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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 20

by LJ Andrews

  “Interesting, indeed,” Nathaniel said as he scratched his chin. He focused on Killian before continuing. “Killian before the council deliberates on the extraction, is there anything you’d like to say?”

  Nervously he cleared his throat. This was his only opportunity to give the truth. “I didn’t hurt Egan. I don’t know who did. Ignisia was a horrible experience…you saw what I did to the Deshuit.” He lowered his eyes, ashamed to meet anyone’s gaze. “I’ve been accused of hurting others before. I didn’t do it then, and I didn’t do it now. I don’t know what you’re going to examine closer in that memory, but you'll see I didn’t do anything wrong. If I somehow have this awful power in my brain, I am going to need help with it. I don’t know what it’s capable of, but sending me away or locking me up, or whatever you plan to do with me isn’t going to solve the problem of Infinium.” He paused for a moment. “That’s all I have to say.”

  “Thank you, my boy. I’m going to excuse you, Dalia and Connor so we may come to our decision. Thank you.”

  Killian stood and left the room with the other two. Connor patted his shoulder, but said nothing. What could he say?

  “Killian,” Dalia whispered after Connor had blazed away in the elevator. “Would you mind if we spoke for a while. There are things I need to tell you about Infinium. Things I only want you to hear.”

  Chapter 13

  The Ultimatum

  Killian and Dalia walked out the main doors of the Praetorium. The lawn was a small wilderness full of forest shrubs, and large foreign plants he’d never seen. He stood next to a flowering bush full of rose-like flowers, but instead of thorns on the stems each petal had needle sharp pins sticking out of their edges.

  “So, what did you want to tell me?” he asked. It was intriguing the woman wanted to speak with him alone.

  “You need to understand how dangerous Infinium can be, not just to others but to you.”

  “How do you know so much about Infinium?” he asked softly touching one of the barbs on the petals. The flower immediately rolled itself up into a tight bulb at the sensation.

  “I was the original Infinium’s guardian.” Killian’s eyes widened at the confession.

  “The man who created it? You protected him?”

  Dalia nodded. “In a way I protected him from himself. His name was Axel and I have seen the beauty of his creation, but also the danger. As I said in the meeting the formula is dormant in your body. It will only activate if it feels like it is close to death.”

  Killian scrunched his face. “Why do you keep referring to it like it’s living?”

  “In a way Infinium is alive, it requires your body to survive. And if threatened it will activate by connecting with you at a cellular level. An Infinium bond will completely alter your genetic makeup. This is how it strengthens you, it makes you greater than you are. But don’t be foolish in assuming it is for you. Infinium will activate to save itself.” Killian didn’t respond, but turned and shifted his gaze to the green and blue painted moon now lighting the sky.

  “We don’t have much time to speak alone Killian, and I need you to believe me that having Infinium is a blessing and a curse. It is powerful Killian, and truly can give you the talents of all the realms. This can give you power to do good, but also can feed on your natural greed. It did so with Axel.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Axel became obsessed with the power and kept pushing his strengths until he was lost in his mind. He was dangerous and allowed Infinium to further his power hunt. He created the formula with good intentions; so others could be equal to Master Claec, but at the end of the venture Axel had become just as power hungry as his enemy. Infinium destroyed his mind. I protected him, but one day he had disappeared during the night. He was so weak, I can’t imagine he lived much longer.” Dalia paused, Killian thought he saw glistening tears coat her eyes.

  “Dalia, is that going to happen? I didn’t want Infinium...I...I didn’t ask for it.” Killian was panicking as he imagined himself maddening with power over time.

  “If you allow it. If Infinium ever activated, and you disciplined yourself you could have more amazing power than most people in the Hemisphere. There’s more Killian. I fear if the Trinity ever discovered you have Infinium it will be a great prize for them. They would have a valuable weapon to use in their relic search.”

  “But it’s already latched to me, how would they get it?”

  Dalia shifted uncomfortably, also moving her gaze to the brilliant moon. “They would have to drain much of your blood. But it has to be a very precise procedure. Your heart must beat long enough to keep Infinium alive. If you die, before enough of the formula was drained in your blood it would die as well.”

  “So you’re saying an evil society might want to drain me alive? Great.” He felt sick as he lowered himself to the soft grass. Dalia kneeled next to him.

  “Killian, I will do anything to protect you from the Trinity, so will the leaders. I must warn you to keep this information close to you. I didn’t even want the council to know, not that they aren’t trustworthy, but the fewer people that know the better chance you have the Trinity will never learn of Infinium.”

  “You can’t protect me if the council decides to lock me away, can you?” He looked at the dark, damp grass embarrassed at his brisk tone.

  “You won’t be locked away. It was simple to see your innocence in the extraction. Deliberating is just protocol.”

  “How can you tell I’m innocent?”

  “Didn’t you see the shifting colors? It signifies your mood during each encounter. When Egan was poisoned, you genuinely felt surprise, panic and sympathy for the Chief. If you had poisoned him your mood would different.” Dalia spoke so matter-of-factly it actually calmed his nerves. “It’s just like Infinium in a way,” she continued. “Magic extraction can also tap into emotions.”

  As Dalia finished they heard the Empress’s harsh cry of anger coming from the entry of the building. Flashing Dalia a confused look they both darted toward the doors.

  The council had adjourned and were standing in the entryway, but also next to them were Blake and Mercedes.

  “Vat is she doing here?” Gwyniera shrieked pointing at Mercedes.

  “Your Highness, Miss Forino is one of our beasties. We don’t understand why you’re so upset,” Miller pleaded.

  “Gwyniera, calm yourself,” Maurelle chided. “can’t you see you’re upsetting the poor girl.” Mercedes locked eyes with Killian as he entered. The bright emerald color was soaked in tears. Blake glanced at the queen, then Killian. He had his arm wrapped around Mercedes protectively as Killian stepped toward them.

  The empress looked like she was going to explode in anger. Turning to Nathaniel she seethed once more. “I have never been more insulted.” The empress stalked away with a fierce glare back at Mercedes.

  “What was that?” she sobbed. Killian went to her side, though they hadn’t spoken in several days he needed to help her.

  “Don’t think on it,” Maurelle said in her calming voice. “Gwyniera isn’t as young as she once was, she probably is mistaking you for another acquaintance.” Mercedes chuckled at Maurelle’s jab toward the empress.

  “Thank you Your Highness,” she said. Her hand slowly crept to Killian’s without breaking eye contact with the queen. Her touch sent Killian’s stomach into a twirl after days locked away from her.

  “Killian,” Nathaniel’s agitated voice broke through the crowd. “We were on our way down to find you before Miss Forino was accosted. The council, including the Empress,” he added with emphasis, “has come to the conclusion you in no way harmed Egan. This is good and bad news. Good news that you have been cleared of any wrong doing, but bad that we still have a villain roaming the Hemisphere.” Nathaniel paused looking thoughtful. “We appreciate your patience during this my boy. While you rejoin your friends and fellow recruits for Peridus training Miller and Dalia will be traveling to Ignisia to extract memories from Egan’s
closest subjects. Hopefully we can find the culprit soon.”

  “We should let you get some rest,” Maurelle said, hinting to the others to leave Killian in peace.

  After everyone had left, only Mercedes and Blake remained with him.

  “So, do you want to tell us what happened now, or later?” Blake asked. Mercedes held his hand tighter.

  “I don’t know if I have energy for anything else tonight. All I’ll say is I’m glad it’s over. I appreciate both of you for never doubting me.” He locked eyes with Mercedes. She wiped her face of her stray tears and smiled at him.

  “I would never believe the rumors going around. I know you better than that.”

  “Okay guys, I’ll leave if you want me to,” Blake said backing away.

  “Shut up,” Killian laughed. “We’re coming too.”


  The next morning the halls were bustling with excitement as recruits, beasties, analysts, engineers—every Ponderi member made their way to the training center. Killian shuffled behind a giddy group of young girls until the long chestnut hair of Mercedes flashed into view. Running up behind her he playfully wrapped his arms around her shoulders. The other girls widened their eyes when they saw Killian.

  Mercedes scowled at them. “Stop it, you guys heard the announcement. Lucan spread the rumors before he knew the truth.”

  “Sorry,” a blonde beastie squeaked. “We know he didn’t do anything it’s just hard to wipe two days of talk out. Sorry Killian.”

  Killian waved his hand as if it was nothing, but inside he was angry.

  “How are you?” Mercedes whispered close to his face. His stomach tightened, all he wanted was to be closer to her and make up for two days of being apart.

  He brushed a strand of hair off her face. “I’m fine,” he cupped her cheek. “You were the first person I wanted to see before everything happened…the thought of you helped me get back safe from Ignisia Mercedes. I’ll tell you everything as soon as we get a moment.” Killian put his forehead against hers. All this time he felt consumed with emotion, now when he wanted to express his feelings, he couldn’t find the words.

  “Killian,” a small, but deep voice broke through their moment. Dax stood behind him looking down at the ground. “I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for ever thinking you were capable of hurting my Chief. I was not true to those I should trust with my life. I hope I can earn your forgiveness.”

  “Dax,” Killian said slapping his steaming shoulder. “it’s alright. I know people were saying things. It would be hard to know what to believe especially when the council was brought in and I was locked up.”

  “That’s no excuse. You wouldn’t turn on me.”

  “Forget it, okay. It’s alright.” Dax nodded, but Killian suspected it wasn’t enough for him.

  “Thomas! Hurry up you need to get into the training center!” Aidan’s voice boomed across the commotion. He briskly waved his arms several people ahead of them.

  Mercedes chuckled. “Aidan has been anxiously waiting for you to get back when you were locked in your room we all thought he was going to explode. He expects you to be his shining star during Peridus.”

  Killian followed her toward the training center. “I bet Lucan loves that.” Mercedes laughed and held his hand again.

  The athletic field was packed with people. In the center, a large raised platform rose above the crowd. Nathaniel, Aidan, Gwyniera and Maurelle stood in the center.

  “Welcome!” Nathaniel boomed. His voice was loud like he was speaking into a microphone, but Killian couldn’t see any device he was speaking into. “This week marks the beginning of the preparation for the Peridus!” Enormous cheers broke out as Nathaniel chuckled.

  “We know you’re all excited and ready to get going, but first we want to make you aware of some remarkable guests that will be joining us. You all know the Peridus is something to look forward to each year, and a brilliant way to unite us together while showing off our individual, valuable skills. Joining us this week is Empress Gwyniera of Glaciem.” The Empress stood regally and hundreds of Glacien members fell to their knees. Applause welcomed the Empress from the other members. “And of course, we’d like to welcome Queen Maurelle of Cimmerian.” The Cimmerian members mimicked the Glaciens as they bowed low to their Queen. “Your Majesties, we welcome you to our celebration.” The two women nodded and smiled at the crowd before taking a seat in two remarkable pearl colored wing-backed chairs on the platform.

  “Now, as many of you know Peridus was created to promote our best selves. It reveals our elite, and we generously reward the recruits who have worked hard training, developing, and serving the Hemisphere. We are honored to have realm royalty joining us this year.” Nathaniel paused as the applause and cheers overpowered his voice.

  “Except he isn’t telling them why they are really here is he Killian?” Sophia had shouldered her way through the crowd and stood behind Dax, smiling mischievously. Blake had followed and was laughing behind her.

  “Hey guys,” he answered pleased to see his friends. “You really think everyone really believes the leaders are here for the games and not for the council?”

  Dax nodded vigorously. “They knew about the council, but think they were coming for the games anyway. The council just brought them here earlier. The only reason we know the truth is because we know you. Nathaniel has done some amazing Lucan disaster clean-up the last twenty-four hours.”

  Nathaniel’s voice drowned Dax out as he bellowed to the crowd. “As always, the top three competitors will be rewarded for their hard work, but the goal should always be first place. The winning competitor of the Peridus will be promoted to leadership in their field, as well as unlimited access to research labs, the athletic fields and honors from every realm leader!” The crowd rumbled with excitement and cheers.

  “Wow,” Blake said smiling, “I wouldn’t mind having unlimited access to the field.”

  “Yeah, you can forget it Blake. You’re going against me so I wouldn’t plan on winning,” Dax said smugly. Everyone laughed as Blake gave Dax a hard punch in the shoulder.

  “Today marks day one of your training and preparation. The games will begin in four days. There will be four distinct levels, those members who earn enough points to continue will progress. The member with the most points after the fourth level, which will take place in the simulation room, will be our Peridus winner! The levels are designed to bring out your strengths during adversity. You can expect yourself to be tested both physically and mentally. Not everyone is required to participate. You may electronically join Peridus over by Aidan today.”

  “The simulation room—that’s supposed to be really intense,” Mercedes whispered to him.

  Killian nodded. “That’s what Aidan told me when I first came here.”

  “Today, for those wishing to join the Peridus, you will begin with your regular groups. Aidan will oversee the recruit training here, Cora will take Beasties to their stations, and Luther will handle analysts and engineers. Tomorrow everyone will have free reign to work on any skill you think you may be weak. Have fun and work hard.” Nathaniel finished as the crowd disassembled and moved quickly to Aidan who stood with a translucent tablet in his hand. One by one recruits that wished to participate in Peridus placed their palms on the tablet until it beeped cheerfully. Killian truly didn’t want to participate in Peridus, he would rather observe, but the scowl from Aidan as he pointed to the line urged him quickly along to the tablet.

  Mercedes gripped Killian’s hand after she had entered her name. The beasties were leaving the training center to their hall, but she looked longingly at him. “Honestly I could care less about the games right now. I feel like we’ll never get a free moment.” She looked at the ground shyly.

  Killian pulled her into his chest. “I know what you mean. When this is all over we’re taking an entire day, just you and me.” Mercedes smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and turned out of the training center with the rest of th
e Beastians.

  “Well gentlemen, let the games begin,” Blake teased, wrapping his arms around Dax and Killian’s shoulders.

  “Hello, Killian.” Their heads flipped around and saw Maurelle standing behind them. Sophia bowed low at the sight of her Queen. Maurelle had changed from her brilliant gown and was dressed in a tight black pantsuit that hugged her athletic form perfectly. Her billowing hair was braided on the sides and pulled up into an impressive up-do that looked complicated to Killian. His friends quickly bent at the waist to show respect to the queen, and Killian awkwardly followed. Maurelle was breathtaking and regal, that was certain, yet she was playful and humble—conversing with others as equals.

  “Your Majesty, it’s great to see you again,” Killian said quietly. Maurelle smiled at him and walked toward Blake. She ran a hand over his sleek cross bow. Blake looked nervous around the Queen, but Killian noted the slight curve of his lips at the Queen's attention.

  “Likewise Killian," she said, “I had hoped you all would allow me to practice here with you…the Peridus is such an interesting process. I thought it would be fun to unwind for the next few days, would you mind if I joined?”

  “Of course you can Your Majesty,” Blake blurted with a small bow again. Maurelle smiled at him and followed behind as he led them toward the center of the athletic field.

  Killian released an uncomfortable burst of breath. The others knew he lacked good skill, but the queen didn’t. She'd seemed slightly impressed last night after learning he had a power locked away inside his mind, but surely she would be disappointed at his awful skill with weaponry.

  Maurelle stepped in front of a target, still holding Blake's bow. She closed her stunning silver eyes and pulled the trigger. The sleek arrow stuck in the center perfectly. Sophia clapped in awe behind them. Maurelle beamed, revealing her perfect teeth.


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