The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)

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The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series) Page 20

by Ashley Drake

  "This is the real reason I didn't go." He stepped back and opened his shirt all the way. On the left side of chest, over his heart, were three scares.

  I slowly laid my hand on his chest and outlined the scars with my fingers. I raised my eyes to meet his. Without a word, I leaned over and lightly kissed all three. He closed his eyes and I could see his jaws clench, just like the time in his car when he was mad at me. I hope I haven't upset him. "Did I embarrass you? I'm sorry, I just..."

  "No, it's nothing, really." He started buttoning his shirt back up. I put my hand up to stop him. And couldn't help but catch a glimpse of those firm abs.

  "Daniel, those scars show that you survived. That it's not something to be ashamed of. I just went on impulse. I didn't mean to make it awkward."

  He took my hands that were still holding onto his shirt, into his. "Hannah, that didn't embarrass me, but telling you this, does. I just enjoyed that a little too much. It wasn't anything you did. Well, it kinda was, but..." He smiled at my clueless expression.

  "Oh." It took me a second for what he said to sink in. "Ooohhh, really?" Yay me! I grinned and crinkled up my nose.

  "Yes, really. And you don't have to laugh about it." He playfully pinched my chin.

  "I'm not laughing. It's just kind of nice to know that I can have that effect on a guy."

  "Hannah, you have that effect on most of the guys at school." He leaned in and kissed me. "I never felt normal, always having to carry this around with no one to share it with, until you. You don't know the weight that has been lifted off my shoulders by telling you. I still can't believe you don't think I'm crazy."

  "Well, if you are, then I am too. And the whole being able to move things with your mind, I'm jealous." I had another flash back. "The football game, when Mike caught the ball, was that you?"

  "Guilty." He said, looking proud of himself.

  "I knew my eyes weren't playing tricks on me." We sat back down. "Why do you call your ability a power?"

  "That is just what my A~li~si has always called it. She would tell me I was given a great power, and to use it for good."

  "Does she have a gift, a power?"

  "Maybe you can meet her one day and she can answer that for you." He quickly changed the subject. "Do you remember telling me that you were sure that you would feel the same way about me once you found out my secret?"

  "Yes, and I was wrong. I feel even closer to you now." I snuggled up closer to him.

  "I just want you to understand the reason I kept a certain distance from you. Because of our similar supernatural powers, gifts, our energy sought each other out. But my heart was always trying to tell me that was not the reason I wanted to be with you, I just didn't listen. I also knew that it wouldn't be fair to you for us to start a relationship without telling you my secret first."

  "Daniel, I understand. I know how hard it is to keep such a secret." We sat in content silence for a bit. I can't believe I have found somebody, outside of my family that is like me. And falling in love with him was just the icing on the cake.

  "Happy Birthday, beautiful." He paused before adding, "I want to officially ask you. Hannah, will you be my girlfriend?"

  The inner me started clapping her hands and jumping up and down. This is the best night ever. Better than anything I could have ever dreamt up. "Well it took you long enough."

  "....Happy birthday dear Hannah, happy birthday to you!" Mom and Dad's singing woke us up. Phoebe, Kayla, and Jaycee and I didn't fall asleep until around five this morning. I tried forcing my eyes open to check my clock. Oh dear Lord, it's only ten.

  "Thanks you guys." I tried rolling back over, but Jaycee had already stolen my spot.

  "Oh no you don't," Dad pulled the covers back, "there are cars outside waiting to be washed." Dang it. I was hoping he would have forgotten that little agreement.

  "Breakfast is in fifteen." Mom said as they walked out of my bedroom.

  "You and your promises." Phoebe whined.

  "Well Jaycee did it too." I complained.

  Kayla was the first out of bed. "I will help you wash the cars since it's your birthday and all."

  "Thanks. You're so sweet, unlike some people." I hit Jaycee in the face with my pillow.

  "I'm up, I'm up. Tell me again, why did I spend the night with you?"

  "Cause you love me. Let's go eat."

  Mom had made omelets and they were already on the table when we entered the kitchen. Why we have a formal dining room is beyond me. We only use it for like Thanksgiving and Christmas. The rest of the time we eat at the kitchen table. Wanting to delay washing cars, I tried to prolong breakfast by eating slow. But you can only cut an omelet in so many tiny bites.

  "Ok, birthday girl, outside. I will get the cleaning stuff from the garage." Dad said as he got up from the table.

  "It won't be that bad." Jaycee said. "We will help you."

  "Thanks. Might as well get it over with." And with that, we headed for the door.

  "Surprise!" Mom and Dad yelled as we walked out the door. And there, sitting in the driveway, was a white Volkswagen Bug. With a big red bow on top!

  "For me?" Not giving them time to answer, I ran over to my parents and hugged them. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

  "It's not new, but it's a perfect first car for you." Mom stopped taking pictures long enough to say.

  "I love it." I opened the driver’s door and climbed in. The interior was grey with the gear shift in between the bucket seats. Beside the steering wheel was a little cup holder with a daisy in it. The car was too cute! The back seat will sit two people easy. Three would be a tight squeeze. But I don't care, because I will be up here, driving! "Now I just need my license."

  "I thought maybe we could go do that Monday. It should be a piece of cake for you. You're a pretty good driver. But, just in case, we will spend the day driving so you will be ready for the test." Dad said.

  The girls came over to check out MY car. "Did you guys know about this?" I asked Jaycee.

  "Of course, you didn't think I was actually going to wash cars did you?"

  Once the girls had left, and after I drove my car with Dad, I was able to sit down and write in my diary. I got my wish. I wrote all about my magical night that had no interference from ghosts or demons. It was a night that I will remember for the rest of my life. Yes, Daniel was a huge part of that night. But I have realized that I have so many good things in my life. Like my parents, who love and support me. And Jaycee and the rest of my friends, they are there for me whenever I need to laugh or cry. Of course there's Daniel, who knows pretty much all about me and still asked me to be his girlfriend. So at the end of the day, that outweighs the bad crap I have to face. I might still be riding on a birthday cake sugar rush, new car driving, cinnamon flavored kisses, high- but right now, life is good. After I get my license tomorrow, things will start to calm down for me. Then my focus will be on Samantha, and getting her crossed over to be reunited with the people that mattered in her life.

  Chapter 19

  It was a mixture of fear and urgency that had me bolting straight up and out of my bed. Once up, I noticed that I was drenched. I'm talking my bed, my pillow and myself, all soaking wet. I don't think I have sweated that much in my entire life. I looked at my clock, it was only a little before five. There is no way I would be able to fall back to sleep after the dream I just had. Besides, I need to change my clothes and my sheets. I stripped my bed down and went to the linen closet for a clean set. "Hey, I get my license today!" I reminded myself. That made me feel a little bit better about being up so early. But it also just gave me another thing to worry about. After making my bed, I grabbed my clothes and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. While lathering my hair with shampoo, my dream started to come back to me in fragments. I remember that it was about Samantha. She was walking past a farm on a dirt road. It felt like maybe she was on her way home from school, because I recall seeing her holding books. After that I only remember two more things. First, I s
aw Samantha crying, in what looked to be a barn. It must have been at nighttime because it was so dark that I could hardly see her. And second, I saw her lying at the bottom of my pool. With her eyes open and focused on me. A very weird dream. I finished putting gel in my hair and flipped my hair over to blow dry it. That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Before I knew it I was grabbing for the countertop to keep myself from falling face first onto the floor. Only after I felt steady did I raise my head back up. There was something else I remembered about my dream. I saw where Samantha was buried.

  "Hannah Price." The man behind the DMV desk called my name.

  "That's you. Good luck." Mom tried to sound cheerful, but I know she was scared too, just like me. "I will be right here waiting on you to come back and get your picture taken for your driver’s license."

  "I hope so. Here goes nothing." I never really understood that phrase, but it seemed to fit the occasion.

  The man who was giving me the driving test was firm, but nice. He looked to be in his fifties and was starting to get a spare tire around his waist, and his hairline wasn't where it used to be. I watched him walk around my car to make sure my license plate tag and inspection sticker was up to date. Once he finished writing something down on his clipboard, we were ready to get into the car. I put on my seatbelt first thing. I then checked all my mirrors, seat and steering wheel to make sure I didn't need to make any adjustments. I cranked the car and we were on our way. I pulled out and headed down Main Street. I was doing great until a voice coming from my backseat had me letting out a scream. The man put his hands out in front of him. I guess that was instinct, preparing himself for a crash. Occupational hazard, I'm sure. He quickly realized that we were in no danger of being in an accident.

  "What was that?" The man asked.

  I almost lied and said I saw a spider on my door. But instead, all I said was, "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I think I'm just stressed about the test." He let it slide and had me turning right at the stoplight. I took a chance and looked through my rear view mirror. To my disappointment I wasn't going crazy. There really was a living impaired in my back seat, riding along with me on my driving test. Yay me.

  I tried to ignore the little old, white haired woman. However she soon proved that to be a losing battle. "I know you can hear me. If you will just give Harold a message for me I will leave you alone."

  "Who's Harold?" The question came out before I had time to think.

  "I'm Harold. How did you know my name?" The man, well Harold, asked.

  "I think one of my friends said you gave them their test too when they got their license." It was the best I could come up with.

  "That was just a sorry excuse." The backseat old woman said. I'm ignoring her I'm ignoring her, I chanted in my head. "I told you missy that I was not going anywhere until you tell him what I need him to know!" She's pushy. I wonder if she was like that when she was alive. I kept driving, trying to concentrate on the road. She wasn't giving up so easily. "Harold was a good son, gullible when it came to women though. Downright stupid some would say." She paused. "Well don't you want to know why?" Thanks to the old woman, I totally missed what Harold had said and I passed the road I was supposed to turn on. This was not going well. "I'll tell you why." The old woman continued. "He would fall for any girl that batted her eyes his way. His first two wives were harlots, or so they acted. But that third wife of his was the spawn of the devil himself. She's divorcing him as we speak and plans on taking everything." By this point the old woman had scooted up between the seats. "She never wanted Harold to come see me. She would call him a momma's boy if he even called me on the phone."

  I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled into a gas station, found a parking spot, and turned the car off. "Miss Price, what are you doing?" Harold asked.

  I had nothing to lose, so I told the truth. "I know I've failed this test, but it is not my fault, because your mother is in my backseat and she will not be quiet!"

  The old woman clapped her hands together and laughed. "Finally, after all this time, someone I can talk to."

  Naturally, Harold was looking at me as if I were a mental patient that had just escaped. "I think I should drive us back to the..."

  "Please," I stopped him, "give me a chance to prove it." I turned around to face the old woman. "Give me something to show him you are really here." I asked.

  "Tell him I used to call him Little Man when he was growing up." Her tone softened.

  "Her nickname for you was Little Man. She is not going to leave me alone until I tell you something." I said, sounding defeated. I saw the flicker of acknowledgement in Harold's eyes.

  "What is it?" He asked cautiously.

  I turned again to the old woman. "What is your name?" I asked her.

  "Etta." She replied with a smile.

  "Ok Etta, what do you want to tell him?" I heard Harold gasp when I said her name, but I ignored him and continued to listen to Etta. Once she was done, I turned to Harold. "Your mother is one feisty lady."

  "You really are talking to her!" He said while wiping sweat off his forehead and receding hairline with a handkerchief he had in his pocket.

  "Yes, and to make a long story short, she doesn't want you to sign the divorce papers until you go back to the house. Upstairs in the attic there is a box of your mother's stuff. Inside you will find several valuable things. But Etta is most concerned with the wedding ring set that's in there. It belonged to your grandmother. She wants you to take the box with you. She doesn't want, and I quote, ‘that spawn of Satan to lay her filthy hands on it.’"

  Harold started laughing and crying at the same time. "Oh Mom, you always did call Patty that. I love and miss you so much, Momma." Etta tried to touch her son's face without success. But Harold felt her energy. "She's right here isn't she?" He was holding his hand up right at Etta’s hand. Even though she couldn't make contact, Etta got as close as she could to Harold and went through the motion of kissing his cheek.

  "Yes," I said, "and she just gave you a goodbye kiss." I teared up as I watched Harold in wonder as he placed his hand on the same cheek that Etta had kissed. Etta gave me one last message. "She can pass over now. She says she can't wait to see your daddy. And that she loves you very much and will see you again one day."

  "Bye Momma, love you. Give Daddy my love too." His voice was thick with emotion.

  Etta turned to me before fading away. "Thank you child." And she was gone.

  I sat there and waited for Harold's mind to catch up with everything that had just happened.

  "She's really gone?" Harold asked. I shook my head yes. I didn't know what to say. I mean, I know he has to be in shock or something. He took his handkerchief and wiped away the remaining tears that streaked his face. "We better be getting back."

  "I guess I will come back tomorrow and try this again." I said as I cranked the car.

  "Miss Price, after what you just did for me, you passed. Just follow my driving instructions on the way back to the station and we will get your picture taken."

  "Thank you so much." I was so relieved.

  "Has that ever happened to you before?" He asked.

  "No, never." It wasn't a lie, talking to a ghost while taking a driver’s test hasn't ever happened to me before.

  "Well?" mom asked while standing up when she saw me walking through the doors. "Awww Hannah, it's ok. We will come back in the morning. You were probably just nervous." She must have misread my expression.

  "I was extremely nervous, but I passed." I said.

  "That's wonderful! Then what's that face for?" She looked worried.

  "I will tell you when we get in the car." With that I followed Harold to the back to get my driver’s license!

  "And he didn't ask you any more questions?" Daniel asked after I had told him about my morning adventure. He followed me home from school, and since Mom and Dad's not here, we decided to hang out in the back yard. Because heaven forbid we go in the house without parental supervisio

  "Nope, although he wouldn't make eye contact with me after we got back to the station. I can't believe that happened, which was just the cherry on top after that dream I had last night. On the bright side, my life is never dull." I said, trying to be all glass half full.

  "We are going to help Samantha pass on very soon. You, Jaycee and I are going to figure out a plan, with a time and place." Daniel tried to reassure me. I still don't understand why he wants Jaycee involved so badly. Daniel says it's because Jaycee knows my secret and is my best friend. He wants her there for moral support, but I'm not convinced.

  "Thanks to my dream, I'm pretty sure of the place." I smiled up at him. He bent down and gave me sweet, tender kiss. "What are you grinning about?" I asked him.

  His grin spread wider and exposed those gorgeous dimples of his. "Ever since we started dating, I can't keep a smile off of my face. You make me happy."

  I decided to be brave. This time I was going to initiate the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You make me happy too." I said right before my lips made contact with his. This kiss was deeper than the one before. This is my boyfriend, my friend, my confidant and the one person that I share such an amazing connection with. I wanted him to feel the joy that was in my heart, all because of him. His arms went around my waist and he pulled me closer into him. There was an electrical hum that made its way back and forth between us.

  He pulled away and broke the current. "Let's try something." Uh oh. I definitely wasn't ready for trying anything more than kissing. Fear and embarrassment must have shown on my face, because he quickly followed up on his statement. "Nothing like that." He smiled smugly and kissed the tip of my nose. "Every time we touch there is a jolt of electricity. There must be a reason for it. I think that it's both of our energies that are literally trying to connect. So I thought we could do some experiments."

  He took his necklace off. Then walked behind me and pulled my hair to the side, and took mine off as well. He lingered a bit, planting kisses on the nap of my neck, sending shivers all the way down to my toes. Wow. "I will give you thirty minutes to stop that." I tried to say seriously.


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