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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 10

by LJ Andrews

  Chapter 6

  Unexpected Arrival

  Killian and Blake arrived at the third floor in a matter of seconds. Before the doors opened from the elevator, Killian was overwhelmed with the delicious, distinct aromas from a variety of foods.

  The doors disappeared into the walls, allowing them entry to the dining area. Killian let out an audible gasp as he took in the extravagance. Hanging from the vaulted ceilings were glorious gold chandeliers that cast an ethereal glow among the thick cherry wood tables. Upon each table rested a satin cloth in different shades of blue. There had to be every type of ethnic cuisine he could imagine. Each food cart sat behind quaint brick alcoves, shaped to look like a corner cafe. He recognized most foods, but some, he’d never seen.

  "Look, Kill," Blake said pointing to a gray bricked alcove. "That's Cimmerian food, looks like he's whipping up some silver eel scampi." Blake laughed at Killian's disgusted face. "Hey, you have to try it before you write it off. Cimmerian's make some of the best seafood I've ever had."

  "Uh, I think I'll stick to some things I know first," Killian answered eying a spicy smelling Italian Bistro. "Maybe later I'll brave some of that...stuff." He gulped again as a silver-eyed chef butchered a thin, worm-like creature covered in silver barbs. Blake laughed and shoved his shoulder before turning to order his choice of the odd Cimmerian food.

  Killian made it to the Bistro after dodging herds of other Ponderi members. Staring at the food on the pewter trays made his mouth water and his stomach wrench with longing. Stuffed crust pizza covered in every delectable topping he could imagine—creamy, cheesy Italian crusted chicken, ten layered lasagna—he didn't know how he could choose. His last meal had been a stale protein bar with watered down orange juice. Killian, felt he would die happy after eating even a small bit of the food on the trays.

  “Buon pomeriggio what would you-a-like?" A plump, gray-haired, beady-eyed woman asked him. Her accent was a thick Italian and she smiled pleasantly waiting for his selection.

  "Oh, I don't even know how I could choose," Killian responded, never taking his eyes off the trays.

  The woman beamed in delight. "Ah, take-a it all, si?"

  "You mean I can have some of everything...for free?" Killian's day was turning out much better.

  "Si, si," the woman answered excitedly. She began scooping up a portion of every tray without waiting for him to make a firm decision. She topped off the large china plate with a sprig of parsley before handing it to Killian. "Molto Bene! Here you-a go."

  "Thank you!" The kind Italian woman smiled jubilantly. Killian scanned the grand dining hall before seeing Blake sitting at a table waving toward him. Sitting next to him, he scrunched his nose as he watched Blake shovel the gray fish with strange black rice into his mouth.

  “So, Kill, what do you think of this place? Pretty nice huh?” Blake said through a mouthful. "I heard the girl that came in with you got home okay."

  "Her name is Mercedes," Killian answered. Blake shrugged in response and continued eating. Killian stared at him. He was still in disbelief at the fact that he had known Blake for years and had never noticed anything out of the ordinary.

  “It all makes sense now.”

  “What does?” Blake asked, scrunching his forehead.

  “Everything. Why you became friends with me right after you moved into town. You knew who I was the whole time didn’t you?” Blake awkwardly wiped his face with his napkin and looked down at his plate. “So, your whole story about your messed-up parents and staying with your grandparents wasn’t true? Do you even have grandparents Blake?” Killian didn’t know why he was getting so upset.

  Clearing his throat Blake squared his shoulders. “No Killian. The story wasn’t true. I did know who you were the entire time, but I wasn’t pretending to be your friend, I could’ve protected you from a distance. Our families merged together a long time ago. My ancestor was one of the original Ponderi leaders too. He was an advisor for James Thomas. I don’t know what to say to make it alright with you, or to get you to believe me Kill. I had to protect you, but I protected a friend, not an assignment. I'm alone here too. The Ponderi is the only family I have left.” Killian looked away digesting what Blake had said.

  "Just—can you explain your family and house in Oregon for me?"

  "It was just a stage. I was there alone. I figured you always wondered why you had never met Grandpa, huh?" Blake smiled.

  "It was a mystery," Killian laughed. "What happened to your family here, if you don't mind me asking?" Blake's lips tightened as he sliced through his fish.

  "Being a member of the Ponderi requires sacrifice sometimes. My parents were brave and skilled recruits, but they were killed doing things that were honorable. It was one of the hardest moments in my life." Blake's tone was dry and empty. It was obvious he did not want to expound on the story. Killian felt the sting of emotions fill his heart and mind. Agony. He bent over from the overwhelming sensation that had overtaken his body.

  "What's the matter Kill?" Blake asked. Killian took several deep breaths trying to stifle the rampage of emotions.

  "I... sometimes...get strange feelings. That's all. It overwhelms me without warning," he answered, being as vague as he could without lying. As the waves pulsed over him, he remembered Connor insinuating these odd occurrences could be effects from the relic. Nathaniel had said to monitor any strange moments, and this moment seemed strange to him. He was sure most people didn't react in such a way. After another moment, he recovered. Killian empathized with Blake; he only had the Ponderi to live for too.

  “Okay. That’s a good enough answer about your life story, thanks Blake,” he finally said, giving Blake a nudge on the shoulder with his elbow as he dug into his pasta.

  Soon they were joined by a beautiful raven-haired girl; her stunning silver eyes protected under the shaded lenses of her glasses gave away her origins immediately. Killian frowned. The arrogant Ignisian, Dax, sat down next to her as she began reprimanding him from training earlier.

  “Dax, stop! I hit the target closer to the center, and my speed was faster,” the girl argued in a poetic voice, just like Sasha.

  “Soph, get real. It’s charted that I was faster and closer, check with Aidan,” Dax taunted the dark-haired girl. Her silver eyes grew brighter in her annoyance; she quickly dropped her head and stuffed a forkful of a spinach-looking leaf coated in thick silver dressing into her mouth.

  “Kill, meet the two most competitive people in the Ponderi. Sophia has made it her personal mission to represent all female Ponderi and prove they are the more superior sex in the Praetorium. Much stronger than the weak male recruits,” Blake teased. Sophia gulped down her spinach and glared at Blake.

  “For your information, I am not competing…I just want it to be acknowledged who the actual winner was,” she answered more to Dax than to Blake. Killian smiled. Although they were arguing, he could tell they seemed like good friends who had a healthy competition against each other. He enjoyed seeing this version of Dax. He appeared to let go of the haughty accusatory tone he'd thrown at Killian before.

  As if he'd read his mind Dax glanced at Killian. His red hair was almost as distracting as the bright flames spurting behind the deep brown of his eyes. "I wanted to apologize to you Thomas...for my behavior this morning. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge you. Lucan had told us you were...well to be blunt, he said you were a disrespectful, lazy guy who is trying to rise to the top because of your name. I hope you'll accept my apology," Dax said reaching his hand across the table. Killian took it, but could feel his mouth gaping open.

  "Lucan? I haven’t met anyone with that name. Why would someone who doesn’t know me say that?”

  "Ah, don't worry about it. Lucan is the first Custodis recruit in his family and a good one. He sometimes has the attitude that people will beat him and rise above him and he'll be kicked out or something. He's probably just threatened by you," Dax reassured him and patted him on the shoulder.

h Dax, how sweet," Sophia began. "You're so sensitive and considerate when you help others feel good about themselves." Her sarcasm was thick, and immediately caused Dax’s flaming eyes to burst in bright, frothing bolts of fire.

  "Sensitive? You didn't call me sensitive when I was beating you on the practice field today!" Sophia hit his shoulder and the two instantly immersed themselves in their previous argument.

  Blake laughed and stuffed some black rice in his mouth. Looking up from his plate his eye caught the strawberry blonde running frantically around the tables.

  “Hey, look…what’s up with her?” Blake nudged Killian and pointed to the front of the dining hall.

  Shannon ran down the line of tables, dodging Ponderi members returning their china plates to the large dispensing system and dishwasher. Her shoulders heaved with deep breaths as she frantically searched for something, or someone.

  Killian slowly made his way toward Shannon. He bumped a few recruits shuffling through the crammed tables. He hoped he could help her, she seemed distraught.

  "Shannon!" He shouted over the last three tables, getting frustrated with the overcrowded conditions of the dining area. She hadn't heard him; her hair was flipping from side to side as she desperately scanned the tables.

  "SHANNON!" He shouted louder, and this time she'd heard him. Meeting his eyes, he saw her soft expression show relief, but was also disconcerted at the sight of him. She immediately took a more aggressive stance and pushed herself through the swarms of recruits, most looking back at her in annoyance.

  "Killian," she breathed heavy when she finally reached him. "Killian, I'm so glad I found you. I... I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You have to come with! Something has happened." Shannon grabbed Killian's arm and began shoving her way through the crowd again.

  "Shannon, what is it? Is it Connor?" Killian's stomach sunk. Could something have happened to Connor for telling him his theory about his family and the relic? Shannon didn't turn to answer him. Dropping her grip on his arm, she kept her pace and ran ahead, expecting him to follow. She pushed through the dining hall doors and out into the cold hallway beyond the training facility. Killian looked back at the trio still sitting at the table. They all looked concerned. Sophia held a forkful of lunch midway to her mouth as her silver eyes widened in anxiety. Killian shrugged and smirked back at them. He didn’t want them to worry just yet, so giving a quick wave, he quickly followed Shannon.

  Several feet in front of him, once he made his way outside, he saw Shannon place a hand on the cold, steel wall wringing her fingers as she waited for the elevator. Before he could catch up to her, the elevator appeared and she took a quick step inside. Holding her hand over the door she anxiously motioned for him to hurry up.

  Within seconds they shot down toward the lower levels. The doors dinged before Killian had a chance to even ask Shannon again what was happening. Although he hadn't known Shannon long, she did not seem the type to lose control. He knew they were on the first floor which was the clinic floor. This reinforced his belief that something had happened to someone that was close to both him and Shannon. The only person in his mind was Connor.

  "Shannon, wait!" he called after her as she snapped open the clinic doors and ran inside. Killian ran through the door that had stayed open behind her and looking side to side he saw the tails of her white lab coat jutting out from behind one of the ivory curtains. Two other white coat medical workers were bustling checking wires and monitors and fetching supplies for Shannon.

  Killian heard gasps and tears and mumbled words between Shannon and her patient. Pulling back the curtain his stomach dropped like a lead weight inside.

  It was not Connor lying on the padded steel. Killian's mouth gaped open in disbelief. Mercedes lay sobbing on her side clutching her stomach, trying to fight the pain. Tear streaks flowed down her bloodied cheeks, landing on the steel floor of the clinic in large, wet, red drops.

  Killian rushed to the side of the steel gurney. Bile burned his throat as he scanned his eyes over Mercedes’ slashed cheeks and scalp. The deep gashes were gushing blood into her beautiful chestnut hair. Chunks of mangled skin revealed three, long bald areas where her hair had been torn out. She was sobbing hysterically and fighting against the patches monitoring her blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen. She raised her brilliant eyes to Killian’s face. She looked frightened, which reminded him that, to her, he was an image from a nightmare. He fell to his knees and softly placed a hand in her hair, stroking it on instinct.

  “Shannon…Shannon. Get that healing light…get it she needs help,” Killian’s voice raised into hysterics.

  “Connor is on his way, Killian, he will be here any moment,” Shannon said softly, applying the thick white salve on to Mercedes’ open wounds. “Here now. This will help with the pain, sweetie. Try not to move.”

  “What happened Shannon? You said you were going to get her home safely!” Killian shouted, obsessively stroking Mercedes' long hair. He wasn't sure how to act or feel—he was useless. This girl meant something to him although they knew nothing about each other. They had been forced together by the vicious attack from the wolves. Killian felt responsible for her and believed this somehow was his fault and he alone had brought this pain into her life.

  “Killian, my boy, Miss Forino was returned safely,” Miller’s soft voice came from behind them as both he and Nathaniel entered the clinic. “We could never have predicted this.”

  Mercedes let out a ragged breath. Killian watched as her eyes rolled back into her skull. In horror, he watched as her body went limp on the steel gurney.

  “Mercedes, MERCEDES!” Killian shouted.

  “Killian, she’s okay. I gave her a sedative to help her sleep and help with the pain,” Shannon said as Connor arrived and applied the ugly material over Mercedes’ wounds.

  With tears on his cheeks, Killian turned to face Miller and Nathaniel. “What happened? Why is she back…and like this?”

  “Killian, we sent protection for Miss Forino and her aunt and uncle, whom she lived with just as a precaution. We believe the fact our recruits were there saved her life." Nathaniel nodded toward a young, chiseled faced Glacien man standing in the corner. His face was bruised and scratched, but calm. "Speron, was one of the guards of Miss Forino, he brought her back to us, nearly killing himself in the process. If they hadn't been there...well I believe we would be reporting a different situation."

  “You’re stalling, just tell me what happened!” Killian’s anger boiled beneath the surface of his skin.

  Miller sighed. Speron looked at the ground, shaken as well. “A hole in the barriers opened again. Someone is actively sending dangers to you through hidden track systems and now we also believe to those connected to you. It wasn’t Malumian wolves that attacked her, or she would most certainly not be here on this table. There are many creatures that travel the realms and wreak havoc and pain. Our recruit noted that the attack was from a troop of Shadow Imps. They are disgusting, half-living creatures that are very difficult to kill. They are vicious alone, but deadly together. The imps are nearly impossible to detect when they're hunting. It is almost always too late to stop a group attack once it’s begun.”

  The worst thing about these demons is they attack for a reward, unlike the Malumians who simply follow their instinct to serve. But the imps don't just destroy their target, they enjoy leaving as much collateral damage as possible. The imps are sadistic creatures that cause pain for the pleasure of it.” Miller’s face looked angry as he spoke of the beasts. “Killian, Miss Forino’s aunt and uncle did not survive.”

  Killian felt like someone had just punched him in his stomach. He braced himself against the steel wall, barely breathing.

  “We are incredibly sorry my boy, for you and Miss Forino—”

  “Mercedes. Her name is Mercedes,” Killian said through gritted teeth.

  “Of course. She will be staying here for now. We…we know the deceased were her only living family on Terre
ne,” Nathaniel said quietly. Killian turned away not wanting the present company to see him wipe tears. Being alone was a familiar curse for him, and now she would be forced to walk the same path as he had for so many years.

  “Why…why is someone trying to hurt people around me?” Killian’s voice cracked as he asked. Nathaniel slowly shook his head. Shannon and Connor had stopped attending to sleeping Mercedes and watched the dialogue.

  “My boy…I don’t know. Blast, Miller and I have been searching for anything so we may answer that question,” Nathaniel said in frustration. His European accent came out thicker when his emotions were heightened. “Other than her being brought here with you, who is a direct descendant of James Thomas and relic guardians, we can't find anything that would instigate an attack on this innocent young woman.”

  "Unless there really is something the relic did to me and someone wants me and everyone I’ve associated with dead."

  "As I said, we will watch for anything out of the ordinary and if needs be we can run some neurological testing," said Nathaniel.

  “Killian, please…let’s let Miss…I mean Mercedes rest,” Miller said, reaching for Killian’s elbow.

  “No! I’m not leaving her alone again,” he huffed backing toward the gurney.

  “Killian, please…” Miller continued.


  “Miller,” Nathaniel said quietly to his Regent. “We can permit him to stay for the evening. Come.” Killian smiled gratefully at Nathaniel then turned his back to the others and resumed stroking Mercedes’ hair.

  “Killian,” Shannon whispered to his back, “I’ll be in my office down the hall if she wakes up tonight. Please come get me, she’ll need to have an evaluation. I'll be honest Killian, her injuries were extensive. Even if she wakes, I don't know if she'll pull through.”

  Killian's eyes burned with hot moisture, but he nodded his understanding. His eyes were glued to Mercedes’ bloodied face. As soon as he heard the swoosh of the automatic door closing behind the others he released a painful sob from his chest.


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