Capturing Charlie

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Capturing Charlie Page 20

by Dale Cadeau

  Grant was naked except for black briefs. His hair was all mussed, and he was drooling around the ball gag that the guys had shoved into his mouth.

  She didn’t like that. Grant was too much of a man to be brought this low. God, why hadn’t she thought this out more? Gently she took one of her hands and brushed his hair away from his forehead. He stopped moving as he felt her touch.

  Undoing the gag, she released it and took it out of his mouth, watching him take deep breaths after he was rid of it. Charlie grabbed a hand towel on a table near the bed set with other assortment of toys. Wiping his face, she could see that it was flushed with anger.

  “Get me the fuck out of here.” Grant’s first words were angrily spat out.

  Charlie took a step back and waited. Grant was struggling so hard that she was scared that he would hurt himself pulling at the straps.

  She was just about to say to hell with all of it. She couldn’t stomach to see him like this when he settled.

  “Look, I don’t know who you are, but this is just a sick joke my friends are playing on me. Whatever they paid you, I will double if you will let me go. My friends are trying to help me and I sure you are, too, but I don’t need help this way. Just let me go and nothing will happen to you I swear.”

  Charlie first instinct was to listen to him and let him go. No, that would not do anything except piss him off more when he found she was involved. Gathering her courage, she looking at the table and picked up a feather, maybe she could sooth him and change his anger to passion.

  Not really knowing how to seduce him, Charlie picked up the feather and ran it down his abs, around his belly button and down one leg and back up the other, looking at his face the whole time. When he laughed, she stepped back and huffed.

  “While I appreciate the efforts, I can tell you right now that you’re wasting your time.”

  Charlie had to know. Making her voice very low pitched, she asked, “Why?”

  Grant knew he had to get through to this woman. She was his only chance of escaping this. He had hoped for a minute that the guys had done this for Charlie, but he knew her voice and it wasn’t she. She was probably off somewhere with Chase. Grant had heard everyone leave and except for her presence, he didn’t sense anyone else was around. No, he was at her mercy.

  “Look, nothing against you, but I have a woman in my life that I think the world of,” Grant said in a soft voice, wanting to get through to this strange woman.

  “Who?” came the voice of the woman again, barely loud enough for him to hear.

  “Doesn’t matter who. You wouldn’t know her anyway. But if I did anything with you right now, I would feel like I’m cheating on her.”

  Grant listened to the silence. He hoped he was getting through to her sense of fairness.

  “The guys think they are doing me a favor, trying to get me to forget her, now that they know I’ve lost her. But it doesn’t work that way, especially with me. I can’t replace her with someone else. I know I will have to in time, but not right now. So just let me out of these straps and we’ll forget the whole thing.”

  Grant was getting frustrated. He was trying to appeal to the soft side of the woman in the room. Maybe he had to be blunter.

  “I love this woman. I don’t want this,” Grant said, spitting out the words.

  He waited a second then he felt the woman move closer to the bed. Soft, warm hands started to stroke him. He couldn’t believe his body’s reaction to her caresses. As she moved her hands over his shoulders down his arms and back up, he felt her straddle him. He could feel the heat of her pussy as she sat on top of him.

  The woman moved her body like she was trying to get comfortable, rubbing her damp pussy even harder against him. Grant couldn’t believe that his cock was responding to her stimulation. Next, he felt the woman stretch on on top of him. He could feel hard nipples poking into his chest even though they seem covered in some silky fabric. Hands ran up his neck and back behind it to tangle in his hair. He was getting goose bumps from the slide of her hands and her pussy that she had taken to rubbing back and forth over his cock. Soft lips kissed along his jaw and he moved his head to the side. His body was betraying him, but he’d be damned if he was going to join in.

  He heard a soft chuckle and the blindfold suddenly lifted from his eyes. It took him a second to open his eyes and focus. Ready to blast the woman making out with his body, he was stunned when he looked up into the wide, gray eyes of Charlie. Speechless, he looked his fill. Charlie’s hair was down and just touched the tops of a white, frilly silk corset that barely covered her nipples. As Charlie stretched back up, grinding her pussy harder on his cock, he took in her siren smile.

  Grant got lost in that smile and his cock responded with becoming even harder and returning her grinding as much as he could with movements of his own hips.

  “What are you up to?” Grant couldn’t help returning her smile. She was his wet dream come to life. His cock, that he had been trying to keep down, became so stiff from their bump and grind that he was scared that he would explode any minute.

  “You’re not mad?” Charlie said, running her hands along his chest.

  “Not at you, Charlie. I could never be mad at you. The guys, yes.”

  “Don’t be mad at them, Grant.” Charlie leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. “They were trying to help me.”

  “I’ll think about what you said later. Right now, I want to know if this is real, or is it your way of saying good-bye? I know Chase is a better bet than I am for a life partner. I don’t blame you for choosing him. I just thought that we had a connection. I guess I took our tryst in the cabin to mean too much.”

  “Now Grant, does this feel like a woman saying good-bye?” She slid her drenched pussy over his cock again.

  “I think that you know me well enough that this would not be the way I would say good-bye.”

  Leaning her body over his so her elbows were on either side of his face, she looked deeply into his blue eyes.

  “I love you, Grant. That’s what this is all about. I was at a loss at how to get you to stop long enough for me to tell you. I know this is a bit drastic, but after we were rescued, you seemed to reject me. You didn’t even call to see if I was okay.” Charlie leaned down and rubbed her lips over his. Raising her head, she continued.

  “So, I went to see the girls and we came up with plan. I knew from Chase that other enticements were used on some of the men to get them to change their mind. So I knew they would help me if their woman were on board. If you really don’t want this or me, I’ll understand, but I just had to try.” Charlie noticed his eyes now held a gleam in them when she stopped talking. Not knowing if it was a good gleam or bad, Charlie sat up.

  “Charlie, get me out of these!” Grant said, pulling his arms against the straps binding them.

  “No, Grant, not yet. I’ll leave and send Lance in to let you go.” Charlie started to lift one leg over him to leave the bed.

  “Don’t you dare leave. You’ve had your say. Now it’s my turn,” Grant told her in a gruff voice.

  Charlie stilled and moved her leg back down so she was straddling him again.

  “Charlie.” Grant looked up at his still bound wrists. Then turned and looked directly into her eyes.

  “I would like to do this another way. I would like to hold you when I say this, but here it goes. I have loved you from first glance. I can still see a nervous, beautiful woman wiping her hand on her slacks before taking mine. If you had looked a little closer that day, you would have seen that I rose to the special occasion.

  “That doesn’t happen to me, ever. I’ll admit that I’m a picky guy. So, for a knee-jerking reaction like that to happen, I was stunned. I wanted to tell you time and again, but with Chase being gone and filling in for him, I couldn’t say anything.

  “What if you rejected me? I could not take the chance that you would run off if my advance were unwanted. I wouldn’t do that to Chase. Your expertise was needed
to keep the firm running smoothly. What would I have told Chase or James, for that matter, if you left?”

  Charlie listened to Grant with tears filling her eyes. “Why didn’t you make a move on the last day? It took all my courage to ask you to dinner.”

  “I was going to wait until the next day and call you up. I didn’t want you to think that I was asking you out because of our job. I didn’t want it any way even remotely connected to our working together. I wanted you to know that this was personal.”

  Charlie let herself fall on his chest with relief as she grabbed his chin and brought her lips to his.

  “You dear, silly man! I guess we were both too caught up with ourselves to see what was right in front of us.” Charlie kissed him with all the passion that she had trapped inside of her.

  Grant returned the passion two-fold. His tongue darted into her mouth and he tried to scoop out all that was the essence of Charlie. He ached to hold her in his arms.

  “Charlie, let me go. If you squirm over me once more, I’m going to lose it,” Grant told her as their lips parted both taking in much-needed air.

  “You know, honey, if you would free me, I could more than kiss you,” Grant said, pulling at the straps still holding his arms.

  “Grant, I know that you are not a man to let others control you. So I hope that you will indulge me. Just this once, lay back and let me love you.” Charlie gave him another small kiss and sat back up, running her hand over his abs. He was hot, his scent a total male animal. Charlie could feel the rush she got for having this beautiful man under her. Scooting down, she moved her legs between his tied ones.

  Taking the top of his briefs in her hands, she looked up at Grant. A banked lust shone in his eye and Charlie knew she was one lucky lady to be on the receiving end of it. Pulling the top of his briefs down, she stopped when she realized that she couldn’t take them off with his leg tied spread-eagle.

  Wiggling off the bed, she took the knife that Clay had used, and with a wicked grin at Grant, put it to the side of his briefs.

  When he didn’t move or say anything, she knew that she had Grant’s trust along with his love.

  Carefully, she cut one side, then the next. Pulling the bulging front down, she uncovered his cock. The head was purple and the veins seemed to be standing out around the stalk. It looked ready to burst. Leaning down, she blew a hot breath over its mushroom head.

  It jumped and Charlie couldn’t resist a look up at Grant.

  His face was flushed and his eyes glowed a deep blue. He might not be saying anything in words, but she could tell that he liked what she was doing. Being more daring, she opened her lips and wrapped them around the head. At Grant’s moan, she slid her mouth down the engorged stalk, making sure that he felt the suction on her way down. Reaching her limit, just before her gag reflex gave in, she made her way back up and swirled her tongue around his cockhead. Grant gave a deep moan again and his hips rose as if he didn’t want to escape the heat of her mouth.

  “God, Charlie, you have to stop. This is not the way I want to cement our love together, with you giving and me taking. No, we should both be expressing our love to each other,” Grant told her breathlessly.

  Charlie kissed the head of his cock, reached up, and released his hands and as he sat up, rubbing the soreness out of his wrists. She moved down and untied his feet.

  As she moved back up, Grant reached out and grabbed her. The next thing she knew, he had flipped them, now she was flat on her back, with Grant stretched over top of her. He moved his weight onto his elbows at either side of her head and smiled wickedly down at her.

  “This is how it should be.” Grant mimicked what Charlie had done earlier and rubbed his cock along her slit. Her almost non-existent G-string didn’t stop her from feeling every inch of him. The thin silk between them just add to his sensuous rub.

  Moving his body a bit to the side of hers, he reached out and started to undo the hooks of her corset. “I love your outfit, Charlie, but nothing can take the place of your smooth skin. Our one time in the cabin just made me burn for more of you.”

  Charlie could see the look of awe on his face and he made her feel beautiful as he uncovered her breast and reached a finger out and traced one of her nipples with it. Gently, as if he didn’t want to scare her, he moved his hand and cupped the whole breast, squeezing it softly.

  His eye revealed all her felt for her as he looked down at the breast in his hand. Charlie almost stopped breathing as she took in his look.

  “Charlie, you are the most precious thing to me. I hope that I can be half of what you need,” Grant said, rubbing his finger back and forth over her nipple again.

  Charlie reached a hand up and brushed his hair back so she could see his face more clearly.

  “Grant, you’re more than I thought or ever dreamed of wanting. Please make love to me.”

  Grant smiled at her and lowered his head, moving his hand under her breast and lifting it to his lips. He engulfed the whole breast in the warmth of his mouth. Bringing his teeth into play, he gently scraped her skin as he lifted his head up, nipping the nipple as he let it go.

  Charlie’s body jumped. Not from pain, the nip was too gentle for that. The nip seemed to send sparks down to her clit and she could feel her cream dripping from her, wetting her now-saturated panties even more. Grant’s reaction to her move was his counter move with his cock, rubbing it against the side of her leg. Charlie could feel her leg getting wet from his cream escaping the head of his cock.

  Taking his hand from her breast, he trailed it down to the top of her panties. Taking one of his fingers, he traced the top edge.

  “Charlie, I want to go slow and show you how much you mean to me, but I don’t think I have the patience right now. I just want to be buried so deep in you that I don’t know where I end and you begin. Do you think that you can forgive me this time?” Grant looked away from watching his finger tracing her panties up to her face. His eyes filled with lust, glowing deep blue.

  Moving her hands to his shoulders, she dug her nails in. “I don’t think I can wait either.”

  As if her words set him free, he hastily pulled her panties off and moved back over her body, settling his cock in the well of her vagina.

  “Look at me, Charlie. I want you to watch us come together. See how perfect we are.” Grant raised himself and slowly pushed his cock into her.

  Watching as he sank into her inch by inch, Charlie didn’t know where to look. It was a beautiful sight as his cock sank into her, but his face told her that this was much more to him than just making love to her. He was joining with her forever.

  As he reached her core, she moaned. His length and girth filled her to the brim. She could feel every hard inch of him stretching her. At the cabin, when they had made love, she had been so nervous that she had missed the exquisite feeling of having him inside of her.

  Charlie’s hands left his shoulders and she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. Her movements made him sink further into her, making him moan this time. Grant wrapped his arms around her back tightly and moving up on his knees, pulling her up with him, his cock still deeply embedded in her. With her legs now around his back in the new position, Grant hugged her even tighter to his body, as if he wanted to absorb her into himself.

  Mine. His mind screamed in his head as he buried his face in her neck and started moving her up and down on his cock. His movements were slow and precise, making sure he was hitting her clit on every stroke.

  After only half a dozen strokes with Grant grinding his cock as deep into her as he possible could. Rubbing her clit on his every upstroke, Charlie knew she wouldn’t last much longer, her aching clit getting more sensitive with every brush. The feelings were overwhelming her. Her body felt like it would explode from the delicious pleasure he was bombarding her with. Burying her hands in his hair, she pulled his head from her neck and clamped her lips to his.

  It was like taking a match to him as his str
okes sped up and lost their rhythm as he pounded into her. Charlie felt her whole body release with the pleasure. It was as if an electrical current had just zapped her from her toes to the top of her head.

  Grant pulled away from her mouth and gave a deep groan, grinding his cock into her, grasping her closer to his body. She felt his hot cum filling her and it just added to her pleasure that had started to retreat. Another little zap hit her and she put her head down on his shoulder and bit at his hard skin, wanting the feeling never to end.

  Grant finally came back into himself after the most intense orgasm of his life. He felt the sting of Charlie’s bite and grinned with satisfaction. This was his woman. He felt like hugging her tighter until he could absorb her into himself. This woman was his other half, and for the first time, he felt complete. A calmness settled over him as he bent his head and inhaled her unique scent. He would never forget this moment in his lifetime.

  Charlie didn’t know how long they sat locked together in perfect harmony. She could still feel his cock inside her. It had lost some of its former firmness, but it hardened inside of her as she moved, telling her that Grant could probably go for another round, and she was tempted to forget everything and seek out more pleasure that only Grant could provide.

  Pushing against Grant a little, she felt him loosen his hold and raise his head so she could see his face clearly. “Grant, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything, Charlie, some things just can’t be explained. I know I have never felt this before.” Leaning his head down, he placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  I haven’t either, Grant, this is all new to me and I would like to continue to explore your body and our feelings, but I think it’s time we got out of here. We have probably kept Lance here long enough.

  Grant pushed his now-hardened cock back into her until she moaned as he lowered his head, nipping at her neck.


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