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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 12

by LJ Andrews

  Back at the main doors, Aidan led Killian past three oddly shaped doorways. One was an open arched doorway labeled Changing Room —that room was obvious. He stopped and stared at the door next to the changing room. It was a bright red, circular door and an obvious heat emanated from behind the entrance. Aidan was turning into the third, massive black door, with a charred log over the frame. It had a name plate with his credentials off to the side. He glanced behind him seeing Killian staring at the red door.

  "That's the simulation room, obviously, it is on Ignisian settings. Come on, I stick to a strict schedule, let’s get this over with."

  Inside Aidan’s office, Killian felt a rush of warm air overwhelm him. Heat blew in from every vent in the small steel office. Aidan sat down on a steel office chair, and Killian nervously found a seat on an uncomfortable metal stool in front of the desk.

  The desk was covered in a translucent computer monitor. Laying his large palm on the screen, Aidan woke the computer up by his touch. He pulled up a file that looked similar to the one Connor had read the day before. Briefly scanning the document, he raised his eyebrows as he read the last paragraph.

  "Well, Mr. Thomas. Nathaniel is very specific on the training you should receive. I am not surprised, given your lineage that you will need to be trained as a Custodis.”

  "Well, Nathaniel mentioned I would need to undergo some observation to be sure...although he and Miller are pretty convinced I am," Killian said. Aidan raised one eyebrow and gave Killian a strange look.

  “Are you telling me how to do my job? Are you telling me I need to observe you?”

  Killian’s face flattened almost instinctively. Please don’t be a Ponderi version of Brooks, he thought to himself.

  “No, sir, I was just passing on what I’ve been told. I’m pretty new and am not sure how often you meet with—”

  “Ah, Thomas lighten up,” Aidan chuckled slapping his muscular thigh. “I just wanted to make you a little tense. Glad, you were paying attention to what Nathaniel was telling you, though.” His face returned to the serious demeanor he had kept. "Right. I will get you a set of training clothes. You will be called Recruit and be tested to your limits in every aspect. Do not think for one moment, Mr. Thomas the fact that you have a strong bloodline in the Ponderi that you will receive any special treatment from me, or your fellow recruits. Understood?" Killian nodded briskly. Aidan stood from his chair and reached in to a deep wooden cabinet behind him. Pulling out two pairs of plain gray clothes and a pair of thin black boots he handed them to Killian. "Take these. They are designed to be one size fits all so I would advise against tightening the belt. The combination for the locker is on the inside of the neck. Alright, come with me Thomas, get dressed and I will show you around. Then we'll get straight to work."

  Aidan stood outside the changing rooms while Killian made his way in to put on the uniform. Inside the changing room, there were rows and rows of thin lockers. He wasn't sure how he was going to fit his clothes and the extra uniform in the sleek, thin space. He glanced at the number on the inside cuff of the neck of one of the uniforms. He saw each space had a vertical set of numbered buttons. Typing in the three digit number the locker released and jutted out as if it was a vertical, wheeled tray.

  Killian saw small hooks he assumed were there to hang his clothing. Laying aside the black boots and a uniform he quickly undressed. Once his clothes were hanging on the hooks, he typed the same combination into the open tray. He didn’t know how they would fit into the small space, yet as he observed his flailing hanging clothes an amazing suction from somewhere within the locker flattened them into paper thin sections. The tray slowly made its way back into the slot easily fitting into the thin slat in the wall. The Ponderi's gadgets and unusual technology continued to bewilder him. Killian scoffed at the idea of one size fits all. The pants Aidan had supplied him with were incredibly large. He'd never considered himself a small person but still the uniform was drowning his lower body.

  As soon as he fastened the belt to the furthest notch the fabric began shrinking and suctioning to his skin. The belt dug into his sides and stomach until it was unbearable. The thin fabric fastened itself around his legs like a new layer of skin. Killian desperately tried to loosen the belt, believing his insides would be crushed. Finally finding the snap that dug into his core he pulled it apart and gratefully found relief from the pants. Pulling on the baggy long-sleeved gray shirt, the fabric mimicked the lower body until it was skin tight against his biceps.

  Killian glanced at his reflection on his way out. His mud-colored hair was not as trim, but still quite short from the military-style he’d had for a year. The gaunt, sullen look he’d had when he’d first arrived was filling in with more vibrancy. His whiskered chin could use a good shave, and his blue eyes seemed to have more life. The gray uniform was tight but so comfortable. The belt was a thick slab of leather, though it felt weightless. He noted the loops for various weapons and wondered what use he would have for such things. He looked so different and almost didn’t recognize himself. Perhaps being attacked by the vicious wolves was a blessing in disguise.

  "Alright, Thomas, stick out your finger," Aidan instructed after he’d returned to the hallway. He held a vial filled with purple liquid in his hands. Killian hesitated but eventually held out a finger. Aidan pricked the tip with a small needle bringing a bead of blood to the surface. Flipping Killian's hand over the vial he pushed against his finger tip until several drops plopped into the vial. The dark blood swirled and frothed as the purple mixture turned to a pastel blue with small flecks of glittering gold. "Hmm, the gold is out of place. I'm not sure what that means, but it's mostly blue," Aidan murmured as he studied the vial. "So that means Thomas, you are our newest Custodis. You must have something strange in your blood to have flecks of gold in the vial." Aidan chuckled, but Killian sucked in a breath. He knew Aidan meant it in a teasing manner, but it caused his mind to speed with questions about the gold charm and the power it held.

  "Now," Aidan continued, "as I said earlier, this is the simulation room." He was pointing to the formerly red circular door which now was a deep ebony color. "We use it during our annual Peridus tournament, you'll learn about that later, but it’s also used if a recruit disconnects in the realms."

  “Disconnect in the realms? What do you mean?”

  “Some recruits have difficulties connecting with other realms. When this happens it usually means they either get seriously injured, have locals attack them, have an inability to communicate with realm leaders, or they die.” Killian choked a little. Aidan ignored him and continued. “The simulation helps us discover their weakness—it shows us what that specific recruit needs during training. Some recruits exhibit unique abilities at times as well, we use the simulator to break it down mentally so we can chart and analyze any anomaly.”

  Aidan stopped walking and pointed to the ice pool he’d passed earlier apparently anxious to change subjects. “This is the ice pool. It resembles water on the high mountains on Glaciem.” Killian scanned the pool, a new group of gray-suited recruits had lined up along the side. He watched as one by one they grabbed the rope above their heads. With white knuckles, the group of young people slowly inched their way across the freezing pool. The exercise appeared to be the opposite of the one earlier. This time, the goal was to not touch the floating cylinders. Killian shuddered imagining the training he would have to go through.

  “So, are only Custodis trained here? If other recruits never cross into a different realm, why would they need to train in the pool?”

  Aidan looked a little exasperated at the question. “We train each recruit on all the facilities here. It’s better to be trained to handle any situation wouldn’t you agree?” Killian nodded quickly before Aidan continued. “We also have other sections, such as Beasties that learn to work with creatures in the different environments—possibly even fight creatures, so it isn’t only recruits that use this facility.”

  Killian acknowledg
ed he understood. He was excited to know he would hopefully see Mercedes in the training center when she trained as well.

  “Realm school explained a lot about the other realms, but I admit I still find it amazing Glacien’s can survive if the temperatures are so cold.” Aidan shrugged then pointed at a boy with spiked white hair dangling from the rope.

  "When you look at some of the Glacien recruits, notice their skin. They have a fine layer of hair; it's almost invisible to an untrained eye. It protects their skin and keeps them warm. They have thick skin as well; thick and rough in order to withstand windburn."

  "Impressive that a thin layer of fur could keep them warm." Janus had never mentioned this during realm school.

  "Hair, Thomas—not fur. It's not just the hair," Aidan said. His tone was perturbed as if Killian was an imbecile for not thinking another race in the realms could have an extra layer of hair.

  “So Glaciens aren’t like humans then?” Killian asked, slightly confused. Janus had explained Glaciens related to creatures, perhaps they were more animal-like.

  “Gah! Thomas, I do not have all day to assist you in your history of the realms. You should have taken greater care for these inquiries during Realm School. Glaciens are humans. Accept that fact. They are another race of human! I know most Terrenian’s think they are the single greatest species in the Hemisphere, but wipe that from your mind immediately. Each realm is home to different races. Color of skin, as you classify on Terrene, is not the only factor in distinguishing race." Aidan's face had gotten red and hot in frustration. Killian nodded, not wanting to upset the volatile trainer more.

  Moving on, Aidan brought him to the ever-changing rock walls. “Whenever you have the opportunity to visit another realm you will notice the terrain can be treacherous. You must be prepared for any physical exertion required. Each realm has many mountainous regions with their own dangers. It is imperative that you are an experienced climber, Thomas. You need to have the skills to maneuver in any weather and with all your gear, alright?” Killian nodded keeping his silence. “Good, moving on. Over here as you saw earlier is the practice field, don't worry about hurting the grass during's manufactured right here in the Praetorium. It looks and feels much like Terrenian grass, but is one hundred percent artificial. I will begin your training here today. I need to get an idea of where you stand with a weapon—”

  “Wait!" Killian interrupted. "I have never used a weapon…ever.”

  Aidan eyed him up and down. “Well, then even more reason to begin on the field. If you are going to exercise your Custodis abilities you need to be able to handle yourself in a combat situation. There are ferocious creatures throughout the realms, Ignisia has many,” Aidan said with a sense of pride. “Also, you most certainly will come in contact with Deshuits.” Aidan turned and began making his way to the field.

  Ending any further explanation Aidan opened the large glass door and entered the practice field. He led Killian over to a small group of recruits holding knives and daggers. Killian’s stomach dropped as he watched a fierce recruit pin down a small red-headed boy. The man had dark hair tied low in a short ponytail. His eyes were focused as he straddled his fellow recruit, holding the knife to the pale boy’s throat. Instinctively, Killian wanted to help the smaller recruit; The older man looked like a vicious bully to him, but he stopped walking toward them. He doubted he could do anything to help the boy. Life had taught him when you step in where it isn't your business you pay for it in the end.

  “Everyone, this is our new recruit, Killian Thomas. He is going to be a great asset for the Ponderi,” Aidan said loudly to the knife fighting group. The recruit glared at Killian from under his dark, bushy eyebrows. “He is joining the Custodis to train. He has never jumped, and is fairly new to the Ponderi so I expect each one of you to give him thorough instruction.”

  The group of recruits stared blankly between Aidan and Killian. The dark recruit scowled and threw his knife into the soft field, showing his disdain for the idea. Aidan scanned the group, Killian’s mouth went dry when he called the angry man by name.

  “Lucan, you are the most seasoned recruit. I want you to take Thomas today and show him the ropes. Start off with a little knife play. Thomas, you are in for a treat, Lucan is the best knife fighter we have. He is a fellow Custodis as well, so he’ll show you the way to fight from firsthand experience.”

  Killian doubted Lucan would want to help him, this was the recruit Dax had told him was spreading rumors. Killian wanted to protest, but Aidan had already turned toward the recruits using the crossbows. From across the field, Killian spotted Blake. He was watching Killian with a long spear in his hand. Blake gave him a wide smile and a small wave before thrusting his spear deep into a realistic, disgusting looking target that resembled a disfigured, winged boar.

  “I think recruit Thomas is considering running away,” Lucan said sarcastically. A rippled chuckle ran through the group. Turning around, Killian put up the defensive walls he had always carried in his life.

  “You wish,” he shot back. Lucan scowled and threw a jagged knife at Killian’s feet, it landed inches from his boot, sticking into the grass.

  "Here, wear this," A small, mousy haired boy said handing Killian a soft, but firm black leather wristband. When he put the band on his wrist, the knife pulled from the ground on its own and stuck to the band. Killian stared at it with awe.

  “Well, Thomas if you're so special why don’t you show us something. You and me right now. Let’s see if your bloodline holds true,” Lucan spat the word bloodline like it was dirty. He grabbed the steel hilt of his knife, and locked it onto his own band and began circling Killian.. Killian’s palms were sweating as he danced in a wide circle, never breaking eye contact with Lucan.

  Killian knew this could go on forever, it was clear Lucan was just playing with him. He felt the frustration and anger boiling beneath the surface, and the calm facade he'd kept since arriving was waning. The constant unknown, the truth of his dead parents and now this dancing bully in front of him spilled out. He stopped in his tracks and foolishly took the first move, lunging his entire body at Lucan.

  As he lunged, he tried to take the knife off the band, but it wouldn't budge. Lucan easily thwarted the amateur attack, as Killian stumbled Lucan held his palm open and Killian watched as his knife flew from the band into his open palm. Quickly Lucan hit the back of Killian's head with the butt of his knife. Grabbing the back notch of his skull, Killian felt a warm trickle of blood where his scalp had split from the blow. He glared at Lucan. The bystanders had circled the two recruits and a low rumble of surprised voices sounded through the small crowd.

  “What was that Lucan? This is training, not combat,” Killian growled wiping the streak of blood from his palm onto his new pants. He didn't know how he would beat Lucan if he couldn't figure out how to get the dagger off his wrist. It was as if an incredibly strong magnet was holding it in place and only by using a release mechanism would it be useful. He wanted his knife free to penetrate Lucan's skin. Killian surprised himself by the thought, trying to calm his emotions he took a deep breath.

  “This is training Thomas, now learn from it!” Lucan lunged swiftly and expertly. He wrapped an arm around Killian's neck while swinging his body away from Killian’s flailing arms. In one swift motion, Lucan twisted Killian so his feet came out from underneath his body and he landed with a loud thud. Lucan raised his knife and swiftly stabbed it into the ground next to Killian's ribs, slicing his skin on the way down.

  “Ahhh,” Killian cried out against as the sharp blade opened his skin, spilling bright red blood over the green field. Lucan brought his face directly next to Killian’s, seething he whispered so only Killian would hear.

  “You don’t belong here, Thomas! We don’t need you.”

  Standing, he left Killian bleeding on the ground. The other recruits were speechless; a young blonde girl had a hand over her mouth with tears glistening in her eyes. Killian knew this wasn’t norm
al training and he didn’t know what to do.

  “That’s all for now recruits, we’ll meet up again after mid-meal. One hour! Move!” Lucan shouted to the shocked group, he spoke softer to the crying girl. “Ann, get it together, he’s fine.” The blonde girl turned and jogged away from Lucan trying to hide the tears on her cheeks.

  Lucan walked passed Killian, bending down to grab his knife from the ground. He smirked at his wounded opponent while wiping his blade clean across his thigh leaving a red stain on his gray pants. Laying his head back down on the soft grass of the field Killian closed his eyes. For the first time he actually wished he was back on the campus hedging bushes with Brooks breathing degrading comments down his neck. The grass crunched as someone walked near him.

  “Rough day,” the familiar sarcastic voice came from above him. Opening his eyes, Killian saw Blake smiling down at him, an annoying laugh written on his face.

  “You could say that,” Killian said accepting Blake’s outstretched hand. He winced as his torn skin pulled further apart upon standing. Angrily he tore off the band with his untouched dagger and threw it to the ground.

  “We better patch you up, then we’ll head to get something to eat…are you going to brave some Cimmerian food today?” Killian scrunched his face up bringing a laugh from Blake.

  Blake and Killian sauntered out into the hall where the first aid cart waited. He moved slowly, with each step his skin felt like it split further apart. Blake ruffled through the drawers on the steel cart looking for a bandage.

  “Killian, what happened?”

  Killian’s stomach leapt to his throat. Turning he saw Mercedes rushing toward him. She looked amazing. He’d seen her this morning, but somehow she still looked different. Her long wavy hair was pulled up high in a tight ponytail. The fading lines on her face from her attack were almost gone. She wore a similar suit as he did, though hers was a dusty sand color with a gray belt extenuating her athletic figure.


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