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The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)

Page 11

by Ashley Drake

  "Heard about me?" She tried to be all cutesy, "All good I would think."

  "Yeah, you would think." He turned his attention to Jacob and left her with that to dwell on. I could just kiss him for brushing her off. Heck, I could just kiss him for sitting there. Or for his dimples. Or for just breathing. Oh my gosh, get ahold of yourself! I'm acting like a walking hormone! Or worse, like a guy!

  Megan and her two puppets walked away. We call Taylor and Heather her puppets because they do everything Megan tells them to do, like she's pulling all the strings. Jaycee calls them something else, but I don't like to repeat it. The table continued to talk about next Saturday while I tried to decide what I could respond back to Daniel's note with.

  I left lunch a little early with the excuse of going to the restroom. While really I was going to go by Daniel's locker before going to mine. I did make a stop in the restroom so I could write the note without being seen. I wrote, -of course that would be ok with me. I enjoy talking to you. Just let me know when you want to. There, I put the ball back in his court. I really need to stop with the basketball references. I hang out with the guys way too much. I took it and slid it into the vents of his locker.

  I was early to biology class. So I tried to get a head start on today assignment that was written on the board. Of course I felt Daniel walk into the room. I chose not to look up, and pretended to be in deep concentration in my work. He walked by me and put a piece of paper on my desk. But the draft of him walking away made it fall to the floor. I bent over to get it at the same time he bent down to pick it up. I looked up and our faces were literally two inches apart. His stare went from my eyes, to my lips, and back to my eyes again.

  "Sorry," he said. I could feel his words against my face. "I dropped it."

  "It's ok." Was all I could whisper. I sat up, afraid that I would just grab him, right then and there, and kiss him if he liked it or not. He stood and placed the note back on my desk, and walked to his seat. I didn't read it right away. I was afraid he would see my hands shaking. The knots in my stomach had gotten worse. Or maybe they weren't knots. What if they’re butterflies?

  I waited until class started, and we were explained the assignment that I had already started, to read the note. I had it on the inside of my biology book so it looked I was reading the chapter. It said, -How about Friday night. If you're not busy. I can pick you up at 6 and we can go or do whatever you want to do, and hang out. YAY! I'm going out with Daniel. But he said hang out. That's more like what friends do. I don't care, at least I get to be with him. I wrote back, -Friday at 6 is good. You pick what we do. Surprise me. That was flirty without overdoing it.

  After health class, that replaced gym today, I asked Jaycee to wait for me. She is going to ride home with me but I needed to make a stop first. I ran by my locker and grabbed my bag with the dream catcher, then I hurried out into the student parking lot to find Daniel's car. Once I found it, I put the note under his windshield wiper, and quickly left before he came out. By the time I got back to Jaycee my mom was there waiting on us.

  I waited until we got into the car and pulled off before saying to my mom, "I'm gonna hang out with Daniel Friday night. He's going to pick me up at 6, if that's ok”. I looked over at Jaycee and I did a little squeal.

  "Daniel Carver?" Mom asked.

  "Yes." I beamed.

  "I think that will be ok. He seems like a nice boy."

  By the time we got to my house I had composed myself, barely. We went into my room to change into our bathing suits. Jaycee leaves an extra one over here for spur of the moment occasions just like this. We took some drinks out of the fridge and went out the back door. After swimming a few laps we settled in on a double sized float so we could talk. I told her about Samantha drowning and about the shadow demon, that's the name I decided to give it.

  "Hannah, I'm so sorry. Of course I will be there for you. Whenever you're ready to research more, or need me here, just let me know. I can't believe you had to see that let alone go through it in your dream."

  "It's the worst thing I have ever been through or felt. And thanks, I feel better just knowing you will be there with me. It always helps when you're around. Right now, however, I'm stuck until I get another piece of the puzzle. Or realize something I've missed. So for now let's talk about fun stuff. What's the progress with you and Mike?"

  She laid her head back so the sun could hit her face. "I think he's starting to pick up on me liking him. He asked me today why I wasn't hanging on anyone's arm yet. He said 'cause I know you can have any guy you want'. I said ‘I’m not so sure about that, and that maybe I'm done with having the wrong guy while I'm waiting on the right one to make his move’."

  I high fived her. "Did you really? What did he say to that?"

  "He was like really trying to figure out what I meant by that. I could tell he wanted to ask me who I was talking about, but he didn't. He finally said 'well, have you ever thought about making the first move?' And I was like 'I don't make the first move, but I'm pretty sure he's starting to get the hint.' And I gave him my sexiest smile and walked away."

  I clapped my hands as if she had given a performance. "You know he picked up on that. You watch, he will be trying to get information out of me tomorrow. If he does, I will drop hints but won't come out and say yes she likes you. AND wants to marry you and have your children." I teased her.

  She shook her head. "I ain't having kids. I'm afraid they will turn out just like me. What are you gonna wear on your date Friday night?" She asked.

  "It's not a date. We're gonna hang out remember? But I don't know. Help me pick something out that doesn't look like I think it's a date, but still looks awesome."

  We went back into my room and went through my closet. After almost an hour of trying on clothes, we finally found the perfect outfit. It was a black strapless one piece romper short set. I loved it when I bought it but put it in the back of my closet, because I knew I couldn't wear it to school, and I had forgotten about it. It was casual but sexy. In a good way, not a street corner way. As I was taking the outfit off and putting on my pj's Jaycee noticed the bag sitting on my desk. "Hey lets hang this over your bed."

  "I have to cleanse it first."

  "Well cleanse it. I wanna see how you do it." She sat down in the chair and waited. I went to my dresser and got a bundle of sage and lit it. I waited a minute then blew out the fire. So it would smoke but with no flame. I started with the front of the dream catcher and worked my way to the back. Just like Daniel had instructed.

  "While I'm at it, I'm gonna go ahead and cleanse my room."

  Jaycee stopped me. "You need to start in that corner and work your way clockwise." That was a shocker.

  "How do you know that?" I asked.

  "I don't know. I guess I've been around you too long. See, I listen to you." She joked.

  Once done, we hung my dream catcher above my bed. It was beautiful. The purple beads even matched my room. Jaycee's cell phone beeped. "It's a text from Mike. He wants to know if I want to go out Saturday!" She did a little dance.

  Yes, she has been around me too long. "What did you say?"

  "I just asked what time. He needs to work a little harder for a yes." Her phone beeped again. "He said how about 5. So I'm replying with, where would we be going?"

  "You're so mean. Say yes already."

  "Not yet. He just sent me another text. He said how about we go out to eat and see a movie. Ok, now I'm gonna say yes. I put, sounds fun. I will be ready at 5." They text back and forth a little longer while I sat there and watched her. This is the happiest I've seen her in a long time. Now, I need to help Kayla and myself.

  After walking Jaycee to her mom's car I went into the kitchen. Mom and Dad were in there, at the new island dad put in, drinking coffee.

  "You missed supper. I saved you a plate in the microwave." Mom said.

  "Thanks but I'm not hungry." I sat down on the bar stool.

  Dad spoke up. "I saw that dream catcher you put up o
ver your bed. It's nice. Where did you get it?" He knows where I got it. He just wants a segway into talking about Daniel.

  "Daniel made it for me."

  "That was nice. What's the occasion?"

  Here we go. "He said he could tell I haven't been sleeping well. So he made it for me."

  Mom nodded. "No you haven't been. Your Dad and I were talking about that earlier today. Daniel must think an awful lot about you to make that. What do you think of him?"

  I knew I was getting their version of the third degree but I didn't care. I want to tell them about Daniel. "I really like him. He seems to be a good friend. He is sweet and kind and he knows my secret and still made that for me. It doesn't hurt that he's hot. We're hanging out Friday just to talk and get to know each other better."

  Mom hugged me. "Just enjoy being his friend and see where it goes. That way you don't get hurt. I know he's a good guy but never let him talk you into anything you don't want to do."

  I rolled my eyes. "Oh please don't have the sex talk again. I know right from wrong."

  Dad took his coffee and went into the study. He always ducks and hides when the topic, even remotely resembling sex, comes up. Mom and I watched him leave then she grinned.

  "Do we know how to clear him out of a room or what?" She patted my hand. "I remember what it's like being teenager, Hannah. All the firsts you're going to have. Like first love and prom and first taste of independence. It goes by so fast, so I want you to enjoy it and have fun. I know you have a good head on your shoulders but you are my baby and I worry about you. That's my job."

  "I know Mom. But if I get hurt by Daniel it won't be on purpose." I stood up and started to walk to the doorway. I turned around, wanting to lighting things up, I added. "Don't worry Mom, I have no plans on making you a grandma anytime soon."

  I ran to my room, laughing, before she could catch me. I finished what little bit of homework I had. Then surfed the internet a while. I was bored so I decided to turn in early. I was beat, plus I was anxious to see if my dream catcher would really help me. But I made time to write in my diary about today. I'm making sure I write in it every day so I can go back later and use it for research if needed. I try to give as much detail as possible because what doesn't seem like a big deal now might mean something later. I put my book on my nightstand, making a mental note to find a hiding place for it, and said my prayers.

  It might just be the power of suggestion, but last night was the most peaceful, restful sleep that I'd had in weeks. I woke up early this morning. Giving me enough time to take a cup of coffee out back and sit for a few minutes. Mom and Dad were already in the kitchen making breakfast.

  "Morning." I said grabbing a coffee cup.

  Dad turned around and acted shocked. "Are you sleepwalking? Because it is way too early for you to be up."

  "Haha very funny. I went to bed early last night." He placed the eggs in the frying pan while mom got the biscuits out of the oven.

  "Breakfast is almost ready." Mom said.

  "I'm not hungry right now. I'm just gonna go sit outback until time to get ready." I changed my mind and grabbed a biscuit and my coffee and went out the back door.

  It was already sticky outside and it looks like it's gonna rain. So it is definitely gonna be a pony tail hair day for me. I curled up on a lounge chair and took a bite of my biscuit. My mind drifted to Daniel and the way he looked walking to my lunch table yesterday. The way I felt when I opened my locker door and saw the bag with the dream catcher inside, along with the note passing back and forth all day with him. Sipping on my coffee, I turned my attention to the pool where a dragonfly was hover over it. (Why do they do that?) Of course the pool made me think of Samantha. With her only being sixteen I wonder if she ever even had a chance to like a boy.

  "I'm so sorry Samantha for everything you missed out on. You were robbed of your first kiss and your first love, the anticipation of getting ready for a date. Then coming home and telling your best friend and your mom all about it. You didn't get to graduate school or get married and have children." I really didn't realize I was speaking out loud until Samantha formed right there beside my chair. I could see straight through her as she stood over me. "I didn't really understand what was taken from you until right now. Samantha, I promise we will find out what happened to you. Because you are going to move on and be free to enjoy the afterlife. I'm gonna make sure of it." Without speaking she bent down and touched my cheek with the back of her hand. Then she disappeared.

  Chapter 11

  I thought Friday evening would never get here. School went by so slow today but now that it's almost time for Daniel to pick me up, I was getting nervous. I checked myself in the mirror for like the tenth time. I accessorized the black strapless romper with simple jewelry. Silver earrings and a silver necklace and topped it off with silver sandals. I kept my hair curly and clipped up the sides, crossing my fingers that it won't frizz. I think I look pretty good. I was starting to feel confident. That is until the doorbell rang. I got my phone, and the twenty that my mom gave me as a just in case, and went out into the living room. Daniel was standing in the foyer with my parents looking handsome in a white polo shirt and black shorts. Awww, we matched. He looked me up and down and smiled.

  "Hey." I said awkwardly.

  "Hey. You look nice. Here I brought you this for a housewarming gift." I hadn't even noticed he was holding something. It was a small tree in a pot.

  Well, it ain't flowers, but it was close. "Umm, thank you." I said.

  He laughed. "It's an oak tree. It is supposed to protect and ward off evil spirits. I thought you might want it planted in the back yard close to your room." He looked at my parents. "If that's ok with you."

  Mom spoke up. "I think that's a great idea. Here, Hannah, let me take it and you can plant it tomorrow." I handed it to Mom.

  "Where are you two going?" Dad asked Daniel.

  He looked at me then to my dad. "Well, I was supposed to pick a place for us to go, but being new around here, I don't have a clue. So I was hoping Hannah would have an idea." He looked upset.

  I didn't mean to put any pressure on Daniel when I left it up to him. What if he didn't want to take me anywhere? I mean here he was, being a good guy, and asking me if I want to talk about my problems and I turned it into him taking me out. Oh my gosh, I've ruined this. How do I make this right? I didn't even bother blocking my feelings from my dad. And for once I was glad he could pick up on them.

  "I have a great idea. Why don't the two of you stay here? You can plant the tree, maybe go swimming or walk the land. Your mom and I will cook supper and you can eat out on the screened porch." Dad suggested.

  I turned to Daniel. "What do you think?"

  Again with the dimples. "I think that's a great idea."

  "Me too. I'll go get the shovel. You can help me pick the right spot to plant my oak tree." I winked at Dad as I walked by him.

  We planted the tree on the side of my house where I will be able to see it from the window at my desk. "Thank you again. I will make sure it gets plenty of water." I said while dusting dirt off my legs. There goes my cute outfit, and I'm sure by now my hair looks terrible. But it doesn't matter as long as I'm getting to spend time with Daniel.

  He bent down and picked up the shovel. "You're welcome. Did you know that according to legend, fairies used to take refuge in oak trees and called them home?" He leaned on the handle of the shovel and smiled.

  "I did not know that," I laughed, "but if there are fairies around here they are more than welcome to take up residence in my oak tree." We stood there just looking at each other. I felt like I have memorized every feature and expression that gorgeous face has. I could stare at him all day, but the whole him staring at me made me nervous. All these bad scenarios ran through my head. Like what if he sees something he doesn't like? Or what if I have something hanging out of my nose? Or what if I have goop in the corners of my eyes? I broke the silence. "What do you want to do now? We could walk around or
watch TV or go sit by the pool or go swimming, or whatever you want." I asked Daniel.

  He looked down at me. "We could sit by the pool and talk."

  "Ok, I will go get us some drinks and I will meet you there." I ran into the kitchen and grabbed two soda cans out of the fridge.

  "Hey kid." My dad was standing behind me in the doorway.

  "Hey. Thanks for suggesting we stay here. I wasn't even thinking about him being new to the area."

  "You're welcome. Hey, stop being so nervous, just be yourself. Because that boy out there likes you for you."

  I ran over to my dad, resisting the urge to dance my way to him. "How do you know? Did you get a feel from him? How can you and I can't?"

  Dad just laughed like he knew an inside joke that I didn't. "I didn't need to get a feel from him. The look in his eyes when he saw you walk into the foyer told me everything. Now go have fun and relax."

  "Thanks." I walked back out with our drinks. Daniel was sitting on the concrete with his feet in the pool. So I kicked off my sandals and sat down to join him. I handed him a can. "I hope this is ok."

  "It is, thanks." He waited until I got settled and put my feet into the water. "Are you ready to talk about what has been going on?" Was that really the only reason he was here? Just to hear my problems?

  "And now I'm stuck. I thought that number meant something but it lead me to a another dead end. I feel like that shadow demon thing is gonna try and stop me from helping Samantha. But like I told you, after seeing her that morning out here, I will make sure she passes on. I promised." I had spent the last hour catching him up on everything that my diary he read had left off.

  He sat there for a minute taking in everything I said. "I think, no I know, the shadow demon is afraid of you. So that must mean you are on the right track. I also know Jaycee is going to help you, but so am I. Let me think on it and see if I can come up with any ideas." He wants to help me. We barely know each other. Yet I have told him everything and feel comfortable doing so.


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