar and race quotas, and we ban Negroes and Orientals, and that's the way it's always been, and why should we change it? Admit we want Anglo-Saxons and we need a pool of unemployed. Let's admit there's a strict quota for Italians and all the rest, and we keep an eye on the Roman Catholic percentage. Let's quit being fakers. Let's write an honest Immigration Act that spells things out the way they are. Let's quit having one face at the United Nations, hobnobbing with the coloureds, and another face at home...'

  'Are you insane?' Incredulously, half-whispering, James Howden mouthed the question. His eyes were on Warrender. Of course, he thought, he had been given a clue: what had been said at the Government House reception ... but he had assumed the effect of liquor ... Then he remembered Margaret's words: I've sometimes thought that Harvey is just a little mad.

  Harvey Warrender breathed heavily; his nostrils quivered. *No,' he answered, 'I'm not insane; just tired of damned hypocrisy.'

  'Honesty is fine,' Howden said. His anger had dissipated now. 'But that kind is political suicide.'

  'How do we know when nobody's tried it? How do we know people wouldn't like to be told what they already know?'

  Quietly James Howden asked, 'What's your alternative?'

  'You mean if we don't write a new Immigration Act?'


  'Then I'll enforce the one we have right down the line,' Harvey Warrender said firmly. 'I'll enforce it without exception or camouflage or back-door devices to keep unpleasant things out of the press. Maybe that'll show it up for what it is.'

  'In that case,' James Howden said evenly, 'I'd like your resignation.'

  The two men faced each other. 'Oh no,' Harvey Warrender said softly, 'oh no.'

  There was a silence.

  'I suggest you be explicit,' James Howden said. 'You've something on your mind?'

  'I think you know.'

  The Prime Minister's face was set, his eyes unyielding. ' "Explicit" was the word I used.'

  'Very well, if that's what you wish.' Harvey Warrender had resumed his seat. Now, conversationally, as if discussing routine business, he said, 'We made an agreement.'

  'That was a lo
ng time ago.'

  'The agreement had no term to it.*

  'Nevertheless it's been fulfilled.'

  Harvey Warrender shook his head obstinately. 'The agreement had no term.' Fumbling in an inside pocket he pulled out a folded paper and tossed it on the Prime Minister's desk. 'Read for yourself and see.'

  Reaching out, Howden felt his hand tremble. If this were the original, the only copy ... It was a photostat.

  For a moment his control left him. 'You fool!'

  'Why?' The other's face was bland.

  'You had a photostat...'

  'No one knew what was being copied. Besides I stood there all the time, beside the machine.'

  'Photostats have negatives.'

  'I have the negative,' Warrender said calmly. 'I kept it in case I ever need more copies. The original is safe too.' He gestured. 'Why don't you read it? That's what we were talking about.'

  Howden lowered his head and the words came up at him. They were simple, to the point, and in his own handwriting.

  1. H. Warrender withdraws from leadership, will support J. Howden.

  2. H. Warrender's nephew (H.O'B) to have--TV franchise.

  3. H. Warrender in Howden Cabinet - to choose own portfolio (except Ext Affairs or Health). J.H. not to dismiss H.W. except for indiscretion, scandal. In latter event H.W. takes full respon, not involving J.H.


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