S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND, Season One Omnibus

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S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND, Season One Omnibus Page 47

by Saul Tanpepper

  “So you take us in?”

  Stephen stumbles to his feet. His balance is whacked and he nearly falls over.

  “We can’t take him!” Jake argues. “He’s infected.”

  “We’ve got no choice,” I say. “You heard what he said. He’s our only way in.”

  “I don’t believe that. There’s got to be another way. I don’t even think we need to go to Gameland.”

  I turn to him and say, “Look, I made a promise to get everyone off the island. I tried, and failed. Now we have another chance and I intend to keep my promise. If you know of another way, I’d be happy to hear it, because walking into a place where CUs can do shit that IUs can’t, where they don’t just bite you but can actually shoot back, where they aren’t all that easy to kill, well, that just isn’t my idea of fun.”

  Jake stares at me for a moment. He’s got nothing and he knows it.

  “Yeah? Well, what about your other promise?”

  I frown. “What other promise?”

  “To be at the front of the line to quiet any of us if we became infected.”

  I look at Stephen, then turn back to Jake. “He’s not one of us.”

  “You’re…wasting time,” Stephen pants, sweat pouring off of his face. His skin has taken on a gray tint. A trickle of blood leaks from the corner of one of his eyes. “It’s time to make up your minds. Do you want to go home, or not?”

  Chapter 33

  “What was in that syringe?” I ask Stephen.

  He lurches ahead, hands bound, moving more and more stiffly with each step. Jake had wanted to gag him too, to prevent him from biting or spitting, but I overruled him. I need answers. Now. It’s our last chance to get any before we go inside. Before Stephen dies and reanimates. I finger the trigger of the pistol resting in the crook of my left elbow, held in my good hand, nestled inside the sling. He knows it’s there. He must know what I’m thinking, that once we get inside, there’s no way I can let him live. One bullet. Hopefully it’ll do the job. I want him to do the right thing, if not for him, then for us.

  “What was in it? The green stuff. You need to tell me now.”

  For someone as sick as he is, as quickly as he’s worsening, Stephen sets a brisk pace. We’re out in front, the others trailing behind, not all of them convinced we’re doing the right thing. Well, the time for suggestions has passed. We’ve run out of options. We’re a mile from Gameland; behind us is Arc.

  My only worry right now is that we won’t make it there in time, that he’ll die and turn before we can get inside. I push harder and he keeps pace. Getting stranded outside with him when he reanimates as an IU is not part of the plan.

  I glance back to make sure no one is dropping too far behind. Jake and Tanya are lagging. I ask Kelly to go back and hurry them up.

  “The syringes. There were two, weren’t there? One green and one white.”

  He coughs and nods.

  “I knew it. What happened to the green one?”

  “Lost it.”

  “Don’t bullshit me. What was it?”

  Drool falls from his lips, tinged red. I make sure I’m close enough to hear what he has to say, yet far enough out of his reach to minimize the risk. Though, at this point, I’m pretty sure if I was going to be infected by bodily fluids, I already would have been.

  “Alpha and Omega,” he tells me. “One was the virus, the other a vaccine.”

  This surprises me. “There’s a vaccine?”

  He nods.

  “You gave yourself the virus?”

  It’s now obvious that the green one was the cure, since he gave himself the white. But if that’s true, then why would he try to give Kelly the vaccine?

  Unless that was part of Kelly’s agreement with Arc. Did he make a deal before coming back to rescue Jake?

  Stephen coughs. “It was never intended for you, the white one.”

  Kelly catches up. “He going to make it?” He checks the time on his Link, then looks up and utters something under his breath.

  I raise my eyes and get my first glimpse of the scorched black walls of Gameland coming up over the horizon, shorter than the wall surrounding the island, yet somehow more imposing. Watching it grow, all thoughts are stripped from my mind. All save the knowledge that a vaccine exists and Arc hasn’t let the public have it.

  Kelly, Stephen and I are the first to reach the wall. It towers above us, dark, featureless, smooth. The late afternoon sun shines fully upon it, and yet it seems to shun the light. Or absorb it. It’s hard to tell. There’s no sheen, no reflection. Nothing.

  “What the hell is it made of?”

  “Titanium dalcron ester,” Stephen grunts, leaning against it. “It’s a polycarbonate alloy, harder than titanium, resistant to just about anything you can throw at it.”

  I place my hand on the surface and it seems to hum. It’s neither hot, nor cold. It feels greasy, but when I take my hand away and rub my fingers, they’re dry and calloused and rough.

  “Where is there an access point?” Kelly asks.

  We look around. Reggie, Micah and Ash are just stepping up to the wall, but Jake and Tanya have fallen behind again. They’re a good two or three hundred feet back. Tanya’s got her arm around Jake’s shoulder.

  “What’s up with them?”

  I shake my head.

  “Over here,” Kelly says. He’s standing about twenty feet away, running his fingers over what appears to be a seam in the wall. We walk over and I see that the slight indentation runs in a rectangle roughly the size of a normal door. A small recessed sign warns us that access is restricted to authorized personnel. As if they actually expected someone unauthorized to try and break in. I guess they were right.

  Kelly slaps the wall with the palm of his hand. There’s a muffled thump, barely audible. It even seems to swallow the sound. “How does this thing work?”

  Stephen leans against it and gestures weakly. He’s no longer sweating and his skin actually looks slightly better than earlier. But his eyes are darker, redder. “Proximity,” he says. “We’ll wait for the others before opening it. I don’t know how long it’ll remain open.”

  Jake and Tanya finally catch up. Tanya looks absolutely exhausted. She’s leaning heavily on Jake now.

  “She really needs a rest,” Jake says.

  “We will, once we’re inside and at a safe place,” I tell them. I try not to think about the unlikelihood of that happening.

  I turn to Stephen and he nods, but his knees give out before he can move. He slips down the wall. Kelly and I go over to him and help him up.

  “Everyone needs to gather around. Get close.” I turn and ask Stephen what we should expect once we’re in.

  “You’ll be safer near the wall. It’s protected by a short-range signal which both blocks communication between the implant and the stream and induces a mild nociceptive stimulus—pain—that’s somewhat effective in keeping CUs away. You’ll feel it, too, but it shouldn’t be anything too bad—a mild irritant is all. More importantly, Operators avoid sending their Players close to the border because it renders them blind and their Players uncontrollable. Once in, you’ll need to leave me. As long as you’re quiet and remain out of sight, you’ll be safe.”

  He looks at me when he says this. He’s telling me not to use the gun. He better be right, because I’ll do what I have to do. If it means blasting his head off, then I will.

  “Follow the wall, get as far away from me as you possibly can as quickly as you can. Once I turn, all bets are off. I won’t remember you, of course. I won’t remember anything. I’ll be drawn away from the wall and toward the center of Gameland because of the neurelectric irritant, so you needn’t worry about me following you.”

  “Until your Player takes over,” Jake says.

  “There’s a script for The Game: kill other Players or be killed. You don’t fit into it.”

  His body shudders and he clutches his stomach.

  I take in a deep breath and ask, “Are we ready?”<
br />
  Nobody nods. Then again, nobody says no, either.

  We turn Stephen around and slide him over to the access point.

  “Closer,” he says. “Hold me up. Press me up tight.”

  Kelly grabs him under the arms and holds him against the wall, positioning him inside the area marked by the indentation. The humming sound stops.

  Nothing happens.

  “Did we break it?”

  But then there’s a hiss of air, a thump, and the panel draws inward and begins to slide to the right, exposing a darkened recess a few feet deep.

  “Everyone, hurry up. Get inside!”

  Kelly drags Stephen in. Jake carries Tanya. The rest of us crowd around. Every fiber of my being screams at me to turn around. The looks on the others’ faces tell me we’re all feeling it. I pray we’re doing the right thing.

  “Shit, this is fucked,” Reggie mutters. He takes a deep breath and then, as if on cue, the door slides shut and we’re plunged into darkness.

  Chapter 34

  The hum of the wall grows louder. I can feel it in my bones. Then, coming from somewhere inside of it, beneath and above it, someone moans.

  “What the fu—”


  “I don’t like this, guys. What’s taking so long? Are we stuck?”

  I hold my hand up to my face. I can’t see a thing. I pull out my Link and try to wake it. It stays dark. “My Link won’t work.”

  “Mine neither.

  The moaning comes again, louder, more urgent.

  “Christ,” Jake suddenly cries. His voice rises to a shriek. “Oh, Jesus Christ! Oh, god! No. No! Get away from me!”

  There’s rustling and somebody shoves me up against a side of the chamber. Ashley shrieks. It sounds hollow and lifeless, and yet it still manages to send shivers down my spine.

  Then, without warning, the opposite wall slides open. We all pour out into the blinding sunlight. I immediately feel the effects of the wall’s irritant, a buzzing in the back of my head, pressure that stretches around to my eyeballs. My skin itches. My joints ache.

  Kelly drags Stephen out and throws him to the ground. He just lies where he falls, as if unconscious, but then he lets out an even louder and deeper moan.

  Except it isn’t coming from him.

  We all spin around.

  Tanya’s lying on the ground, thrashing and grunting.

  “She’s having a seizure!”

  “Someone help her!” Jake screams, but the look on his face is terror and he’s backing quickly away.

  “Keep it down!” Reggie says.

  I step closer, but what I see in Tanya’s eyes isn’t pain, but ecstasy. Confused, I reach out to her. Kelly yanks my arm away. “Get away from her!” he hisses. “Everyone, just back the hell up!”

  “But she’s—”

  “Look at her!”

  Her body arches and her eyes roll back in her head. She gurgles and chokes as her tongue pistons in and out of her mouth. A moan of such utter agony and depth comes out of her that it sends another, deeper shiver through me. Everyone takes a hurried step back.


  “Ahh God!” Jake screams. “Aah, no. No! Not her.”

  I snatch the gun from my waist. But I don’t lift it. I can only watch in shock as Tanya continues to struggle before me. Blood leaks from her nose and eyes. She arches up, shaking so badly that it’s hard to imagine her joints not dislocating.

  “Christ,” Reggie whispers.

  “Put her out of her misery, Jessie,” Reggie pleads, the knife in his hand forgotten.

  She howls and flops over onto her front. She twitches a few more times, then lies perfectly still.


  I hold my hand up to Kelly. “Shh!”

  “She’s dead, Jessie. And soon she’ll become—”

  “I said quiet!”

  My voice ricochets off the wall. We wait and listen to the silence that grows around us for what seems like a thousand years.

  I’m the first to break it: “She’s breathing.”

  Nobody says anything. We all just watch as Tanya’s back rises and falls.

  “What the…” Reggie finally says. “But zombies don’t breathe.”


  “I don’t understand,” Jake says, falling to his knees beside her. “Tanya?”

  Kelly edges closer. He stretches out a toe and taps her on the side. We all take another step back. Neither she nor Jake moves.

  “I am really not liking this so far,” Ashley says. “Please, Jake, move away from her.”

  Tanya’s breath gurgles in her throat.

  I raise the pistol and point it at her head. Everyone moves away. I feel my hand clench. My wrist feels hot and stiff, my shoulder burns. I focus down the barrel just as I’d been taught during the gun classes my grandfather took me to. Forget all that new age karate crap your brother’s trying to make you learn, he’d told me. A shot to the head is quicker and more sure. And then, just in case I had any doubts what his reasons were, he’d added, Less risk of getting scratched or bitten that way.

  Silence smothers us as I squeeze the trigger. The gun twitches in my hand.

  “No.” I lower it, exhaling, removing my finger from the trigger. “I can’t. I can’t do it.”

  Everyone blinks and stares, surprised.

  Jake stands up. He moves so quickly that nobody has a chance to react. He grabs Reggie’s knife and lifts it over his head.

  “Jake, no!”

  Kelly whirls and lands an elbow to Jake’s face. It takes us all by surprise, Jake most of all. “Stop it!” he whispers, as Jake staggers back. Kelly steps forward and again I beg for them to stop. I realize too late that the gun’s in my hand and pointed directly at them.

  “What the fu—” Jake says, reaching one hand up to his cheek, the other out to me. “She’s infected. You said!”

  I hesitate a moment before forcing my hand down.

  “Aw, god,” Reggie says. The way he says it sends shivers up my spine. We all turn. He’s pointing to the ground.

  Tanya’s arm twitches and uncurls from beneath him. Then the other does the same, elbows out to the sides. She plants her palms on the ground and tries to rise.

  “Jessie, if you’re going to shoot her,” Reggie says, “I’d say right now is good time.”

  But still I don’t. I watch her back fill and empty and remind myself that zombies don’t breathe. Zombies don’t breathe. I hope they don’t breathe. I pray it’s not one more thing we were wrong about the Undead.

  The muscles in her arms tremble as she pushes herself off the ground. Her torso rises, head hanging down. I want so badly to be able to see her face. I want to check her eyes, to see if there’s anything in them, a spark, something other than that flat, black, dead darkness of hell. And yet I know that’s exactly what I’ll see, regardless of any rules about breathing. We already know what we know about the Undead is seriously incomplete.

  “Jessie?” Kelly says.

  “Tanya, look at me, damn it.” The gun in my hand is shaking like crazy. I’m not even sure I could pull the trigger if I needed to. “Tanya!”

  Her body shudders once and stops rising.

  “I think she heard you,” Reggie whispers.

  Ashley starts laughing hysterically. She raises both her hands to her mouth to stifle it.

  “Tanya, if you can hear me, you need to say something. Please. I don’t want to have to do this.”

  “Damn it, Jessie,” Kelly says. “I don’t like this, either! Do something.”

  “Shut up! Everyone just shut the fuck up!” I yell.

  “Shoot her!”

  Slowly, her head turns to toward us. It’s still mostly hidden in shadow, silhouetted against the gloom. Her eyes are too dark to see.

  I hear a gasp and turn toward it. It’s Stephen. He’s standing now, erect, very much alive and very much the picture of health. His eyes are aglow with excitement. “It worked!” he cries. He runs ov
er to Tanya. “The alpha worked. It took a long time, but it worked.”

  “What are you talking about?” I snap. “She was bitten.”

  “No.” He smiles and finally I understand that everything he told us was a lie. Jake was right; I was wrong. And now we’re all dead because of me.

  “The green stuff you injected into me?” Kelly cries.

  “What?” I shout, blinking uncomprehendingly. “I thought—”

  “I couldn’t tell you, Jess. I wanted to, but—”

  “A week,” Stephen says. “That’s how long it took for her.” He laughs and I realize he’d given himself the vaccine. “The incubation period is a week. A living, breathing zombie in a week. Stronger, conscious.” He laughs maniacally and turns his eyes to Tanya. “What a glorious day!”

  Jake roars. He raises the knife again and slashes down.

  Everything goes silent—the wind, Stephen’s laughter, us. There’s only the thump of a body hitting the ground.

  Ashley throws her hands to her face, but she can’t stop staring. She makes a choking sound.

  Jake throws the bloody knife down. “I told you I wouldn’t hesitate,” he growls at us. He points straight at me and says, “You did. You broke your promise, and now we’re all dead.”

  Then he steps over Tanya’s lifeless body and walks away.

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  Episode 4

  Sunder the Hollow Ones



  Chapter 1

  “Nooo!” Stephen wails, collapsing onto the hard-packed dirt next to Tanya’s body. He looks up and stabs the air, pointing an accusing finger at Jake. “You did this! Now look at what you’ve done.” He buries his head in his hands and sobs. “All my work… You’ve ruined everything!”

  Nobody sympathizes with him. In fact, I feel nothing but disgust. What Stephen did to us is wrong. What he did to Tanya is beyond forgiveness. All Jake did was…

  What he did was keep his promise to kill any of us that showed the first signs of the infection. And Tanya had. She didn’t deserve what happened. She didn’t ask for it. Jake didn’t either. It was Stephen and Arc. They’d done it. All Jake did was…


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