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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 9

by LJ Andrews

  "She is generous," Janus said quietly.

  "The last spell is Extracting," Sasha said as two more holographic Cimmerians seemed to appear in the room. "This is tricky and caused a lot of problems during the Terrene Venture. The basic principle is: a Cimmerian may forcibly extract another's powers, memories, illnesses, or even their life. It can be performed on any race. During the Terrene Venture this power is what others experimented with creating harmful, fatal mutations."

  Killian saw one of the projected Cimmerians place their hand upon the chest of the other. A brilliant, white light pierced the screen until the second collapsed at the feet of the extractor. As the images faded, he imagined the silver-eyed warriors stepping onto the battlefield. While the opponent raised their sword, the Cimmerian simply sucked their life away.

  "But of course," Sasha continued, interrupting his thoughts, "many of these spells were corrupted during the venture. They are rarely used now." Sasha seemed sad her beloved abilities had to be so closely guarded and Killian felt sad for her. She seemed like she would be someone who would use them for the benefit of others.

  "A few last Cimmerian points I'll explain. To most, Cimmerian is also named the dark realm. You see my gorgeous eyes," she teased, "they are accustomed to see in dim lighting. Anything brighter than this room I would have to wear protective glasses. It would feel as if my eyes were being burned."

  "Why is it so dark?" Killian asked.

  "Cimmerian doesn't have a sun. We have two moons instead, as you see above you." Sasha pointed to the ceiling as the unique moons appeared again on the invisible screen. "We grow many plants that would shrivel under sunlight. Emerald Fruit is our most valued crop. It has healing properties. In fact, Connor's salve he put on your cuts when you arrived has Emerald Fruit extract," she said proudly. "Our largest moon is nicknamed the Pink Giant, or as Cimmerian's call it, the sharing moon. As I said, Cimmerian is divided into three seasons: light season, harvest, and the dark season. In Terrene measurements, I've been told you would say each season was four moths."

  "Do you mean months?" Killian chuckled.

  "Oh, I always miss that word." Sasha grimaced. "Anyway, during the dark season the Pink Giant disappears from the Cimmerian sky and naturally offers more light to the other two main realms. This happens to fall during their growing seasons. The extra light from our moon creates healthy crops for Glaciem and Ignisia. Everything is balanced." She finished.

  "If it's so balanced why did the ancient leaders want to create the Earth...I mean Terrene?" The three instructors shifted slightly, thinking of how to answer. Janus spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

  "There is an ancient balance of za realms. However, there were many difficulties negotiating vith za realm people. Many needs vere left unaddressed simply because of za distance of za realms. So za idea vas to create a place where everyone could live. Zat is why za Ponderi, in today’s world, have provided an added balance. Zay have provided za solution to ancient problems without joining Terrene. It is almost like a train system you vould have on Terrene. Za Praetorium is za station. Anything that needs addressing is brought to za Praetorium, and sent to za needy realm by way of za ‘track’, or portals Custodis pass through.” He said making quotations with his fingers.

  “I guess that makes sense,” Killian concluded.

  “Well, I suppose I may begin za Glaciem lesson, of course unless you have further questions for Sasha?” Janus said motioning to the Cimmerian. Killian shook his head. “Perfect. Killian, you may liken Glaciem’s environment to your territory of Alaska, I’m told it is called, but in some parts, it may feel like za territory of your arctic circle.” The holographic room shifted in a wintry blast of air. The earthy smell was replaced with the fresh, salty smell of an ocean. Killian’s skin prickled against the breeze and he noticed how Serefina closed her eyes, obviously uncomfortable in the cold.

  “Za glaciers,” Janus continued, “bring forth fierce winds zat are violent and vell below freezing temperatures. If a Terrenian were to step into our coldest canyons wearing zere thickest protective gear, zay would freeze to death in moments.”

  “How could anyone survive living there if it gets so cold?” Killian asked staring at Janus’s wind burned cheeks.

  “Our bodies have adapted over time. Our greatest evolutionary aspect is our hot blood.”

  “You mean warm blood?”

  Janus shook his head slowly. “No, Glaciens are hot-blooded. It helps us maintain regular body temperatures zat other races cannot tolerate.” Killian's eyebrows scrunched together in disbelief. Janus gave a soft laugh at his expression. “I understand it is strange to you, but it's true. Even Terrenians have some remnant of hot blood. Zat is why some people on Terrene prefer za colder climates.”

  Now, Glaciens can adapt to any other realm too, except Ignisia,” he said giving Serefina a quick nod. “Ignisia’s sun is too much for us. Ve could survive in Cimmerian though ve vould be blind as bats in their dark areas, and Terrene, ve vould find comfortable.”

  Janus pressed the button on the tube changing the holograph to an image of a beautiful glacier dotted forest; Killian could feel the drip of freezing water rolling from the trees. It was amazing, and so real—but so impossible all at once. There were bright icy mountains, but they were littered with tall pines. Below Killian recognized the green sea he’d seen in the painting in the upper hallway.

  “I vill describe two points about Glacien culture. Ve have certain abilities that make us beneficial during unrest.” As he spoke, Killian felt himself slouching in his chair. His muscles seemed to relax—this chair is so comfortable, he thought to himself.

  His mind drifted away from Janus’s soothing voice. Instinctively, he wanted to think about what made him happy—what brought him peace. The green Glaciem sea filled his mind. It was calm and the sound of small waves made him feel such serenity. A pair of emerald eyes were next to him—Mercedes. In his mind, she sat next to him, laughing and throwing small shells into the peaceful water.

  "Killian—Mr. Thomas," Janus's voice broke through his daydream. "How do you feel at zis moment?"

  Killian sat up straight, he could feel the heat rising in his cheeks. He was mortified to have dozed off, dreaming about Mercedes, whom he would most likely never see again.

  "I am so sorry, sir. I don't know why I dozed so quickly, I—"

  Janus interrupted Killian with a surprisingly loud laugh. The man's face was red when he finally caught his breath. "Forgive me, Mr. Thomas, I haven't put someone into such a relaxed state in such a long while. I vasn't sure if the demonstration vould vork. It appears I still have my touch."

  "Demonstration? What are you talking about?" Killian asked feeling more embarrassed.

  "Glaciens, Mr. Thomas, are experts in meditation, relaxation and focus. In stressful moments, ve can place people in a relaxed state of mind. Of course, it takes particular skills to reach zat level of mental control. Glaciens who choose zis route, choose it as a profession. They must attend rigorous training to reach their mastered calm state of mind. Not every personality is suited for it. I vent through za training as a young adult—it filled five rotations of my life. So zat is the equivalent of fifteen years on Terrene." Killian's mouth dropped at the length of study the man had accomplished.

  "You're like a Zen Master," he said.

  "I'm afraid I'm not familiar vith zat term, but if it means peace and focus, then Zen Master it is." Janus smiled as the room shifted to the salty waters of the green sea. Killian felt the spray of waves on his face, each restful swell added to his yearning to travel to this realm as soon as possible. Janus's voice broke through his relaxation once more.

  "Now, za other point I'd like to focus on is za Glaciem contribution. Glaciem has za purest resources available in za Hemisphere. Ve provide healthy nutrition for all varieties of plants; ve vork vith all manner of animal life as vell. In simple terms, Glaciens provide za seeds for all realms. Even Emerald Fruit seedlings are vashed and tended in G
laciem before being transported to Cimmerian. Our blue pebbles are sent to each realm to place into their bodies of water. Za pebbles provide a cleansing reaction ensuring all water is fresh and pure for other races to drink." Janus scooped his hand into the green water and scooped up several holographic translucent blue stones. Though Killian knew they weren’t really in his hand, they glimmered like sapphires against the water.

  "But how can your realm be compatible with the other realms?" Killian asked. Janus appeared confused by the question. "I mean, wouldn't Emerald Fruit only grow in Cimmerian? Wouldn't your pebble things melt in Ignisia if it's so hot?"

  "Ve don't grow za plants, ve prepare za seedlings. Glaciens have a way vith plants, ve focus za seedlings on their purpose so they provide suitable crops. Ve cleanse and protect za new seeds from infection or poisons in za soils. And yes, our blue pebbles do melt in Ignisia. But when zay dissolve zay release za minerals needed to cleanse za dust and sand from za water. It also gives Ignisia's water za most stunning blue color you've ever seen." Janus finished proudly. "Any other questions before I turn za time over to Serefina? Main take away points: Glaciem is za soul behind life in za realms, and ve are Zen Creatures." Killian laughed as Janus finished.

  "Zen Masters."

  Janus shrugged and chuckled before moving aside for Serefina to step forward.

  “Killian Thomas!” she shouted excitedly, “I am thrilled to teach you about my realm!" The cold was instantly replaced by a dry, desert heat. Killian began feeling uncomfortable as each minute passed.

  "I can see that," Killian said as Serefina brought her nose to almost touching his. She beamed at him.

  "Ignisia is a powerful, proud realm. We have provided light and heat since the Hemisphere’s beginning. Though Ignisian’s can’t calm or practice magic, we are skilled fighters." The walls filled with lines of eccentric, colorful people shooting metal bows, clashing swords, and throwing spears. "Our strength has made us masters of battle for millennia.”

  Serefina pulled out two shimmering gold daggers from a thin leather belt around her waist. Killian hadn’t even noticed the weapons during the entire class. Serefina suddenly spun in a furious circle, spinning several times, before releasing the brilliant weapons with a ferocious cry. The daggers sliced through the air at an amazing speed, before slamming with such force into two leather squares tacked on the wall, Killian heard the ding of the gold hitting the steel behind the patches. He let out a long whistle at the impressive marksmanship.

  “As I said, Ignisians are a proud people Killian,” she continued. “We pride ourselves on our ancient tribal bonds. We have one tribal leader for the entire realm. Young Ignisians are schooled on battle strategies and fighting techniques before they utter their first word.” Serefina smiled at Killian’s stunned expression. “Yes, Killian it’s true. We are fierce warriors. Neighboring realms avoid conflict with Ignisians at all cost.”

  “Ignisians are also very humble if you can’t tell,” Sasha teased.

  Serefina laughed. “Ah, Sasha you only tease because I have conquered you on the training field for ninety seasons—three decades in Terrenian time Killian.” Serefina smiled while Sasha scoffed in the corner.

  “One main point to remember about Ignisia is: the realm becomes uncomfortably warm to most other races." The images shifted on the holographic walls to a beautiful desert dotted with brilliant blue ponds as Janus had promised. Killian could smell fabulous scents from desert flowers and watched as a small blue lizard -like creature with two heads and large black eyes, padded near his face on the wall.

  "The realm is made from fine ruby sands with beautiful oasis’, but it is a vast desert. Ignisian’s have adapted and live quite comfortably. We are masters of heat and are responsible for the development of each realm’s sun, or moons in Cimmerian’s case. We’ve helped shape the light so their realms flourish. If there is ever a problem with their fires, suns or any light or heat source, Ignisians can tolerate the extreme temperatures to repair the issues."

  Light is our life, Killian. We dress brightly to honor our source of existence— fire, light and heat are beautiful and sacred to Ignisians. Without our expertise and services the other realms would fall into cold and darkness—the hemisphere would ultimately die.” Serefina finished with such fervor Killian pulled back from her intense flaming eyes.

  “Well, I suppose that’s a good reason to have some pride,” Killian teased.

  “I wholeheartedly agree,” Serefina said. Her exuberance caused all her piercings to glimmer in the overhead lighting—the gold jewelry cast a gilded hue over her tan skin. Killian stared at each instructor. They were all so different, yet he could see how they each made such valuable contributions. The more he observed the different races, the more he saw traces of evidence on Earth that each realm had once been a part of its creation. It felt like, for the first time, things were beginning to make sense.

  "Just so I'm on the same page," he began, "Cimmerian is magic, dark, shares their moon, and grows healing plants?" Sasha smiled and nodded. "Glaciem is full of peace and Zen, and they purify all the plant and water sources so things can grow and people have fresh water?"

  "Correct," Janus answered.

  "Ignisia is a desert, which has an awesome control over light and heat. You guys build suns and are unbeatable fighters." Serefina bobbed her head up and down, causing her jewelry to clang together.

  “Killian, the purpose of this course is to teach that each realm is crucial to the balance of the Hemisphere. We contribute in our own unique ways and for centuries, with the Ponderi’s help, have found peace with our roles,” Sasha said, repackaging the light bar and the walls instantly faded from the beautiful desert to the boring steel.

  “What about the issue with Earth…I mean Terrene? What will happen to the realms if Terrene is destroyed by the relics?” Killian asked softly.

  The instructors glanced at each other for a moment before Janus spoke. “It is a real problem—zat is true. Since Terrene is still a part of za Hemisphere, if za worst should happen, we don't know how it vould affect za rest of us. You vill learn more in training, but our Custodis recruits, or realm jumpers, are valuable in assisting us to resolve zat issue. Killian, if you are anything like your relatives I believe you vill be a valuable recruit.” Sasha and Serefina nodded in agreement with Janus.

  “I wish I could learn more about my relatives,” he said sarcastically.

  “All in good time Killian. You will have many of your questions answered here in the Praetorium,” Sasha said.

  “That’s what they keep telling me.”

  Serefina stepped to the steel door leading out of the classroom. “Killian, it’s time for our midday meal,” she informed him as she headed toward the door. "If you are hungry take the elevator to the third floor. The entire floor is the dining area, we’re sure you’ll find something you enjoy eating.”

  Killian nodded, suddenly focusing on his wrenching stomach. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten. Because of oversleeping that morning, he’d missed breakfast, and last night after he’d arrived he hadn’t even thought to eat. He thanked each instructor. He was surprised to find how fascinated he was during each brief lesson. The realms were mysterious and, in his opinion, each one was magical in their own way. After the first realm school lesson he admitted traveling to the realms sounded thrilling. He mentally stored a reminder to ask the instructors how you learned if you were one of the Custodis recruits; the realm jumpers. He left the cool classroom with the strange hope that soon he’d be visiting each one of the mystic realms.

  “Killian! Finally, I found you!” A familiar voice shook him from his thoughts. Blake was running toward him waving. His dirty blond hair was shorter, revealing the two-moon tattoo even more on his neck. Killian’s eyes widened. Blake was wearing two gold rings in each ear. He’d never seen earrings on him before. Forgetting about the added accessories he smiled widely at his friend.

  “Blake! Man, I feel like I haven’t
seen you in forever, where have you been? You bring me to this crazy place then disappear,” Killian teased, but also had a hint of seriousness.

  “Sorry. I was told to leave you to Miller and Nathaniel for a few days. I wanted to be there the whole time, thinking that seeing a familiar face would help, but they said they needed to help orient you.”

  “Well you were right, it would’ve been nice.”

  “I know, I'm sorry. I've been dying to see how you've been adjusting, but your here now. I'm starving and I'm ready to hear everything you've been told. So, I’m heading up for the midday meal, let’s go. You’re going to freak when you see the dining hall. No more prison food for you my friend.”

  Blake pressed his hand against the steel wall to signal the elevator. He was obviously brimming with excitement at what Killian was going to experience.


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