Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2

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Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2 Page 7

by Jenny Foshia

  “Ok, sounds good Paul. Is there anything else you need from me right now?”

  “No. Nothing right now. You’ve done well, we will be able to infiltrate the pack quicker now. Be on standby. I’ll contact you as soon as I need you again.”

  “I’ll be waiting, bye Paul.”

  When he heard, what he assumed was the bathroom door, close, he edged away from the door just in time to see Adrian leaving his room. He approached him, “We need to talk, now.”

  “Ok, what’s up?”

  “I just heard Jax speaking with a guy named Paul. He mentioned that he knew that Max was having Wes’ team install security devices today and was going to send some men to intercept the van and take over, allowing them to hack into the system so they could monitor what our pack is up to. Since they know about us being a pack I have to assume that they must be one, or involved with one.”

  “I think I know who that is. Paul Foster. Damn!” Adrian sounded frustrated and edgy.

  “Who is that?”

  “He is the new Alpha of the Foster pack. He took over after his father was killed a couple of years ago. They do not like our packs one bit. They are envious of the power that Brielle’s and Dani’s dads’ packs held.”

  “So, you think maybe this Paul Foster guy is trying to put an end to the power?” Ryan asked, catching on to the suspicion that Adrian obviously had.

  “I definitely think he is. What other reason is there to hurt Brielle or Dani? I just wonder how Jax is involved and why.”

  “Well, we will find out. But first we need to give Wes a heads up and alert Max and Cole. As the new Alphas of the packs they should be made aware of the danger this other tribe poses.”

  “I agree. Why don’t you text Max and let him know right now and I will text Wes. We can’t let them get away with this.” Adrian pulled his phone out and Ryan watched him push the buttons on the keypad and then send the text. Ryan sent his text off to Max and asked what Max thought they should do. The women were going to be here in the house when the men left and now that Ryan knew what Jax and this Paul guy were planning he didn’t feel comfortable leaving the women here alone. Maybe one of them could fake an illness and sty behind. Max must’ve been reading his thoughts because he suggested just that. Ryan volunteered to remain home while the rest of them took off on the hike, they didn’t want to have Jax suspect anything. Ryan stopped walking and called out to Adrian. “Hey man, hold up.”

  Adrian stopped and walked back to Ryan and Ryan told him the plan, “I am going to say I am not feeling well. Since I work at the hospital Jax may think that I caught something at work. I’ll stay back here and watch out for the women while the rest of you carry out our plan to get Jax out of the house. I’ll call you if something happens and I need backup.”

  “Good thinking. You head back to your room and I will let the rest of them know that you aren’t feeling well but you want us to go on ahead. I will call you and check in every once in a while. Watch after our girl, will you?”

  “You know I will. No need to worry. I’ll hear from you soon, if anything happens before then I will call you. You guys stay safe. I don’t trust this plan very much. Anything could happen.”

  “We will be fine. See you later Ryan.” Adrian turned and headed downstairs. Ryan still didn’t feel safe and was beginning to feel ill in the emotional sense. Something was going to happen, and it was going to happen soon, and he wasn’t sure how they would be able to stop it.

  Chapter 18: Adrian

  Adrian knew that Jax was still in his room so he had no problem storming angrily into Max’s office and slamming the door. “What the fucking hell! Do you guys know who it is that is behind these attacks?” He asked as he poured himself a drink at Max’s bar.

  Max laughed at Adrian’s outburst but immediately stopped at Adrian’s scowl. “No, we do not know who is behind it. Do you?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact. It is that bastard Paul Foster!”

  “What? The Foster pack’s Alpha?” Cole asked, obviously bewildered that another Alpha would go through all the trouble.

  “Yes, the one and only. Ryan overheard Jax’s most recent conversation with him because he was stupid enough to have it on speaker phone. Max, did you fill the guys in on what their plan is?”

  “Yes, I did. And Ryan will be staying behind and plans to undo everything they install and give the signal when they leave so that Wes can have his real team come in to correctly install the right equipment. It seems like a lot of fucking trouble but it is worth it if it will help keep us all safe.” Max told them.

  Adrian was pissed. Why in the hell would their best friend turn on them so completely? None of them had done anything to deserve what he was allowing to happen. He even seemed happy to be taking part in the torture. Jax was sick in the head and needed help. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do to help him. Adrian just hoped that he felt it was worth it when he got what was coming for him. Jax had to know that there was no way they would let him get away with this. He had gone too far with everything. Adrian just hoped that they stopped him and his friends before anyone else could get hurt. Adrian loved his family, and that included the men and women in this house right now, and he wouldn’t let any harm come to them if he could help it. He would literally take the life right out of Jax if he caused any more harm to Dani. She was his life and he would be damned if he was going to lose her and let the culprit live. Damn! Why did it have to be Jax?

  Adrian was startled from his thoughts when Max’s office door was opened and Jax strolled happily into the room. That cocky mother-fucker. He wanted so badly to punch that smile off Jax’s face. He didn’t deserve to smile after what he helped Paul do to Brielle and Dani. Soon, Adrian told himself. Soon, Jax would pay for what he did and so would that lowlife, Paul.

  “Well, gentlemen, are we ready to go? I can’t wait to hit the trails.” Jax asked the group. Adrian really wished he could be the one to back out and stay home with the women, like Ryan, but he wasn’t that lucky.

  “I think we are all ready to head out. I had the catering service put together some food for us to take and I packed a cooler with some drinks. When we get to the top of the mountain, that we are hiking, we can stop for some grub before heading back down.” Max informed the pack as they filed out of the office.

  They exited the house through the kitchen doors and walked down the patio steps which led straight to the entrance of the trail. As they walked Adrian took in the surroundings. The trail was surrounded on both sides with thick evergreen trees and he could smell the combination of late spring air and woods. He could hear the woodland critters scurrying as the leaves rustled under them and the birds made their presence known. He took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled, allowing the open air to sooth his nerves. There really was nothing quite like the feeling of being surrounded by beautiful nature, this was where he belonged. If it were safe he would live out in the woods and survive off the land as their ancestors did, but it was no longer safe as recent events had proven. But they would put an end to those in the future and they would make this place safe for the women they all loved.


  They had been walking close to 45 minutes when Adrian started to get a bad feeling. His heart rate sped up and breathing became more difficult. He stopped and bent over bracing his hands against his knees to keep himself up. He became a little dizzy and his head began to pound. He had a gut feeling that something was wrong with Ryan and Dani. They needed to get back. “STOP!” he shouted to the group who had forged ahead. “We have to get back. Something is wrong, I can feel it. We have to get back.” He turned and began running, not waiting to see if anyone was following. He ran as fast as he could and within minutes he had made it to the patio steps. He rushed up the steps and barged into the open glass doors leading into the kitchen. He didn’t have to go any further because right there, on the floor, was Ryan. He had been knocked unconscious but was still alive. He dropped to his knees and trie
d to stir Ryan, he shook him and called his name. After a few attempts Ryan slowly opened his eyes and said, “They have Dani. Stop them.” Before he passed out again. By that time the others had made it into the house and Cole picky Ryan up and took him to the den. Max joined Adrian as they sped up the stairs to find Brielle, Janice and Cassie tied up and lying on the floor in Brielle’s parlor.

  Brielle was sobbing when they reached her. “My babies are coming and they took my sister. You guys have to find Dani! Please, don’t let them hurt my sister, I need her.” She barely got her words out before she was wracked with pain from her labor. Max and Adrian quickly untied the ropes and freed the women as Cole rushed into the room. He picked Brielle up and carried her into their room and Wes carried Cassie away. Mark helped Janice off the floor and she turned toward Adrian and said, “They haven’t made it far yet. You, go, I will take care of everything here.” Joe walked in right then and followed Mark and Janice to their room.

  Adrian turned to Max, “You want to go with me?”

  “I’m there with you, bro. Let’s go.”

  As they were walking down the stairs Adrian’s cell phone started ringing. He picked it up, “Hello, this is Adrian.”

  “Adrian, this is Lucien Foster. You have no reason to trust me but I had to call and let you know that my brother has your girl. They are bringing her back here, you have to hurry.”

  “Why in the hell should I believe you?”

  “You shouldn’t, but do you want to take a chance? My brother has lost it. He has gone crazy and I can’t stop him anymore. You need to help me put an end to his ruling our pack, you need to come and rescue your Dani. I will do everything I can to keep her safe but you need to hurry. I promise you I will do everything I can to help.”

  “We are on our way, but so help me, if I find out you are lying to me and have wasted my time you are dead.”

  “I would expect nothing less. Call me when you are pulling into the drive and I will let you through the gates, hurry.”

  Adrian looked at Max who had been waiting for him to end the call. “That was Lucien Foster, Paul’s brother. He says his brother has gone crazy and he wants to help us put a stop to his madness. They have Dani and he says we need to hurry. They are on their way to their place.”

  “Let’s go.”

  “Wait!” They heard Wes call out. “I am going with you. Let’s go.”

  The three of them ran to Max’s car and drove away. Adrian just hoped they made it in time.

  Chapter 19: Dani

  Dani was in pain everywhere. Her limbs felt heavy like they were weighed down but she knew that it was just residual effects of the medicine they injected her with. Her head felt like it was filled with cotton it was so fuzzy. Her mouth and throat were raw from screaming, and dry. She felt like shit.

  She was in the back of some dingy van that smelled like a garbage dumpster and they were speeding down some bumpy dirt road. She could smell the crisp, fresh woodsy air so she knew they were still somewhere around Brielle’s place, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly how close. Suddenly the van came to a stop and the door was opened and someone climbed inside. She pretended to still be passed out but was barely able to remain silent when she heard Jax’s voice.

  “What took you guys so long? I was waiting forever for the call.”

  “Settle down Jax. It took some time to tie the others up and then that friend of yours, Ryan, put up a good fight on our way out. We had to knock him out so we could get her into the van. Would you rather have done the job yourself?”

  “No, but it was hell acting as if I was worried and willing to stay there and wait for directions. They think I am still there. I know that Adrian, Max and Wes all left to search for her but they didn’t fill me in on where they were going.”

  “They can search all they like but there is no way that they are going to find us. My place is too remote for them to locate it before we are finished with what I would like to do. I wasn’t able to make it in time to perform with that bitch Brielle but since I am present for this one I am going to have my way with her. She is a looker I can tell you that. No wonder why that Adrian and Ryan are all googly eyed over her. She put up one hell of a fight too.” The speaker chuckled as he filled Jax in on the details of their attack and kidnapping. God! These guys were sick. She had a feeling that some other pack was responsible but she never would have guessed that Jax was so involved in all the attacks.

  Dani patted her back pocket, trying to remain as still as possible. She located her cell phone and silenced it and then she dialed Brielle’s number, thankful that the number 5 on her phone contained a dot so she could use it to help her locate the numbers. She muted the call so that no one could hear when Brielle answered. She was hoping that they could use Max and Cole’s security system to track her call and gps her whereabouts.

  The van slowed down and she heard someone punch in some numbers on what she suspected was a security keypad. She heard a gate creak open and then the van drove through. They turned to the left and stopped. When the door was opened everyone filed out and then she felt arms under her back and legs, lifting her up.

  “Wake up, my sweet. We are home.” Some guy whispered in her ear and the other guys laughed as she stiffened.

  She opened her eyes and they made contact with a set of muddy brown eyes. “I knew that would work.” He laughed as he continued to carry her in.

  “Who are you and why are you doing this? What are you going to get from taking me?” she asked him.

  “Well, my name is Paul and I am the Alpha of the Foster pack. As to the why, well, because it is fun and I need to mate with you. If I do that and we create a little one then I gain control over your share of the Stevens pack and therefore gaining majority control of the power of the Celestial mates in the packs. A smart girl like you should appreciate that. And I will tell you one thing, if you are good enough I may keep you for myself.”

  “Well, you aren’t going to be able to keep me because they will find me. It may not be today but they will and when they show up you will be sorry you asshole.” She spat at him and it only caused him to laugh even more.

  They walked down a dimly lit hallway and stopped at the end as they waited for the door to be opened, when it was she carried inside and placed on a bed on the far side of the room. The room was lit by dim wall sconces and there was a fireplace burning across the room. The walls were a deep red color and the sheets on the bed she was laid in were a black silk and very soft to the touch. She looked around and took in her surroundings. There were a group of men near the door talking quietly among themselves. The leader, Paul, looked over at her and winked. Ugh! The guy was such a fucking asshole.

  She was surprised when she felt someone grab her wrist.

  “What the hell are you doing? Don’t touch me.” She tried to pull her wrist away but the guy only held tighter.

  “Dani, my name is Lucien. Please don’t fight me. I have contacted Adrian and he is on his way to get you but you have to let me help you. I am going to try to appear to be following my orders from Paul, my brother and Alpha, but I am only doing this so I can keep an eye on you and insure your safety until they arrive. Will you let me do that?” He waited for her answer.

  Should she trust him? He looked sincere in his plea for her to allow him to help. He was a good looking guy, not much older than she was, and he had kind eyes. They were a stormy grey color but held within them a sense of peace and comfort. She had a feeling he was speaking the truth and so she nodded.

  He smiled at her, “Good girl. I have to tie your wrists to the bed. You need to pretend to fight me and allow it to appear as though I have overpowered you. Can you do that?” again she nodded and began pulling. After a few attempts she allowed him to cuff her wrist and he began to walk around the bed and stopped at the foot to strap her ankles. After the second one he glanced at his phone and a look of relief showed on his face. When he reach the side of the bed to attach her other wrist he whispered, “Adri
an and Max are here. I just sent the ok for them to be permitted through the gate. When I am done here I am going to go greet them and show them in to this room. Whatever you do I want you to remain calm. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, I can do that. Thank you for helping me, be careful and take care of them, please.”

  “I will do my best.” And with that he walked to the door, said something to his brother and they all left, closing the door behind them. She laid her head down and whispered a silent plea that they would all be ok.

  Chapter 20: Ryan

  “I don’t give a fuck what they said. I need to get up and help find her!” Ryan was pissed. The fuckers who took Dani knocked him one good and he wasn’t able to stop them from leaving with her. Adrian, Wes and Max were all on the way to get her and he was stuck here in this fucking bed with a minor concussion and being told he couldn’t get up. Like hell he was going to just lay here while his Dani was being put through God knows what.

  “Ryan, you need to relax. Adrian, Max and Wes will bring Dani back. You need to give yourself time to heal from the blow you took to the head. We don’t need to be worried about you while we are waiting for word about Dani and assisting Brielle with the birth of the babies.” Janice was trying her best to calm him down but she had to understand that he felt helpless and hated it. He was a healer, he wasn’t one that needed to be healed.

  “Janice, I understand, but this is hard. I cannot just lay here like some helpless baby while Dani’s fate rests in someone else’s hands.”

  “I know how you feel, Ryan. How about you come help with Brielle. That way you are doing something useful. You can return the favor to Max, he is helping to rescue Dani and you can assist in bringing his children into the world.”


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