The Beach House

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by Paul Shepherd

  The Beach House

  By Paul Shepherd

  Copyright by Paul Shepherd 2012

  Smashwords Edition

  Candy Brown woke up to the bright morning sun shining through her large, sliding glass, patio door. The door leads to a wooden deck overlooking the beach. Candy’s husband, David had already gone to work. He has a small law office in downtown Carolina Beach. David was once a senior partner at Randle and Stern, a prominent law firm in Washington D.C. He quit after his divorce. His ex-wife is the Media Strategic Advisor for the White House. Between the two Browns, they knew just about every power player in Washington.

  David's wife's affair made him sick of the D.C. world. It wasn't so much because of the affair itself but the reputation she was earning. If Kelly needed something, favors or information, she'd be happy to give a little “some-some” to get what she wanted, and she wanted a lot. Even after the divorce, he was as well known for his ex’s infidelities as he was for being a brilliant lawyer.

  David met Candy at the Bellagio casino in Las Vegas where she worked. She was an entertainer, a singer in a variety show. She did a great Katy Perry impersonation. She also did tricks on the side for the uncommitted sex and the extra money. She loved to sing but she loved the excitement of hooking even more. She was high class. Candy selected her clients and she only selected those who made her hot.

  David didn’t know about Candy’s tricks. After spending the week with her in Vegas, David asked her to visit him at his new beach house. She did three weeks later and never left.

  Candy just got out of the shower when she heard someone at the door. She put on her robe that hangs on the back of the bathroom door. She hardly ever wears it, except for the rare occasions like this. As Candy walked through the living room, she could see through the glass front door a man she’d never seen before. He was tall, tan, thirty four years old, blond hair and dressed like a banker, wearing a decent suit from The Men’s Wearhouse. But he was too built, too poised to be a banker. He was definitely a cop.

  "Can I help you?"

  "Hello, my name is Lieutenant Gorton of the Carolina Beach Police Department. Is this the Brown residence?"

  Candy was impressed with the officer's professionalism. Her hair was still wet and she was only wearing a short white bathrobe. He didn't miss a beat or sneak a peek at her full breasts or her tan, toned, silky smooth thighs. Candy knew she was a desirable woman. She is only twenty seven and her only responsibilities lately were to work out, tan and primp herself daily. Candy’s breasts were perfect. She was confident of that. After all, her breasts were done by the same doctor who did Carmen Electra’s. She also remembered all too vividly all the men eagerly paying her thousands of dollars to be with her for just a night.

  "Yes, I'm Candy Brown."

  "Is Mr. Brown here?"

  "No, he's at work. Is there a problem Officer?"

  "Did he tell you if he was working out of his office today or did his business entail working out, maybe at court or visiting a client?”

  "I'm sorry, could you please tell me what’s going on?"

  The officer took a moment, clearly he didn't what to divulge anything until he got the information he needed.

  "Yes Mrs. Brown, do you know who Kelly Brown is?

  Candy cringed, as if puke was rising up her throat.

  “Yes, It’s David’s x-wife. What does she want?”

  “When was the last time you saw her?”

  “I’ve never seen that bitch and I don’t want to!” Candy said angrily.

  The Lieutenant looked at Candy with concern. She just moved up his suspect list..

  “Kelly is dead.”

  Candy’s eyes widened. Her mouth popped open in surprise.

  “Oh my god! What happened?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out.”

  “What do you mean? Did someone kill her?” Candy seemed genuinely shocked. Not so much from sadness but in amazement that someone killed that bitch.

  “It’s an open case right now. We are looking at all possibilities. So, for the sake of eliminating all possible connections, where were you last night between the hours of ten pm to four in the morning?”

  “I am not connected to that lady! I don’t know her and I don’t want to know her.”

  “I’m sorry but you're married to her X. That could easily be argued as a conflict of interest.”

  “It’s none of your business where I was. I didn’t kill her. I want to talk to my lawyer before I answer any questions.”

  “You have that right and I have the right to take you in and lock you up for forty eight hours while we wait for your lawyer.”

  “My husband is my lawyer and he’s the best. He’ll sue the shit out of you.”

  “I figured that Mrs. Brown, you’re making this harder than it has to be. If you have nothing to hide in regard to this case, I suggest you tell me. Otherwise it works in my favor to bring you in. We can’t locate your husband, he’s not in his office. Maybe if we bring you in, he’ll show up. Otherwise it’s two days in the slammer.”

  “He’s not in his office?”

  “No, is he supposed to be?”

  Candy seemed confused.

  “Look, if he’s involved with this and you purposefully mislead law enforcement, you will be charged with aiding and abetting. That’s ten years jail time.”

  Candy was silent, processing the information.

  “I know this must be hard for you. I like to be up front with people and let the chips land where they may. I’ll be frank with you if you’re frank with me, no games, fair?”

  Candy looked up at the Lieutenant with her big watery green eyes.

  “We checked out your husband’s credit card activity last night. It was used at an ATM machine two blocks from the hotel where Kelly’s body was found. It was for $300.00. The hotel was paid for in advance with cash under a fictitious name.”

  Candy couldn’t believe her ears. David was the victimized husband that she felt bad for. That wasn’t the reason she moved in with him. It wasn’t for love either, at least not at first. She did end up falling in love with him. He was so nice and smart. He had this special wit that always made Candy smile. Even though she loved her husband, she was no saint to him. She had fire in her blood and she needed to unleash it. David was a great lover but there was no danger, no rush.

  There weren’t too many tourists in their neighborhood. It was mostly residential and vacation homes for the well to do from up north. During the summer months, a lot of homeowners rented out their homes. Some could make enough money to pay off their yearly mortgage. The renters to Candy were candy to her. She couldn’t resist them, fresh meat. She could be whomever she wanted. They were easily seduced and she never had to see them again. Candy liked to target married men. Just to make sure there was no attachment. She didn’t want someone looking for her after falling “in love” or the small chance they’d bump into each other while Candy was with her David. She was slick when she went out, her style, hair and makeup so dramatically different from when she went out with David, it was practically impossible to recognize her. Candy realized the best way to get a quick lay with a hot stranger was to approach them as a hooker. She didn’t need the money but it was an easy line for her. Candy would go to a bar and discreetly tell her prey that she ran up a small tab but forgot her wallet. She would act intoxicated and tell him that she was embarrassed and she would go down on him if he covered her tab. Most guys offered to go ahead and pay without the favors but by then, the ice was broken. “That’s so sweet of you.” she’d say and give him a kiss on the cheek. She would linger by his ear. “Can I go down on you anyway?”

  Candy wasn’t big on sucking dick but she was good at it and after a little slob
bing the knob there was no denying the mount. Long ago Candy learned that guys will most likely deny an offer of sex from a stranger but they were less likely to turn down a blow job. It also gave the guy an added pleasure to get more than was offered. Candy got such a rush from fulfilling hot mens’ unsolicited fantasies of having sex on the beach with a gorgeous stranger. After all, it was Candy’s fantasy too. That was what she referred to her husband as, “girls’ night out.”

  “That asshole!”

  “So I take it you were not with him last night.”

  “No, he told me he had to do an all nighter at the office, to get ready for court.”

  “Have you seen him since?”

  “Yes, he came home early this morning. He took a shower, we made love and he went back to work.”

  “He has a lot of stamina.”

  “You asshole! How dare you!”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. It was just that,” The Lieutenant hesitated. “We found cocaine in her room as well.”

  That made Candy pissed. She thought David was a goody two shoes. Candy got her nickname Candy from all the nose candy she used to indulge. She gave that up when she moved in with David.

  “I can’t believe it. He told me he never did drugs. I can barely get him to drink.”

  It actually worked in Candy’s favor that David was such a square, so she believed. It made her secret girls’ night out less risky of to run into David.

  “It might not be completely what it seems. We think David’s ex-wife was blackmailing him.”


  “We found a file in the trunk of her car. It had information about you.”

  Candy froze, her stomach dropped. She felt light headed. The Lieutenant noticed and stepped in the door and grabbed her arm.

  “Let me find you a seat.”

  The lieutenant walked Candy over to the living room’s black leather sofa.

  “I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have given you all the details. I’ve been accused of being insensitive more than once. I guess I’ve been in this business too long.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Yes please, the glasses are in the first top cupboard, and could you bring me the bottle of Merlot, it’s above the refrigerator.”

  Candy was shaking in fear of what could be in the file. Did David find out about her past? Is that why David killed his wife, in rage of what I’ve done? He did come home. He wasn’t mad, on the contrary, he seemed hornier than normal. He’s usually not horney in the morning. Unless they were on vacation or something. Candy’s mind was racing.

  The Lieutenant placed the bottle and glass on the coffee table in front of Candy. He removed the cork and poured her half a glass. Candy leaned over, took the glass from the Lieutenant’s hand. If she wasn’t so shaken up, she would have noticed his strong tan warm hands. She would have “accidentally” caressed his fingers as she tried to find the glass. Not this time. This time her desire was in the form of alcohol. She really wanted Captain Morgan from the bottle but she had just enough control to ask for something a little more “ladylike”.

  Candy brought the glass to her mouth and didn’t remove it until she was looking at her fingers through the empty bottom.

  She could feel the warmth of the alcohol going down her throat, chest and into her belly. It quickly calmed her nerves.

  She took a breath and poured herself another glass. This time to the rim.

  “You didn’t get yourself a glass?”

  “No ma'am, I’m on duty.”

  “Don’t be silly. It’s just wine. I won’t tell.”

  The Lieutenant just gave a smile.

  Candy took another large drag from her glass.

  “So officer, what is your first name?”

  “It’s Lieutenant.”

  “Sorry Lieutenant. Give it up, I’ll feel more comfortable if we keep it informal.”

  “If it makes you feel more comfortable then, my name is Jack.”

  “Nice to meet you Jack.”

  “Are you feeling a little better?”

  “Oh yes thank you. What would I ever do without alcohol?”

  What would she do? Not much, alcohol brought out Candy’s inner devil.

  “Good, do you want to continue?”

  “Yes, you were saying, that bitch was trying to blackmail my sweet husband.”

  Candy took another big swig of her drink to prepare for what Jack had to say.

  “Kelly, your husband’s ex had been communicating with David on his office line for two months now. Each call was initiated by Kelly. We don’t know the nature of the calls. We also know this wasn’t her first time in town. She’s been here at least four other times. She stayed at the same hotel. This was according to the hotel receptionist. Maybe she was trying to win David back and she produced the file to push him away from you.”

  “For God’s sake! What’s in the file?”

  “She found out about what you were doing in Las Vegas.”

  “What was I doing?”

  “Ma-am, she found out you were an escort.”

  “Oh my god! Did she tell David?”

  “We don’t know for sure. All we know is she’s dead and David is missing. There is more in the file.” Jack paused, “I was going to go over it with you at the station. I would like to get your insight on some things.”

  “I have nothing to do with Kelly‘s death. I wanted that part of my life to be behind me. Can we go over the file here?”

  “I normally wouldn’t but I don’t see any reason to bring you in at this point. As long as you are being cooperative, I’ll make this exception. Make yourself another drink and what the hell, pour me a quarter of a glass and I’ll be right back.”

  “You have it here?”

  “Yes, it’s in my car.”

  “Does anyone else know of it?”

  “No one else knows as of right now. I’m the lead detective on this case. If I find it relevant, it will be part of the report I submit to the District Attorney. If not, I’ll just file it away. Don‘t worry about that for now. Let’s just go over the information and see where we stand. I‘ll be right back.”

  What was Candy to do? Her life was falling apart faster than she could weigh the consequences. If David found out about her past, it was over. If he was sleeping with his ex then he wasn’t the man she thought he was and it was over. Would she stay or go? If she stayed, her marriage would be a facade. Maybe leave and go back to Las Vegas, probably not, at least not to stay. At twenty seven, her best entertaining years were behind her. Without any marketable skills, she needed to settle down with someone. Florida had a lot of rich, horny old men. She wasn’t ready for an old man yet. Unless he was impotent and just wanted some eye candy strutting around the house. Candy was into studs, not duds. Of course if David did kill his ex, Candy could still live her present lifestyle while David was spending twenty to life behind bars. They lived rather modestly. If you consider a bungalow style ranch house on the beach modest. David could afford a lot more. He had acquired a considerable nest egg when he was working in DC. He didn’t have to work but it kept his mind busy. David always believed the day you stopped working was the day you started dying. Nature was greedy that way, if you're not contributing, then get the fuck out. Of course, if David did kill his ex because Kelly was the messenger of the news that Candy was a hooker, then he would divorce her. She wouldn’t have a claim for a divorce settlement and she would have to get packing and she sure loved that beach house. The thought of leaving her home made her realize, it was the house she’d miss most, not David.

  But, if she could deny all wrong doings, she could in the very least get a hefty alimony. She could probably even win the house in a settlement. David was not going to need it in jail after all. Of course with that file, there’s no denying. She needed to get that file and make it disappear.

  Jack returned with the file to find two full glasses of wine on the coffee table. Candy entered the room f
rom the bedroom. She changed out of her robe and threw on a white and green sun dress. It could have been an innocent enough outfit but for Candy’s toned, tan legs tossing the dress about. Without any undergarments on, the dress was just a little too short and a little too thin to be considered innocent. Candy didn’t have much time before Jack’s return. She could've managed to find a minute for a bra and panties but she choose to forgo it. She always enjoyed giving guys an “accidental” flash. This time she went commando for another reason. She wanted to use all her assets to get that file.

  “Excuse me, I thought I’d get more presentable.”

  “Not at all. Thank you for the drink. You may have to help me finish it.”

  “Sorry, I guess I’m a bit of a lush. I mean, when I drink. I usually don’t drink first thing in the morning.”

  Candy could see the file on the table. She wanted to grab it and run out the door. She knew better.

  “I don’t either.” Jack lifted the glass and took a sip. “This is really good.”

  “Thank you, David picked it up on a trip to Napa Valley. He’s into the art of making wine. He’s considering buying a stake in that vineyard.”

  “Impressive hobby.”

  “David doesn’t have hobbies, he has obsessions. Once he gets an idea in his head, he researches it for months. He devours everything he can to learn all there is to learn. He was an expert in three months. People that have been growing grapes and making wine for decades call him for expert advice. The guy has never even seen a vineyard!”

  “That’s amazing. We need to get him on the force.”

  “He would be Captain in a year.”

  “I don’t doubt it.

  Let’s get back to business. I don’t want to drag this out for you.”

  Jack unwrapped the sealed manila folder. It had an old school string and button to secure the flap shut. He tilted the folder and pulled out all of the contents. It was mostly photos. Candy reached forward and spread out the photos.

  “Oh my god! How did she get these?” Candy said, horrified.

  “She must have hired a private investigator.”

  There were 33 pictures of her. All were taken at night, and in each of them she was in the company of a different man. Some were of Candy walking side by side engaging in simple conversation. In some of the pictures, she was draped on a guy’s arm or giving someone an affectionate embrace. The worst was with Candy’s head in front of different men’s flies and of her in ecstasy while straddling naked guys on the beach. There was also information about Candy when she was in Las Vegas. Not much though, only some old advertisement with her name and picture on it from 2009. When she started out, she worked at a brothel just outside of Las Vegas called The Sphynx. It is the name of a special breed of cat, a bald cat. It was their version of Hooters but instead of big tits, all the Sphynx girls had bald pussies. She didn’t like it there, not enough control of her clientele. She was by far the hottest girl there and that kept her busy. There was one nice benefit for being a Sphynx girl, the oral sex. A lot of guys never had a bald pussy before and were eager to eat one. Candy was so amazed that guys would pay good money to lick her clit. She figured it should be the other way around. It was mostly followed by sex, but by then, Candy was usually pretty worked up and ready to go. She only stayed there three months. She learned a lot in those three months. It was like a whore’s boot camp. Candy found the structured learning program at The Sphynx very valuable. It covered countless ways to satisfy every man's desire and how to be safe while doing so. As horrified as Candy was about her past, she was far more disturbed that David may have found out about her ongoing activities.


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