The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 31

by LJ Andrews

  Killian rolled his eyes. "And you aren’t going to tell me are you?”

  Nathaniel smirked wickedly. “Remember Killian my secrets are my currency for my safety. I will tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it. Trust me that the Trinity plans to keep you alive…for now.”

  “Just tell me about the relic Nathaniel."

  Nathaniel sipped from his cup once before leaning his arms on his knees. "You know the relic is a green pearl, you learned that in realm school." Killian nodded. "I heard reports before the Peridus of strange sightings up in the glacier caves. They are the highest points in Glaciem, and it will take no less than the empress to get you there skill wise. You can't do this journey alone if that is where the guardian is hiding with the pearl."

  "So you want me and another realm leader, or someone of similar importance to search dangerous caves?"

  Nathaniel gave a curt nod and crossed his arms over his chest. "That is my most educated guess on the Glacien relic. I don't know what you'll encounter, but you can assume it will be dangerous. Many people attempt to conquer the Glacien Mountains and never return."

  Killian scowled. “I’m tiring of your vague answers Nathaniel. Anyone could guess the Glacien relic would be in Glaciem. I shouldn't be here, there's no way to trust you. You probably want as many leaders to go down with me as possible by sending us into a trap on the glaciers.”

  “Fair enough Killian. I suppose we don’t have much else to discuss if you aren’t going to be civil.” Nathaniel sipped politely from his steel mug, but his eyes shadowed in disgust. “I wish you the best of luck, you will need it.” Nathaniel sauntered slowly toward a small wooden bookshelf. He took a ratted brown book with yellowed, frayed pages and handed it to Killian. Killian took a deep breath as Nathaniel glowered at him.

  “Do I still make you uncomfortable?” Nathaniel teased.

  “I don’t know if you remember, but last time we saw each other you cut open my body,” Killian whispered sarcastically.

  Nathaniel smirked and sat once more in his chair, sipping on his clotted coffee. Killian handled the word book. It was a leather bound book with a thin strap tying the cover to the back, there was no title, but the pages inside were blotted with a dark ink in flowing penmanship. Killian did a double take when he saw the date etched on the top corner of the first page.

  “Fifteen eighty-six?” He gaped at Nathaniel. “What is this?”

  Nathaniel cleared his throat and smiled. “As a peace offering I wanted to offer you James Thomas’s journal, I thought it might be of some use in the coming months. You never know, you may find a clue about what is on the mountains in its pages.”

  Killian flipped gently through the first set of pages awestruck that he was holding his ancestor’s journal. “Why are you helping me Nathaniel? Be honest.”

  “Killian, as I said I need you to keep me in this cell. I want you to find the relics now and stop the Trinity from killing Terrene. The Architect is cunning and intelligent, but I fear the consequences of disrupting the balance of the Hemisphere will cause greater damage the Trinity cannot foresee. I need to warn you, once the relics are found you need to be wary of others who may use them for a rise to power other than the Trinity.”

  “Like you?” He smirked.

  “Perhaps if you could look outside of yourself and your own struggles you would see my plan was not as bad as you think. Many in the realms feel the Ponderi oppress. Tell me this Killian, how is it that the Ponderi serve the realms now? We are the supreme beings for the realms, every decision, every crime passes through us. We have even prohibited an entire realm of using their natural talents and abilities. Do you think the Cimmerian recruits are pleased they cannot practice their ancient skills and spells?”

  “That’s not true the realms handle their own problems too.” Killian avoided the talk of the magical ban. It was something he found wasteful. Cimmerians could help the Ponderi with their magic and he believed it shouldn’t be feared.

  Nathaniel tossed his hands up in frustration. “There is so much you don’t know, my boy. You think the leaders can do anything without documenting it with the Ponderi? I promise you this Killian, even if you defeat the Trinity, eventually there will be another battle. The realms against the Praetorium, the realms want their liberties back. They want to be united as a Hemisphere once more. They want a world where there is one government where voices can be heard, where Deshuits will not feel the need to roam wild.

  “The people can live as the Hemisphere was designed to be; peaceful, united just as the original Venture was meant to do.” Nathaniel sighed and glanced at the floor. “The relics would be a key to bringing that order. Every realm reinstated with their perfectly divided power to be used for the betterment of the Hemisphere. But alas, the relics have such a strength I’m afraid there will be others that will rise up after the Trinity seeking to use them for selfish reasons.”

  Killian swallowed hard. “Nathaniel, you can think you are a valiant leader all you want. Don’t remember you were willing to kill innocent people to reach your goal. If you were so honorable I could’ve helped you, we could’ve worked together. You talk of others greed, yet you are the most selfish of them all.”

  Killian turned away from his once trusted friend and began walking away.

  “I hate being so blunt, my boy, but if you can't understand that thing inside your brain, well you will never have the strength to control it. Read the book, but keep in mind what you read may not be what it seems. Remember if you want my help, you know my terms.” The older man placed his cup near the cappuccino machine and leaned against the wall, an indifferent look plastered in his features.

  Killian gave Nathaniel a smug smile as frustration and bitterness pummeled his veins and heated the mark on his neck. Silently he urged the sleek copper out of one side of the wall. Quickly the metal formed crude shackles that wrapped around Nathaniel’s wrists pulling him against the wall and binding him tightly.

  The older man stared at Killian in astonishment. Killian smiled, turned and made his way toward the open door. "I don't know how that happened, I didn't think I had the strength to control it," he said over his shoulder.

  “Killian,” Nathaniel said with a hint of urgency. “You can’t just leave my hands tied up like this.”

  Turning around at the door way he locked eyes with his former mentor. “You’re right.” Instantly the shackles around his wrist faded back into the wall. Nathaniel rubbed the raw skin, smiling triumphantly.

  “Thank you, my b…” he stopped as he tried to take a step. Copper restraints had fastened around his ankles, keeping him tied in place away from all the comforts of his small cell. Nathaniel let out a defeated chuckle. “Well done Killian, well done.”

  Turning out of the cell Killian made his way out into the damp earthy hallway, a satisfied grin painted his face. It was thrilling to hear Nathaniel admit he was no match for Infinium, but Killian knew he still held the ace. Nathaniel knew who the Architect was and Killian was fighting a blind fight if he didn't know who led the Trinity. The fate of Terrene rested on himself and the Ponderi. And deep inside, though he hated to admit it, Killian believed Nathaniel about the caves and feared his most dangerous feat was yet to come.

  Chapter 4

  The Dream

  Miller swiveled in his burgundy, leather office chair as Killian walked into the exquisite office. Weeks ago he'd forgone knocking on his grandfather's office door. Miller never seemed to mind, and it had helped their relationship ease from awkward, to a more comfortable tone.

  "Killian?" Miller exclaimed. His tired, gray eyes brightened when he saw his grandson, and he emitted a warming sense of affection. Killian smiled as his body tingled in admiration from grandfather to grandson. Miller amused himself since Killian's empath ability had strengthened by wearing his emotions on his sleeve for Killian to absorb. It was their secret way to greet one another.

  "Good to see you too, gramps," Killian teased. Miller had never be
en called grandfather since Killian had left the Praetorium before he could form sentences, and he had ruffled several times at the name. So naturally, Killian used it often, but Miller was still the official name he addressed his grandfather with.

  "To what do I owe the visit?" Miller smiled as Killian plopped casually into one of the pearl white sofas. Killian nervously glanced around the room, drifting to his comfort place of staring out the unusually large window at the fading pinkish-lavender sun. "Is something wrong?" Miller's skin scrunched adding years to his already aged face.

  "Miller, I..." Killian stammered. He had planned on telling his grandfather about his visit with Nathaniel, but now he didn't know how to admit it. Miller had forbidden any communication with Nathaniel, and he was suddenly afraid it might damage their newly formed relationship. "I...have been feeling quite strongly that I should jump to Glaciem. After speaking with some...other recruits I may have an idea about a location of the green pearl."

  Miller raised his bushy, gray eyebrows and rubbed his identical mustache. "Interesting you should say that."

  Killian's heart pounded against his chest like a taut elastic band. "Why is that?"

  "Well, I have been feeling the same way. I feel the Glacien relic is our next best attempt at finding one. You, of course, are connected to the Cimmerian charm. I'm of the opinion someone stole it from you who is on our side. You would be dead otherwise had someone taken it to keep because of the bond. I don't think it's even remotely close to us, or you would feel its tug."

  Killian pondered what Miller said. The old man had never admitted he believed Killian's relic was taken by an unknown ally, though he had believed it for months he just didn't know who, or why.

  "Well, great. I'm glad we agree. I'd like to see if Mercedes would agree to come. She's desperate to learn more about her heritage."

  Miller frowned, not in disagreement, Killian had learned that was just the way the old man processed thought. "I have no jurisdiction over Mercedes, that will be her decision," he finally said. "However, I have jurisdiction over you as a recruit. I would feel much better about a new jump if another Custodis joined you. After Ignisia, we can't be too careful." Killian bit his lip and inwardly prayed he wouldn't say the name he dreaded. "I know you aren't fond of him, but Lucan is the most skilled Custodis apart from you. I'll send him along with you."

  Killian grimaced, he opened his mouth to dispute the request, but Miller held up a hand. "Killian, I value your input, but I really must insist on this. All Custodis are jumping together at this point. It is simply too dangerous. You must especially be cautious since the Trinity will be after Infinium. I won't risk it, I'm sorry but Lucan will be joining you."


  Killian stood by the steel wall littered with various weapons. He latched a small, compact dagger to one loop of his leather belt, and securely fastened his beloved spear that had yet to fail him. Staring at the small crossbows he considered whether it would be worth the extra weight. Though he'd already formed a connection with his spear, since Infinium's activation he found he could handle weapons easier he'd once never been able to do.

  "Where are you jumping off to?" Mercedes' silky voice asked.

  Killian turned and smiled at her, he felt the heat pulse from his neck to the vibrant orange ring around his eyes. She smiled back; she looked different—more confident somehow. She wore her precious relic on her finger, its scars of molten rock frothed and billowed against the dark stone. Gently he placed a hand against her cheek and offered her a single, soft peck on her lips before returning his attention to the weapon wall.

  "I was hoping I wouldn't be jumping alone this time."

  "Oh, you and Blake have some exotic trip planned," she teased.

  "Yes, Blake is always my first choice," he answered matter-of-factly. He laughed when Mercedes wrinkled up her nose. "Actually, I was hoping to find a foreign princess to take along with me. I wondered if she would want to see where she was born."

  The emerald color in Mercedes eyes brightened to a stunning, pale green. "Killian, are you serious? Miller said I could come with you?" Instinctively she grabbed a hold of his arm and pulsed on the ends of her toes like a young child might do at an amusement park.

  "Miller said he has no jurisdiction over you, you are free to travel the Hemisphere as you please, I'm just asking if for this trip you would want to join me in Glaciem." His face darkened as he continued. "I actually do have to jump with—"

  "THOMAS!" Lucan shouted across the field. His face was scrunched and angry and the bellowed cry made both Mercedes and Killian jump in surprise. Lucan pounded his feet along the soft artificial lawn, his face growing redder like plump tomato. "Miller just told me I'm required to complete my jump with you. I don't need help. I had this arranged weeks ago, and just because you have an in with the director doesn't mean you need to creep into my jumps!"

  Killian should've been distressed, but he couldn't help but hold in a chuckle at the sight of Lucan's spittle sprayed along his chin from the exertion of his rant. Mercedes' mouth hung open in surprise and, it would seem, disgust at Lucan's tantrum.

  "Calm down Lucan," Killian sighed. "I'm not thrilled with the idea either, but Miller said all Custodis are jumping in pairs. You're welcome to go off on your own once we're there, but just keep in mind what happened in Ignisia to me," Killian said wrapping a thin, pliable steel rope in a side buckle. Thoughts of the horrid Ignisian Draykan filled his memories. The people had accused him of trying to kill Egan on his first jump, though eventually he'd been cleared of all charges. The culprit was still at large.

  Lucan took a deep breath, bringing the red tint in his face to a more normal shade. "Just stay out of my way when we're there."

  Killian opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by Mercedes. "For your information Lucan, I made the request," Mercedes lied, though her face was still, never hinting what she said was false. "I'm returning to Glaciem for the first time and I asked to have both of you escort me and the Glacien empress around the royal city since you two have the greatest skill. But if you'd rather traipse through the snow on your own, fine. Don't blame Killian for another's request though. I can find another Custodis for the job." Her reprimand was kind, but Killian couldn't help feel impressed at her new found regality. He wanted to kiss her hard and deep right there in front of Lucan. Something about her new demeanor was irresistible.

  Lucan shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting around the field, anywhere to avoid meeting Mercedes' fiery gaze. Her identity remained a secret for as long as the private meeting with Egan after her attack. Rumors flew wild around the beastie hall when Bant had been led away to the underground prison. Not long after, it was confirmed to other members that Mercedes was in fact a royal descendant from two realms. Lucan, though, not from either of her realms, knew how to respect realm authority. And truth be told, everyone was a little intimidated by Egan.

  "Right, then," he coughed out. "I would be glad to help escort you to Glaciem." Lucan cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well, I will see you both later." He turned swiftly without looking at Killian again.

  "Wow," Killian said seriously. "You...are such...a liar." He said the words slowly and with emphasis. Mercedes laughed out loud and swatted his shoulder.

  "That may be, but he," she said pointing in the direction Lucan headed, "needs an attitude change."

  "I couldn't agree more, but there's one small problem?"

  "What's that?" Mercedes asked as she twirled her small, sleek daggers in her fingers.

  "You told him you and the empress were going, how are you going to convince her to go with you?"

  Mercedes' face fell. The empress was the only person who could sour her mood. Even though their relationship had remained civil since Mercedes' lineage revelation, Gwyniera maintained a safe distance from her. Killian figured she felt such a sense of shame toward her daughter's choice to mix with another race she was compelled to avoid her granddaughter.

  "Well, I may have to ask E
gan to help me out," she declared with confidence after a long pause. Killian smiled as they walked out of the training center. He didn't care if the cross empress came or not, he just wanted to give Mercedes the opportunity to see her birthplace and be a part of the relic hunt. "By the way," she continued. "Why Glaciem?"

  Killian shrugged his shoulders, unsure if he should mention Nathaniel. "Miller and I have a lead on the Glacien relic."

  She cocked her head and peered at him. "What lead? You're kind of avoiding the question."

  "I'm not avoiding it," he huffed. "It's just a theory, but it needs to be followed up on."

  She squinted at him and stepped closer. "You're lying to me." Killian's face flushed and he felt the heat pulse through his eyes. "See, your eyes brightened...what is it Killian? What are you not telling me?"

  Taking a deep breath, he met her fierce gaze and explained in vague detail how he and Egan had decided to speak with Nathaniel as their link to the Trinity.

  "Do you realize how crazy that sounds?" she said immediately after he'd finished. "It sounds like Nathaniel is grasping at straws. He worked with the Trinity for years. If he had a clue the relic was hidden in the Glacien Mountains, why hadn't they tried to get it before now?" Mercedes smirked and tossed a dagger flawlessly at a target.

  "Who says they didn't?" Killian countered. "He said it is dangerous, maybe the Trinity has tried, but they were unsuccessful. Or perhaps the Architect only learned about the location recently."


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