The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)

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The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series) Page 17

by Ashley Drake

  "Well I could help him with the kissing." It felt good to giggle and be silly.

  Daniel and Mike got back the same time the rest of the students started loading back on the bus. I noticed Kayla and Jacob as they got on. I pryed just enough to see that Jacob had gotten up the nerve and told her he loves her, better yet, she told Jacob she loves him too! I made a mental note to make myself available to her when we get back to school just in case she wants to share her good news.

  "Here ya go ladies." Mike gave us each a soda bottle.

  I got up, so he could sit with Jaycee, and sat beside Daniel. He was sitting with his back against the window, with one leg propped up in the seat. As a shrink's daughter, I could tell by his posture that he was putting up a metaphoric protective barrier between us.

  "How's her ankle?" He asked while fidgeting with his shoe lace.

  "Much better." I could not believe that after all the progress we made today, he is acting like this. I was gonna just leave it at that and ride all the way down the mountain trying to decipher what was going through his mind. Instead, I decided to save my sanity and just ask him. "What's wrong?" It seems like I've asked that a lot today. "Do you regret the things you said to me on the trail? If you do just tell me, because your mood changes are giving me whiplash." I didn't mean to sound so harsh, but it was the truth.

  "No, my feelings for you is the one thing that I'm sure of. I'm not normally a moody person. I just worry that you will be the one with regrets."

  I bravely put my hand in his. "Unless you're gonna tell me you are a serial killer, we will be fine. You will tell me when you are ready and I will still feel the same way about you as I do now."

  When we got back to the school, Kayla grabbed Jaycee and me and pulled us to the side. She was so excited, she was glowing. "I'm so happy! Jacob told me that he loves me!" She squealed.

  Jaycee and I acted surprised and squealed right along with her. "Did you say it back?" Jaycee asked.

  "Yes! We were walking on a trail and we stopped so I could take pictures of the beautiful views. He took my camera and held it out so we could take a picture together. Right before he clicked it, he whispered I love you in my ear, and then took the photo." She pulled out her digital camera. "See, look at my face, I was in total shock."

  It was the sweetest pic ever. Kayla's eyes were as big as saucers and Jacob was nuzzled up to her cheek. Jaycee showed a moment of public kindness and wrapped her arm around Kayla. "We are happy for you. You two make a cute couple, almost as cute and as Mike and me. Now if Chief and Hannah will stop dragging their feet, we will all have dates for my sweet 16 party." She looked over at me apologetically. "I mean our sweet 16 party."

  "That's right, it's just around the corner! I can't wait. I have already ordered my mask!" Kayla said bubbly. She always has a brilliant glow in her aura but right now it was a blinding beautiful light. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, my mom text me on our way back. We got an offer on our house!”

  Her excitement was contagious. "Oh Kayla, that’s wonderful. To celebrate we should go shopping soon for party dresses." I suggested. This birthday party is going to be spectacular, I'm going to make sure of it.

  Chapter 16

  With the exception of Daniel staying tight lipped about his secret, things have been going great lately. Jaycee and I have been buying decorations for our party and have plans to go shopping for dresses and shoes. School is going good. I'm even making A's in all my classes. Daniel has even been sitting beside me at lunch instead of across from me. For him that's a huge step. So of course, I'm waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me. Cause in my experience drama is always close by, just looking for the chance to pounce. But I decided that I was going to ride out this wave of good fortune and enjoy it. I made time last night to write down in my diary everything that has been going on recently. I ended with a promise that as soon as my party is over I will sit Daniel and Jaycee down and make them tell me what they have learned about Samantha. I justified it by thinking that since Samantha has already waited about 100 years for answers, another week or so won't hurt. The rest of the night I ignored the sour ball in my stomach. It's not like me to put something that important off, but I will only turn sixteen one time in my whole life. I pushed all that out of my mind and finished getting ready for school. Standing in front of my mirror, I had to admit I look pretty good. It's kind of chilly out so I picked out my black and white Aztec leggings with a black tank and my long thin white sweater to wear today. I topped it off with my new black combat boots Mom bought me. I'm ready to face the day.

  I got to flirt with Daniel in first period and I aced a pop quiz in Algebra. So I was pretty much on cloud nine by the time I sat down at our lunch table.

  "Hey." Kayla said. She tried to smile but she looks a little uneasy.

  "What did I miss?" I looked from Kayla to Jaycee.

  Kayla, who was sitting across from Jaycee and me, leaned into the table. "Phoebe didn't come to school today." For anybody else, hearing this wouldn't be a big deal but we know that Phebs hasn't missed a day since elementary school.

  My ears started to ring, signaling an end to my streak of good luck. But I tried to stay rationale for Kayla's sake. "Maybe she's sick. Have you called or text her?"

  "Both, and I haven't heard anything back from her." Kayla said as she started to pop her knuckles, a nervous habit she has had since I've known her.

  "Jaycee and I will try to get in touch with her too. But if not, we will go track her down after school. I will ask Daniel to drive us."

  "Or I can get Mike's brother to take us." Jaycee offered.

  "I really think it would be best if Daniel takes us. I have a feeling it might take a while."

  Jaycee's smile dropped, meaning she understood my hint that something's wrong.

  Our conversation was cut short when the guys joined us. Daniel took the seat beside me. "Hey beautiful." He smiled, exposing those much anticipated dimples. My mind, heart and stomach turned to mush. I still can't believe how connected I feel to him and how quickly I'm falling for him. I mean, come on, we haven't even kissed yet but just look at him. That black shiny hair and his tanned skin drives me crazy and that's not even mentioning his perfectly toned body. But it's his heart, and those soulful deep brown eyes, that’s got me hooked.

  "Hey to you too." I smiled. "I have a favor to ask." I quietly filled him in on Phebs and about how my ears haven't stopped ringing since Kayla brought up her name.

  Daniel tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I love it when he does that. "Sure no problem. That gives me more time with you. And if there is something wrong, I'll be there to help." He is the best 'almost boyfriend' ever.

  "Damn It Phoebe." Jaycee said as she put her cell phone back into her pocket. "Her mom doesn't know she skipped, because she said Phebs hasn't got home from school yet. Where the hell is she?"

  After last period Jaycee, Daniel and I came out to the parking lot to wait on Kayla. Trying to stay positive I said, "Don't worry, we will find her."

  "Really?" Jaycee snapped. "How? She could be anywhere." She took a deep breath. "Sorry."

  "No, its ok, you're right. I have no clue where to start looking."

  Daniel spoke up. "I might have an idea, but we don't have much time before Kayla gets out here. We need to get into the car."

  "I don't..."

  "Just trust me." How can I argue with that? He opened the car door for me to get in. Jaycee got in the back seat and Daniel walked around to the driver’s side and got in. "We are going to try to push and expand your powers, well, your gift. Close your eyes and relax." He gave me a second to get settled. "Ok, I want you to get a good picture of Phoebe in your mind. See every detail of her face. She is wearing a blue shirt and her hair is up in a ponytail. You are standing in front of her and she is looking right into your eyes. The two of you are outside and it's a bright sunny day. There is a slight breeze that is moving her ponytail from side to side. Can you see it?"

  Not want
ing to lose my concentration I only nodded my head.

  "Good. Now I want you to slowly walk closer to her. Closer. Now you can feel the toes of your shoes touching hers. Closer. Your nose is now touching her nose and all you can see is her green eyes. Closer. You are feeling yourself become one with Phoebe. You are inside her mind. Her thoughts are your thoughts. Her feelings are your feelings. Her..."

  I cut Daniel off with a scream. I grabbed my chest. "The hurts! I can't catch my breath." Jaycee almost climbed into the front seat to get to me.

  But Daniel was faster. His arms were around me and he was trying to calm me down. "It's ok Han. You're ok. Keep your eyes closed. Stay focused on Phoebe. What's causing you to not be able to catch your breath?"

  I answered without thinking. "Crying."

  "Ok good. You're doing real good." I tried not to think about the quiver in Daniel's voice. "Where is it hurting?"

  I kept my hands on my chest. "Right here." I could feel Jaycee gently stroking my hair.

  "Is it physical or emotional pain?"

  "I don't know. I can't tell." I started to panic.

  "That's ok. You're doing so good. Take a few deep breaths." I did as I was told. In through the nose and out the mouth. It seemed to calm me a bit. "Hannah I need you to see yourself taking all that pain you're feeling and put it into your hand. See the pain as a glowing green light. You're forcing the light to get smaller and smaller. Now it's just a small glowing ball. Now put that ball into your left hand. You can feel the weight of it but it doesn't hurt anymore. I want you to try to see through Phoebe's eyes. Can you see what she is seeing?"

  With the exception of the green light, I can't see anything. I tried to make Phoebe's eyes open but they wouldn't. "No."

  "Ok that's not a problem. While still holding onto the ball, put your left hand down by your side so you can't see the glow anymore. I want you to just see darkness. Now listen. What does Phoebe hear?"

  I waited in total darkness trying to hear through Phebs’ ears. Finally I heard something. "Water, and there is something else. Umm, cars. I hear flowing, no, pouring water and cars."

  "I know where she is!" Jaycee said from the backseat.

  Daniel squeezed me tighter. "Stay where you are Hannah. If you come back too fast you will make yourself sick. With the green ball in your hand I want you to take a small step back. Now you are nose to nose with Phoebe again. You are no longer joined together. You can feel the sun beaming down on your skin and the breeze across your face. Now take another step back. You can see her ponytail and her blue shirt again. Take one more step back. Now you are back to where you started. Take your left hand and hold it out in front of you. Now take your right hand and raise it up in the air. When I count to three I want you to smash the green ball of light as hard and as fast as you can, then come back to me. Ok?"

  Again I only nodded.

  "One, two, three!" In my mind I slammed my hands together and the ball just disappeared.

  "Ok, now you can open your eyes Hannah." When I did, Daniel's eyes were the first thing I saw. Along with the pain and fear that were in them. Before I could speak he grabbed me into a bear hug. "I'm so sorry I had you to do that. I didn't know you would be in any pain."

  "Don't be sorry. It worked. I've never done anything like that before."

  Jaycee popped her head up between Daniel and me. "Can I just say, that was freakin awesome!"

  It was pretty amazing. I had no clue my gift could evolve like that. I wonder if I pushed my limits with the rest of my abilities, if they would progress as well? I could think about that later. Right now we need to find Phoebe. "Jaycee, you said you know where she is?"

  The knock on the window had the three of us jumping out of our seats. It was Kayla. She opened the door and climbed in beside Jaycee. "Sorry I'm late. I got volunteered into picking up all the gym equipment. So where are we going?" Kayla asked as she put her seatbelt on.

  Daniel and I turned to look at Jaycee. She confidently said, "I think we should try the dam first."

  We pulled into a gravel parking area beside the lake. My gut told me that Phoebe was close by. Jaycee was smart making the connection. The bridge is right here at the dam and I can hear the cars crossing over it from where we’re standing. Also, the spillway on the dam has been opened. So that could be the sound of rushing water. Plus the dam is only about two miles from Phoebe's house. Daniel parked and we all got out. We walked the path down to the water's edge. I had flashbacks of my Grandfather bringing me down here to fish when I was a little girl. I never had the heart to tell him that I hated fishing. Now I wouldn't trade those memories of him for anything. After walking on the bank for a few minutes, we saw someone up ahead sitting in the grass.

  "Hey, is that Phebs?" Kayla asked. They couldn't make out if it was her or not because the person was wearing a hoodie.

  Yet I knew it was her. I could feel her from all the way over here. Pain and sorrow, she was drowning in it. She had her knees pulled up to her chest and her head was resting on them. "Yeah, that's her." I answered solemnly.

  Kayla took off running toward her and we followed. "Phoebe!" Kayla yelled. Phoebe's head jerked up and looked in our direction. Within seconds Kayla was on her knees hugging Phebs. Jaycee and I joined them on the grass. Daniel stayed back a few feet. I figured he was wanting to give us space. Kayla held Phoebe's face in her hands. "Why did you skip school today? We have been worried sick. What's wrong?" It was like watching a mother taking care of her child.

  "How did you guys find me?" Phoebe asked. Her beautiful green eyes were red and swollen and her cheeks were tear stained. Either she didn't put any makeup on this morning or she has cried it all off.

  "Lucky guess." Jaycee said. "What's going on Phebs?"

  I laid my hand on Phoebe's knee. I could feel her grief but I refused to look in her mind. Whatever she was going through was hers to tell. "You can tell us anything. We are here for you."

  "Why? Why are you here for me with the way I've treated you guys?"

  "Because we love you. Just because you were mad at us doesn't change that." Kayla said.

  Phoebe looked past us at Daniel. He was sitting on the grass looking out over the lake. "You can trust him." I said. "You have my word."

  She started crying again. "I'm so sorry. I was mad at you because in the back of my mind I was afraid you guys were right about Brad." We all stayed quiet so she could tell us at her own pace. After wiping her eyes she continued. "Brad told me that y’all were jealous and that I didn't need you guys. I thought he was just being a protective boyfriend." She pulled at a strand of grass and started wrapping it around her finger. "At first he was so sweet. He would send me text messages all the time. Saying stuff like how sexy I am and how lucky he is to have me." She started hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand. "Stupid, I was so stupid. Why didn't I just listen to you?" Her question was to the three of us but she wasn't expecting an answer. "He started doing things here and there that made me uncomfortable. Like he would try to let his hand roam sometimes when we were kissing. But he would stop when I said no. He would just smile and say how he loved a challenge." She gave a humorless laugh. "About a week or so ago we went to the mall. I caught him selling pills to some guy. When I asked him about it he acted like he was going to cry. He said it was just some leftover prescriptions he had and that he did it so he could have money to take me out to eat to a nice restaurant. Said he wanted to spoil me. He begged me not to break up with him. I felt sorry for him. I thought, dang he must really like me to worry about me breaking up with him. After I assured him that I was not leaving him, he tried to get me to have sex with him. Of course I said no. He got a little mad but then said it was just because he wanted me so much and he didn't think I wanted him. I kept telling him that I just wasn't ready. That it didn't have anything to do with him." She paused and looked up at the clouds, as if she was sending up a silent prayer for support. "I thought he was cool with it because the next day he showed up with fl
owers for me. I remember thinking how lucky I was to have him as my boyfriend." She lost it, and started bawling.

  I knew how this story was going to end. I could already feel the fury building up inside of me. I was almost blind with rage. I had to calm myself down, realizing that it wasn't just my anger I was feeling, it was all of ours. Including Daniel's. Usually I don't really pick up on him, but I sure was now. I looked over at him and saw him picking up rocks and flinging them into the water.

  Phoebe had composed herself enough to speak again. "Two nights ago he picked me up and said he had a surprise for me. We went back to his house. He didn't tell me until we got there that his parents were out of town for a high school reunion. When he opened his front door I was speechless. In front of the fireplace was a blanket on the floor with two place settings on it. There were candles everywhere, just waiting to be lit. And he had made dinner for me. Actually, he heated up food his mom left in the refrigerator for him. He even had music playing in the background. It was like something you would only see on T.V. or in a movie. After we finished eating he pulled me up off the floor and asked me to slow dance with him. We danced to a few songs then he started kissing me. He told me he loved me and that he had never told a girl that before. I felt so special. I told him I loved him too. I don't know if I really loved him or the whole idea of being in love. That was when he started trying to touch me. I said no but then he was like if I love him I would say yes. That he wanted to show me how much he loved me, and that if I say no he will have to stop seeing me cause he wouldn't be able to handle being rejected by me. That scared me, because I didn't want to lose him. I kept trying to say no but it was just happening so fast. I told him that I was a virgin and he said that was ok he would show me what to do." She was sobbing. My heart broke for her. "Before I knew it, he had my shirt off and I just stopped saying no. I figured we were too far into it to say no anymore. And I just let it happen. Why, why, why didn't I just make him take me home?" She laid her head on Kayla's lap.


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