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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 18

by LJ Andrews

“It’s not because I don’t want to. If it’s true and the Trinity is murdering my people, I assure you I will do everything in my power to stop them.” Egan looked down at the ground just as a knock came to the door. Eva brought in a tray with a pitcher and glasses brimming with a mud-colored liquid.

  "Ah, thank you Eva, just what I needed." She smiled back at Egan, set the tray down and left the room. Egan took a big gulp of the drink and made a satisfied noise. "Try it, it doesn't look appetizing, but it is delicious." Taking a long drink, Egan’s disturbed demeanor returned. “You see recruit, I’ve been sworn under a powerful oath to never reveal my relationship with the particular guardian. The guardian doesn’t even know who they really are. You can imagine how upsetting it would be for them if they learned their charge."

  “Yes, I can imagine,” Killian said stoically remembering the relic he never knew about. “The relics also are at a greater risk of getting lost when the individual isn’t aware of the importance of the object. Egan please, I understand you are an honorable man and wish to keep your word, but don’t you see…an entire realm will be destroyed− billions of innocent people.” Killian felt himself getting emotional as he thought of Earth and the people who lived each day unaware of the threat against them.

  Egan didn’t speak for a moment. Wiping his forehead, he leaned on his forearms and looked at Killian. “I’m afraid to put the guardian in danger, they…mean a great deal to me.” Egan seemed nervous. Killian could see beads of steaming sweat dripping down his brow. “The…guardian…is my…” Egan stammered, but didn't finish. His eyes suddenly rolled back into his head and his body began seizing.

  "Egan, what is it? Egan, what's wrong?" Killian panicked when white, foaming saliva slowly, frothed over Egan’s lips. "Help! Eva, HELP!" He yelled rushing over to Egan. He was choking and gasping. Eva burst through the door and gasped as she looked at the state of her Chief.

  She pressed another button on the wall behind Egan's desk and within seconds a hoard of men rushed in and pushed Killian aside. The men grabbed convulsing Egan and together carried him away. Killian hoped they would give him medical attention. Eva stood next to him sobbing and shaken. Killian stepped toward her, hoping to comfort her when she turned on him, flaming eyes full of rage!


  "No, Eva, no. We were just talking and something happened." Killian was panicking. He was going to be blamed for this...what if Egan died? He was going to cause an all-out realm war!

  "It's you isn't it? You are the one behind the deaths! GUARDS!" She screamed at the door. Killian could hear rushing feet down the hall. He wasn't going to get the chance to explain himself, so instantly he ran out the large doorway just as the outer office was filling with several bright uniformed guards.

  Killian dropped his shoulder and plowed into the stomach of one of the guards. Both men fell to the ground, but quickly Killian jumped up and ran down the lantern lit hallway. At the front entrance of the building another man stood in his way preventing him from escaping. Killian pulled his spear off his strap, holding it in both hands, rushed the guard with all his might. The guard tried to dodge the steel pole coming toward him, but Killian successfully plowed him to the ground and continued down the bustling street.

  A loud siren sounded from the building behind him and the people in the street plummeted to the ground. He gawked at the odd behavior for a moment wondering what they were doing. It became clear in seconds how easily he was now spotted by the guards with all the townspeople flung on the street taking cover.

  Killian turned and sprinted toward the open desert. His stomach lurched when he heard heavy wings behind him. Above him in the sky was a large, scaled bird. It appeared to be half eagle and half dragon; it was unlike anything he'd ever seen.

  The Draykan!

  The bird had an enormous chain around its neck with blood red feathers tacked to metallic scales. Its black beak opened as it let out a terrifying screech and the flaming eyes spotted Killian quickly.

  The creature dove from the sky, talons open and Killian lunged for his life into the nearest shop. The blood curdling screech of the bird's frustration for missing his prey made his ears ring. Killian gasped for breath. He needed to get back out into the street before he could jump out of Ignisia!

  Taking a deep breath he sprinted out into the street but he didn’t know where to go. Was he supposed to jump from another jumping stone? No one had told him, he’d just expected Egan to help him get back to the Praetorium. He could hear the flapping again of ferocious wings. Taking a risk, he tried to focus all his energy on the Praetorium and safety. Luckily the warmth spread throughout his body along with the welcome pulling sensation. The breeze from the nearing wings blew against his face. The warmth wasn't spreading fast enough.

  In a desperate attempt, Killian flattened himself against the sandy earth, narrowly avoiding the deadly talons. The creak of the metal scales sent shivers down his spine. The bird was recoiling his pursuit once again.

  Killian abandoned the open street and dove into the same shop. His ears were filled with cries of the flattened people on the street and agonizing screams from the monstrous bird. If he didn't jump from the building, he wouldn't jump at all. He would be framed for attempted murder—or worse, killed by the demon bird.

  “Get out of here,” a woman’s voice suddenly hissed above the shrieks from the Draykan. He turned his head and was shocked to see the dark painted face of a petite Deshuit woman crouched by one of the wooden tables.

  “I…I can’t! I can’t get to my jumping location.” The monster pawed and gnashed at the window to the shop. Killian heard shattering glass and he knew the beast would be in within minutes.

  “Killian,” she shouted. “You can; you have it inside of you, I can only buy you a few seconds now LEAVE!” The Deshuit woman dashed out the door of the shop. He could hear her holler at the beast, and for a moment the pounding feet plundered toward her shouts.

  Pushing a stone stool away from him, he stood firm on the glistening, volcanic rock that made up the floor. He thought of the Praetorium, hoping it would be enough. Bringing the soft, silk sheets on his bed into focus, the open entry way of the Praetorium and the shining emerald eyes of Mercedes, the warm sensation filled his feet again, though the band on his wrist did not follow as before.

  The dining area of the restaurant he'd taken shelter in began to swirl. A magnificent, powerful wind tumbled dishes and goblets on the tables. Killian's shoulders and neck burned as his blood heated from the power. The space in front of his eyes rippled and shimmered, in the street the red sand was swirling and frothing around the building in response to the blustery wind, concealing his location in the shop. Unseen matter was suspended in front of him. What was happening? The boiling power within, urged him toward the swirling mass and somehow he knew the tunnel suspended before him would take him home. But where had it come from? A ferocious scream filled his ears as the gruesome head of the black beaked eagle was plowing through the glass windows again. The monster was trying to reach Killian, and would succeed in seconds. He knew it was time and swiftly stepped toward the tunnel that had seemingly appeared from his own thoughts.

  The matter frothed and swirled upon his decision. Killian made eye contact with the blood shot eyes of the metallic bird and yelled, "GO!" as loud as he could. In a violent fury, he was pulled out of the diner and into the whirling tornado, leaving the freakish deadly bird behind.

  Chapter 11


  The thick, suffocating tunnel pressed against Killian’s lungs until he was sure he would never breathe again. Suddenly a white flash of hot wind brushed against his face and he landed hard on a soft, silky carpet that was welcome after the strenuous journey from Ignisia. His heart pounded furiously, and his muscles pulsed with adrenaline. Somehow he knew he was no longer in danger, but he still jumped when a deep voice sounded behind him.

  “Killian?” Nathaniel peered over his m
agnificent desk. “What are you doing here?”

  Killian gasped short, jagged breaths, taking comfort in seeing the Ponderi leader. But soon the frightening shrieks of the Draykan, the hidden Deshuit woman, and the unbelievable portal that had appeared from thin air, crushed down on his shoulders pushing away any comfort.

  “Connor,” he gasped, “I need…to speak…with Connor.”

  Nathaniel squinted his eyes until his attention was diverted to a soft beeping coming from a screen that had appeared atop the polished marble surface of his desk. Nathaniel’s eyes widened as he read the message and quickly brought his gaze back to Killian.

  Killian knew what the message had said by the shadow crossing Nathaniel’s dark eyes.

  “Killian, what happened?” The older man moved from behind the desk and grabbed tight to both his shoulders. “Did you do something to Egan?”

  Killian shook his head, continually gasping trying to find his breath as his body began shaking from shock. “I need to speak with Connor,” he repeated. He couldn’t move passed the thought of telling Connor about the Draykan, what the woman had told him, and how he believed he created a portal from nothing.

  Nathaniel stood, releasing his breath in exasperation. “Killian, this isn’t good.” Though he seemed frustrated Killian heard him page for Miller and Connor to come as soon as possible to his office.

  Killian knelt on the ground of the grand room, shaking as his body temperature dropped. Somewhere he heard Nathaniel shuffling about the room, but he couldn’t raise his head to see what he was doing.

  “Killian, here drink this.” Nathaniel’s voice was foggy, but he could see the man bend down next to him. “Come on, my boy. It will help.”

  Finally, Killian saw a steaming mug of liquid. It smelled strongly of peppermint and chamomile. Killian grabbed the mug gratefully and held its warmth close to him. Nathaniel wrapped his arms around his trembling shoulders and slowly lifted him from the ground, leading him to one of the soft, white sofas.

  Nathaniel paced near the magnificent window for what seemed like hours before Miller and Connor frantically burst into the room. Slowly, Killian craned his neck and met the gray eyes of Miller. The old man stared on in disbelief switching his gaze between Nathaniel and Killian. Connor nervously pushed his thick glasses up his nose, clutching a folder full of papers close to his chest.

  “Nathaniel, what’s going on? Fia is frantic,” Miller said in a hushed voice. “She said Killian killed her uncle.” Somewhere in the back of his mind it registered that Egan was Fia’s uncle.

  “I didn’t hurt him!” Killian said desperately. Painful memories of being falsely accused filled his heart. He felt dizzy and buried his head in his hands.

  “Connor,” Nathaniel said, ignoring his Regent and Killian, “why is Killian so insistent on speaking with you?” Nathaniel’s voice wasn’t angry, but incredibly firm and direct. Killian lifted his head and watched as Connor shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

  “Sir, after Mr. Thomas initially arrived and admitted to some…abnormalities, I took the liberty to research if there was anything more powerful in his relic that may have passed on to him.” Connor, Killian was sure, had tried to answer with confidence but the words came out shaky and soft.

  Nathaniel and Miller both stared for several tense moments at their engineer. Killian’s heart wrenched. He didn’t want Connor to get in trouble because of him; the man had only tried to help him and was one person he truly trusted.

  “Well,” Nathaniel finally asked, opening his hands, “did you find anything?”

  Connor shifted again, glancing briefly down at his folder of papers. He didn’t speak; he only nodded slowly.

  “Connor, please,” Nathaniel said briskly, “enlighten us.”

  Miller ruffled at Nathaniel’s tense tone, but locked his eyes again with Killian. He couldn’t get a read on the old man. Was he angry, or distressed? Before any overwhelming feelings filled his mind he heard Connor clear his throat.

  “With all due respect, sir… I am certain my findings fall under Hemisphere Council, according to protocol.”

  Killian didn’t understand what Connor meant by Hemisphere Council, but Miller gasped behind him and Nathaniel’s lips parted slightly as his jaw dropped.

  “You’re sure, Connor?” Miller asked.

  “Yes, sir. The findings will need to be brought to the attention of all the leaders. Especially after the accusations against Mr. Thomas presently.”

  Miller’s face dropped and his lips pursed. Nathaniel moved swiftly behind his desk and began typing on a keyboard that had appeared at his touch of the surface.

  “I didn’t do anything! Why don’t you believe me?” Killian was slightly embarrassed at the sound of his desperation. He watched as Miller squared his shoulders and turned to Nathaniel.

  “Nathaniel, I’m going to excuse myself for the time being.” His voice was dry and absent of emotion. “Please inform me when the leaders arrive.”

  “Of course.” Nathaniel waved Miller off without looking up. Killian bristled as he watched Miller walk by him without acknowledging him. His stomach pulsed in anger. Miller certainly believed he was guilty. It was happening again, he would be sent away for something he didn’t do.

  “What leaders are you talking about?” Killian asked bitterly, interrupting Nathaniel’s furious typing.

  The older man glanced up and paused for a moment. “Killian the realm leaders are part of the Hemisphere Council. We have not met in nearly a century. If Connor says something strange was in your relic that requires the Council, we must take this serious.” Nathaniel straightened and looked at Killian with fierceness. “I must also follow protocol with these accusations. Killian until the council arrives I will have to confine you to your room so we can learn what happened in Ignisia.”

  Killian stood in anger, but he couldn’t bring himself to speak.

  “I’ll have Connor take you down,” Nathaniel said, nodding at Connor who appeared more relaxed. Killian shuffled toward the doorway. Before leaving the room he turned back to Nathaniel.

  “I didn’t do anything to Egan.”

  Nathaniel sighed and sympathy filled his eyes. “I believe you, my boy. But try to understand we must follow protocol and find out what happened. We aren’t sure if Egan is alive or dead. Please have patience. If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.”

  When the swift elevator doors opened to his floor he was met with several hushed groups of members speaking amongst themselves. When they saw Killian all voices stopped. Killian’s face flushed with embarrassment. How could rumors have spread so quickly?

  “Killian!” Dax’s deep voice boomed along the hallway. His friend’s face looked torn between anger, and sadness. “Is it true? Did you kill my chief?”

  “Easy Dax,” Blake appeared next to him. He winked at Killian, but he too looked curious. “Just relax until we know more okay.”

  “I want to hear it from him,” Dax huffed, never breaking eye contact with Killian. “Lucan informed the recruits Egan was attacked and killed by you, Killian. Is it true?”

  Killian’s anger spilled over and he couldn’t stay silent. “If you want to believe Lucan, go right ahead Dax. Maybe you don’t know me as well as you thought you did.” Turning toward his door he met a pair of tear-glistened emerald eyes.

  “Mercedes,” he breathed out. He hadn’t seen her, but she’d seen his outburst and the strain of what he’d said was written all over her face. “Mercedes…I didn’t…” he couldn’t finish and he refused to see an accusatory look on her face if she believed him capable of such things. He had killed a person earlier, the thought still made him sick. The anguish of his friends thinking he could possibly kill voluntarily was too much to bear.

  Placing his hand on his door he quickly stepped inside, Connor following close behind closing the door on all the prying faces.

  “Killian,” Connor whispered, “are you going to be okay?”

an leaned against his bed frame holding tight to one of the posts and shook his head.

  “Connor, I didn’t hurt Egan. How can everyone think that?”

  “I’m sure they don’t think you did anything—”

  “You heard Dax! My own friends think I’m guilty!” Killian plopped onto his face in the soft billowing comforter over his mattress.

  Connor cleared his throat awkwardly. “Killian we’ll get everything straightened out when the council arrives.”

  “I have to go on trial again for something I didn’t do.” He rolled onto his back and covered his eyes with his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me your research was so big?”

  “I did Killian, I just didn’t know it was…this big. Until today I just wanted to wait to tell you my theories until I knew for sure, but today I found a report of someone having identical abilities to you.”

  “I opened a portal, Connor. Does that change anything? That’s how I made it back. Unless the jump site can move.”

  Connor shook his head. “The jump sites are a specific place Custodis are required to jump from. It is connected to your bracelet. There is no way the site would move to where you were.”

  “Well, does that change anything about your theory?”

  Connor shook his head. “I wish it did Killian, but you being able to bring yourself home—it only solidifies it more in my mind.”

  “Just tell me what it is!”

  “I can’t, I’m bound by protocol. You will learn everything with the council. Until then, I’m sorry you’ll have to stay in your room. There will be a guardian placed in the hallway for your protection.”

  Killian sighed in defeat. He was sure the guardian was there so he wouldn’t leave his room. Connor turned to leave, but Killian remembered one final question.

  “Wait, who is on the council? I don’t understand when they say leaders.”

  Connor gave him a small smile. “Killian, be ready to meet the Empress of Glaciem and Queen of Cimmerian.”

  Chapter 12


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