Schooled 4.0

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Schooled 4.0 Page 56

by Deena Bright

  “I’ve taken care of the all the paperwork… had my accountant and banker sign off on everything. It should all be ready for my signatures later this evening he clarifies, looking around. “Now, if you could just do your job and show me the rest of the house, I’ll be all set.” Jasper walks into the open kitchen and runs his hand along the granite counter tops. “Don’t worry, I made sure to tell your boss that you convinced me to buy it—it’s your sale Char—your commission.”

  “Well shit, what do you need me for? You’ve obviously got this all under control,” I state, throwing my hands up. “Take a look around, Mr. Garrity. You just bought the nicest house in Northeast, Ohio. I bet LeBron is even going to be jealous.”

  Staring at me, Jasper walks toward me, his eyes locked on mine. “James would certainly be jealous if he could see the woman standing in the foyer.”

  “Sure Jasper, whatever you say,” I reply, turning to close the front door. As soon as the door latches, I can feel Jasper’s breath on the back of my neck.

  “Whatever I say? Is that a promise Charlene?”

  “Alright where’s Ashton?” I ask, turning around, staring him directly in the eyes.

  “Ashton? Who the fu—”

  “Kutcher! Ashton Kutcher, I have to be getting Punk’d right now. There’s no way after nearly nine years of this back and forth shit, you’re finally throwing in the towel and ready to actually do someth—”

  I never finish my statement. Jasper’s mouth closes in on mine as he grabs my hands and pins them against my back. His lips crash against mine, eagerly and desperately, devouring and destroying the very essence of who I am and what I’ve always stood for. I want to be able to tell him to get the Hell off me. I want to walk out and not look back. I want to leave him standing in the doorway as the door slams, separating us, parting us. I want him standing there, rejected, forlorn, longing for me, for everything.

  I want so many things. My head is screaming at me to gain the upper hand, to control the situation—like I always seem to do. I just can’t. I want him. Him. Jasper Garrity. I’ve always wanted him. I’ve wanted nothing but him for the past nine years.

  And he has never wanted me.

  Not once.

  That thought ties my heart and head to the same wavelength, allowing me the strength and willpower to pull my lips from his. “Easy boy, now that you’ve gotten your daily ego boost, let’s finish this tour of the house you apparently own.”

  “No Char, this… you… right here… right now… no more holding back… is exactly what I want… what I’ve always wanted to own,” Jasper growls, biting roughly on my ear, sending fire throughout my entire being. I’m surprised I don’t ignite in flames, burning down this whole damn house.

  “Well buddy, the house is yours. Me? Not so much,” I say, wiggling out of his captivity, and walking away.

  Grabbing my waist and dragging me back against him, Jasper moves my hair and whispers, “Game’s over Char. This is what I want. This is what you want. Don’t deny it.” Trailing his tongue along my neck and digging his fingers into my hips, he breathlessly growls, “I’m ready to take that ride on the wild side.”

  “And what’re you going to do when that ride stops?” I ask, trying to buy some time to think this through.

  “Ride it again… and again… and again,” he answers, breathing heavily on my neck, sending shivers everywhere.

  Spinning to face him, “What makes you think I’m ready to give you that ride?” I question.

  Jasper’s eyes dart down to my chest and slowly work their way back up to my face. “Let’s just call it a hunch,” he smirks. As he tangles his hands forcefully in my hair, pulling it back so that my neck is flush against his lips, “I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do. So tell me Charlene right now, do you want this? Do you want me to fuck you good and hard and possess every part of your body?”

  Holy fuck yes! But truthfully, he probably doesn’t even have to anymore, because I’m pretty sure I just came in my Victoria’s Secret thong. Jesus Christ, to hear Jasper talk like that to me is torture—full out sexual waterboarding, I’m fucking drowning in my own God damn desire for him.

  “Well Jasper, I think that’s where the problem lies—where it’s been stuck all along,” I reply, moving in closer to him, pressing my breasts against his chest and twirling my hand in his tie.

  Yanking the tie, tugging him down, so his ears meet my lips, I flick my tongue along his earlobe. I’m rewarded with a deep, husky Garrity growl. “The real question is are you ready for me to wrap more than this $300.00 Armani tie around my little finger?” I ask, stroking my pinkie up and down the tie while holding it tightly with my other hand. “Because honey, that’s what’s going to happen. All the money in the world can’t buy you the kind of control I have over men like—”

  Jasper’s hands grasp the top of my shirt forcefully. With his eyes blazing, he yanks my shirt open in one domineering and urgent move. My breath catches and my chest heaves. His all-knowing grin pisses me off, upping the ante.

  I see his all-knowing grin and raise the ante by stepping out of his reach and instantly feel the ache of being so far from him. Sliding the remnants of my shirt off my shoulders, I let it fall to the floor. Slowly reaching around behind me, I unclasp my bra, feeling it slacken on my shoulders.

  “Your move, Garrity,” I say, leaving my bra unclasped, but still covering my chest.

  “Gladly,” he smirks, walking toward me, placing his hands on my hips. Continuing to move forward, he guides me backward until my back presses against the wrought-iron bannister of the exquisite staircase that curves up along the two-story entryway. Feeling the cold, hard metal of the spindles jolts my awareness into overdrive.

  Ignoring my bra, Jasper loosens his tie, slipping it slowly from his neck, his eyes singeing with fire into mine. With his index finger, he trails his finger from my lips down my neck until he hooks his finger tightly onto the middle of my bra. Dragging my bra down my stomach, it finally falls to the floor, leaving me exposed from the waist up. Jasper’s eyes go from a fiery burn to a lustful and needy gaze.

  Loving the power and control I have over him, I move forward reaching for his belt buckle. Before my hand makes contact with his buckle, Jasper catches my hand in his, wrapping his tie around my wrist. Reaching for my other hand, he spins me around, securing my hands to the cold, hard metal of the railing. Pressing his back against me, trapping me with his body, my nipples meet the spindles. An icy, erotic chill surges through my body.

  My wrists pull against the soft silk of his tie when Jasper moves my long blonde hair to the side. “You’re stunning,” he whispers, trailing his tongue and small nips with this his teeth down my spine to the low curve of my back. With his hands gripping my hips, he kneels behind me, reaching his hand up my long maxi skirt. Curling his fingers in the small strip of fabric on my thong, Jasper slides it over my hips and down my ass and legs.

  I struggle to see him, to turn and watch his movements, his reactions to me and my desire for him. Looking over my shoulder, I arch my back to peer down at him. Winking at me, he brings my thong to his nose, inhaling deeply. “Wet and sweet. Pure perfection,” he marvels, before slipping my underwear into his pants pocket.

  Holy fuck a giant. Jasper Garrity’s got kinky, controlling, hot-as-fuck game. Thank God, I’m “it” in this game, because I may never want to quit playing. “Careful Jasper, you’re starting to reveal a side of you that you like to keep hidden.” I warn, trying to maintain my composure when all I want to do now is just beg him to fuck the living daylights out of me.

  “Hidden?” he chuckles, “That’s the thing, Char. You know more about me now than anyone woman I’ve ever been with… and… I’ve never known more about a woman before pleasing her like I know about you.” Lifting the back of my skirt, he tucks it into the waistband, leaving my behind exposed. Kneading the flesh of my ass, he leans into my ear and whispers, “I’ve been listening all these years, memorizing all
the things you shouted proudly or whispered quietly.”

  Sliding his finger along the crevice of my ass cheeks, a throaty growl muffles through his lips. “One night when I picked you and my sister and a bunch of other women up from one of your drunken stupors, you told everyone in the car how much you loved your ass being touched,” he states, rubbing my cheeks, molding the skin in his hands. “You said that you love when a guy slips his finger in you, licks you, and fucks you… Remember, Char?”

  A barely audible “yes” escapes my throat with a gasp of heat and desire.

  “Is that what you like?” he asks. “Is that what you want?”

  “I’m… I’m not…” I stammer, afraid to admit the truth. Panting and trying to gain some courage, I take a deep breath, before exhaling the truth. “I’m all talk,” I admit, trembling. “I’ve never… but… yes… Jasper, that’s what I want.” I’m shocked at the deafening silence, shocked at the way he immediately stops his hands from touching me, pleasing me.

  Jasper ends his assault on me, sitting down on the steps. Finally, without saying anything, he stands, placing his hands on my hips.

  Un-tucking my skirt from my waistband, it falls back over my butt and legs, covering me from the waist down. Walking around to the other side of the bannister, Jasper stares at me, studying my face. My eyes drop in submission and humiliation. Untying my wrists, Jasper doesn’t take his eyes off of me; my hands fall to my sides.

  “Come here,” he orders, pulling me around to the other side.

  I walk over to him, feeling remorse and shame blanket me in an all-too-familiar feeling. Trying to regain my strength, some sort of semblance of the woman he knows and craves, I smirk and say, “I knew you’d puss out sooner or later, Garrity… I’m not the one who’s all talk and no…”

  Again his mouth covers mine, but this time in a slow, sensual, soft kiss. His fingers tickle the length of my back, softly caressing my skin. “I’m not pussing out,” he states, with this lips still on mine. “I’m just savoring this—taking my time.”

  “But what happened to the Alpha-Garrity who just tied me to a railing?” I ask, pulling my lips from his.

  “Your raw honesty stopped me, Char. You and me… this… us… it’s been a game for almost a decade,” he explains, tucking my hair behind my ear. “We’re always fighting for the upper hand—the power. But you just gave it to me—without a fight. You handed it to me on a platter… and I realized…”

  “You realized what?” I ask, searching his eyes for answers.

  “That’s not what I want. I don’t want to tie you to railing and fuck you up the ass on a staircase… I mean… I do… I really do … and I will… I promise I will,” he admits, kissing my forehead. “But first, I want to take you upstairs to the master bedroom and make love to you, make love to you like I’ve dreamed about forever.”

  “No,” I say, smiling, feeling an unfamiliar warmth flood through me.

  “No?” he says, his brow pulling.

  “It’s a first-floor master suite. We don’t have to go upstairs,” I joke, interlocking his fingers in mine. “You really should take that tour of your house, ya know?”

  AS I FOLLOW her to each room, I watch the fluidity with which she walks. Char’s elegant and sophisticated in this professional setting, but I know beneath this prim and proper façade, she’s wild, fun, and completely dauntless. So daring that she’s conducting the entire tour in a skirt and heels, and nothing else. Her thong is still in my pocket. From time to time, I slide my hand in and stroke the soft silk, knowing I will soon get to be where this lucky little sliver of fabric once was. Throughout the long and agonizing tour, her small, perky breasts tease me with each turn and step. She leaves nothing out, remaining thorough and professional even sans a blouse and lingerie.

  I cannot keep my eyes on the house; they only focus on her body, and her lips—even on the way her fingers glide over the chair rails or skate over the marble countertops in the bathrooms. When she slides her hand over the mantel in the master suite, I harden and strain in agony, wanting her hand to slide so smoothly and expertly over me. My dick is still waging a war with me over the abrupt cease and desist I issued in the foyer.

  The look in Char’s eyes when she muttered the words “I never…” brought me to a screeching halt. I could almost hear the skid marks of my brain skidding across my skull before pounding against the side. Trust me, the fact that she’s never done anal wasn’t what stopped me. There are many women in their early and late 20s who don’t welcome visitors in through the back door. I stopped, because of the way her eyes softened and revealed a vulnerable, more timid side of Charlene Party-girl Palmer that I have never, not in nearly nine years, have ever seen before.

  I’ve been excessively worried for years that Char could rip me up and spit me out as a mid-day snack between meals if I wasn’t careful and kept the upper hand at all times. However, the look in her eyes showed no sign of voracious, ravenous hunger, but complete and total trust and respect. You don’t, I repeat, you don’t bend that look over the bannister and rip it open wide with a latex-covered penis.

  “Well, that’s it. Do you like what you see?” Char asks, spinning around with her arms wide in the empty master suite.

  “More than you can possibly imagine,” I confirm, walking toward her.

  “Jasper, be serious. I mean the house,” she whines.

  “I am serious—dead serious,” I reconfirm, pulling her into my arms.

  “Jasper,” she moans into my mouth. Swallowing her words and breathing her air is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Nine years of pent up desire feels so different when it’s about to be unleashed. The cage is almost open and all lust and want are ready to come barreling out.

  Softly tangling my hands in her hair, I stroke the back of her neck. “Are you sure about this, Char? We can stop right now, before this goes any further?”

  “For the fiftieth fucking time, I want you to fuck me hard, fuck me long, and do unspeakable fucking acts to me,” she grits through her teeth. “Did I stutter? Was I clear enough this ti—”’

  Holy Hell, the only way to ever stop her from yapping so much that my ears bleed is to shove my tongue down her throat. Thus far, it has a 100% success rate. Thank God.

  Kissing my way down her neck, I feel my heart rate quicken with the knowledge that something I’ve resisted and denied myself is finally going to come to fruition. I have no feelings of regret, no interest in stopping. Whatever happens after this—happens. I’ve lived my life cautiously and carefully; it’s time to heat things up and take that ride on the wild side, not caring about the consequences.

  Her breasts are fucking perfection. The nipples reach out to me, hard and stiff, begging to be sucked. It takes me no time to give them what they want either I can’t wait one more dick-straining second. I suck one nipple into my mouth, circling the other with the rough calloused part of my hand. I’m rewarded with only a small whimper from Char. Tugging her nipple further into my mouth, I’m surprised by the silent, almost nonexistent response. Char pulls on my hair, holding me to her breast, but the silence is disturbing and distracting.

  Glancing up, I startle at the look on her face. “Char?” I ask, standing back up, looking her in the eyes.

  “What?” she asks, her eyes popping open, one at a time. “Why’d you stop?”

  “Uhhh, I stopped because your eyes were sealed shut… your face looked like you were in agony… and… and… you were biting down so hard on your bottom lip, I thought you were going to bite through it,” I explain, taking her hands in mine. Char’s head drops and shoulders lump. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “I… I… ummm… I don’t know how to do this with you?” she admits, her eyes immediately watering up. Char quickly wipes her eyes with the back of her hands, sniffing loudly.

  “I would think it pretty much goes the same way with everyone,” I joke, pulling her chin up, forcing her to look me in the eyes. “I told you. We don’t have to do th

  “Fuck that! We are doing this! I have wanted this since the night I met you and your friends in Columbus,” she openly confesses. “Ever since that first time I kissed you in the bar when my ex showed up, I have wanted to finish out that scene. I have thought about it over and over again.”

  “Alright… but?”

  “You’re Jasper! Janelle’s Jasper. My Jasper. I’m afraid if we cross this line, then… then… I don’t know—”

  “Char, everything you are saying right now has gone through my mind a million times a day—for a fucking decade,” I admit, pulling her close to me. “I’m tired of talking myself out of something—someone—I want so badly—someone I dream about hav—”

  Apparently, it was my turn to shut the fuck up, because Char’s mouth crashes against mine as she unbuttons my shirt and shoves it off my shoulders. “Lose the pants,” she orders, stepping back from me. Watching me unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants, Char’s eyes blaze with need as she licks her upper lip. “You’re going to need to move a little faster than that, Buster.”

  Laughing, I say, “You’re kind of schizophrenic in the bedroom, ya know that? It’s kind of hard to keep up.” Stepping out of my pants, I add, “Take that damn skirt off.”

  “Gladly,” she says, dropping her skirt to the floor, “and my craziness is what makes me so good in bed.”

  “I can’t wait to find out,” I say, taking her hand in mine. “But right now, I get to find out how good you are on the floor.”

  “Yeah, I’m not coming back again until there’s a bed in here,” she says, kissing my chest.

  “Who says I’m getting a bed?” I ask, kneeling down in front of her, holding on to her hips. I love that she’s confident enough to stand in front of me completely naked and not balk at the exposure.

  “You’ll do whatever I want just to get me back in here,” Char states, running her hands through my hair.

  “Oh you think so?” I ask, dipping my tongue into her bellybutton.

  “Mmmm… uh-huh, whatever I ask,” she says groaning.


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