The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)

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The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series) Page 12

by Ashley Drake

  I looked over at him and caught him staring at me. Oh my gosh, he is so hot. "Thank you. That means a lot. I need all the help I can get. We have talked so much about me and I know next to nothing about you. Tell me about yourself." He shrugged his shoulders. "Come on, I'm literally an open book to you, it's your turn." I playfully grabbed his arm.

  Just like every time before when I touched him, I felt electricity. There was a faint whisper in the back of my mind. He's the one. Yeah right, tell him that. I'm stuck in the friend zone. But I think he felt it too because he looked down at his arm as I let go. Like he was gonna see scorch marks or something.

  "There's really not that much to tell. Um, my mom's side of the family is originally from the mountains here in North Carolina. And my grandparents moved to Oklahoma after they got married. My mom is full blooded Cherokee and my Dad's not. So my grandparents didn't like it at first when they got married."

  I interrupted. "Why, and what changed their minds?"

  "Because they wanted my mom to continue the Cherokee bloodline. And they changed their minds when I was born. Mom and Dad met when Dad was doing his internship at the same hospital where mom had just started working as a nurse. They married on the one year anniversary of their first date. Fast I know but it has worked out great for them. Now that we moved here they get to see each other more since they work together at Dad's practice. My brother, David, is 12. He's pretty cool for a younger brother. Please don't ever tell him I said that."

  I laughed. "I saw him at the lawyer’s office when we had our closing on the house. He is so adorable and shy. I was introduced to him and he smiled and took off to your mom."

  Daniel shook his head. "He is not shy. It's because he thought you were very pretty. He talked about you all the way back to the hotel. It got annoying. I can't blame him though for having good taste."

  Awwww. Just wait, I'm gonna find me some darn handcuffs. "Thank you. Was it hard leaving Oklahoma?" I changed the subject because I didn't know what else to say. I didn't want to stick my foot in my mouth by saying something cheesy like 'you ain't so bad yourself'. Or something even worse.

  "It was hard to leave my grandparents. Especially my A~li~si, my grandmother. We are very close. But she told me I needed this move. That I would find my destiny here." Wouldn't it be cool if my middle name was Destiny? Then I could say 'here I am'. And oh dear Lord, just hearing that in my head, I sounded like such a loser. "Growing up she would tell me stories of my ancestor's that have been passed down from generation to generation." For the first time since he had been talking, he took his eyes off me and looked at the water. "My favorite one is about my 9th great grandfather, he was a shape shifter. He would lead the hunting expeditions and would go ahead of the rest to shift into whatever animal they were hunting. That way he was able to track the animals and get close to them with ease. He would have to strip down naked so he wouldn't tear his clothing. He would always leave a large feathered necklace around his neck when he shifted. That was so the others in his tribe would know which one was him. His favorite animal to shift into was a horse. He loved the freedom and the rush of running through the open fields. He died when he was 102 years old." He looked back at me. The uncertainty in his deep brown eyes searched mine for a reaction.

  I was in awe. "That’s amazing! What a wonderful gift to have."

  He let out a breath as if he had been holding it until I spoke. "So you believe me?"

  "Hello? You are talking to someone who, among other things, can speak with the dead. Of course I believe you. I think there are many magical or spiritual gifts that aren't widely known or acknowledged. Most people go through their whole life with blinders on never having an open mind to fully appreciate what this world has to offer."

  The look he gave me made me feel as if I had just earned his trust completely. "I think you're the one who's amazing. Outside of my family, I have never told anyone that story." I was astonished with how close I feel to him in such a short period of time. And he thinks I'm amazing! He slowly raised his hand and tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. I really think this is it. He is gonna kiss me. My heart felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest and this time it was not from fear.

  "Hannah, supper will be ready in about five minutes." Your timing sucks Dad!

  "Ok thanks." Just like that, my long awaited moment was gone.

  "I forgot to ask. What are we having for supper?" He asked looking a little embarrassed.

  "I think baked chicken, green beans and a salad. Is that ok?" I asked, hoping that it was.

  "Yes. I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that the only meat I eat is fish and chicken."


  "I love animals and I want to be a veterinarian. I just can't bring myself to eat beef or pork or anything like that. But I don't hold it against anyone else for eating it."

  Remind me to never invite him over here for breakfast with all the ham, bacon and sausage we eat. "I can understand that. I hear N.C. State has a great veterinary program."

  "I've heard that too. I'm already volunteering at the county animal shelter. I'm told I can use that on my college application, but it doesn't matter if I can or not, I do it because I want to." Could he be more perfect? I think not.

  Mom came out the back door. "Hey you two, food's ready."

  After supper we stayed on the screened in porch because of the mosquitoes. "So how are you liking your house?" I asked him. It was getting easier to not think of it as 'my' house.

  "I love it. I really like all the woods. I've already went exploring. The creek is my favorite spot. How are you liking this one?"

  "The creek was my favorite spot too. Moving here took some adjusting. Now it finally feels like home. How about school? You seem to be fitting in just fine."

  He smiled. "That was my biggest worry about moving. As it turns out, that has become my favorite part. I've met plenty of nice people and potential," He paused, "friends." Why did he hesitate before he said friends? Was he going to say something different?

  Ok I'm gonna be brave and ask him something I've been dying to know. "Did you leave a girlfriend back in Oklahoma?"

  He was quick with his response. "No. I dated some, but I have never been in a serious relationship. I never really met anyone out there that I wanted to be serious about. Believe it or not I was shy and I only had a close knit of friends. Everyone else thought I was a snobby, spoiled, stuck up, rich kid. I have never been those things. My brother and I have always had to earn an allowance, and do volunteer work with our parents. Parents who have never forgotten where they came from and make sure they give back." He spoke with conviction but there was no bitterness.

  "I'm sorry you were judged by people who never tried to get to know you. You seemed to have overcome your shyness." I said, trying to look on the bright side.

  "Yes I have. I figured this would be a fresh start for me and I wanted to let go of my fears and just be me. You don't seem like you have had any problems making friends. You have so many of them. I bet you have had plenty of boyfriends."

  He was fishing for information too! "I have been blessed with a bunch of friends. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky in that department. Now the boyfriend department, not so much."

  He laughed and rolled those gorgeous eyes. "I doubt that."

  "No really, it's true. It's not because I haven't had opportunities, I'm just picky. No picky is not the right word. I've been waiting. Waiting for someone I connect with. I don't want to date someone just to be dating, but I think I did with Josh. We were such good friends that when he asked, I thought I'd give it a try. Plus if I was dating Josh, other guys wouldn't ask me. We dated the whole school year but when we went out it just felt like I was going out with my friend. Which, most of the time I would make sure my other friends came with us. So we would be going out as a group so he wouldn't try..." I stopped before finishing my sentence. I have a big freakin mouth. Why, why, why Hannah did you feel the need to discuss, in great detail, your ex-bo
yfriend with him? Well now you have to finish that stupid sentence because he is waiting. "I'm sorry. I'm just rambling."

  I tried to laugh it off but he stopped me. "What did he try Hannah? Did he try and make you do something you didn’t want to do?" He tightened his hand that was on the table into a fist. Oh my goodness, he thinks Josh tried to force me into sex, and he's mad about it. I can take care of myself but dang it felt good seeing him look like he was ready to protect me. An image popped into my head of Daniel on a white horse charging into battle, shirtless. I've turned into Jaycee. No, dear Lord, I've turned into Phoebe!

  I had to explain. "No, nothing like that. I only meant kiss. So he wouldn't try to kiss me. Josh was never anything but a perfect gentleman. He would never force himself on a girl."

  "Oh," he relaxed, so much that he grinned, "So you have a problem with kissing?" He teased.

  "When it's with someone who feels like a brother to me, yes I do. Don't laugh at me." I tried keeping a straight face, "But if it was someone I was dating that I had chemistry with, or at least felt like a cousin instead of a brother, I would be all for the kissing. It's not funny." I couldn't hold back any longer, so I laughed along with him. "I'm a weirdo, I know."

  Once he stopped laughing, he said, "No you're not. You're just honest. I like the fact that you don't just date to be dating. I know that Jaycee and Phoebe have that reputation and I don't think that's fair. I think they are just looking for the right guy. They’re just doing it the wrong way. This time though I think Jaycee has finally found the right one. I figure her and Mike will get together soon. I see the way they look at each other."

  How can he know so much in such a short time? "How do you know all that?"

  He smiled. "I don't need your gift. I am very perceptive. That and the fact that they're a few catty girls in my classes who are jealous of your group."

  That shocked me. "Who? Why are they jealous? What all do they say?" I was hurt. I thought we got along with just about everyone at school.

  He looked like he regretted saying anything. "I don't know the girls names yet. I would guess girls like that would be jealous over how pretty you all are and over your popularity. The only negative thing I’ve heard about you is they say you think you are too good to date any of the guys at school. Oh, and they think Kayla is a snob."

  "What? Kayla is the nicest person I have ever met! She would give anyone the shirt off her back, the last bit of food in her house, the last penny she had to her name. And you are right about Phebs and Jaycee. They just try to protect their hearts. That's why they act that way. They too would be there in a heartbeat for a friend in need." I was fired up. But Daniel was just sitting there grinning at me! "What?" I asked.

  "Do you realize that you didn't take up for yourself at all just now? You were too upset over what those girls said about your friends. That shows so much about your character. I admire that."

  I felt my face flush. "Thank you, that means a lot. I guess I've been fooling myself. I thought we got along with everyone at school."

  "Well, everyone except for Megan and her two followers." He said playfully.

  "That goes without saying. You met her. You know how she is."

  "More than you know. I don't know how she got my number, but she's got it and has been blowing my phone up."

  My heart fell to my stomach. "What does she want?"

  "I think she is wanting me to ask her out. She keeps hinting and flirting."

  "Are you going to?" I shouldn't have asked but I wanted to know.

  "No. She's not my type. I'm just trying to find a way to let her down without coming out and saying it." That made me feel better. He looked at the time on his cell phone. "I really need to get going. I had fun." We both got up and headed for the back door.

  "Me too." Why can’t time at school go by this fast?

  Daniel said his goodbyes to my parents and thanked them for supper. Then I walked him outside. I figure walking him to his car would look kinda desperate. So I stopped at the front porch.

  "I really enjoyed getting to know you better. I was serious about wanting to help you with Samantha." He stopped and turned around to me.

  "I enjoyed it too. And thank you. I feel like I say that a lot to you but you keep giving me a reason to." I said.

  He looked down at the key chain he was holding in his hand. There was still some shyness in him. How cute was that? "Hannah," he said then looked back up at me, "you said you were waiting on someone you can connect with, are you still waiting?" I was speechless. My chest filled with such glee. I wanted to jump into his arms and scream 'Not anymore!’, but I wasn't given the chance to speak. "No, don't answer that. I'm sorry. I put you on the spot and I shouldn't have asked that." He turned and took a few steps toward his car, then came back. "It's just that when we are together I feel this energy between us. I have never felt that before and I don't know what to think or do about it. And I asked you that question because I wanted to know how you were feeling. I mean we just met each other and I don't want to scare you off. I would really like to take things slow and see what happens between us. I'm just gonna leave now before I make a bigger fool of myself. We can just pretend this conversation never happened." He turned and walked to his car.

  He had caught me off guard and was talking so fast, that it took my mind a second to catch up.

  "Daniel." I said before he got into his car. He stopped and looked back at me. "No." I said.

  His embarrassed expression was replaced with a puzzled one. "No, what?"

  Jaycee would not like me being so honest with my feelings to a guy. But I don't like playing games. "No I'm not waiting anymore. I feel it too and slow is fine with me." I was rewarded for my honesty with the sweetest, biggest, dimpled, gorgeous smile ever seen.

  I showed great restraint waiting until I couldn't see his tail lights anymore before calling Jaycee. I then filled her in on the best night of my life. She fussed at me for telling him too much too soon, but she wasn't fooling me. I heard her sigh when I told her what he had said to me on the porch. After talking to Jaycee, I went inside and found Mom. I had to tell her all about it too. Because not only did I like talking to her about boys, but I also really wanted to retell it again.

  Chapter 12

  I hate Monday's, especially rainy Mondays. Which means it's a ponytail day. Plus

  I woke up this morning to find that I started my period. So it was also a black capris jogging pants, pink and white t-shirt kinda day. To top it all off, I haven't heard from Daniel since he left my house Friday night. I know I forgot to give him my cell phone number, but he could have got my house phone number from his parents. Maybe he has changed his mind about me. I have no clue but I'm gonna find out, I thought as mom pulled up at my school.

  I got out of the car, mumbling a good bye, when she stopped me. "Hannah don't forget your permission slip. Here is the twelve dollars for the fee. Try to have a good day."

  "I'm not making any promises." I said, managing to smile at her before shutting the car door. I noticed Kayla was pulling up behind me, so I waited for her.

  "Good morning Hannah." Kayla beamed.

  "It's Monday and it's drizzling on us. Why are you so chipper?" I asked as she giggled.

  "I was stuck all weekend babysitting. So I'm just happy to be out of the house." Hearing that made me feel guilty. I didn't call her all weekend. With the exception of Jaycee, I didn't talk to anyone all weekend. The only reason I talked to Jaycee was because she called me Sunday to tell me about her date with Mike Saturday night. She said it went really well. She was on her way to her grandma's house, it was her birthday, and Jaycee and her family was throwing her a party. So she said she would give me all the details today. We walked to the sophomore lockers and the first person we saw was Jacob.

  "I think you and Jacob would make a cute couple." I said and watched her face turn three shades of red.

  "Really? Why would say that?" She asked. Bless her heart, she almost dropped her books.

  I had to answer quickly because Jacob was making his way over to us. "I just think you would. Oh, and I think he likes you."

  She grabbed my arm. "Why do you think that? Did he say something?"

  "No. I just see the way he looks at you." That wasn't a lie. I did see how he looks at her. It just happened to be while I was poking around in his thoughts.

  Just as I finished talking, Jacob was standing in front of us. "Hey. Um, Kayla do you think you could help me out with my Algebra homework during lunch? I'm having trouble with a couple problems."

  "Sure. Of course I'll help you." She answered.

  "Great, thanks. I'll save you a seat beside me." Jacob said grinning from ear to ear as he walked off.

  "See." I said.

  "What? He was just asking me for help." Kayla said cluelessly.

  "Kayla, Jacob has always made straight A's in math. That was just an excuse."

  "Oh." Was all she said but her smile spoke volumes.

  Jaycee and Phebs were at our lockers. "Morning." I grumbled.

  "Who pissed in your cornflakes?" Phoebe so delicately asked.

  "Mother nature. I started my period."

  Jaycee knew the main reason but played along. "Well I knew that just by looking at your outfit. At least you should be done with your period by your party Saturday."

  "I hope so. This weekend will be my last chance to swim. Josh and his dad are coming over next Monday to close up the pool."

  Phoebe changed the subject. "Ok Jaycee, we are all here. Tell us how the date with Mike went."

  Jaycee looked at the clock on the wall. "We have a few minutes. We kind of double dated with Cam and Tesa. We went out to eat together but they went to the movies and dropped us off at the mall, which was my idea so Mike and I could be alone. We had a blast just being goofy. We tried on silly outfits and modeled for each other. We rode the merry-go-round in the food court a couple of times. Other than that, we mostly sat and just talked. He told me that he has liked me for two years, yet was too scared to say anything to me because of our friendship and because I always had a boyfriend. And in return, I told him that I was dating all those guys while waiting on him to make a move. Before you ask, no we did not kiss. Yet. He has not officially ask me out yet either. I think that will happen soon though, because he hinted around about it."


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