The Blue Cantina

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The Blue Cantina Page 11

by Paul Blades

  Anna’s brief inclination to resist Elaine’s impassioned attack on her body faded quickly when she felt Devlin’s heavy hand on her other exposed thigh. The two hands, one hard and firm, the other gentle and urging, spread her thighs apart. Anna felt her dress move higher on her thighs. She moaned with a combination of lust and self pity when the woman’s hand slid up underneath it and began to probe the entrance to her moisture laden crevasse.

  As her hand deftly and purposefully excited her quim, Elaine shifted her lips from Anna’s mouth to her breast. Anna sighed with lust as the attractive young woman sucked on the nipple, flitting her expert tongue across it. Anna had her eyes closed, reveling in the exquisite sensations the woman was bringing her. A car passed them coming in the other direction and the headlights briefly lit up the interior of the limo. Anna opened her eyes reflexively and saw the eyes of the chauffeur peering back at her through the rearview mirror. A flood of shame passed through her even as the hand and mouth of her female tormentor drove her lusts higher and higher.

  “You really are a slut, Anna,” Devlin said tauntingly. “I think that I’ve done you a favor. How did you live with all of that lust penned up inside you?” The man’s hand gave Anna’s thigh a tight squeeze.

  The cruel voice pierced Ann’s haze of lust and booze. She knew that she had to answer him. He had asked her a question. Elaine had shifted her mouth to her other breast, sending a new wave of warmth through her body. “I-I don’t know, Mr. Devlin,” Anna answered softly. Elaine’s finger was teasing her hardened love button. She felt the tell tale signs of her orgasm rising. Her hips shifted and she moaned again.

  “I don’t want her coming all over her dress, Elaine,” Devlin said curtly. “Give it a rest.”

  Elaine’s lips abandoned Anna’s tingling, excited breast and gave Anna’s pussy one last caress before she reluctantly withdrew her hand. “Okay, Mr. Devlin. I was just keeping her warmed up for you. She’s hot.” She gave Anna a kiss and leaned back in her seat. She picked up her glass from the cup holder and took a long drink of scotch.

  Anna’s blood was boiling with her arousal and her pussy yearned for completion. Her breath was heavy and she felt her face flushed. Devlin’s hand was still on her thigh and its hot presence was tantalizing. Her thighs remained widespread and her loose, naked breasts swayed, their points tingling.

  The rest of the ride was accomplished in silence but for the sonorous sounds of the unknown symphony. Each time a car passed them going the other way, Anna was conscious of her exposure to the eyes of the driver who looked back to take in her revealed womanhood. She wanted desperately to raise the straps to her bodice to cover her breasts, but she knew that she dared not move without Devlin’s permission.

  As the car sped through the night to their unknown destination, Anna leaned her head back and closed her eyes to block out her embarrassment and shame. Her mind, befuddled by the booze, began to wander. She wondered idly what Devlin’s hold on the pretty model was. He had gotten her out of a jam, but what kind of jam? Did he have the same power over the lithe, beautiful, young woman that he did over her? Had Elaine at one time been put through the rigors of control and domination that she was enduring? Would she, Anna, someday be so corrupted as to act so free and easy while Devlin exploited and abused another hapless, female victim? Was Elaine her future? She hoped not. She remembered the vision of Elaine squatting before Devlin in his library when she returned from the bathroom, blithely sucking his prick, her hand buried in her loins, her long, thin, elegant, brown hair falling down her back. Would Anna someday too take as second nature the idea that Devlin owned her body and soul?

  Anna’s unanswerable musings drifted away. Her lusts had cooled and she surrendered to the pressure on her thigh from Devlin’s heavy hand. She let the rhythm of the traverse of the long, black limo over the country road lull her into thoughtlessness.

  Anna perked up when she felt the car slow and heard the sound of its blinker clicking steadily, signaling a turn. They entered a narrow driveway bordered by two large, dark, stone towers. The driveway was overhung by tall, bare trees and they traveled along it for about a half mile before coming to a gate. The driveway split and they pulled up next to a booth staffed by a man in a brown uniform with a security badge on his chest. The area was well lit and Devlin rolled down his window. The driver opened his window and showed the security guard some kind of pass. The guard peered into the limo. “Oh, hello, Mr. Devlin,” he said politely. His eyes rested briefly on Anna’s naked breasts. The man pushed a button and the gate rolled open. When the limo started to pull away from the booth he added, “Have a nice time.”

  They drove another quarter mile before pulling up to a large, sprawling mansion. The entranceway was lit by spotlights and Anna could see the Tudor like design of the building. It had three floors in the center and spread out to two story wings on either side. A middle aged man uniformed like a eighteenth century servant, his long, grayish hair pulled behind his head in a ponytail and topped with a bright red, tri-corner hat, opened the door to the limo. He was wearing a long, red coat with gleaming brass buttons. Anna suppressed a squeal as her bare breasts were exposed to him. Devlin seemed to recall her nakedness and before he stepped out of the limo he ordered her to, “cover your self up.” Anna gratefully pulled the straps to her dress back up over her shoulders and followed her master out of the limo. Elaine got out last.

  The entranceway was lit as if for a gala and Anna followed Devlin hurriedly up the steps so as to avoid the cold. She detected a knowing smirk on the face of the doorman as she passed him and, for a moment, she imagined that he was going to give her a lascivious pinch on her behind. Another servant, similarly clad, opened the large, heavy, solid wood doors to the mansion and Anna was glad to be inside. If Devlin’s mansion was luxurious, the interior of this one was triple that. The walls were of dark, polished wood and large, colorful tapestries depicting medieval scenes were hung on the walls. The floors were covered with a plush, burgundy carpet so thick that she had to walk carefully on her high heels so as not to slip. A heavyset, rotund man dressed in a finely tailored, black tuxedo greeted them.

  “Good evening, Mr. Devlin,” he intoned respectfully, “your guest is waiting for you in the bar.”

  “Thank you, Owen,” Devlin replied perfunctorily. He led the women past the cavernous entranceway a short walk down the hall and into a dark, wood paneled room redolent of cigar smoke and the odor of burnt wood. There was a large fire blazing in a fireplace and men sitting around it in large overstuffed, leather easy chairs. They had drinks in their hands and gave Devlin and his party a cursory glance before returning to their conversations. A pretty young woman dressed in a revealing, maroon, short skirted, cocktail dress, long, sheer stockings on her legs and wearing tall, bright red high heels, stood obsequiously by the side of the fireplace, apparently waiting to serve them. The girl, who had long, brown hair tied up in a ponytail behind her head, caught Anna’s eyes for just an instant and then looked hurriedly away.

  The bar was semi-circular and hewn from a dark oak. It had a brass rail a few inches from the floor and round, black, leather covered barstools. A silver haired man who looked to Anna to be in his late fifties was sitting on one of the stools and nursing a clear liquid in a martini glass. The bartender, dressed in a bright white shirt and a large, old fashioned red cravat, had been speaking with him. He nodded respectfully to Devlin. “Good evening, Mr. Devlin. The usual?”

  “Why not, Henry,” Devlin answered. “And Rob Roys for the ladies. Straight up.”

  “Right away, Mr. Devlin.”

  Devlin turned to the man who had been waiting for him at the bar.

  “I’m glad you could make it, Harrison. Let me introduce my two companions. The tall drink of water is Elaine. I’ve told you all about her.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Harrison,” Elaine said cheerfully as she extended her hand. “Mr. Devlin didn’t tell me you were so handsome.”

  Handsome was a goo
d way to describe him. His age wore on him well and he was fit and tall. His face had strong, sharp features and his suit bespoke culture and money.

  “No, it’s my pleasure, Elaine,” Harrison returned. To Anna, he seemed to hold on to Elaine’s hand just a little too long. His eyes wandered over her flesh appreciatively. “Mr. Devlin’s description did not do justice to your charms.”

  “Why, thank you, Mr. Harrison,” Elaine returned sweetly. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you too.”

  “This is Anna,” Devlin added once the other man finally deigned to release Elaine’s, long, soft hand. “She’s what you might call my protégé.”

  Anna’s heart jumped into her throat. For a moment, she thought that Devlin was about to describe her as his whore. To be called a protégé seemed surreal after what she had been through with the man.

  Harrison reached out his hand and took Anna’s proffered one. “Happy to meet you,” he said. He wore an ironic smile as he spoke. His hand clasped Anna’s just a little too long, with just a little too much firmness. His eyes wandered down from her face to the tops of her breasts displayed by the low, loose bodice of her dress. Anna became conscious that, from where he stood, he was at least seven inches taller than her, he could see directly down her dress. His eyes lingered at her displayed beauties for a few moments and then continued downwards, taking in the swell of her hips and the long expanse of thigh revealed by her tight, short skirt. Anna pulled her hand away as gracefully as she could and murmured a polite reply. She had been given no instructions on how to behave while out with Devlin and she didn’t want to commit any more crimes that would warrant further punishment.

  The bartender brought their drinks and Devlin handed Anna hers. The liquor was a pleasing amber and sat in a tall, long stemmed, cocktail glass. There was a bright red cherry floating at the bottom.

  “Drink up, Anna,” Devlin told her. “We’re celebrating tonight. Mr. Harrison has been accepted by the membership committee of the club. He’s to be inducted next week.”

  Anna raised her glass slightly in perfunctory congratulations and took a long sip. The vermouth gave the scotch a sweet taste. It made the mixture flow down quite easily. She welcomed the surge of numbness that followed it. If Devlin wanted her drunk, she was perfectly willing to comply. Even in this rarified, sumptuous atmosphere of Devlin’s exclusive club, she felt demeaned and ashamed. She wondered what she would do if he ordered her to strip right here in front of everyone. Would she do it? A couple more drinks and she just might.

  The high security of the club environs disturbed her. What was so special about it that it needed a security gate and a high, steel fence around it? Its size bespoke more than a bar and restaurant. She realized that she was as much a prisoner here as she was in Devlin’s mansion. Never mind the fact that she had no idea where they were and had no car, she would have to pass through the gate in order to get out. Before that, she would have to get past the randy doorman. She shivered at the realization of her powerlessness and took another large sip of her drink.

  Devlin and Harrison sat next to each other with the women on either side of them. They were engaged in an animated conversation about something or other. Anna wasn’t paying attention. She was ruminating about her strange fate and how easily she had slid into abject obedience to Devlin and his servant. There was an odd comfort in it, as if having all of her decisions taken away from her had relieved her of the stress of adulthood. The barstool was high and she had hooked one of her heels into a rung when she sat down. Her skirt had ridden up, exposing the top of her stockings and about an inch or so of her garter strap. She shifted her bottom in order to pull the hem of the skirt down. When she looked to her right, she saw that one of the men sitting by the fire had caught her gesture and was smiling lasciviously at her. She turned her head back away from him and concentrated on her drink.

  Devlin was drinking a tumbler of neat scotch. He tossed it back and announced that it was time to eat. He led the party to the dining room across the hall from the bar. It was small for such a large club, with maybe twelve or so tables. About half of the tables were full. Out of the twenty people there, only a few of them were women. They were mostly young and fancily dressed, much like Elaine was. A tuxedoed maitre d' led them to a table in the corner. The table was lavishly set with elegant crystal ware and fine china. Devlin took the seat in the corner and Anna sat to his right. Elaine sat across from her.

  The dinner was first class all the way. After a round of elegant appetizers, Devlin ordered a fresh trout entree for her and Elaine and a thick filet mignon for himself. Harrison followed Devlin’s lead. Their order was taken by the maitre d’ but delivered by pretty, young women dressed in long, billowing skirts and tight bodices that exposed the upper portions of their breasts. There was something peculiarly servile about them. They never spoke and walked around the tables with their eyes downcast. Midway through their dinner, Anna thought she saw one of the men at another table caress one of the girls’ thighs as she leaned over him to retrieve his empty plate.

  Elaine fawned over Harrison throughout the meal. Having seen the pretty model in action throughout the day, Anna detected the false charm that she was emitting, but the man either did not or did not care. He seemed enthralled by the young woman’s beauty. Elaine seemed to do everything she could to keep his attention, placing her hand on his arm when they spoke, smiling almost lugubriously at his efforts at witticism. Anna watched as his arm drifted under the table from time to time and Elaine’s facial gestures gave evidence both that he had placed it on her thigh and that the familiarity was welcome.

  Harrison apparently was well aware as to who Anna was. He asked her a series of questions about the work of the Center, where the girls came from, what they did while resident there. She answered him automatically. It disturbed her that he already knew so much about her. Making a deal with the devil to save the Center was one thing, but having everyone know about it was another. Anna had worked long and hard to win the respect of the powers that be, other social workers, the members of the Board of Trustees. The point of accepting sexual bondage to Devlin was to avoid the humiliation and shame of public exposure of the embezzlement at the Center. Had she exchanged one evil for another?

  Her concern over how much Harrison knew was justified when Devlin explained exactly who he was.

  “Harrison is the president of your bank, Anna. I’ve told him that you will be depositing $225,000 in cash in your account on Monday. He’s arranged it so that there will be no problem. You wouldn’t want too many questions asked, would you? Too many questions might result in an investigation and then all this would have been for nothing. We wouldn’t want that to happen, would we?”

  A cloud crossed Anna’s face as she took in the fact that Harrison was aware of the theft of the money. Did he know the bargain she had struck to replace it, what she had become? Who would he tell?

  Devlin took notice of the shadow that had crossed her visage. “Don’t worry, Anna,” he said. “If Mr. Harrison wasn’t the very soul of discretion, he wouldn’t have been accepted as a member of our little club here. What you need to think about is how you’re going to thank him.”

  Anna’s body experienced a chill as she tried to decode Devlin’s meaning. The banker was looking at her with a gleam of expectation in his eye. “No way,” she thought to herself. She rebelled at the implications of Devlin’s statement. For now, she decided, she would play along. After the money was in her account, well that was another story.

  She gave her best effort at a smile. “Thank you, Mr. Harrison,” she said as sweetly as she could.

  “Don’t mention it,” he replied.

  By the time dinner was over, Anna was half in the bag. Devlin had ordered several bottles of wine and insisted that she drink her fair share. His hand had drifted to her thigh from time to time throughout the meal and taken ownership of it. It was a stark reminder of her obligations to him and a clear intimation of what was in store for her
later. Despite the fine dining, the luxurious décor of the restaurant, the amiable, social company, Anna could not for a moment lose focus of the fact that she was here as Devlin’s prisoner, that she was his slave, that he could do anything he wanted with her.

  After a rich dessert and cognac all around, Devlin announced that it was time to go. He signed the check that the maitre d’ presented to him and the two couples sauntered out of the dining area, the glow of gustatory fulfillment over them. Elaine leaned heavily on Harrison’s arm as they entered the hallway. Loud music was coming from behind a set of large double doors as they passed them. A plaque on the wall above them announced in bold, blue script that it was the entrance to ‘The Blue Cantina’. Anna saw Elaine give a furtive glance at it and look away. A dark cloud passed over her face momentarily. The next second, she was gazing up at the elegant banker, all evidence of her momentary disquietude having passed.

  Two men, laughing and with happy expectant faces, entered the apparent nightclub as Devlin and his group passed, nodding their greeting to the millionaire and his guests. When the door opened, a blast of heavy, pounding, rhythmic music was emitted. When it swung closed behind them, the music subsided into a dull, smothered beat.

  There was a wide, heavily carpeted stairway further down the hall and Harrison and Elaine paused at the foot. Devlin reached out and shook the banker’s hand. “Have fun,” he said to him. And to Elaine he said, “I’ll see you later in the week.”

  Elaine released Harrison’s arm and stepped forward, proffering her lips to Devlin. They kissed and then she took Harrison’s hand in hers urging him towards the stairs. Harrison gave a complicit smile to Devlin and followed her.

  Back in the limousine, Anna felt frightened to be alone with her tormentor once again. While Elaine’s presence had not been exactly comforting, it had at least given her the feeling of some protection against Devlin’s worst impulses. For a while, they rode in silence. Anna had placed her arms back behind her as per Devlin’s earlier instructions. She kept her knees pressed together and she leaned her head back against the seat. Devlin had taken out a cigar and was smoking it.


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