Tangled Shadows

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Tangled Shadows Page 18

by Tina Christopher

  “That may be, but I’d prefer if Brooke wasn’t here to watch. She might not understand. Also, I have gathered some disturbing information I would like to talk to you about.”

  Silas’ brows shot up. “You’ve finished your project?”

  “No, but I have made a little progress.”

  “Certainly, let’s go to my office.”

  “The girl comes too.”

  “She’s none of your business.”

  “Agreed, but as long as we’re here I need Brooke to believe she’s safe. Do you think you can control them long enough for us to discuss the data?” The shorter Vampire tensed. “Of course, they will do whatever I tell them.”

  “Really?” Nikolai asked with just the right amount of disbelief in his voice. “They seem to be right on the edge. I’m not sure anybody could pull them back.” The look Silas sent Nikolai showed the other Vampire understood the manipulation, but for the moment agreed to follow Nikolai’s path. He strode over to the big Feral who had brought the girl into the room. “Russeau, take her back until I’ve finished my talk with Nikolai.”

  The big Feral gaped at him. “You want me to take her back? No way, you’ve been promising us one of the young ones for weeks.”

  Before Russeau took one step, Silas pulled a gun and shot the Feral. Russeau’s head exploded, blood and gore flying everywhere. “Is anybody else as impatient as Russeau?”

  The other Ferals stepped back, nobody met Silas’ eyes. He slipped his gun back into his pocket. “Good. We won’t be long.” He grabbed the girl’s wrist and dragged her after him out of the room. She didn’t protest.

  Nikolai, Galen and Brooke followed.

  Brooke slowly unclenched her fist.

  That had been close.

  * * * * *

  Nikolai dropped into one of the chairs before Silas’ desk. Brooke, stand behind my chair, he instructed. She followed his order.

  Galen settled into the chair next to him.

  “What did Russeau mean when he said you’d been promising them a young one for weeks?”


  Silas pushed the girl to her knees beside his chair and sat down. “I have no idea. He wasn’t the sharpest sword in the armory. He must have misunderstood something I said.”

  “And for that you killed him,” Galen said.

  Silas looked at him as if he wasn’t too bright. “He talked back to me and didn’t follow my orders.” He steepled his fingers and focused on Nikolai. “Now, what kind of rumors have you heard?”

  “That you have gone Feral and are smuggling humans as blood slaves all across the galaxy.”

  Silas chuckled. “Who told you that?”

  A shiver ran down Brooke’s back. The Vampire was far too certain and smug. Her stomach churned. Something bad was about to happen. She warned her men and they agreed.

  “It’s true, he is a monster.” The girl climbed to her feet. “He kidnapped us.” Before anybody could respond, Silas slapped her across the face, hard enough to make her fall back to the floor.

  “Stop.” Nikolai jumped out of his chair, but Silas pulled the gun.

  “Sit down or your beloved lifemate dies.” He aimed at Galen.

  Nikolai sat back down.

  Silas smiled. “Did you know that when you combine Vampire power with Naema magic, you can create the most amazing things?” He flipped a switch on his desk.

  All three doors to the study opened. Ferals marched inside and surrounded them.

  None wore colored contacts. Their red eyes glared at them.

  Brooke clenched her hand around the back of Nikolai’s chair.


  “What is the meaning of this?” Nikolai asked, staying in character.

  Silas holstered his gun and clapped. “You can stop acting.” He sank into his chair and called over a large data port. “Play.”

  Brooke stared in horror when Nikolai’s living room flickered onto the screen, showing herself undressing for Galen.

  “I bet you thought your security was impenetrable, but when you’re an out-of-the-box thinker like myself, you use all new sources and technology to your advantage.

  With my Naema’s friend I have created these little bugs that adapt to the frequency of your system and can pass through without setting off the alarm.

  “You fuck a lot and talk too much. Before I kill you, just for future reference, how did you unlock the barrier in the bitch’s mind?”

  “Why the Nebokka?” Brooke asked. She wanted to know, but she also hoped that keeping his attention on her would give Nikolai and Galen time to come up with a plan.


  Silas propped his elbows on the desk and rested his chin on the back of his hands.

  “Would you like me to make something up about fate and how it was your destiny to be my victim?” He chuckled. “We started out harvesting with the undesirables of human society, you know, the homeless, street courtesans, dealers, runaways. But it always takes a couple of months to get them clean, feed them up and make them desirable property for our clients.

  “The Nebokka was the first ship to take off when we began to look around. And your destination was in our neck of the woods.” He shrugged. “We decided it was time to try something new. You were convenient.

  “And it worked. The settlers were all in prime condition. No time needed to be wasted before we could start the auctions. The younger ones, like this one,” he pointed to the girl lying on the floor, “go for close to one million credits. The older ones vary, depending on what the clients are looking for.”

  Brooke wanted to throw up. It had been pure coincidence. Her people had died and suffered for nothing other than the greed of a monster.

  “How could you sell the children?” she burst out. Silas had no conscience, but the horror the little ones had to endure broke her heart.

  “Who said I did?”

  She frowned. “You said they go for close to a million credits.”

  “Why would I fulfill demand when I can wait and drive up the price?” Hope filled her heart. Maybe the children were still at the house.

  “Why send the anonymous data?” Galen asked.

  “I found out the Council had put together your little band of merry warriors and needed a way to get you off my back.” Silas snorted. “You fell so easily into my trap I wonder how you survived this long. You fucked her before you even left Teren.”

  “You had us watched,” Nikolai said, his voice flat.

  “Of course. Now, enough of your procrastination, how did you dismantle my trap?

  All three of you should have been fried to a crisp.” Brooke had listened with growing horror. He’d chosen her at random. Everything had happened according to his plan. He’d played with their lives like a game in virtual reality.

  Neither Nikolai nor Galen had any ideas on how to overcome the overwhelming number of Ferals.

  Nikolai’s porta-comp and Silas’ data port beeped.

  “Ah, we have company. An unknown ship has arrived in orbit. Going by name and classification it’s an old friend of yours. Don’t think your good buddy Darius will come to help. He’ll be far too busy with my fleet to even think of you.” Brooke struggled against the overwhelming helplessness drowning her. She’d sworn she would never let herself feel this way again.


  Silas had anticipated and countered everything they’d thought of, blocked every way out.

  They needed a distraction or they were dead.

  It came from an unexpected source.

  The young girl had regained consciousness and crawled into a corner, surrounded by the ceiling-high shelves. Nobody paid her any attention. Brooke was the only one who could see her clearly from where she stood.

  The girl’s black eyes met hers for a moment.

  Brooke bit her tongue to keep her surprise from escaping when she built an energy ball between her palms. Sweat stood on her forehead. Her teeth gnawed on h
er lower lip in concentration, but the ball grew.

  Brooke sent the information to Galen and Nikolai, told them to be prepared, to use the diversion.

  Suddenly, the girl jumped to her feet with a scream. She fired the energy ball at Silas. It missed the Vampire. The desk exploded, shrapnel flying all around them.

  The shock wave threw Brooke against the wall decorated with weapons, close to the girl. Galen and Nikolai vaulted the other way and began to take out the Ferals closest to them.

  Unfortunately it meant she was on her own. Nothing more than a few knives and a couple of stakes to defend herself. And an army of Ferals between her and her men.

  Brooke shook the girl. “You all right? What’s your name?”

  “Edana,” she coughed, pushing off wooden chunks. “I’m okay.”

  “Can you do it again?”

  Edana shook her head. “No, I’ve only come into my power. This’ll wipe me out for hours.”

  Brooke nodded and took stock of the situation.

  Galen and Nikolai were surrounded by close to twenty Ferals. She could barely see them. So far the Ferals ignored Edana and her, but that could change any second now.

  A clatter pulled her eyes away from her men and to the ruins of the desk.

  Silas rose up from the wreckage of his massive desk like a specter. Wooden splinters covered every available surface of his skin. His eyes flashed as red as the blood trickling from his wounds.

  He looked apoplectic.


  Chapter Thirteen

  Brooke’s heart raced.

  Nikolai took on three Ferals. He punched and kicked so fast, Brooke could barely follow. But he also received a beating.

  Grunts and growls filled the room.

  Galen used his gorgeous blue-green wings to hold his own against another three Ferals. Every time one of them tried to attack him from behind, he used the wings to thrust the Feral away.

  He shone like a star, blinding the monsters in front of him. One of them attempted a frontal attack. Galen generated an energy ball similar to the one Edana had thrown and incinerated the attacker. More pressed in.

  She tore off her skirt and pulled the two knives from under the bustle.

  Silas snorted. “Bitch, do you really think you stand any chance against me with those pig-stickers?”

  Brooke tightened her grip on the knives. She attacked, slashing in hard swings. A line of blood appeared across his chest, but it infuriated him more than anything else.

  He grabbed her left wrist with crushing force. Pain sliced up her arm and her fingers went lax. The first knife hit the floor and bounced as she sliced for his rib cage with the blade in her right. He grabbed the wrist before she could connect, twisting the weapon from her hand as he dodged the knee she tried to bury in his balls.

  “Gotcha,” he hissed.

  She wrenched backward, her cyborg enhancements giving her the strength to drag him along for two steps and almost tear free.

  He tightened his grasp, the pain so searing she screamed in white-hot torture. She jumped, kicked and elbowed his jaw, but Silas utilized his Vampire speed and twisted behind her. “He will watch you die. Then he will watch his Naema die.” He licked her neck. “And then he will die.”

  Brooke kicked back and hit his knee, but her shoes were too light to make any impact. She should have ignored fashion and worn her boots. He avoided her head butt by sinking his fangs into her neck.

  Agony blazed through her.

  Nikolai and Galen roared. They fought to break through the ring of Ferals around them.

  They couldn’t.


  Brooke felt her strength drain away with every suck from the monster. It was too late for the little pill.

  She had to say goodbye to them, with no walls as a barrier, while she still could.

  Galen, Nikolai, I love you, she whispered in her mind. Thank you for saving me. The last two weeks have been the best of my life. She dropped the barrier behind which she’d hidden her love and desire. I will keep him occupied. Kill as many as you can and get away. You need to save whoever is left, especially the children.

  Both men screamed in her head simultaneously. No!

  Their love poured inside her like a supernova and filled her with strength.

  But not just that, light blazed from her skin, as bright as Galen’s searing radiation.

  Silas jumped away from her when the Feral closest to her burst into flames.

  She tore a large sword off the wall, hoping it wasn’t just decorative. Judging by the weight it was exactly what she needed. She whirled to Silas and snarled. “Look, I found a bigger pig-sticker.”

  Blood, her blood, covered his mouth. He bellowed his fury and ripped a second sword off the wall.

  Brooke attacked. Her skill and expertise were not her own. Neither was her speed and strength. She channeled Nikolai, and he was a master. The monster before her stood no chance.

  Her anger and pain poured out of her. Silas had hurt her, had blown up her ship, had killed her friends without a second thought.

  Every cut, every slice made her feel better. Every time she parried one of his ripostes she wanted to shout with glee.

  Panic grew in his eyes. Finally, she chopped off the hand holding the sword. He screamed and dropped to his knees, his other hand clenched around the stump.

  Brooke had not pity or compassion.

  She swung her blade and decapitated him without hesitation.

  Edana huddled in a corner. Their eyes met.

  The young woman nodded once, her face solemn. Fear and pain radiated from her black eyes, but Brooke also read determination and a thirst for revenge.

  She whirled around and joined Galen and Nikolai.

  Loud booms sounded from outside.

  Sounds like Darius is busy with Silas’ fleet, just like he said, Galen said.

  Let me finish this, Nikolai replied. He tore the Ferals surrounding him limb from limb, his strength increased as if he’d grown cyborg implants.

  The battle had turned. In only a few moments the Ferals were mashed body parts and dust.

  The three of them stood in the middle of the room, panting. Brooke still held the sword and Galen still glowed like a sun.


  “What the Jade just happened?” Brooke asked.

  The men exchanged a glance and burst into laughter. Galen’s glow dimmed down until it disappeared. The sword grew heavy in Brooke’s hand. She let the tip drop to the floor.

  Nikolai wiped his bloody hands on his shirt and framed her face. “You finally accepted us completely, accepted out lifemate bond. Once your last wall dropped down all three of us gained extra skills and power.”

  Galen’s smile lit up the room. “I’ve glowed before and I’ve made energy balls, but I’ve never had enough power to fry my opponents.” He pulled Brooke close with his free arm. “I love you, and I’m never letting you go.” He kissed her with so much tenderness and love Brooke’s vision blurred.

  She didn’t know how long they stood like this, but Brooke felt Galen’s love like a physical presence. She also knew Nikolai waited for his moment.

  Brooke brought Galen’s kiss to an end and looked at Nikolai. He appeared confident, but Brooke felt his uncertainty, his vulnerability. She framed his face in her hands. “I love you, Nikolai. You fulfill me.”

  His uncertainty vanished and he kissed her hard enough for her to nick her tongue on one of his fangs. She didn’t back down and gave as good as she got. Her temperature shot through the roof and her nipples turned hard.

  Galen’s hands on both their backs brought them back to the present. “We have time enough later. Now we need to clean up and see if we can find any survivors.” Brooke looked over to Edana. The girl was already halfway to the door, limping. It appeared she’d injured her ankle.

  “Edana, wait up.” Brooke rushed after her, her vision jumping between Galen and Nikolai, ma
king her nearly run into an overturned chair.

  Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it, Nikolai assured her.

  Brooke hoped he was right. Otherwise it would be easy enough for an enemy to overcome her right now.

  Edana didn’t stop until Nikolai took her arm.

  The girl studied him for a moment, her eyes showing an age that shouldn’t be in someone this young. “We can’t wait. The kids are downstairs. If any of the monsters escape they’ll go for the little ones.”

  Nikolai didn’t hesitate. He leaned down and picked her up. “You go first, Galen, and have your light at the ready. Brooke, you bring up the rear and keep hold of that sword.”

  Brooke grimaced. It’s too heavy.

  Nikolai shot her the image of a smaller version, hanging above one of the armchairs. Brooke changed swords and felt immediately better. This one she could carry without extra power.


  “Let’s check the big room first,” she suggested. Her men agreed. Her vision still jumped around, but she managed a little better to focus.

  Galen stepped into the great room and fired two energy bolts, incinerating the remaining Ferals. None of the slaves looked up when they entered, but remained in the same cowering position on the floor.

  Brooke couldn’t imagine what kind of torture they must have survived to lose their will for life in this manner. She felt Galen kissing her, despite him being halfway across the room. She smiled and sent her thanks.

  Nikolai deposited Edana on the sofa, but the girl struggled to her feet.

  He stopped her before she could walk through the door. “We haven’t cleared the house yet. There may be more in hiding.”

  Edana tried to twist her arm out of his grip. “I need to check on the others. They are younger than me, the most valuable. We can’t wait.” Nikolai didn’t let go. “Describe the way to me.”

  The young girl shook her head. “We don’t have time.” She tried again to twist her arm out of his hold.

  Nikolai released her and waved her on.


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