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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 19

by LJ Andrews


  Lavender sunlight warmed Killian’s face and the comforting sensation dulled the bitterness burdening his heart. For two days he’d rested on his massive bed staring blankly at his ceiling; two days of wondering what was happening beyond his cherry wood door and if his royal judges had arrived. Drifting his gaze toward the shimmering window, his attention was brought to his rumbling stomach. Meals were prompt and the radiant sunlight signaled breakfast would be arriving any moment.

  As if reading his mind a loud knock sounded at his door. Standing in the empty hallway a plump chef held a steaming tray of endless breakfast foods—more than he could ever eat in one sitting. The pink-cheeked man smiled kindly, and bowed his head before passing the tray to Killian. Without a word, the man turned and left. If circumstances were different Killian would have laughed about the punctuality and dependability of the strange, happy chef. But it grated against his nerves that the plump man had been his only interaction. He’d heard nothing. No one had checked in on him, not even Mercedes. Though his room was grand and large, he was feeling like a caged animal. He was back in prison, just with a nicer bed. Sighing in frustration Killian uncovered his steaming breakfast and was lost in endless streams of syrup and seasoned meats.

  Several hours later another knock sounded. Killian sauntered to the door, passed the cold breakfast tray still full of uneaten towers of pancakes and bagels. Glancing at the purplish-green morning sun, he wondered why the chef was early.

  Blake stared back at Killian after opening the door. Killian eyes widened. It hadn’t been so long since they’d seen one another, but he was still taken back by his friend’s face.

  “Wow, you look awful.” Blake scrunched his nose. Killian rolled his eyes. He knew he should’ve been grateful to see a friendly face, but the seed of annoyance pushed aside any friendly greeting he could’ve mustered. Granting Blake a small grunt, he turned back into the room and tried to close the door.

  “Hold on a minute Kill. Geez when did you get so touchy?” Blake said with sarcasm, sticking his foot in the door. Killian just stared, hoping to portray how put out he was for the false accusations and his lock-up. “I’m here to take you up. The royals are here.”

  Killian’s heart stopped. He knew the realm leaders had been summoned. Hearing the word royal, painted a different picture. Two, powerful women, who had never met him, were coming to be his judge and jury, and quite possibly the executioner.

  “Breathe Kill,” Blake laughed.

  “Easy for you to say,” he answered hoarsely.

  “Come on,” Blake tugged at his arm. “They’re expecting you. The Empress is not a woman you want to keep waiting.”

  Killian gulped, gave himself one last look in the mirror on his wall before he stepped before his judges. His face was darkened from not shaving, but his hair was still short enough he could pass it off as neat. Slowly he followed Blake toward the open elevator car.

  “Blake, does everyone think I killed Egan?” he asked as they shot through the walls.

  Blake shuffled a bit before answering. “There are some…firm believers of your guilt that are stirring the pot.”

  He didn’t have to say the name, Killian knew it was Lucan. Blake turned toward him as they stepped into the long hallway of the upper floors. “Killian, don’t worry. I know you didn’t do anything, your name will be cleared.”

  “I wish I could say the same for the others,” he mumbled as they approached the door.

  “If you mean Dax, take it easy on him. He’s really been wrestling with the last thing you said. He wants to believe you, but it’s his chief Kill. Ignisians practically worship Egan. Mercedes, because I know that’s who you really care about, believes you. We’ve just been ordered not to communicate with you. I was specifically asked by Nathaniel to come get you since we have the longest history.”

  Blake would never know, but hearing Mercedes believed he wasn’t capable of hurting Egan lifted an invisible weight off his shoulders. Knowing at least two people were behind him gave him the energy needed to face those behind the door.

  The furniture in the room had been rearranged. The comfortable, inviting white sofas were missing and only a large wooden chair sat in the middle. Against the magnificent window was a long, extraordinarily intricate wooden table with four people seated behind. Next to Miller and Nathaniel he met the frosty eyes of a white-haired woman cloaked from her shoulders to the floor in billowing white robes. Draped over one shoulder was light blue and gold sash tied in an impossible knot around her waist. Her icy expression caused Killian to shrink until he locked eyes with the woman sitting next to her.

  He recognized Maurelle immediately from the image he’d seen in realm school. The hologram did not do her justice. Her long ebony hair was streaked with glittering silver strands and rested in a lose braid over her bare shoulder. Her deep black gown was glittered with purple diamonds that matched her dark purple lips. But her silver eyes stopped his breath. Maurelle didn’t wear protective glasses like other Cimmerians so their unique color pulled him in. They peered deep inside him, but were not accusatory and seemed to smile at him. Her pale face stood out against her dark dress. Killian was quite sure he had never set eyes on a woman with such a unique, elegant beauty.

  “Thank you Blake,” Nathaniel said, shifting Killian’s gaze away from Maurelle and back to his friend. Blake gave him a quick wink and left the room. “Killian, please have a seat.” Nathaniel pointed to the single chair. Killian obeyed, feeling every eye in the room pour into him. Standing in the corner was Connor, he hadn’t seen him earlier. Next to him was a dark haired woman with the same silver eyes and Maurelle. She stood in the shadows obviously avoiding the harsh light and smiled softly at Killian.

  “This council has been called to address accusations against Killian Thomas,” Nathaniel said formally. “As well as addressing concerns brought by Connor, one of our engineers. His discoveries involve realm security so the council has been requested to hear the findings.” Nathaniel scanned the other three people seated next to him before continuing. “First order to be addressed to all those present, Egan has been stabilized. He is alive, but still quite ill and unable to speak.” Killian breathed out a sigh of relief. He was pleased to hear Egan had survived the attack.

  The Empress’s face grew colder at the mention of Egan and she glared harder at him.

  “We will begin by allowing Connor to present his case of findings.” Nathaniel leaned back in his chair and all eyes watched Connor stalk into the center of the room. He clutched tight to the same folder of papers Killian had seen two days earlier.

  “Thank you,” he whispered. “Council members, for the purpose of my case I’ve been given permission to disclose the Thomas family has been the Cimmerian relic guardian since their creation.”

  The empress huffed. “Please do not tell us zis is about za relics.” Her accent was thick, one like Killian had never heard. It was as if she was both Swedish and Russian, but neither accent was dominant. “Zay are dangerous, and people have been killed for zem before. Ve should leave zem alone.”

  “Understood, Your Highness, but there is a greater issue involving the Cimmerian relic,” Connor answered with more confidence. “Killian was named guardian of the relic when he was a young child. I was witness to the transfer which my mentor performed. There was something strange about the relic, almost as if there was another power added upon the magic Merlin had infused in the gold charm. My mentor presented it to a magical expert who also agreed there was something strange about the relic.”

  “Excuse me,” Maurelle finally spoke. Her voice was smooth, almost poetic and her brilliant eyes shimmered in the light. “I’m very curious Connor, how magic could be added upon a sealed magical object. I knew Merlin, and he never added magic to an object without first sealing it so nothing could be tampered.”

  “That is why, at the time, we were confused. The expert herself sensed something was strange about the relic, but didn’t know wh
at. Killian was eventually sent to Terrene and was bonded to the relic. When he arrived back here, he said there was damage to the charm after years of use. But what struck me were his subtle abilities.”

  “Vat kind of abilities?” Gwyniera asked in a tense tone.

  “Killian has unique dreams, lifelike dreams. He’s been able to see things moments ahead of when they actually happen. He has a strong sense of other people’s emotions, and after he returned from Ignisia he insisted he opened a portal.”

  “I did!” Killian blurted out. He met Maurelle’s sparkling eyes and felt instant embarrassment for his outburst. Connor turned around and raised his eyebrows, as if signaling Killian to stay quiet.

  “I’m not accusing you, I’m setting up a history for the leaders,” he huffed under his breath before continuing his speech. “Sorry, Majesties. As I was saying, after some of his earlier reports I’ve been researching anything with similar abilities. I am one hundred percent confident I’ve reached a solid conclusion about what was infused within the relic.” The council sat on edge as Connor paused; Killian guessed it really was for dramatic effect knowing Connor. “I believe Killian has an ancient scientific formula inside him called Infinium.”

  The word meant nothing to Killian, but it meant something to the council. Miller gasped, Nathaniel slowly raised off his seat, Maurelle covered her mouth and Gwyniera began a loud tirade.

  “Zat is not possible,” she cried. “It vas destroyed at za end of za venture.”

  “Empress, I assure you it is Infinium. It was created again and infused into the relic before Killian took guardianship.”

  “Connor, you’re sure?” Nathaniel asked.

  “Yes, sir. Dalia has also verified my findings. She has more experience with Infinium than anyone.” Connor pointed at the Cimmerian woman standing against the wall.

  “He is speaking the truth,” she said in a similar poetic voice like Maurelle.

  “Dalia,” Maurelle said desperately to her Cimmerian companion, “what does this mean?”

  “Zis all goes back to you Maurelle, and Cimmerian’s cursed magic,” the Empress seethed.

  “Empress, please,” Miller cried. Killian’s eyes shifted between the two women. He was shocked the Empress had been so brash. The Empress was the first harsh Glacien he’d met; nothing like the other calm, quiet people.

  “No, she is free to express her concerns,” Maurelle responded, holding up a pale hand. “Empress, this has no more to do with my father and the Terrene Venture than you and I do. I know that is who you are truly accusing, not me. My father was many things, you frequently remind me, but he was not the creator of Infinium on the Venture. If you recall what Connor told us, the formula was recreated and infused into the relic.”

  The empress looked as if she wanted to say something more, but she held her tongue and sat down, crossing her arms.

  “Yes,” Connor said. “It was recreated. This is not the original formula. We know the original Infinium disappeared and allowed the power to corrupt his mind. I’m going to allow Dalia to explain what this means. I would like to add a final note. Dalia has been involved in this relic for years, she was also the magical expert consulted by my mentor. Her opinion solidifies my findings more than I ever would be able.” Nathaniel raised his eyebrows and nodded.

  “Wait!” Killian cried. “This Infinium…is it the power that ended the venture?”

  No one spoke for a moment, but Maurelle nodded her head. “Killian, I was told as a young girl the power was a mutation and planted the seeds of the other abnormal creations developed during the Venture conflicts. But I suppose Infinium was the beginning of the end during the Venture.”

  Killian ran a hand through his short hair. He remembered the story of the council at Stonehenge. He knew a strong power had corrupted the people and had caused violence between the races. Now Connor was saying it was inside him.

  Connor stepped back and the tall, Cimmerian woman stepped out of the shadows. She placed a pair of thin glasses over her eyes as the light increased. Killian could see she was older than Maurelle, which meant she could be over one thousand years old.

  “Infinium was created to open the dormant areas of the brain. It was designed to give the host the power of every realm. Killian’s experiences point strongly toward dormant Infinium. The power has not activated inside his mind, or we would know it. But he is experiencing side effects of the strong chemical surges from the formula. This is why he has premonitions, or can feel emotions. If the power was close to activation, it would be quite possible to summon elements in the Hemisphere and open a portal if his life was threatened.”

  “But Dalia, how is it possible Infinium transferred from the relic to Killian?” Miller asked with a twinge of emotion in his voice.

  “I don’t know who created the formula a second time, but they would have to have a great understanding of the living magic inside the relic. As my Queen said, Merlin sealed all the relics, but Infinium is not magic, it is man-made and connects to a living force. It is strong enough to bypass magical barriers in weak life forces. Each of the four relics has large amounts of Merlin’s magic, which is a life force of its own. This is how it crossed the barrier on the Cimmerian relic and bonded to Merlin’s magic.”

  However, a human, or a living creature has a stronger life force than bottled magic. When Killian’s relic was damaged I am certain the bottled Infinium latched onto the stronger life force when it had a chance, which is him. The relic still holds all Merlin’s magic, his magic is bonded with the charm. Infinium would be free to escape. I don’t know why it was created, but I can assume its creator planned to use it at a later date and didn’t anticipate it escaping and latching to Killian.”

  “Is there any way to date its creation?” Nathaniel asked briskly. “Perhaps we could learn who developed the new Infinium if we knew how old it was.”

  “I have no way of knowing the age of Killian’s Infinium,” Dalia whispered simply.

  “Perhaps zis boy is za one who created it,” Gwyniera sneered.

  “Empress,” Nathaniel began, “as Connor said, the relic had a strong power pull when it was transferred to Killian as a toddler, insinuating Infinium was already in the relic during the transfer. A young child is not capable of creating such an ability.” Gwyniera pushed her nose in the air, but Killian smiled at the older man.

  “More importantly, what does this mean for our friend Killian?” Maurelle sang. Killian’s stomach twisted. The queen addressed him like an equal, yet he felt so much less than her.

  “Killian will be fine, if he can learn to stay calm, and keep Infinium dormant. If it activates, he will need training to control the power. The current side effects will be nothing compared to the strength of active Infinium,” Dalia answered.

  “It is of realm security because of the strength of the power,” Connor continued. “Each leader needed to be made aware of the potential power inside Mr. Thomas. We are fortunate that Killian is not a power hungry, lunatic. But even so if Infinium were to activate and join with his cells chemically, he would in theory have the powers of all four realms. Having such a power cannot be concealed from the races.”

  “Can I say something?” Killian asked.

  “No Killian,” Nathaniel answered kindly. “We understand it’s difficult to hear us talk as if you are not here, but the accused does not deliberate with us. You will have your moment to speak.”

  Killian frowned. He’d already asked a question and Maurelle had answered it, but he obeyed and stared blankly at the pearly white carpet.

  “And we appreciate you informing us of the potential threat,” Maurelle said sweetly to Connor.

  “Ha, perhaps ve should not take such a risk vith him. Are ve not also here because he is accused of trying to kill a leader?”

  Killian closed his eyes; with the distressing talk of the strange ability he’d forgotten the accusations against him.

  “Yes, Empress,” Nathaniel said. “In order to see the truth
without objection or alteration the queen will be extracting the memory.”

  “Vat! You vant magic to be used ven you have tried so diligently for years to keep it controlled.” Fear of magic was easily detectable to Killian underneath Gwyniera’s tone.

  “It has always been the Ponderi’s position when it is a matter of extreme importance, magic may be used in a controlled environment,” Miller instructed. “I can think of no one with more control of magic than Queen Maurelle.”

  “Gwyniera, I don’t understand all your protests,” Maurelle said sweetly as she floated toward Killian. “Haven’t you missed me at all? It’s been so many years since we’ve gotten together my dear empress.” Gwyniera’s pale skin flushed at the jab and Dalia smirked at the floor.

  Killian liked Maurelle, she helped him feel calm which he would expect more from a Glacien empress, but the frosty woman was becoming more difficult to deal with each time she opened her mouth.

  “Killian this won’t hurt,” Maurelle said putting one hand on each side of his face. “Don’t worry it will be over soon.”

  She winked at him. Killian closed his eyes. Maurelle smelled like tropical flowers, she had a warmth radiating from her that made him think he would do anything she ever asked of him. He felt a twinge of guilt thinking such things about the Queen when moments before he came in the room he’d felt similar things toward Mercedes.

  As soon as her warm palms touched his skin the images from the last few days flashed across his mind as if rewinding an old tape. Eventually he saw the red deserts of Ignisia, Egan’s office, the horrifying Draykan. The moment he dreaded the most soared across his memory: his spear impaling the attacking Deshuit.

  After only a few seconds Maurelle removed her hands and held them up in front of her face. In between her palms a projected image of all the memories played out for the council to see. The screams of the Deshuit plagued his mind, he saw Connor lower his gaze and Miller look faint when the man fell to the sand choking on his own blood.

  The council watched closely as they scrutinized the dialogue with Egan. Killian felt a shiver as the Draykan shot from the sky searching for him until he produced the billowing, earthy portal that took him home. The extraction was impressive, more than the Supraserum. With each shifting scene, the color altered over Killian. Sometimes he had a reddish tint, when he killed the Deshuit he had a green cast to his skin. Other times he was blue.


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