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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 17

by LJ Andrews

  Killian thought quickly, trying to focus his mind on what he needed to do next. As he charged the two figures, he saw himself split and an identical version of himself ran in front. Another vision of one of the cloaked figures charged his vision self. He saw himself use the spear once more to push off the ground and land on his feet on a large jutting boulder forming the wall. His doppelganger pushed hard with his feet on the stone before landing on the outside of the tunnel, behind the confused, shocked images of the vicious people. They stared in amazement as Killian succeeded in his impressive leap through the tunnel. Just as soon as it had appeared the vision faded and Killian was brought back to the present situation of barreling toward two armed, faceless people.

  He smiled, thankful his mental trick was at it again in his time of need. Putting his faith in the mental strategy, Killian ran with all his might. A moment before the blade, of the now pursuing cloaked figure cleaved his neck, he pushed the button on his spear. The strong steel threw him into the air high enough to launch over the jagged blade. His feet briefly hit the stone before he pushed, using all his energy, against the rock wall. His momentum launched him over the heads of the daunting attackers, causing them to fall on the ground, and he landed awkwardly at the mouth of the tunnel. He gave one glance over his shoulder. The first attacker had picked themselves off the hot sand, but now the swarm from within the tunnel had joined their two brothers who had blocked the entrance. Killian quickly turned out of sight from the tunnel and climbed on top of the rocks that formed the shelter. Now his combat training was going to prove itself. He knew there was no way to make it to the city with these pursuers on his tail so he needed to eliminate as much of the threat as he could.

  On top of the jagged tunnel, he held his spear in one hand, waiting for his target to exit. The first cloaked figure ran out into the warm sun of the red desert. He stood below Killian looking back and forth, trying to find his missing mark. Killian took a deep breath before leaping from his perch and landed directly in front of the cloaked man. The man drew his jagged, gold blade and angrily slashed the air, narrowly missing Killian’s torso. Killian dodged and thrust the closed steel rod toward the man’s chest. Clenching his jaw, he shut his eyes and pushed the top part of the button, releasing the upper point on his spear. He gulped as he felt the point hit something solid, but he couldn’t open his eyes. Gurgles and gasps forced him to look at what damage he’d caused with his weapon. Killian felt sick and swallowed bile back down his throat as he saw the point of his spear nestled deep in the throat of the cloaked man. The man’s hood had fallen back and blood flowed freely from the open wound. The man’s face was painted a dirty gray and his pale blue eyes looked at Killian as he slowly lowered to his knees, frantically grappling at his throat until no more sounds came out. Killian’s hands were shaking as he pressed the button returning his bloodied spear back into the shaft. The man landed face first onto the sand, immediately staining the bright, fiery red to a deep burgundy.

  Disbelief overwhelmed him as he realized he’d just killed another human being. But the swish of a deadly blade brought him back to the present situation. Killian again used the spear to launch himself into the air, landing on a second man's shoulders who had failed in his attempt to cut Killian. They both fell hard, spraying grains of sand into the air. Unraveling himself from the cloaked man he flung into direct combat with his pursuer.

  Killian ran toward the person and thrust his pointed spear deep in his upper thigh. A high, shrill scream pierced the air. The hood fell from a young but rigidly toned woman.

  "What? You're a girl," he dumbly remarked. Her teeth glimmered in a wicked sneer. The white twisted braid on her head stood out against the ash colored paint on her face. From what he’d learned in realm school, dark paint tagged her as a Deshuit in an instant. Pulling his spear from her leg, and despite her injury, she yanked her long gold blade from her hip and lunged for him. Reacting, Killian clipped the side of her head with one end of his spear. The blow was harder than expected, she instantly fell to the ground unconscious at his feet.

  In his mind, he sensed the others surrounding him. He knew they would attack in a group. Killian lunged to the side trying to avoid their pursuit, but he tripped on another attacking Deshuit. He landed hard but quickly coiled around in the sand, trying to get away from the approaching killers.

  Before he found his footing, a Deshuit pounced onto his back, dragging him back into the soft sand. The Deshuit wrapped his legs around Killian's midsection, pinning him to the ground. He unmasked his face, revealing crude, black paint and began grappling for Killian's spear.

  Killian held on to his weapon with every ounce of energy he had. The Deshuit had successfully removed one of his hands from his spear. Killian swung his empty fist and hit the man square in the head. The man groaned and toppled to the ground and Killian scrambled to his feet and grabbed the spear, pointing it at the man in the sand.

  The Deceit’s short brown hair was covered in red dust. He swung his face toward Killian, an immense sensation overcame him. Loathing and disdain. The uncomfortable sensation released from the Deshuit seeped into Killian's heart, threatening to overtake any sense of control he'd won. The man was older than the woman, but still had a handsome young face. After focusing on the markings of the dark paint, Killian recognized symbols representing each realm.

  Killian held the spear over his chest, surprised by how anxious he was to thrust it deep in the man's heart to ease the discomfort of the Deshuit's hate. The thought scared him. His hands trembled against the cold metal, it was the only thing standing between him and sure death from this vicious enemy. Without taking his eyes off the fallen man, he felt the other Deshuits halt their pursuit. They now stood in a circle watching the stalled confrontation between the two men unfold. Killian assumed the man on the ground must be important to them and they didn't want to risk his death by attacking, or he probably would be dead by now.

  The man's eyes widened as he studied Killian's face, his hate fading from his countenance as well as fading from Killian's mind and heart. Killian wondered, as the feeling left him, if other people were perceptive enough to tune into emotions around them or was something wrong with him? The Deshuit curled his lips up into a smug smile.

  "You shouldn't have come here this day, your life may have ended," the man on the ground growled at Killian.

  "I'm not here for trouble. I have a very important task I am trying to do, something that will even protect your lives." He spat back, continuing to hold the spear over him. The man just stared at Killian. He felt like he was reading his thoughts.

  "You are a skilled fighter. One might say it appears you know what's going to happen before it does." The man smirked up at Killian. Killian's heart raced. Was the Deshuit insinuating he knew about his trick?

  "I just want to pass in peace," Killian explained, knowing Deshuits did not allow recruits to pass in peace.

  After a long pause, another Deshuit approached the fallen man. The figure was hooded, but one could easily tell a woman was beneath the cloak. Killian clenched the spear tighter, anticipating the duo to attack him together, but the woman simply knelt beside her Deshuit brother.

  "It's him." Killian thought that had been what the hidden woman had said. He tried to brush off the thought that this vicious clan knew who he was. The thought frightened him more as he wondered if they knew him, would they attack people close to him? The man gave her a curt nod and slowly stood. Killian pointed the spear closer to his chest, but the Deshuit held up a hand. Killian took that as a sign he was not seeking to hurt the moment.

  "Then pass," the Deshuit whispered standing upright. The shadowed woman stayed nearby. "But I warn you to use this rare opportunity with wisdom."

  The others surrounding them sheathed their blades and slowly dissipated back into the tunnel, except for the woman and man he'd pinned. Killian watched them in bewilderment. The man whom he'd pinned on the ground looked back at him before re-entering the tunnel

  "Be careful who you trust. I fear you may have enemies nearby," the man said sincerely as a sad look crossed his face. "I hope you find what you seek, Killian Thomas." With that, the man returned his black hood to its place covering his skull, and disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel. The woman with the hidden face stared at him. Killian could only make out her chin and full lips beneath her hood. He met her hidden gaze before she turned and joined her fellow Deshuits. He could have sworn she smiled at him—not viciously, but almost a smile of reassurance as if she were concerned for him.

  Killian stared at the dark opening, stunned and feeling sick. The Deshuit knew his name. He had never heard of Deshuits allowing a Ponderi recruit to wander unharmed. Either the Deshuits died, or the recruit died—at least that was what Aidan had told him. Everyone in the Praetorium iterated often that Deshuits hated the Ponderi. They were bloodthirsty and wild. Yet, they had let him go. Why would he know his name and why would he let him live? His stomach lurched when he turned and saw the cloaked, Deshuit corpse on the ground. The man's face was covered by the thick hood that had fallen over his head when he fell to the sand, hiding his lifeless eyes. Killian was grateful for that blessing. He couldn't fathom seeing the face of his victim. The reality of what he had done overcame him and he emptied his stomach on the sand beneath his feet.

  Killian sat, holding his head in his hands for several hours, trying to justify killing another person. Finally, as the bright reddish-green flames faded, he stood. The sky would soon be dark, and the fire in the sky was the one sure guide to Egan. He had allowed himself to believe, if he had not killed the man, he would be dead. It was an unfortunate, necessary evil. A shiver raced through his body as if shaking away the deeds that had transpired in the tunnel. Taking a deep breath, he made his way toward the adobe city.

  The entrance to the city was marked by a large sandstone archway. The houses and buildings were beautifully crafted from the same red rock and ruby stones he'd seen surrounding the pool of water. They all had markings of desert flowers and odd looking lizards and birds. The streets were full of Ignisians laughing, buying, eating; everything that people in his world did as well. The bright, colorful hair and clothing distracted him for several moments. It appeared that Ignisians prided themselves on their eccentric attire. The more radiant, the more piercings, the more colors, the better. He thought Fia had dressed over the top; throughout the town square he observed a man with a mostly shaved head, only allowing a few blue, orange, red and white spikes of hair.

  One woman had ruby red jewels pierced into her skin along her brow, cheek bones, and jaw line. Killian winced as he looked upon her face. It must have been an incredibly painful procedure.

  Killian glanced down at his uncovered hands. His skin looked pale as snow compared to the brown skin of Ignisia. Their bare arms and necks shimmered in the bright sun with flecks of gold. Aidan had boasted once that Ignisian's skin was ingrained with tiny, shimmering reflectors to limit their absorption of the harsh sky flames. Aidan had puffed up with pride explaining while others from different realms may visit Ignisia, their skin would eventually shrivel and warp if they stayed permanently. Ignisia was the only realm that could not house permanent immigrants from other realms, much to their pride.

  Killian walked into a large building in the center of the street. From what he had learned through Aidan's realm instruction, this would be where Egan, the chief, resided. The building reflected the warm sunlight on the outside, becoming a glistening, desert jewel in the town square. On the inside, the sun was absorbed through their walls, making the temperature rise in the building so the risk of a cold evening was eliminated. Killian knew Ignisians hated any hint of cold and did all they could to avoid it.

  The building was not as grand as the Praetorium. However, it had its own sense of beauty. Large ruby lanterns hung along the long hallway with beautiful blue, white and purple flames. It cast a stunning glow across the floor. The plants were spiky barbed cacti with fragrant pink flowers. Their scent was so inviting, he exerted all his energy to continue his trek down the hall.

  Killian stopped at the end of the hallway and knocked on the large black door in front of him. Moments later a woman with red and blue tipped hair and earrings in her lips and nose opened the door.

  "Yes? What do you need recruit?" she asked, while stiffly crossed her fist over her chest. The woman obviously was not interested in greeting him with the typical feminine kiss.

  "I'm here to speak with Egan," Killian answered simply. He tried to focus on the woman and what she was feeling. He absorbed a fleeting piece of her annoyance of him being at the door before opening it wide and ushering him in.

  "I must ask the reason for your visit with Egan so late in the day," she said briskly.

  "I found myself quite...delayed or I would have arrived earlier. I am here simply to report time sensitive information from the Praetorium. I'm afraid that is all I can say." The woman nodded and pressed a small button on the wall next to her. An even larger black door swung open and a man with a bright yellow beard and spiky white hair walked out.

  "What is it, Eva?"

  "A recruit here with information from the Praetorium sir," she answered respectfully. Egan turned and eyed Killian up and down. Killian immediately sensed his annoyance as well, but also intrigue to his purpose.

  Egan's bronze skin was taut and stretched over the rippling, toned muscles throughout his body. His ears were pierced with bright red jewels as well as his eyebrows. A flaming tattoo covered his entire bare chest and the same glowing flame necklace as Aidan lay over his heart. Egan had surprising eyes, different from any other Ignisians Killian had met. Instead of the deep brown eyes he had blue eyes with sputtering white flames behind them. He also noted his skin was not as tan as his countrymen.

  "Yes, I received a notice you'd be arriving. Though I expected you earlier." Egan said roughly. His large fist pounded his bulging chest as he sternly greeted him.

  "I need to speak with you about some information from the Praetorium," Killian repeated again, ignoring Egan's annoyed tone. Egan just stared at him. Killian could feel the reluctance the leader emitted. "With all due respect sir, I have not had the easiest time getting here. I would very much like to speak with you without resistance." Killian was surprised at his own bluntness, but the stress of his encounter with the Deshuits was still lingering. Ever since he'd arrived, he'd been met with contention. Even people wandering the streets turned up their pierced noses as he walked by; no kisses, no fist greeting.

  Egan glared at him. A wave of frustration at a younger inferior speaking to him in that manner overcame Killian. The sensitivity to other's emotions could be helpful at times and he knew he needed to ease up or Egan would dismiss him.

  "Come in recruit, but make it quick. Eva, please bring in some palm juice for us." Egan turned into his office and Killian followed.

  Once inside Killian immediately cooled down. The office was strangely not as warm as the other parts of the building. Egan certainly was a different Ignisian. He motioned for Killian to sit on a chair made out of a black rock resembling hardened lava, but was surprised to find the seat rather comfortable.

  "Sir," Killian began. "Forgive me for coming so late, but I am simply here trying to deliver the pebbles." Killian unlatched the knapsack from his belt and placed it on Egan's magnificent desk. Egan gave him a stiff smile.

  "The people of Ignisia will thank you for these. Our water has been getting a little gritty." Egan chuckled.

  "I wanted to check on your people's circumstances. Is there anything they need?" Killian stammered. He had said the words so weak, and Egan's glare made him shrink in his rock chair.

  "You want to know how the Ignisian people are faring? Recruit, I thank you for the pebbles, but they should have come weeks ago. The Ponderi seems more concerned about other things as of late and my people are suffering because of their inattention." Egan's face was turning a deep shade of red. “What is bringing about c
oncern now? And to make it worse they send a boy to check on us." Egan was fuming, Killian didn't need to sense his emotion to know what he felt. He didn't know what to say.

  "I'm sorry."

  Egan seemed taken aback by this reply. "You're sorry? I just insulted the Ponderi, and you say...I'm sorry?" Egan gawked at him. "What's your name recruit?"

  "Killian Thomas." Egan's eyes widened. He nodded his head but remained silent. "I have to be honest, Egan, I'm not here just to deliver the blue pebbles. I need to speak with you about the relics and the recent attacks in your caves."

  "I must admit recruit Thomas, I’m rather surprised you’ve been given such sensitive information. Why is the Ponderi asking such questions?"

  "Well…Nathaniel believes…the Ponderi believes possible Trinity members are the ones behind the attacks." Killian paused trying to focus on Egan’s emotions. He wanted to tread carefully. He still had difficulty trusting others he didn’t know, and just because Egan was a chief didn’t exclude him as a Trinity suspect. Killian felt a small wave of surprise and anxiety pass over him. He knew it was Egan’s. To him this made clear the Chief was unaware of who was attacking his people. “Sir, the Trinity is suspected of stealing the Cimmerian relic. They may be trying to get the Ignisian relic. They wish to destroy Terrene, sir. Please, we need your help in telling us who the Ignisian guardians are so we can remove the relic from Ignisia and return it to the Praetorium for the time being.” Killian finished quickly, hoping to convey the urgency of the situation.

  Egan stood from his large desk and looked out his rustic window at the dying sky flames. “Recruit Thomas, I believe what you say is true." He turned back and looked at Killian. “I can sense you are valiant and seek the relics honorably. I’m afraid telling you who the guardian is may prove difficult.” Inwardly Killian’s heart sunk. He’d hoped Egan would simply tell him. He should have known this mission would be more difficult than anticipated.


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