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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 15

by LJ Andrews

  "The day I was arrested Blake had just dropped me off.” Blake nodded silently as his own memories flowed in accordance with the story. “I walked in on him beating her up so bad I thought he was going to kill her. So being an idiot I stepped in front of her and I hit that man so hard he fell and got pretty banged up on the way down. He was so angry, I thought he was going to grab his gun." He saw Sophia and Dax glance at each other. Killian wondered if they knew what a gun was after his conversation with Blake earlier. “A Terrenian weapon.” Both nodded their heads, finally understanding. "So, like a coward I just ran. I left her there. I barely made it to Blake’s cover house before the police picked me up. Richard lied and told the police I had beaten Laura. He was a business man in the community and I was a quiet, troubled kid with no family; you can guess who they believed."

  "Didn't his wife tell them the truth?" Mercedes asked, wiping a tear from her cheek.

  Killian gave a melancholy chuckle, Blake snorted in frustration as well. "Nope, she was scared to death of the man so of course she sided with him.”

  “That’s giving her way too much credit Kill,” Blake sneered. “It was her moment to get away from him. She stabbed you in the back and sentenced herself to a life of hell.”

  “Well, who can say the manipulation she’d been through?” Killian answered trying hard to keep the resentment he had long ago buried from boiling up again. “So, I was locked up for a year. I had a week to go when we met." He finished glancing quickly at Mercedes. They sat in silence for a long time, before Mercedes squeezed Killian's hand again and gave him a smile.

  “Well, I think you were a hero, Killian, not a coward," Sophia said. "Any of us would've killed the man, but you didn't, so that makes you a stronger man." Killian just smiled at her. Mercedes looked at Sophia like she had taken the words right from her mouth.

  “Guys, this has been astronomically fun, but I think we better get back. Aidan is going to be here in an hour, and I would rather Nathaniel and Miller discover us than Aidan,” Sophia said. They all agreed and began making their way back to their rooms.

  Mercedes left the elevator first since the Beastian floor was beneath the recruit floor. She turned to Killian before leaving.

  “Thanks for doing this for us, it was so worth the risk.” She stood up on her toes and kissed his cheek, before shyly walking away.

  The elevator car immediately filled with whoops and hollers from Blake and Dax with Sophia trying to shut them up, saying how sweet it was. Killian ignored them all; he didn’t care what they said. This had been by far the best night of his life.

  Chapter 9

  The Four Relics

  “Thomas, you have to be swift in the attack! My grandmother could see what move you were doing next with her eyes closed!” Aidan shouted from behind Killian. He panted, exhausted from hours of training. The late-night escapade was catching up with him, and Lucan was loving it.

  Lucan circled him, twirling his knives in his hands, grinning. He reveled in his tenth defeat and seemed to enjoy more and more making Killian end up flat on his back. Killian tossed the spear onto the soft field, frustration coming to the surface. He wanted to wipe the smug look off Lucan’s face; it had been the only thing he had seen for hours.

  “How do you expect to jump realms if you can’t even defend yourself against a fellow recruit?” Killian glared at Aidan, he was beginning to act a lot like Brooks lately. The short-lived praise he'd had yesterday had dissipated as soon as he'd come to the training center.

  “Now, take one minute recruits and then we are going to go again!" Aidan shouted to the group. "Thomas, you need to focus. You of all people should understand mental strength and how important that is in combat,” he said more quietly to Killian. Aidan sounded like he was insinuating something, but he didn't press the question.

  An involuntary smile spread across his face when the small Beastian group strolled in to work on their own combat training. Mercedes had her long hair pulled into a tight bun on top of her head. She caught Killian’s eye and waved at him. He knew there was an unspoken attraction between the two of them. Her group moved over toward the pool, apparently preparing to practice water creature defense. He noted the multiple floating fish-like creatures bobbing in the pool waiting to be studied by the Beasties.

  "Ready to lose in front of your girlfriend?" the arrogant voice of Lucan drew Killian out of his peaceful thoughts of Mercedes.

  "You know what Lucan..." He trailed off. Killian wanted to let loose his temper and fight back against the relentless torment. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his frustration down inside. "Lucan, I will take great pleasure seeing you fall on your face." He finished cool and collected, returning a similar smug glance.

  Killian quickly picked his spear off the ground and pushed the metal bar against Lucan's chest. Lucan stumbled back, surprised at the abrupt attack. Killian immediately began his offensive maneuvers trying with all he had to keep Lucan in the defensive position. Lucan's face was angry; his frustration evident. Pulling out his sleek knives, holding them blades down, he spun around and jutted his shoulder into Killian, knocking him backward.

  Killian found his footing and tried to slow his mind. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Mercedes and a few other Beasties stop to watch the exercise. This did not help his mental focus. As Lucan lunged again, aiming a knife slightly above Killian's shoulder, Killian spun the opposite direction. He ended up behind Lucan where he quickly tried to push the tip of his spear between Lucan’s shoulder blades. Lucan turned around just in time and blocked the jab with the blades of his knives. The weapons clinked together, bringing both men face to face. He knew the spectators would assume this was a simple routine workout, Killian knew better. If he could, he had no doubt Lucan would pierce his chest so deep he would die in moments.

  Killian twisted his spear so it dislodged from the blades of the knives. He stepped far back from Lucan, allowing himself a few moments to slow his thoughts and strategize his next move. He felt his entire body loosen and relax so deeply he thought he would fall asleep in the center of the field. Opening his heavy eyelids he noted Lucan’s shoulders were heaving with deep breaths as he fumed. Out of the corner of his eye, Killian was shocked and unnerved to see a second Lucan had suddenly appeared. It was happening again!

  Killian watched as the doppelganger Lucan rushed at a second image of himself. The vision of Lucan slid on the ground, wrapped his legs around the identical image of himself causing him to fall to the ground where Lucan clamored on top of him holding his knives to his neck and chest. The vision of Lucan had won the fight.

  Killian's heart raced and the vision faded just as the real Lucan began charging. Killian knew exactly what to do. As Lucan dropped to the ground to take out Killian's footing he moved slightly to the side, out of the line of attack. While Lucan was facing away from him, still sitting on the ground, Killian rushed him from behind, wrapped his arms around Lucan's shoulders and tackled him to the ground. Lucan struggled from underneath Killian, but he quickly straddled him pushing his knees onto Lucan’s arms, applying enough pressure to pin him to the ground. He held his spear above Lucan's face until Aidan blew the whistle signifying, if the fight had been real, Lucan would be dead!

  Both men rose from the ground panting from the exertion. Lucan’s eyes blazed in anger at Killian. An overwhelming wave of furious emotion filled his chest. He was thrilled to have finally beaten Lucan but was uneasy about the vision.

  "Alright Thomas, that's more like it!" Aidan shouted from behind. Lucan was already stomping away, and Aidan just watched him go. "Well, Thomas if you thought he didn't like you before I would just watch your back during training from now on." Aidan chuckled, Killian returned the joke with a nervous laugh. "How did you do that? I knew you had combat skills in you, but was almost like you were floating out there. You made weapon fighting seem easy."

  "That's because I taught him everything he knows," Blake's voice came from over by Mercedes. He w
as standing by the group of Beastian girls, most of them were giggling amongst themselves pointing at Blake. Killian had learned most of the single, female recruits in the Ponderi found Blake quite handsome. Mercedes' eyes were locked on Killian. They were beaming with adoration and pride. Killian would fight Lucan every day if he could see that look each time. He hoped it made up for his disastrous spear throwing last night. But the uneasy feeling of the odd visions crept across his mind dissolving the exuberance of the moment.

  "Recruit, what are you doing here? You are supposed to be on the climbing walls." Aidan tried to sound put out with Blake, but everyone knew he was one of Aidan's favorites.

  "Well Aidan, I was instructed to bring Killian up to Nathaniel's office. He wanted to talk to him about something." Blake winked at Killian, then winked at the girls standing around Mercedes. Some looked as if they were about to swoon from his attention.

  "Well, alright. Thomas, you get back down here as soon as the meeting is over. You need to go again to make sure this wasn't a fluke thing." Aidan said gruffly before he shuffled away with the rest of the recruits.

  Killian looked where Mercedes had been standing, she was waving at him while practically being dragged by the other girls to the pool.

  "Come on Kill, Nathaniel was pretty anxious to talk with you," Blake said, already halfway to the front entrance. Killian jogged over to Blake and headed to the elevators with him. Once inside the car, Blake gave Killian a hard punch on the shoulder.

  "What was that Blake?" Killian asked, rubbing the aching muscle in his arm.

  “Where did that fight come from?”

  “I don’t know...I just focused finally I guess.”

  “Kill, I saw the whole thing. If I didn't already know you I would have thought you were a senior recruit or a trainer!" Killian smiled shyly, reveling in the praise. "I bet Lucan is going to kill you now!" Blake said dramatically.

  Killian's heart raced at the thought. Although he knew Blake hadn't meant it literally, it was always in the back of Killian's mind that they still hadn't discovered who was behind the attacks on him and Mercedes.

  "Well, it was about time for him to get beat. He's been beating me since I got here so I don't feel sorry for him." Killian answered as the elevator dinged open to the glamorous hallway.

  "Yeah I guess. Hey, tell me if they assign you a jump. I can't wait to see how it goes for the first time," Blake answered excitedly. Killian looked at him in surprise that he was talking about his jumping into other realms. "What? You’re a Custodis. We all know you are getting ready to jump, it’s what they do." Blake said with sarcasm while shoving him out of the car.

  "Yeah, does everyone find out these things?"

  "Kill, I've done my fair share of brown nosing here, but it's given me connections." Blake smiled before he whizzed away behind the wall.

  He knocked on Nathaniel's massive door and waited. After no reply, he slowly opened the door. Nathaniel wasn't at his desk. He walked in slowly sweeping the room with his eyes. Nathaniel was sitting at a small wooden desk, one that reminded Killian of a school desk used hundreds of years ago. Nathaniel was writing something furiously on a piece of paper.

  "Sir? Blake said you wanted to see me," Killian said clearing his throat. Nathaniel's head shot up. His dark beard was not as neatly trimmed as usual, but his blue suit was just as fine as always.

  "Killian, my boy! So, good to see you. Forgive me, I did not hear you knock," He said folding the paper and sliding it the slot of the desk. Nathaniel stood and walked toward the overstuffed sofas at the other side of the room. "Please come sit," He said motioning to the matching sofa in front of him. Killian quickly sat across from Nathaniel and waited anxiously for what he had to say.

  "Sir, Blake said you needed to see me."

  "Yes, I do. It's time to jump, Aidan has cleared you and we have a fresh arrival of blue pebbles for the Ignisian people, so to Ignisia you will go," Nathaniel said quickly, finishing with a coy smile.

  "So, I'm just going to Ignisia to check in on them and deliver some pebbles?" Nathaniel paused suddenly appearing uneasy.

  "No, Killian. You won't just be checking in on the Ignisians. I've assigned you there from the report Aidan gave to me. He said your ability on the rock wall was amazing. I believe you will be much like your father—a very trusted, valuable recruit. I need my best tomorrow."

  "Sir, what's going on?"

  "Killian, there have been reports of attacks in Ignisia, specifically in their molten caves. It is incredibly hot inside the caves and Egan, the chief, has sent word that several cave guards have been brutally killed."

  "That's terrible. Do you think it's the Trinity?" Nathaniel nodded and paced in front of his desk.

  "I don't know if there is a relic in the molten caves, though it would be a marvelous spot to keep one hidden because of the difficulty to survive inside, so it’s possible the Trinity is trying to enter the caves. We have to meet with Egan and explain how crucial the situation is now. He may be able to provide insight on the Ignisian relic guardians. He will have to trust you to reveal such a heavy secret."

  "I don't know if I can get him to trust me, but I'll try. What do I need to do to jump?"

  "First, you will meet with a Beastian in the morning. They will speak with you about any Ignisian creatures you need to prepare for. I would like you to take the remainder of the afternoon and rest. I don't know how long you will be in Ignisia tomorrow, but you most certainly need sleep to be ready. Jumping realms can be taxing."

  Killian nodded. "Sir, what if the Trinity have all the relics already? We don't have any, so it's possible."

  "Not so, my boy." Nathaniel punched a code in a concealed number pad along the side of his magnificent desk and pulled out a small gold box. "We are in possession of the Terrenian relic, a rare lily seed." Killian gaped. He had never seen an image of the Terrenian relic, it wasn’t available in realm school, but it was rather anticlimactic to hear it was a seed.

  "A seed? That's a relic?" Killian scrunched his eyebrows together as Nathaniel opened the lid, inside was a large glistening seed. It looked smooth with a dark brown outer covering. Its almond shape was perfect, but looked nothing like a flower seed.

  "This is no ordinary seed. It is infused with an incredibly strong power, creation and destruction of metals. It may not seem like an important power, but think for a moment how many metallic elements exist in the planet systems of Terrene." Nathaniel paused when Killian's eyes widened as he realized the effects of using such a power.

  "James Thomas was to be the realm leader on Terrene. After the venture, Merlin bestowed the relic to him and it was given to the Ponderi. Each Ponderi director is entrusted with the code to access the lily seed. So, thanks to your ancestor, we have always had one relic in our vaults all these years. We keep it well hidden, and don’t share what it looks like or what it is capable of to anyone." Nathaniel carefully closed the gold box and returned the seed to his drawer. That explained why he hadn’t learned about it in Realm School. "Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, meet me by the front entry way, Killian. I need your strength in Ignisia. We need Egan to hand over any information he has on the whereabouts of the relic. Tell no one, my boy."

  "Why can't anyone know?" Nathaniel stood up and began pacing in front of Killian. He had never seen the older man so uneasy before.

  "There is unrest in this Hemisphere Killian. The Trinity is subtle, but striking against many of the realms. If any of the relics fall into the wrong can imagine what could happen.” Nathaniel paused before changing the conversation direction. “You feel confident if you happen to meet with Deshuits? Remember they are dangerous and will kill you if they get an opportunity." Killian nodded quickly, noting the man's accent grew thicker as his intensity grew. "Good."

  Nathaniel gave Killian a quick pat on the back. He wondered if it was meant to reassure him, but he most certainly did not feel reassured. Nathaniel rose to the doorway and opened it clueing Killian that
their meeting was over. "Tomorrow morning then my boy. Take the rest of the day to prepare mentally and physically any way you have to. I want you to meet with Aidan, he will instruct you on the etiquette and customs of Ignisians. And Killian...please be careful."


  The brilliant greenish sun was setting as Killian approached the entry way he had first entered when he'd arrived at the Praetorium nearly a month earlier. He'd taken the entire afternoon to practice with the spears, even though Nathaniel had told him to rest. Blake had helped him for several hours, promising to keep his jump a secret. Killian was exhausted and his mind was foggy with the unknown. Tomorrow was the day when all his training would become real. Would jumping hurt? Would he meet a Deshuit? Would he even make it back alive? Killian had stopped Dax to ask about Ignisia after a boast session from Aidan about the grandeur of his realm. It was hard to gain information from Ignisians about their realm, since they were the proudest race of people. According to them everything was glorious, everything was perfect, it was the most beautiful, most powerful, grandest of all information of significance.

  Dax had been nearly as bad as Aidan. He'd gone on forever about the vast beauty and harsh deserts in his home realm. Finally, he'd explained how to find Egan's home. Ignisia's sun, according to Dax, looked like a roaring fire in the sky, full of wild flames, not a perfect circle. The sun always perched directly over the city center where Egan was. The flames serve as a remarkable way to assist lost travelers in the desert in finding the largest, most resourceful city in Ignisia.

  Killian's mind wandered to the mission Nathaniel had given him. As far as those he’d spoken with knew, he was delivering the Blue Pebbles, and that was all. He'd kept the relic hunt to himself, even away from Blake. The pressure was beginning to overwhelm him. Nathaniel had made it seem that his winning the contest on the rock wall made him the greatest Custodis of all time—little did he know about his fluke visions. The thought of coming back empty handed caused the blood to rise to his head. Killian placed his head in his hands hoping to slow the dizzy feeling that was overpowering his mind.


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