Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2

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Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2 Page 2

by Jenny Foshia

  “Hey Dani. Glad you were able to make it. Brielle is going to be relieved to see you, she has been talking non-stop about everything she plans on doing with you here.”

  “She better not try overdoing it. She needs to rest before those babies come.” She replied breathlessly.

  “Let me get that for you.” Ryan said, reaching for her suitcase.

  “Thanks. Do you know where she is?”

  “Yeah, she is in her parlor. The guys hired a prenatal masseuse to help relax her. Why don’t you head on up and I will put your luggage in your room?”

  “Ok, thanks Ryan. Glad to hear she is resting. She doesn’t have a full house here, does she?” She asked. She had a sixth sense that her sister was expecting many guests.

  “Not yet,” he answered, “She called Cassie so she will be here later this evening. Adrian and Cole are closing up the gym for the week. Adrian will be here any minute. Your parents, Jax and Wes will all be here tomorrow. It makes me wonder if she knows something we don’t yet.”

  “I have a feeling she knows the babies are coming soon and wants us all to be here when they make their appearance.”

  “I wouldn’t put that past her. Max hired a catering company to deliver meals all week because he doesn’t want her on her feet and they refuse to allow us guests to do any work around here.” He laughed. She loved hearing him laugh, the sound causing her stomach to coil up in butterfly knots. God she wanted him! He was looking intently at her like her could read her thoughts so she quickly turned away and began to climb the stairs.

  “I am going to go say hi to Brielle and let her know I made it. I will see you later Ryan.” She sprinted up the last few stairs, not waiting for his response but she could hear his chuckle as she made her way to her sister’s parlor.

  Chapter 5: Ryan

  Ryan laughed to himself as he watched Dani rush up the stairs. She didn’t know it but he could smell her arousal as it permeated the air around him. He could see her pulse beat at her collar bone and he could hear her rapid breathing when he opened the door. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. How long was it going to take before she finally admitted it to herself and allowed her body to claim what it wanted: him?

  He slowly climbed the stairs so he could deposit her suitcase in her room and the closer he got the stronger her scent became to him. It was intoxicating. How in the hell was he going to last the week if she didn’t come around to the thought of mating with him? There was no need to worry, Adrian would be here soon and together they could come up with a plan that would result in her answering her body’s call to mate with them.

  After leaving the suitcase on her bed he decided to go down into the basement and join Max and Cole in another workout. If he couldn’t mate with Dani then he needed another outlet for his pent up energy.

  “Hey guys, mind if I join you?” He asked as he grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler and stepped onto the treadmill.

  Cole laughed at him, “That bad already, huh?” He asked as he continued his jog.

  “Hell yes! She just got here and my dick is as hard as a jaw breaker. I know she wants it too. I could smell her and hear her. I wish she would just admit it to herself and put us out of our misery.”

  “Let us talk with Brielle, maybe she has an idea of something that would move Dani along. Brielle has told Cole and I many times how she knows that you, Adrian and Dani are destined to be together so maybe she has a way to get that to happen soon.” Max told him as he climbed the steps on his machine.

  “Maybe Brielle can work some of her magic on Dani too. Dani just went up to see Brielle before I came down here. How in the hell did you two manage while you were waiting for Brielle? I mean, you had to have felt the draw right away like I did with Dani, right? “

  “Yes, I did as soon as I could smell her and I know that Max did as soon as he walked into the hospital room and saw her lying in that bed after her attack. I think knowing that she needed to heal first helped us maintain our patience, but just barely. I couldn’t be in the same room as her without my inner wolf growling in my ear with need for her.” Cole answered him.

  Listening to Cole describe his feeling toward Brielle was comforting because he knew that what he was feeling was normal. The instant need he had to claim her. He didn’t just want her in the physical sense, he wanted to lay claim to her heart, mind and soul too. More than anything he wanted their lives to be as entwined as the lives of Brielle, Max and Cole were. He needed her with a deep yearning, stronger than anything he had ever felt before. Over these past months, speaking with Adrian, he knew that he was not alone. Adrian had the same need. He couldn’t wait for Adrian to get here so they could hatch out their plan.

  He finished up on the treadmill and headed over to the weights. As he continued his workout he allowed his mind to wander to thoughts of a future with Dani. He could easily picture a home filled with love and happiness, with children running around and family dinners with Brielle, Max, Cole as well as Jax and Wes and Cassie. Those thoughts made him wonder if maybe Cassie, Jax and Wes were going to mate. The guys hadn’t met her yet so when they all showed up here it would be interesting to see how they all react to one another. Maybe he and Adrian wouldn’t be alone in their misery of need and want. As he set the weights down he heard a car pull up.

  “That must be Adrian, I’ll go meet him.” He told the guys and grabbed a towel to wipe his face with and jogged up the stairs.

  Chapter 6: Adrian

  By the time Adrian got his bag out of the car Ryan had already had the door open, ready to greet him.

  “Hey man, you made it.”

  “Yeah, I did. It wasn’t too bad of a drive to get up here. Gave me time to relax as I drove through the mountains. Did Dani make it yet?” He asked Ryan, hoping that she was here. He couldn’t wait to see her.

  “Yeah, she made it about an hour ago. She is upstairs visiting Brielle while she gets her prenatal massage. Brielle put Dani in a room in between our rooms. I think she is trying to show Dani that she supports our goal of claiming her.”

  “I hope so. That girl has been running through my mind day and night. I tried calling her but she keeps on avoiding me or deflecting my calls. I can’t wait to see how she plans on avoiding me now that we will be in the same house.”

  “Well, it will be a bit crowded. Brielle has invited Cassie, Jax, Wes as well as her parents.”

  “Damn, is she planning on having the babies while we are all here or something?” He asked. Brielle had a way of knowing what was to come, it was her special gift that only got stronger when she mated and bonded with Cole and Max.

  “That seems to be the consensus. Even her mom says she has a feeling that we will be meeting the babies before the end of our stay here. Everyone else should be here tomorrow. That gives us today with Dani before company joins us. The guys have ordered a catering service for the meals so Brielle doesn’t have to be on her feet.”

  “Why couldn’t we all just pitch in and help out while we are here? It would help us earn our keep.” He asked. Leave it to Max and Cole to do something like ordering a catering company to help Brielle. He couldn’t wait to mate and bond with Dani. He longed for the commitment and love that those three had and he knew that once Dani made that decision then he, Ryan and Dani would make one another happier than ever. Just getting to that place was going to take some maneuvering on their part. But he was ready for the work if the result would be a lifetime with her.

  “They said that they would rather die than allow their guests to do any work.”

  “Sounds like them alright. What did Brielle say?” He had to ask because Brielle had an independent and nurturing personality and he couldn’t imagine her readily agreeing to the plan.

  “Oh, she put up a fight until they threatened to call everyone and disinvite them. As soon as they said that she was ready to lie in bed the whole time. I think she just really wanted to see her family.”

  “She needs to do that. She should be ready t
o deliver those babies any day.”

  “Oh, she is definitely close to delivering. She looks ready to pop, but she also says that emotionally she is ready to meet her little ones.”

  “Well, enough talking, let’s go inside so I can say hi to everyone.”

  They walked inside and he carried his bag up the stairs and as he reached the top he saw Brielle and Dani heading toward him. He stopped, frozen to the step as he drunk in the sight of Dani. She was without a doubt the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, and he had seen many beautiful women in his life. She left her hair down so it hung loosely down her back and she wasn’t wearing any make-up which gave him the chance to admire her natural beauty. Soon he thought. She would be his soon.

  “Hello ladies.” He greeted them with a warm smile as he kept his eyes fixed on Dani. She seemed to be just as transfixed as he was as she allowed her eyes to make their way down his body and slowly back up. When her eyes met his she looked startled and averted her gaze. He laughed to himself. Yes Dani, I feel the same thing he thought but didn’t voice it aloud.

  “Adrian, I am so glad you made it! Did Ryan tell you which room was yours?” Brielle asked in way of greeting as she gave him a welcoming hug.

  “Yes, he did. You look great Brielle, how are you?”

  “Oh, I’m fine. I get tired easily and feel like a whale but I am doing well.” She laughed. He didn’t think she looked like a whale. She looked beautiful and was glowing. Pregnancy suited her well.

  “You look beautiful. I am sure Max and Cole tell you that every day.” He said to her.

  “Oh they do. They never let an hour go by without letting me know.”

  “Hello Dani.” He looked at her again.

  “Hey Adrian, I’m glad you made it. How are you?”

  “I am better now that I am here.” He smiled at her and her wide-eyed expression let him know she understood his meaning.

  “I hope you enjoy your visit. You all work too hard and need to take this time to just relax.” Brielle said and glancing between him and Dani she added, “I think I am going to go check on my guys. I will see you both later.” And then she turned and waddled down the stairs.

  “Well, I think I am going to go to my room and relax a bit before dinner. I will see you later Adrian.” Then she too walked away.

  “I’ll see you later Dani. Rest well.” He called out in response as he watched her close the door to her room. He couldn’t help but feel proud that he was able to get to her that way. Now he had his answer, she knew what he was feeling because she was feeling the same thing. This week was going to be fun. He kept a smile on his face as we entered his room and shut the door behind him. He couldn’t wait for dinner tonight, let the games begin!

  Chapter 7: Dani

  Dani leaned against the door after she closed it and breathed a sigh of relief. Her body tingled with awareness whenever she was near Ryan or Adrian. She knew that they could feel the attraction that pulled them together but she wasn’t ready to go there yet. She was still young and wanted to “play the field”. There was no way she was going to give up her body, mind and soul, to another man yet. Let alone two men! She was just getting her life on track and no matter how much she wanted them, no matter how much her body craved their touch, she knew that they would want it all and she just couldn’t commit to that yet.

  Damn! Couldn’t she go at least five freaking minutes without her mind wandering to them and thoughts of their hands and lips on her, their members filling her? Her pussy was throbbing with the thoughts of them and what they could do to her body. Her body desperately needed release and she knew exactly how to get it, her vibrator. She walked over to her bed and opened her duffle bag to pull his box out. Throwing her luggage onto the floor she stripped herself and got comfortable under the sheets and turned him on. As she slowly inserted it she let herself fantasize about what she would love to have Ryan and Adrian do to her.

  She could picture them walking into her room after the three of them showered together. They stalked toward her until they were within inches of her heated body. Ryan would run his hand down her face and lower it to her breasts where he would play with her nipples. He would alternate between tugs and massages before finally pulling her towel off and covering a breast with his moist mouth. She began writhing on her instrument as her thoughts went further.

  As Ryan toyed with her breasts Adrian came up behind her and wrapped his strong arms around to her front, his strong hands found her sensitive nub. He began to massage it in tormenting circles before using his second hand and inserting a finger into her pussy. In seconds the combination of fingers on and in her pussy as well as the mouth on her nipples brought on the strongest orgasm she had ever felt. The guys stopped their torture on her body and gave grins of satisfaction as her fantasy came to an end.

  Dani turned off her toy as she came down from her orgasm high. Her breathing took some time to return to normal and her heart finally slowed to its regular pattern. Thank God she hadn’t screamed like she normally did. She would have a hard time trying to explain herself to her sister. Even though Dani knew that Brielle had her suspicions about her and the guys she still wasn’t ready to give in to her body’s urge.

  She got up and walked into the adjoining bathroom and decided to take a quick shower to wash herself up before getting ready for dinner. She tied her hair up before stepping into the hot shower, allowing the water to run down her body, washing away the stress of that last couple of days and soothing her tight muscles. She quickly scrubbed her body and washed her face before turning the water off and stepping out.

  Walking to the sink she cleaned off the steam from the mirror and took a look at herself. She knew many guys found her attractive but she didn’t understand why. She had auburn hair and green eyes, the cliché combination. The part she hated the most about her appearance was freckles on her face but there was nothing she could do about those. She put a bit of concealer on her cheeks and then some lip gloss before walking into the bedroom to throw on a sundress. She brushed out her hair pulled it back into a clip at the nape of her neck and headed to her door. She was ready to face these guys now that she had provided a temporary release for herself. She had a feeling that she was going to become best friends with her little friend in her bag.

  She stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind her and before she had a chance to reach the stairs she heard their voices.

  “Hello dearest Dani.” Adrian greeted with a smirk on his handsome face. That irritated her. It was almost as if he knew a secret about her that he wasn’t willing to share.

  “Hello Adrian, hello Ryan. Are you two headed to dinner now?” She asked by way of answering him.

  “We are. May we escort you down? We wouldn’t want you to mess up your hands, now. They may come in handy later on.” Ryan said. They both began chuckling at her shocked response.

  Oh! My! God! They know. Oh, how mortifying. They knew what she did and they were teasing her. How like a guy to do something like that.

  “No, thank you. I can manage by myself. I do not need any assistance at all. My hands are very strong and durable.” She turned in a huff and almost ran down the stairs with the sounds of their laughter following her.

  Chapters 8: Ryan

  “Let the games begin! Hopefully Brielle, Max and Cole will forgive us for what we are going to put them through tonight.” Ryan said to Adrian as they made their way down to dinner. He took calming breaths to settle down his inner wolf which was going crazy with the wafting scent of Dani’s arousal that hung in the air.

  “I am sure they will. I know for a fact that Brielle would do anything to help us out. She wants nothing more than to see Dani settled and she knows that we are destined to be her mates. I just wish she wasn’t so set on maintaining her independence. This is going to drive me nuts. I have already had to take matters into my own hands, literally, too many times. I cannot wait until she gives in to her desires.” Adrian answered. Ryan knew that Adrian was just
as frustrated with Dani, who was refusing to surrender. His wolf was ready to attack at any minute and he knew that Adrian had to be going through the same feelings and emotions he was. They were both patient men who would wait the rest of eternity if it meant that she would eventually claim them as her mates. But if they had to endure this torture of her scent then she would endure their torture on her starting tonight.

  “I know that Brielle would help us out. I have a feeling that she knows that we are planning something tonight and I am pretty sure that the three of them will go along with it if the end result would be our mating and bonding.” He replied to Adrian just as they reached to archway entry to the dining room. Brielle had gone all out with the romantic setting. Scented candles and low music set the mood wonderfully. Dani was sitting across from her sister at the long dining table. Ryan and Adrian each took a seat beside Dani and Ryan chuckled to himself when he saw Dani stiffen as they scooted their chairs closer to the table.

  “Hello again, beautiful. Are you ready to enjoy this fantastic smelling dinner?” He asked as he reached for the wine and his wine glass. He laughed to himself as he saw the look of frustration flitter across her face. Why she was being so stubborn about this he had no idea, but he was up to the challenge. He was a patient and stubborn man and usually got what he wanted and he wanted her.

  “Would you like me to fill your glass sweetheart?” He leaned in to whisper the question in her ear and thrilled when he saw the goose bumps appear. So this is a sensitive place? He thought to himself. He would file this information for a later date.

  “No, thank you. I have enough left for dinner and then I will drink water the rest of the night. I think with you and Adrian around I need to keep a clear head.” She replied quickly.

  “Get to you, do we?”


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