The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 36

by LJ Andrews

  The rest of the training day soared by. Dax and Sophia were as competitive as ever, and Aidan took notice. He worked up a competition for the following day, hoping to alleviate some of their drive to defeat one another. Killian gauged from Aidan it was driving him a little mad. Mercedes had spent much of the morning with Miller, Egan and to Killian chagrin, Speron. He’d tried to smile a little more when she stole glances in his direction, trying to lower his pride and realize if he wanted anything more to progress with Mercedes he would have to learn how to talk to her, not shut her out as he was prone to do.

  Killian sauntered in the lower halls near the training center taking a break from Aidan's rigorous training schedule. Turning into a long damp corridor he saw an old wooden door. It was strange in the sleek building of the Praetorium to see an archaic door. He'd never been in this part of the lower floors and knew he shouldn't get too curious in the Praetorium. Slowly though he turned the metal handle and stepped into an old, stone room. Water dripped from the foundation, and the room smelled damp and musty. The windows were old blown glass that blurred the sunlight pouring in.

  A memory flashed through his mind. A dream from long ago, before he'd ever left the Peterson's home; before ever knowing about the Ponderi. Two dark figures whispered and plotted evil doings in a damp, stone room. They plotted to kill him. Killian's heart rate increased as the eerie room seeped into the darkest parts of his memory and the haunting dream replayed in his mind.

  Slowly stepping back toward the door, he held his breath as the room caused his blood to burn with frightened anticipation. Somehow he knew he'd seen this room before, and the people who had been here were not good; they were evil. Backing up he jumped when he ran into someone else.

  "Oh, Killian," Sophia gasped. She unwrapped her arms around Dax's neck and glanced around sheepishly. "We didn't know you were here."

  Killian flipped his eyes back and forth between them.

  "This is awkward," Dax finally admitted holding tight to Sophia's hand. "Killian, you should know Sophia and I have been in a relationship for several months now."

  Killian nodded, but said nothing.

  "So, that means we're together...romantically," Dax continued slowly, notably confused by Killian's lack of reaction.

  "I understand. I don't know why you're acting like I would be angry or against it though," Killian said shrugging his shoulders.

  "Well," Sophia began cautiously. "I'm Cimmerian and Dax is—”

  "Ignisian," Killian interrupted. "And that is supposed to matter...why?"

  Dax scrunched his eyebrows. "Most realm races don't get into relationships. We just didn't know how accepted a relationship between us would be.”

  Killian rolled his eyes. “Dax, remember your chief? He had a daughter with a Glacien.”

  “I know,” Dax said stronger. “But he’s a chief. You and Mercedes are together but you both are from Terrene technically.”

  Killian shuffled at the mention of Mercedes. “I don’t know about that.”

  “Killian most people still don’t like the idea of realm races crossing,” Sophia said softly.

  “Well, that’s dumb.” Killian rolled his eyes, relaxing around both of them. “Living in the Praetorium you don't really have too many options on who you care about. The odds are you’re going to end up with a different realm race.”

  “We know that, but some things are still hard to change. You heard Egan, he was banished from Glaciem. So maybe you could keep it under wraps for a little while.”

  Killian scrunched his nose in the dark, but locked onto Sophia’s pleading silver eyes. “Fine, I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as you two are making it out to be, but I won’t say anything. I’ll leave that to the two of you.”

  A loud whistle sounded through the halls. "Sounds like break is over," Dax said reluctantly.

  Killian nodded and followed them back to the training center. "By the way, what is that room?"

  "Mother told me it is the only part of the Praetorium that is from the original foundation. It's from James Thomas's time," Sophia answered. "No one knows about it, so it's been useful for us." She smiled shyly after she said the words.

  Killian chuckled. "Well I'll make sure I stay away from there from now on."

  By the final meal of the day Killian was sore and bruised from climbing the walls and fighting against Dax with spears. Aidan had told him the next day he would have to enter the dreaded ice pools to work up a tolerance for Glacien weather. Killian’s palms sweated the rest of the afternoon causing his grip to loosen on his spear, to Dax’s pleasure, and leaving him with a swollen lump on the top of his shoulder from Dax’s strike. The pools were freezing, and had made him feel like he was dying on numerous occasions.

  He sat dwelling on the frigid pool temperatures at the large wooden table listening to Dax and Sophia banter back and forth about the morning competition when Lucan walked up to his table.

  “Thomas,” he said. His voice was haughty almost as if he couldn’t help but speak to Killian with such a tone. “Tomorrow I am to join you in the pools, as well as that Beastian that will accompany the new empress. I just wanted you to know, so you weren’t…thrown off tomorrow I guess.”

  Killian’s eyebrows rose. He was getting the feeling this was a weak attempt of Lucan actually trying to be civil to him. “Thanks, Lucan. I’ll be ready in the morning.”

  Lucan nodded curtly and stomped away. Killian turned back to his friends. Dax and Sophia had taken little notice to Lucan’s announcement and Blake was looking out one of the great windows across the dining hall.

  “You okay, Blake?”

  His friend blinked and smiled at him as his dazed eyes focused again. “Sure. Just thinking about a few things. I think I’m going to call it a night. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Blake stood from the table and then rolled his eyes as Dax and Sophia continued their argument on who had the swiftest recoil. “Would you two just kiss already. After Egan’s story it’s okay to mix it up a bit. Cimmerian and Ignisia would be a great blend.” The comment stopped both from their petty bickering. Dax’s face darkened three shades, and his flamed eyes billowed behind his brown color. Sophia’s mouth dropped open, and Killian could detect the faintest blush of color in her pale cheeks.

  Blake chuckled and left them in their stunned stupor as he stalked out of the dining room.


  Killian wandered the hallways after most others had gone to sleep for the night. Killian felt restless. He hadn’t spoken to Mercedes really in almost two days and the anxiety of the strain between them was pushing sleep away. Thoughts of Rhetta flowed through his mind. She’d been so mysterious, he honestly wondered what the point of her visit was. She hadn’t really told him anything, except left him with a greater sense of urgency and a warning about some gong in Glaciem.

  Eventually he found himself wandering along the marble floor of the open entryway to the Praetorium. It was serene as the green moonlight filled the shining floor. He loved sitting in the dark, alone, enjoying the odd light. His eye caught the strange shadow of someone outside the glass front doors. The shadow was staring straight at the huge greenish-blue moon.

  Slowly Killian sauntered over to the doors, wondering who was out there. Instinctively he reached for his spear, until he recognized the glimmering earrings and the tattoo on the side of Blake’s neck. Blake was watching the moon silently, he didn’t know Killian was watching, and part of him wondered if he should interrupt. Deciding something must be bothering Blake, Killian pushed the glass doors open and walked into the fragrant bushes and flowering trees next to his friend.

  “Blake? What are you doing out here?” Blake turned toward him and gave him a sad smile.

  “Hey Kill, what are you doing out here?”

  “I couldn’t sleep just yet, so I was just wandering. Somehow I always end up in the entryway.”

  Blake nodded. “I’m just thinking, that’s all. Don’t worry about me.”

  “That’s w
hat you said at dinner,” Killian pushed. “Are you going to tell me what you’re thinking about?”

  Blake hesitated, but didn’t break his gaze from the moon. “Today is the anniversary of my parents’ deaths.”

  The weight of the declaration pounded against Killian’s chest like a bullet. He was overcome with Blake’s sadness, but also a sense of pride. He’d never really heard about Blake’s family, but it was nice to know he remembered them fondly.

  “It’s been four years. I always find I have to come out here on this date, and…I don’t know…recertify my convictions in this whole place.”

  “You said they died serving the Ponderi?”

  Blake nodded. “In a way I guess. This Trinity battle has been going on for years; my parents were a lot like yours and did dangerous jobs for the Ponderi. I believe they knew the Architect and someone killed them, but I was told it was pressure accident in one of the tanks in the pools.”

  “Sounds familiar,” Killian said more to himself. He thought of the ‘accident’ rumor spread about his parents that he simply didn’t believe. “Were you pretty close then?”

  “I was their only child, so yeah I would say that. My mom and dad were both recruits, my mom was a Custodis actually. She spent a lot of time in Cimmerian. I think that’s why I’m so taken with Maurelle, because my mom worked close with the Queen during the Trinity spy program.”

  “What program?”

  “Oh it was an initiative set up by the Ponderi about seven years ago where recruits would pose as Trinity members, and try and weed out the Architect. It was dangerous, but honorable work. My mom was a Trinity spy recruit. That’s why I think they knew who the Architect was. They just didn’t live long enough to share the truth.”

  “I’m sorry Blake.” Killian didn’t know what to say. Blake appeared so melancholy. A demeanor he didn’t see much, if ever. He couldn’t believe how difficult it would be to be alone. At least he knew he had grandparents alive.

  Blake shrugged his shoulders. “They were given honorable burials, which makes me proud. But I didn’t have much after their deaths so that’s when I volunteered to protect you. And here we are.” Blake’s voice was distant as he thought of the memories.

  “I wish I would’ve known more about the truth on Terrene. It must’ve been lonely in that house all alone.” Killian remembered the decoy house that was supposedly Blake’s elderly grandparent’s home, only they didn’t exist.

  “Yeah, well. I don’t mean to drone on about things now, but each year I can’t help but think about them you know?” Killian nodded.

  “You know, it’s okay to talk about it if you ever want to,” he said putting a hand on Blake’s shoulder.

  “I know. It’s not easy to talk about it right now. But thanks, maybe someday I’ll be able to tell you all about them.”

  Killian understood that. He had difficulty expressing how he felt about the unknown with his parents. Connor had told him he wondered if his parents were still alive, and that had almost made it worse.

  “I’m going to head in now, Kill. Don’t worry, really. I’m fine. It’s just my little secret that I still think about my dead parents. You won’t go ruining my superficial reputation right?” Blake teased. “I mean I don’t want it getting out that I have deeper feelings than I let on.”

  Killian laughed and followed Blake into the building. It was a commonality they both shared, and it should’ve been a small comfort to him. But Killian could understand why a deep feeling of foreboding had settled into his stomach. He glanced once more around the small wilderness, shivering at the eerie feeling that someone was out there, watching and biding their time before they struck.

  Chapter 8


  Killian paced and wrung his hands the next morning outside the icy glass boxes housing the large pools. There was a thin layer of frost already forming in the corners of the wall, causing a swift shiver to creep down Killian’s back.

  “Hello Killian,” Speron’s cool voice came from behind him. Killian turned and watched Lucan and Speron walk toward him, both in their full uniforms. Killian got the sense from Speron that the Glacien really didn’t like him, even though he kept a phony smile on his face whenever they were together. Killian also could guess the reason. It had been obvious since Mercedes lineage had been made known that Speron wanted to get closer to her, and even though it was tense with her, the idea still made Killian’s stomach churn.

  “Speron, Lucan,” Killian said acknowledging them both. “Any idea what Aidan is going to have us do in here?”

  “It’s important as the empress’s escorts we understand the dangers of the terrain. You will assuredly have to adjust to the risks coming once we cross into Glaciem.”

  “Oh, just us not you?” Killian couldn’t help but snip at Speron, he just grated his nerves wrong.

  “I’m a Glacien, Thomas. I would hope I would know the culture and the weather.” Speron scoffed a little as if thinking his comment was beyond ridiculous.

  “I doubt Aidan would have you come just to babysit us,” Lucan chaffed while he pulled his shoulder length, dark hair into a brown tie behind his neck. Killian didn’t get along with Lucan either, but it was nice to see they were both on the same page regarding Speron.

  “There you are,” Aidan’s voice boomed as he stepped from his boiling hot office. “You all ready?”

  “Sure. We don’t really know what you’ve got planned, but I guess that’s the point,” Killian said.

  “Right you are Thomas,” Aidan smiled, tugging at his thick red whiskers. He reminded Killian of a tan, burly Santa Claus sometimes when he smiled because his fiery eyes sparkled joyfully. “Well now, let’s see to it. Hurry it up, we can’t have you in there all day you three have other training duties to see to as well.”

  Speron sighed, but Killian smiled. Training was all Aidan lived and breathed, so in turn he expected everyone else to live and breathe it.

  “Now, each of you will put on these weighted boots. That’s right, slip them on,” Aidan directed as each of the three stuck their feet into thick rubber boots. Killian tried to lift his foot. The boot had to weigh at least fifteen pounds alone. “Glaciem is very cold this time of year, you have to be ready for unusual weather, and you three need to be a step above the potential competition if you need to defend the empress. If you die and leave her alone, what good is that?”

  “Aidan, I’m a Glacien, I don’t think we have to worry about me succumbing to the elements,” Speron said in his cocky voice.

  “Come off it Speron. You were born and raised here, Cora told me you’ve never been to Glaciem, so yes you may get a little cold, though probably not as much as these two.” Killian chuckled, and he even heard Lucan choke out a laugh as Aidan humbled Speron. “Now, you all need to stay in the water for at least ten minutes, but avoid hypothermia, and any strange creatures you may find. You need to work together. Good luck men. Keep a tight schedule.” With that Aidan shut the door leaving the three men to press forward alone.

  “Well, I suppose we should get going,” Killian suggested.

  “Not without a plan Thomas. We need to inventory our skills before we jump into a death trap,” Lucan reprimanded. “I’m the best with weapons, is there any disputing that?” The other two shook their heads. “Speron is a beastie so can handle creatures, Thomas…well you can use your little trick if we run into anything major. Its water right, you should be able to manipulate it.”

  “I’m a Glacien I could do that too,” Speron pouted. Killian glared at him, he was relentless for trying to one up him.

  “Not as well as Thomas! Now just like Aidan said we’re going to work together for our sakes but also for the empress when we really go to Glaciem. Stay together down there, alright.” Killian wasn’t exactly fond of Lucan, but he had to admit he was a leader. He’d been given access to the facilities in every department after Peridus since technically he’d won and made it through the simulator before Blake and Dax. Though Killi
an had found out it was because he’d heard Killian fighting Nathaniel.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Killian agreed. Speron pursed his lips but nodded. Lining up alongside the freezing pool the men took one final warm breath and leapt into the frigid water. It was like a million knives slicing thing cuts along his bare skin. He didn’t remember the water being this cold before, it was impossible to even blow out air, everything was momentarily paralyzed. The weight of the boots pulled him down lower and lower, the pressure building as Killian slowly cascaded to the icy pool bottom.

  Panic settled in his chest when he realized Aidan wanted them to remain in the pool for at least ten minutes. How were they supposed to breathe? Almost as if reading his mind, he watched as Speron paddled toward the surface next to him, his own weighted boots slowing his progress immensely. He broke the surface and then slowly floated back to the floor. It was obvious this exercise would be mentally and physically exerting, but if Glacien was truly this treacherous he’d rather be prepared to help Mercedes than freezing to death. Along the bottom of the pool they slowly tromped toward one another forming a small circle.

  All three stared at one another in the dim water, wondering what to do for the next ten minutes. Killian’s lungs burned and he quickly pointed to the surface. Lucan nodded and all three pushed off the floor aiming for the air above.

  Killian’s face broke and he gulped the sweet taste of humid air, Lucan gasped next to him. Speron never broke through.

  “Where is he?” Killian gasped looking through the glassy surface.

  “He was right behind me,” Lucan answered breathlessly. Without waiting to discuss it more Killian took a deep breath and again dove beneath the frigid water. He sank quickly, and soon caught a blurry glimpse of white hair. Speron was frantically fighting against something and panicking trying to break the surface.

  It looked to be thick, green seaweed wrapped tight around Speron’s ankle. Lucan paddled past Killian quickly and skillfully with his knife cut the sticky weed free. Speron shook his head frantically, but could no longer hold his breath and wildly paddled for the surface. Killian was confused at his terrified face, but he couldn’t ask what was wrong. A feeling of dread spread through his chest as Speron once again dove toward them holding two daggers outright, and looking straight behind Killian’s head.


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