protection of Unionists in western Virginia, 159–60
—inauguration of, first: address, 7, 45–51, 57, 60–61
crowds during, 58–59
public reaction to, 62–68
second, 765–72
—Reconstruction, 731, 755, 767, 800–802, 805, 820
Baltimore Convention, 611, 641–45
Chase, S.P., attempt to supplant Lincoln, 609–19
Chase, S.P., resignation, 619–26
Etheridge Plot during, 591–93
military governors, 581, 582–91
policies, 566, 581–82
Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 591, 593, 594–608, 804–5
renomination and, 626–41
restructuring, 593–601
Sumner, C., and, 722
Ten Percent Plan, 591, 594–608, 774
Wade-Davis Bill and Manifesto, 659–65, 772–74, 798
—reelection, 633–34, 658, 665–69, 681, 731
attacks on First Lady during, 700–702
Baltimore Convention, 611, 641–45
Conservatives and Radicals during, 689–96
Democratic attacks during, 696–700
divine will and, 710–12
emancipation in Maryland during, 713–16
field victories during, 688–89
New York and Border States during, 704–10
poll victories at, 719–30
presidential anger during, 716–17
prisoner of war issues at, 702–3
rallying around the flag during, 682–88
second inaugural after, 765–72
significance of war and, 712–13
soldier votes during, 717–19
treason issues during, 703–4
—slavery: abolition decree of Hunter, D., 347–50, 356
Altoona Conference and, 413–14
during American Civil War, 229–37
approval of Gordon’s execution, 351–53
in Border States and Washington, D.C., proposal to abolish, 333–48, 355–57
colonization of Haiti, 235, 236, 395–96
colonization schemes, 383–95
emancipation and, 333, 581–82
gradual emancipation plan for, 333–48, 355, 439–40, 543
Radicals and, 351–60
—at White House, 2
African Americans at, 384–90
AL’s children, 256–62
daily routine at, 252–56
death of Willie, 249–50, 256, 260, 262, 297–302
description of, 249–51, 298
public visitors at, 253–55
receptions at, 256–60
Soldiers’ Home as summer, 251, 429, 556, 655, 721, 808
staff at, 251–52
As President-Elect
—inaugural trip from Springfield to Washington, D.C., 1–39
in Albany, 23–26
AL’s sons during, 2
assassination threats against, 1, 32–34
Buffalo reception, 17–19
Cleveland detour, 15–17
committees greeting AL, 3–4, 22–23
crowds greeting AL, 8, 12–14, 18–19, 31
entourage with, 2
hard-line stance, 30–32
MTL during, 2–4, 7, 16, 24–27, 36, 262, 266–69
in New York, 26–30
route change during, 36–39
on secession crisis, 5, 9, 67–68
start of, 2–4
train stops, 3
—physical description: appearance, 7–8, 24, 25
beard, 17–18
—speeches, 45
Cincinnati, 7–10
Columbus, 10–12
inaugural address, 7, 45–51, 57, 60–61
Indianapolis, 3, 4–7
Pennsylvania, 34–36, 52
Peoria (1854), 569
Pittsburgh, 12–15
reaction to, 19–23
on tariffs, 14–15
—in Washington, D.C.: arrival, 40–41
on force bill, 44
on Fugitive Slave Act, 49–50, 65
on national constitutional convention, 48
reception for Peace Conference members, 41–44
support of Thirteenth Amendment, 47–48, 67–68, 745–51, 757, 759, 803
at U.S. Capitol, 45
Lincoln, Mary Todd (MTL), 78, 458, 630, 732, 764, 765, 795
Adams, C.F., Jr., on, 270
Adams, C.F., Sr., on, 62, 258
AL and, 108–9, 288, 491, 657, 663, 674, 778–85, 799–800, 806
AL’s death and, 806–7, 816–19, 821–22, 826–28
alleged adultery of, 266–67
Bancroft on, 259, 267
Bartlett and, 264, 277
Bellows on, 272
Bennett, J.G., on, 275
Bigelow on, 259
Blair, F.P., Sr., and, 264
Blair, M., and, 264
Browning on, 263, 274
on cabinet members, 55
Chase, S.P., and, 55, 264, 265–66, 732
Child on, 272
Colfax on, 267
Davis and, 263, 266, 274, 279, 301, 827–28
on Emancipation Proclamation, 468–69
family members of, 555–56, 826
fears of, 141
Fessenden on, 275
at Ford’s Theatre, 806–7, 816–19
Forney on, 259
Fox on, 259
Greeley on, 268, 280
Herndon on, 268
at inaugural ball, 62
jealous nature of, 782–83
Judd on, 263, 265
Lamon and, 266, 828
Lincoln, T., and, 300
on Lincoln, W., 262, 300
McClure on, 271, 274
Motley on, 259
Peck on, 270
Pope and, 41
Russell, W.H., on, 271, 281
Seward, W.H., and, 264, 266, 273, 277–78
Smith, C.B., and, 277–78, 700
Springfield (Massachusetts) Republican on, 272
Stanton, E.M., on, 261, 269, 800
Strong, G.T., on, 259
Sumner, C., on, 266
Trumbull on, 273, 281
visiting front and hospitals, 494–95
under attack, 700–702
Watt and, 267–68, 269, 276–80
Wikoff and, 273–76
will of, 215
Wood, W.S., and, 2–3, 266–69, 278
During inaugural trip to Washington, D.C., 2–3
arrival, 41
behavior, 7, 24, 25, 26–27, 36
on committees and crowds during, 4, 16
At White House, 249–51, 255
appearance of, 271–72
balls and receptions, 258–60, 282–83
bribes and unethical conduct, 264–68
in patronage matters, 263, 268–70
penny-pinching ways, 270–71
political influence, 263–68
scandals, 273–83
shopping trips, 263, 266, 272, 280
Soldiers’ Home as summer, 251, 429, 556, 655, 721, 808
Watt affair, 267–68, 269, 276–80
Lincoln, Robert Todd, 58, 74, 266–67, 301, 737–38, 778, 796
AL’s death and, 809, 817–18, 821, 826
on inaugural trip to Washington, D.C., 2–3
pranks by, 6–7
recollections of, 374, 513, 577
at White House, 260, 261, 270, 765
Lincoln, Thomas “Tad” (son), 78–82, 737, 801
AL and, 301–2, 722, 787–88, 790
AL’s death and, 817, 818–19
appearance and personality of, 260–61, 301
birth of, 260
illness of, 298, 299, 570
MTL and, 300
playmates of, 261–62
at White House, 250, 256
Lincoln, William (“Willie”), 781–82, 819, 822
appearance and personality of, 260–61
birth of, 26
death of, 249–50, 256, 260, 262, 297–302, 826
funeral of, 298–99
playmates of, 261–62
Lincoln and Johnson Campaign Club of New York, 736
Lincoln National Monument Association, 826–27
Linder, Usher, 84
Livermore, George, R.: An Historical Research Respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens and as Soldiers, 469
Liverpool (England) Post, 340
Locke, David Ross, 720, 809
Logan, John A., 438, 718
Logan, Stephen T., 43
on AL’s first inaugural address, 47, 49
as AL’s political ally, 43
as law partner, 81
London (England) Daily News, 353, 727
London (England) Punch, 65
London (England) Saturday Review, 772
London (England) Spectator, 772
London (England) Star, 563–64
London (England) Star and Dial, 340
London (England) Times, 55, 65, 248, 346, 577
on AL, 367
on Emancipation Proclamation, 417
on Fort Sumter, 107, 127
on Trent affair, 223
Long, Alexander, 363, 696, 755
Longstreet, James, 373, 579
Lossing, Benson J., 222
Louisiana, 525, 598, 774–75, 804
Executive Central Committee, 589
exemption of, 589–90
Free State Committee, 588–89, 602, 604
military governor for, 582, 585–91
Port Hudson, 435, 488, 519–21, 559, 579, 675
Reconstruction and Banks, 602–8, 802
Ten Percent Plan and, 601–8. See also New Orleans
Louisiana Daily True Delta (New Orleans), 777
Louisville (Kentucky) Democrat: on AL’s speeches as president-elect, 21
on Emancipation Proclamation, 415–16
Louisville (Kentucky) Journal, 343
Lovejoy, Owen, 233, 315, 389, 474
AL and, 596, 638–40, 803
on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 336–37, 339, 346, 356
on emancipation, 400, 402
Lowell, Charles Russell, 103, 724
Lowell, James Russell, 203
Lowrey, Grosvenor P., 473
Loyal Publication Society, 719
Lucas, Josiah M., 209
Lundy, Benjamin, 387
Luse, James P., 85
Luther vs. Borden, 661
Lyman, Theodore, 785
Lyon, Caleb, 268, 269
Lyon, Nathaniel, 201, 438
campaigns of, 535
death of, 159
as Union captain, 158
Lyons, Lord, 118, 145
on queen’s proclamation, 160
on Trent affair, 223–25, 227
Madison, Dolley, 62
Madison, James, 8–9, 51, 387
colonization plan of, 336
14th Federalist Paper of, 46
Magoffin, Beriah, 155, 156, 353
Magruder, John B., 139, 308–9, 508
Mahoney, Dennis A., 416
Mallory, Robert, 66, 174
Maltby, Charles, 83
Malvern, 788–89, 793
Malvern Hill, battle at, 322, 324
Manassas, 310
first battle at, 181–83, 190
Johnston at, 214
second battle at, 371–79
supply lines to, 214, 220–21, 294–95, 372
troops at, 199, 304–5. See also Bull Run
Mansfield, Joseph K.F., 438
Marble, Manton, 143, 651, 700, 747
Marcy, Randolph B., 197, 296, 326
Marsh, George Perkins: on AL, 616
patronage and, 91, 92, 94
Marshall, John W., 51, 90, 336
Marshall, Thomas, 59
Marston, Eliza Irwin, 265
Marston, William Henry, 265, 266, 268
Martin, J. Sella, 684, 824
Martineau, Harriet, 237, 687
Mary Martin, 779
Maryland, 145, 152, 511–12, 661, 723
as Border State, 128–29, 230, 335–36, 342, 346–47
destruction of railroad bridges in, 146
elections in, 566–77
Legislature, 147–49, 230
Republicans, 54, 661
secessionists, 142, 147–48
as Slave State, 133
Unconditional Union Central Committee, 714
in Union, 148–49, 196, 567. See also Baltimore, Maryland
Mason, James M., 45, 99, 222–28, 775
Massachusetts, 717
Anti-Slavery Society, 637, 774
Sixth Regiment of, 141, 146–47
Mather, Thomas, 2
May, Samuel J., Jr., 325, 350, 411, 470, 637, 687, 761
Mayer vs. Peabody, 153
Maynard, Horace, 68, 220, 343, 359
McCall, George A., 193
McCallum, Daniel C., 557
McClellan, George B., 148–49, 239–40, 247–48, 329, 486, 510, 580, 658, 679, 692, 695, 698–700, 707, 716
into action, goading, 292–94
as administrator, organizer and strategist, 192, 193–94, 212–13
advice from, 496
AL and, 308, 311, 314, 318, 323, 443, 500, 511, 644
at Antietam, 380–83, 407, 414, 424, 430, 448, 496, 513, 562, 656, 806
appointment of, 454
Army of Potomac and, 192, 195, 199, 217
Bates on, 375, 376
Bellows on, 192
biographical sketch of, 198
caution and timidity of, 309–10, 319, 423–33, 502–3
character and qualities of, 191–93
in charge of Department of Ohio, 156–57, 191
Chase, S.P., on, 375, 376–78, 381
Chesapeake plan of, 302
complaints of, 452–53
conduct of, 237, 290, 373–76
on Confederate army’s strength, 199, 499
contempt for AL, 196–98, 220–21, 246, 311
criticism of, 213–17, 292, 330–31, 413–14, 437
defeats/failures of, 366, 467, 694–96
as Democratic presidential candidate, 675–76, 681–84, 688–90, 719, 721, 723–24, 726, 754
division commanders under, 220–21, 430
on Emancipation Proclamation, 417–18, 436, 443–48
Fessenden on, 305
as Fort Monroe commander, 319
Halleck on, 371, 373–76, 380–82
Hay on, 374, 376–77, 430
Hooker on candidacy of, 682
leadership of, 178, 180, 187–89, 217, 368–71
Lee, R.E., defeats, 319
letters by, 565
lower Potomac blockade plan of, 302–3
McClure on, 311
New York Herald on, 305
New York Tribune on, 305
Nicolay on, 429, 430
opinions on AL’s cabinet, 198, 245
Peninsula campaign and, 308–11, 333, 371
plans of, 191–98, 199–200, 218, 291, 306
Pope on, 371–74, 375, 378
popularity of, 287, 297, 327–30, 376–77
“Quaker guns” and, 199, 304–5
reinstatement of, 456, 510
removal of, 303, 305–6, 315, 429–30
replacement of, 443–49
restoring command of, 376–83
Scott, Winfield, on, 193–95, 196, 199, 200
Seward, W.H., on, 303
Smith, C.B., on, 375
Stanton, E.M., on, 293, 295, 302, 309, 311, 320, 369, 375–76, 378–79
as Union forces commander, 190–91, 195–96
Wade, B.F., on, 294, 695
on weaponry, 292
Welles on, 381
Wilson, H., on, 294–95, 315. See also Army of Potomac; Richmond
McClernand, John A., 218
AL and, 433–34, 435, 516–17, 590
appointment of, 433–35
r /> campaigns of, 435
command of, 433
McClintock, John, 422
McClure, Alexander K., 36, 52, 242, 284, 510, 565, 627, 721
AL and, 132–33, 645
on McClellan, 311
on MTL, 271, 274
opinions of, 469
McCook, Alexander, 555
McCormick reaper trial, 244
McCulloch, Ben, 138
McCulloch, Hugh, 694, 745, 806
McCullough, Fanny, 462, 737
McCullough, William, 462
McDougall, James A., 342
McDowell, Irvin, 181, 318, 538
AL and, 220–21
at Bull Run, 182–85, 212
corps, 309–10, 315–20
demotion of, 188
objections of, 302
McKerichar, Alexander, 278
McKim, J. Miller, 634, 687
McKinstry, Justus, 163
McKnight, Robert, 52–53
McLain, William, 389
McManus, Edward, 764
McMurdy, Robert, 632
McPheeters, Samuel B., 536
McPherson, Edward, 449
McVeagh, Wayne, 570
Meade, Gordon, 486, 500, 503, 579–80, 656, 780, 785
appointment of, 530, 658
as army commander, 510–11
at Gettysburg, 511–16, 518
during grand offensive, 646–48
habitual caution of, 514
troops, 528
Meagher, Thomas F., 564
Medary, Samuel, 420, 576, 651–52, 698
Medill, Joseph, 87, 204, 246–47, 326, 349, 476, 732
AL and, 613, 665
on draft, 531–32
on Halleck, 499
observations of, 615
opinions of, 450, 540, 753
on war, 423
Meigs, Montgomery C., 180, 181, 183, 311, 474
counsel of, 220–21, 327
on Fort Pickens, 112–14, 115–16
on Frémont, 207
as quartermaster general, 164, 241
Melville, Herman, 259, 528
Mendell, G.H., 182
Menzies, John, 560
Mercer, Samuel, 114
Mercier, Henri, 118
Meredith, William M., 198
Merrimack, 306–8
destruction of, 311, 312, 313
Merryman, John, 151
Methodists, 90
Mexican War, 166, 178, 193, 467, 496, 509, 530, 533
Mexico, 493, 741
developments in, 738–39
France and, 751–53, 756
Miami, 312
Middleton, George, 748–49
Miles, Colonel Dixon S., 182
militia, 535, 740
advancement of, 187
corruption of contracts for, 163–66, 175–76, 240
equipment for, 218
expansion of, 174
mobilization of, 162–66, 170
officers, 139–40
proclamation by AL, 132–38
size of, 134, 137–38, 150–51
Militia Act of 1795, 44, 134, 153
amendments to, 464
provisions, 134
writ of habeas corpus and, 153
Miller, Anson S., 224
Miller, Samuel, 732
Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2 Page 188