Ride-along (Bounty County Series Book 1)

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Ride-along (Bounty County Series Book 1) Page 25

by Maren Lee

  She hugged Justin, “Okay. Just promise me you will get some rest when she gets home?”

  Justin nodded his head and Sierra left the room.


  Chloe could hear the beeping of machines and low tone of the television in the background. Where was she? She tried to open her eyes, but it seemed her lids were coated in concrete, only allowing her to open them a millimeter at a time. Where the fuck am I?

  Chloe racked her brain to the last thing she could remember. Justin was cradling her into his arms in the cellar. Was that real? Did that happen? As her eyes slowly opened, she became more aware of her surroundings. She was in a hospital. She had no clue how she’d gotten here. But she didn’t care. She was away from David.

  She looked to her right. There were IV bags hanging next to some medical equipment. She had no idea what was running through her veins, but she didn’t hurt right now, that was for sure. When she glanced to her left, she saw Justin dozed off in a chair. How long had she been there? Couldn’t have been more than a day, could it? Chloe looked around and saw her phone was on its charger on the table next to the hospital bed. Yes. She reached for it with her left hand so that she could check the date and time and then froze. Her mouth went dry. What. In. The. Actual. Fuck. There was a huge marquis cut diamond on her left ring finger. What in the fuck is going on? She hadn’t gotten engaged! Or had she? Chloe stared at her finger and then looked to the sleeping boyfriend next to her. Was he just assuming she was going to marry him? He didn’t even ask! She needed to clarify what the fuck was going on. Chloe cleared her throat. Justin started to stir.

  “Justin.” Chloe choked out. Her voice was hoarse.

  He bolted up in his chair and looked to her.

  “Chloe! Baby!” he stood and moved into kiss her. She thought he was going to move in for a heart pounding, all consuming kiss, but he lightly kissed her on the lips, as if she were made of glass.

  “How are you feeling?”

  She looked confused, “I, I don’t really know. It seems like so much has gone on. What the fuck is going on?”

  “You were kidnapped, shot, battered, and left fighting for your life. And you’ve been here for three days now. A lot has happened.”

  “Okay, that, yeah. Thanks for jogging those sweet memories,” she said sarcastically, causing Justin to blanche. “But I’m talking about THIS!” she flung her hand up and pointed to the ring.

  “What about it?”

  “Justin, you haven’t even told me you love me, and this just appears on my finger? Most people ask first!”

  “What?!” he shouted. “I did fucking ask first!”


  “When we were in the helicopter. You squeezed my hand and nodded and agreed to become Mrs. Hunt after I told you I loved you and wanted to make you mine forever.”

  “I have no memory of this. I’d never agree to change my name, though. So I know that didn’t happen.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You’re taking my name.”

  Chloe flung her head back on her pillow and started a conversation with the ceiling. “Fuck. The one time someone asks me to marry him and I don’t even remember the proposal? Jesus. Typical for my life.” Justin wondered who she was talking to, because it clearly wasn’t him.

  “Are you serious? I said I was never going to ask someone to marry me ever again, and the time I decide to change my mind and make a commitment my ‘fiance’ doesn’t remember anything I said, let alone that I even asked? Jesus Christ. Shittiest proposal ever.” He grabbed the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

  Justin’s antics had her smiling. He was so dramatic sometimes. Just another thing she loved about him.

  “Say it.” Chloe snapped.

  “Say what?”

  “Tell me how you feel about me.”

  “Chlo’, I am crazy in love with you. So in love that I asked you to be mine forever when you were apparently unconscious.”

  “Justin! Take a deep breath.”

  He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth.

  “Jus’, I love you, too. Crazy in love with you babe. I’ll change my name. I was only teasing.”

  He smiled from ear to ear.

  “Ask me again.”

  Justin got down on one knee next to the bed. “Chloe, you are everything I could have ever wanted. Everything I’ve ever needed. I totally fucked up last summer, but I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I don’t want to spend another day without you. Will you marry me?”

  Tears started to stream down her cheeks.

  “Hell yeah I will!”

  Justin held her hands tight.

  “We’re a family now, babe.”

  Chloe shook her head, “Not yet, I need to get my pups before we can make this union official.”

  “Already taken care of.”


  “Alyssa just brought them to Imminence. They’re at the house getting acquainted with the yard right now.”

  Chloe let out a half-laugh-half-sob as the tears continued to pour from her cheeks, “I really really love you.”

  “And I love you, forever and ever, babe. Let’s make this permanent as soon as possible. We can get to the courthouse in just a couple days. In fact, maybe the hospital chaplain can come up tomorrow.”

  “What? No way! Why the rush?”

  “You gonna change your mind? I’m ready to start our future together. The sooner we get married, the sooner I can put a baby up in you.”

  Chloe smirked at him, “We can get married in the very near future, but it’s going to be a real wedding. White dress, tuxes, flowers, food, dancing. The whole shebang. Ooh, let’s do it at the Lodge!”

  “Anything you want, darlin’. I want to give you everything.”

  “You’re all I need Jus’. Thank you for saving me.”

  “No thanks needed. I’m just so damn happy you’re okay.”

  “Is he...d-” Chloe started to ask the one question she really did not want to know the answer to.

  “Dead? Yes.”

  Chloe nodded.

  “We’ll have plenty of time to talk about everything. Let’s get the doc in here to check you out and let everyone know you are awake. Then we can get you home. To our home.”

  “I’ll never get sick of hearing that, Justin.”

  “I sure hope not.” He stroked her cheek and placed a soft kiss on her nose. “Alright, Sundance, I’m gonna go grab Doc and be right back.”


  “Yeah, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, no?”

  “Solid effort babe.”

  Chloe smiled and leaned back on the pillow behind her head. She was ready to get out of here and start her new life with Justin as Mrs. Hunt. She sighed, happily. That would take some getting used to.


  Fall in Imminence was a lot different than Fall in Chicago. Everything seemed to move at a slower pace, allowing time to stop and enjoy the scenery. The leaves began changing in September, providing a stunning backdrop for a fall wedding.

  Chloe and Justin decided to tie the knot in the first weekend of October. Lane was thrilled to have been asked to be a bridesmaid in their wedding. It was gorgeous. It was romantic. It was a dream wedding at the Lodge.Rustic setting, but with all the amenities. Beautiful views, luscious rooms, fantastic food. It must have cost Justin and Chloe a mint on such short notice, but Lane wasn’t going to ask or complain.

  The look on Justin’s face when Chloe walked down the aisle toward him made Lane’s eyes well with tears. She wanted that. She thought she had it at one time. But life happens. Lane shook her head to rid herself of sad feelings she had. The photographer had just finished pictures with the bridal party and she found herself with twenty minutes to spare before she needed to make an appearance at the reception.

  Lane leaned against the log railing on the second story deck at the Sioux Lodge. The air was crisp, but it felt good after rushing around all da
y. The view of the Sioux River was breathtaking. Large jagged mountains in the background with a sea of red, orange, and yellow leaves accented by the deep green of the pines. She was still healing. Still working on relaxing. But Lane was finally feeling content about making Imminence her home.

  The last two months had been a whirlwind. She and Connor had really hit it off and made the official jump to the “in a relationship” status last month. They spent most nights at his house, mostly because he had to get up so God awful early to go chase cows or whatever the hell he did out on the ranch. Connor had offered to take her with him, but 4:30AM was just too damn early. Besides, she loved being woken up by him when he finished his morning chores. Sometimes he was quite creative in waking her up. Those mornings were her favorites. Connor was the epitome of a perfect man. He was sexy, tall, stable, attentive, and fun as hell to be around. On paper, everything seemed perfect. But something felt like it was missing. She just couldn’t put her finger on it. She thought she’d been in love once before. Maybe she’d never find that again. Her daydreaming was cut short when she was beckoned by her groomsman.

  “Hey, Red. It’s time for the entrances. I’m not getting my ass chewed by the bride or groom because of your absence,” Jake said as he approached.

  “Jesus, Hamilton. Don’t be so fucking dramatic.”

  She turned and walked past him to head into the reception without making eye contact with him. Her relationship with Jake Hamilton hadn’t gotten any friendlier at all over the last few months, even though they hung out with the same social crowd. The man drove her nuts. He was always finding something to argue with her about and she always seemed to take the bait. It wasn’t uncommon for them to end up in a verbal altercation. Tonight, however, they’d made a promise to Justin and Chloe that they would behave and remain civilized at the wedding. So far no problems, but the night was young and the booze was flowing. It was only a matter of time.


  Jake and Lane danced like a couple of seventh graders with their arms stretched out. Her hands on his shoulders, his on her waist. There was no mistaking the lack of intimacy there. Lane had been hoping to dance with Connor tonight, but every chance she had to go find him, she was sidetracked by something or someone. She hadn’t seen him in over an hour. He had to be somewhere around here.

  Jake had no problem finding his date. All he had to do was look for the nineteen year old with huge tits and braces. All Chloe could do was shake her head and laugh at him. He was seriously a manchild. When the song finally ended, Lane dropped her arms and turned away from him. She hoped to get away without any words between them, but hope was not on her side.

  “Red, you left your broom leaning against that chair,” he said in his typical “antagonize Lane” voice and then laughed his ass off. Jake always thought he was so fucking funny. He. Was. Not.

  “Thanks, asshole. I don’t know what I’d do without it. You left your date at the children's table. Don’t leave her or someone might call CPS.”

  “Bitch,” he muttered.

  Ha! She won that round.

  Lane walked around the entire reception -- twice -- looking for Connor. He was nowhere to be found. Maybe Sierra and Brenden had seen him. She met them at the attendants table and inquired about Connor, but they hadn’t seen him either. He better not have left me here. Her asshole ex had done a number on her. She had to stop herself from thinking that way. It really didn’t sound like something Connor would do. You've only known him for two months, can you really know anyone in that short of a time? Lane shushed the pessimistic voice in her head and grabbed her shawl to head outside. Maybe he was at the gazebo or the stables?

  It was nearly dusk. She wandered around the grounds and the chill set in. She’d searched everywhere. He wasn’t answering his cell phone, maybe he’d gotten sick and headed upstairs to their room? She headed up, swiped the keycard, and pushed down on the handle, swinging the door open. The room was quiet. Not sight nor sound of him. He wasn’t in the bathroom either. She opened the closet door and found his luggage where he had left it earlier.

  What the fuck was going on? Lane started to panic. Did he fall in the river? Was he hurt somewhere? Her brain was reeling with all of the worst case scenarios. It was time she got others involved in the search.

  She opened the door and headed to the stairs. As she rounded the corner to run down the hallway, her heart paused momentarily and then she let out a huge sigh of relief. There was Connor at the other end of the hallway facing the window. Lane practically ran to get to him, but was stopped in her tracks when a shorter, big busted blonde came out of the room next to where he was standing and wrapped her arms around him.

  Lane froze. Her gut reaction was to turn and run immediately, but she fought the urge. That's something the old Lane would do. Maybe they’re relatives. Take a deep breath, Lane. She watched and waited. They were smiling and laughing. Conner didn't seem the least bit bothered by her comfortable affection. Lane decided to stand strong and go find out who the hell the mini Barbie was. She took two steps toward them and then her heart sank. Connor leaned down to mini Barbie and planted a kiss on her lips. It was loaded with heat and passion.

  She and Connor had kissed before. Hell, they’d done a lot more than kiss. But it never like that. Everything inside of her wanted to scream at him. Let him know what a two faced sonofabitch he was. But she knew she couldn't do that right now. She wouldn't make a scene on Chloe's day. Not even for the perfect Mr. Connor Parish. And so Lane turned and walked away.


  She found herself at the bar in the Lodge. Nothing would drown her sorrows better than a shit load of whiskey. When she was four shots into a bottle of Fireball, someone must have noticed her current “drink to forget” state, because the bartender delivered a whiskey ginger she didn't order. Lane looked around to see who was there to thank them for the drink. Nobody seemed to be staring at her. Maybe the bartender just felt bad for her. But then she looked to the end of the bar and saw him. Jake Hamilton. Motherfucker. He was so hot. She hated him for being so hot.

  Jake raised his glass to hers. What the fuck was he doing here? Didn’t he have to get his date home before her ten o'clock curfew? Lane laughed out loud at that thought and then looked down to her drink. What the hell. She looked back to Jake and gave him the nod to come sit by her. Maybe he could distract her from the fucked up situation happening two stories up.

  Jake sat down next to her and smiled, “A whiskey ginger for my favorite ginger.”

  “I must be the only ginger you know then. But thanks, Jake.”

  “Where’s your pretty farm boy?”

  “Upstairs with another woman,” she said flatly.

  “No shit?” His eyebrows lifted

  “No. Shit.” She took a huge swig of her drink.

  “I wouldn’t think Mr. Perfect would do something like that.”

  “That makes two of us, Jake.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Well, considering I rode here with him and got a room with him, probably not. But I’ll figure something out. Don’t you have a Full House marathon to go watch with your bimbo?”

  Jake was not impressed, “Ha. Fucking. Ha, Red. You know, girls that age didn’t even grow up on Full House, Laney. It was like Hannah Montana or some shit.”

  “Ouch. Way to kick a gal while she’s down, Hamilton. But enjoy the Hannah Montana conversations. Seriously, you should go spend time with her, I’ll be fine.”

  “She already went home.” Jake took a sip of his beer.

  Lane raised her eyebrows at him. “I’d figured you would have made arrangements to have her with you all night.”

  “Things aren’t always as they seem, Red. You ought to know that.”

  “I obviously understand that in Mr. Perfect’s case, but why don’t you enlighten me as to your situation?”

  “She was a family friend. She went home with her parents tonight. She’d asked me if I would be her date. I didn’t want to piss off h
er parents, or mine, or hurt her feelings by saying no.”

  “Oh. Shit, I’m sorry if I-”

  “Stop, don’t apologize for anything. I was antagonizing you, too.”

  “Why do you do that? It makes me crazy.”

  “Same reason all the boys tease girls.”

  Lane looked at him skeptically, “And why’s that?”

  “Because they have a crush on them.” Jake smiled and sipped his beer.

  Lane’s brain was on overload, did he just say he had a crush on her? She must have misunderstood.


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